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Fandom X-Men: Second Class OOC and Character Sheet Thread


Name: Pietro Maximoff
Mutant Name: Quicksilver
Mutant Ability: Superhuman speed, superhuman reflexes- his brain functions at superhuman speeds. Enhanced durability, superhuman stamina, superhuman agility, enhanced strength, and molecular vibration.
Face claim: Jan Cina

Biography: Pietro Maximoff is an orphan of Romani and Jewish descent. He and his twin sister Wanda were fairly young when a childless couple decided to take them in while visiting relatives in the Transian mountain ranges of eastern Europe. Eventually, the Maximoffs took the twins back with them to the United States while they continued with the lengthy adoption process. Once joining the household Pietro began to live his life in simple mediocrity.

Finally, free from the strict environment he was stuck in overseas. Pietro began using his powers as he saw fit to fill the empty time. Unlike his twin, Pietro’s past was on the back burner. Why bother worrying about it when he can smoke a joint and watch Eragon for the seven hundredth time?

After finishing high school he’d never felt so free. At some point a bald guy showed up at their door. Offering them both a place in his school for ‘gifted individuals’. The whole family refused, there was no way his parents would let any rando show up and try to take their kids from them. Not that Pietro ever would’ve let the guy. To put himself back in traditional learning spaces after the hellish years he spent in high school would be torture.

What had taken most a full semester to learn he could learn in a single sleepless night. He despised having to move at a snail’s pace just so others could keep up and refused to put on the ruse any longer. Besides, Pietro felt like no matter where he went people were all the same. No one piqued his interest, everyone was predictable, and he’d already had no tolerance for being pushed around by thick in the head school bullies. The basement of their suburban home was as good as life could ever get to him. So, while his sister went to university returning at night after classes to be with her codependent twin. He chilled in the basement smoking weed and playing video games. Waiting for his sister to come home from university classes. His mom was just happy to see him.

Eventually, through his sister’s urges they did turn to the Professor. Not really that he wanted to, but she claimed it could lead them to something important. Besides Wanda always had this way about her, she just knows things. Pietro wouldn’t let her go alone anyways, so he packed up, and forced himself to sit through a ton of paperwork.

Sister- Wanada Maximoff
Liking everybody's inclusions :) though Lillymity, do you mind addressing the flashback bit i posted? basically what i want to do is have Charles and Logan make a pact that if Charles became influenced or controlled by another entity and he put the children in harms way then Logan would make the tough call and kill Xavier, but its up to you to decide to go through with it or not. I'm just waiting for a Cyclops post, A Storm sheet and post, an Iceman and Rogue post before i move us along once again. but otherwise, everyone's kickin ass :)

  • Name:
    Calanthe "Callie" Betto

    Mutant Name:

    Mutant Ability:
    • Chlorokinesis
      • Dryad can slow down, speed up, or reverse the growth rate of any plant within a twenty foot radius. She most commonly uses this power in combat, using vines and roots to wrap themselves around her opponents.
    • Plant Telepathy/Empathy
      • Callie can communicate with plants as a telepath does with other people, and instinctively sense the condition of any particular plant. However, a plant cannot communicate with her if she had closed her mental link to them in her mind.
      • This power can indirectly be used to communicate with Krakoa, the living island where Dryad lives, by communicating with Krakoa's flora.

    The younger of two daughters of the Krakoan ambassador to the Xavier Institute, Calanthe has had a deep connection to both factions throughout her life. Her mutation, much like those of her father Aletris and older half-sister Lin-Li, gives her an indirect empathic link to Krakoa itself, making the family de-facto oracles of the living island. And ever since the Xavier Institute cemented their alliance with Krakoa (part of which now makes up part of the school grounds), Krakoan children are traditionally enrolled at the Institute as early as possible.

    Callie and Lin-Li were no exception to the latter, and though the sisters' ideologies and life goals have diverged to an extent since childhood, they still remain relatively close. Most notably, while Lin-Li's main ambition is to revive the Krakoans' dying culture in the wake of a changing world, Callie is much more curious about the outside world, eagerly awaiting the day she graduates and can explore the world beyond Krakoa for the first time.

