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Fandom X-Men: Second Class


Junior Member
X-Men: Second Class

The Year is 2025, Right Wing Anti-Mutant Senator Robert Kelly has won the American Presidency and is soon to take office, if he does so there are no Avengers, no X-Men or Fantastic Four to stop his and a majority public hateful views become realized. In an interview with a right wing media outlet, a blink and miss it national crisis occured as three mutants teleported to Robert, grabbed him and vanished, but not before leaving a near perfect replica of the man. With the world's eyes glued to the television in his study, one wheelchair bound mutant rights activist figures out the truth and begins to enact his own plan to save both the mutant and human race, time to enact the X-Men Protocols...

This an X-Men roleplay where we will be playing as canon characters (Cyclops, Storm, Beast, ect.) Who are just beginning their lives as mutants where we will be attempting to save the nation, amongst other superheroics. There are currently no Avengers out in public yet, the Fantastic Four are just now going out in space, but Shield, Sword, and Hydra are a thing. I ask for characters to be at least 18 as the school will be called Xavier's Institute for Gifted Individuals. The reason it's called Second Class is because mutants will be treated like second class citizens and there will be a lot of mutant directed racism and other trigger warnings. Also to give us direction, it will be in a chapter format (so the gathering of the team is one chapter for example) So whaddya say, wanna play?
sure, are you thinking in terms of never joined in the comics, or in this particular story, because the X-Men aren't a thing yet in this story
I’d like to try my hand at Quicksilver, Jean Grey, or Gambit depending on who you think would suit the overall storyline better.
hmm, it's a toss up between Quicksilver and Jean Grey. Quicksilver could be part of the group puppeting Robert Kelly, while the fella who wants to do Cyclops could add in some character work with Jean. Honestly both could work if your down with that
I’m quite interested but I’m gonna be so real I’m team magneto. I know the Brotherhood is up to something, but I figure you want both Charles and Max to be yours. (These old bastards are in the messiest divorce) Fair enough, you are the GM here.

I’m thinking Kitty Pride (deus ex generational trauma) Lorna Dane (daddy issues) Wanda (also daddy issues because I am in denial of the retcon bs, Pietro and Wanda are Max’s kids by Magda) or Remy (the name’s Gambit, Mon Ami. Remember It.)

Four is a lot of roles, duh, so I’ll need to pick, it depends if Goonfire is down for Remy/Anna Marie (like I am), if you’ll let us play brotherhood members, if StrawberrySpiral is willing to play the dynamic of twins.

I reaaally like X Men.
I’m quite interested but I’m gonna be so real I’m team magneto. I know the Brotherhood is up to something, but I figure you want both Charles and Max to be yours. (These old bastards are in the messiest divorce) Fair enough, you are the GM here.

I’m thinking Kitty Pride (deus ex generational trauma) Lorna Dane (daddy issues) Wanda (also daddy issues because I am in denial of the retcon bs, Pietro and Wanda are Max’s kids by Magda) or Remy (the name’s Gambit, Mon Ami. Remember It.)

Four is a lot of roles, duh, so I’ll need to pick, it depends if Goonfire is down for Remy/Anna Marie (like I am), if you’ll let us play brotherhood members, if StrawberrySpiral is willing to play the dynamic of twins.

I reaaally like X Men.
See, the reason I hesitate on giving an answer is because I'd like to know first if prior canon for the RP can include Mystique's play against Ms. Marvel, which rendered the latter comatose. I'd prefer to keep her origin story close-ish to the original, especially in the event that the fake President Kelly is Mystique.
I’m quite interested but I’m gonna be so real I’m team magneto. I know the Brotherhood is up to something, but I figure you want both Charles and Max to be yours. (These old bastards are in the messiest divorce) Fair enough, you are the GM here.

I’m thinking Kitty Pride (deus ex generational trauma) Lorna Dane (daddy issues) Wanda (also daddy issues because I am in denial of the retcon bs, Pietro and Wanda are Max’s kids by Magda) or Remy (the name’s Gambit, Mon Ami. Remember It.)

Four is a lot of roles, duh, so I’ll need to pick, it depends if Goonfire is down for Remy/Anna Marie (like I am), if you’ll let us play brotherhood members, if StrawberrySpiral is willing to play the dynamic of twins.

I reaaally like X Men.
I think the twin dynamic would be sick if Thatguy is down to clown with the idea
I’m really interested in this. Thinking of playing as Northstar if that’s allowed. I’m planning to go the route of having been a gold medal winner Olympic skier until it was revealed that he was a mutant and thus had his titles revoked. After that he just kind of bumps around before joining the X-Men. Also I’m going to assume that Alpha Flight isn’t a thing, at least not yet, so I’ll keep that out of his history.
damn, i go to bed and then bam, Lost Martian- Northstar is totally allowed, but yeah Alpha Flight isn't a thing- yet. Strawberry, i'm totally down with going the twin route :) As for Wolverine, you can totally use him. Mystique can be used, to be honest i was planning on having her be Kelly, but i could just use Copycat instead, no biggie. Though there is no Ms Marvel currently. So without further ado, to the ooc and character sheet creation i go :)
damn, i go to bed and then bam, Lost Martian- Northstar is totally allowed, but yeah Alpha Flight isn't a thing- yet. Strawberry, i'm totally down with going the twin route :) As for Wolverine, you can totally use him. Mystique can be used, to be honest i was planning on having her be Kelly, but i could just use Copycat instead, no biggie. Though there is no Ms Marvel currently. So without further ado, to the ooc and character sheet creation i go :)
Oh, I don't plan on using Mystique. I just wanted to nail down some backstory if I play Rogue.

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