You know... This scene seems like a prime set-up for an Onslaught arc in the near future.
That's sort of the plan, the villain who is making Xavier experience all this is called Nightmare, which is technically a Doctor Strange/Ghost Rider villain, the plan is that in the fiashbacks i set up, everybody will have a role to play, especially Jean getting to Cerebro, where she'll contact Maria Hill of Shield who will announce Defcon X to all World Leaders who will go into heavily fortified Vibranium lined bunkers where they will be safe, then Issue 2 is Nightmare of Future's past, think Days Of Future Past but each player on the board is living out their worst nightmare, and it's set in the future (for example, Prof X will become Cyborg-X, an unfeeling, violent robot with Xavier's brain), each character gets their own nightmare reality. Then issue 3 is Nightmare of Future's Present, where Nightmare brings these versions to life and we have an X-Men vs N-Men fight, Issue 4 is Enter Sleepwalker which will debut a sort of dementor like character in the comics who takes possession of people and protects their dreams, then it's Issue 5 called X-Men Vs Nightmare as Sleepwalker made the demon tangible and we all fight him, but the thing's immortal so we just banish him and Sleepwalker leaves. Issue 6 is a New Day, which starts in the morning with the aftermath but afterwards all the characters can go about their own plots and such while i build up the next arc. Thats my plan anyway, any questions?
Liking everybody's inclusions :) though Lillymity, do you mind addressing the flashback bit i posted? basically what i want to do is have Charles and Logan make a pact that if Charles became influenced or controlled by another entity and he put the children in harms way then Logan would make the tough call and kill Xavier, but its up to you to decide to go through with it or not. I'm just waiting for a Cyclops post, A Storm sheet and post, an Iceman and Rogue post before i move us along once again. but otherwise, everyone's kickin ass :)
oh sure, totally forgot that xD will definitly include that as soon as I'm home
Bump with an announcement. I'll be going on vacation next week, i'll have internet access for all but friday and saturday, so i'm designating Strawberryspiral as my interim cogm, so hit them up if your interested during those days, im going to wait a few more days for everybody who hasn't posted then i'll get to work on furthering the story up a bit
Bump with an announcement. I'll be going on vacation next week, i'll have internet access for all but friday and saturday, so i'm designating Strawberryspiral as my interim cogm, so hit them up if your interested during those days, im going to wait a few more days for everybody who hasn't posted then i'll get to work on furthering the story up a bit
Cool, I hope you enjoy your vacation :) can't wait to see what you got in store

Thomas Corsi


Tom possesses peak human physical conditioning and immense physical strength that fluctuates depending on his emotional state. At his base level, he can lift approximately 1,000 pounds. However, his strength can increase significantly when he’s full of fighting spirit (somewhere around 2 tonnes initially but as things progress probably more like 50 tonnes.) Conversely, when he’s conflicted or mentally strained, his strength diminishes, and his appearance becomes older and frailer.

Thomas Corsi served briefly in the military before becoming a police officer. He was working the late shift one night when a critically injured girl was taken into hospital. Tom introduced himself to the girl's friends who had accompanied her and tried to get details of what had happened. He gently quizzed them for information and they told him she had been attacked by a large animal.

Worried for the safety of the local populace, Tom decided to look into the matter personally. He tracked the creature to the outskirts of town where he was ambushed by a bear. The animal mauled him viciously, severely wounding him but in that life-threatening moment, his dormant mutant powers activated. His body surged with incredible strength, allowing him to survive the ordeal and defeat the bear.

However, this newfound power came at a peculiar cost as his physical appearance was permanently altered. Instead of his previous Caucasian features, Tom now bore the appearance of a Native American man. Unable to return to work with the police force due to his transformation, Tom was approached by Charles Xavier who offered him shelter, acceptance, and a chance to understand his mutant powers at his school.


Adam Beach (post-mutation) / Sam Elliot (pre-mutation)

  • Sharon Friedlander: Tom's girlfriend. She works as a trauma nurse at a local hospital and is the only person Tom has stayed in contact with following his transformation.
  • sam-el-sized.jpg
  • Tom struggled for a long time to choose a codename before eventually settling on Cheyenne, although he was unaware of its true significance when he picked it. Although he doesn't know it, his transformation wasn't as random as it seemed. Tom actually has Cheyenne blood in his family and he won't be able to master his powers until he comes to terms with his Cheyenne heritage.
  • Tom's mutation had a somewhat rejuvenating effect. Despite being in his 40's, he looks and feels at least several years younger.
  • Tom is a trained boxer and is proficient in various firearms from his time in the army.
  • Tom was raised Catholic growing up.
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With the RP having a character named Clarice, I need to throw in a Silence of the Lambs ref at some point. 😂
yo Goon, just read your post, while it was a-ok, do you mind responding to the flashback bits with Charles wanting to talk to the two of them? also, a portion of their psyche is in Xavier's nightmare scape, so if you want to you can have them react similarly to Amelia and Jean
Okay, now it's finished. Had to add some body horror and a teaser for Bobby's secondary mutation.

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