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Fandom X-Men: Runaways

I'll start working on my character ASAP. May I ask to reserve a runaway? If that is okay? Unless you'd like some hunters to even it out.
shattered said:
That's fine, as long as you know there aren't too many hunters xD
Yeah I noticed the lack of hunters, so i decided to make that one instead lol ^.^

Can't think of what power my character should have >.<
Tempesta said:
Any help is much appreciated ^.^
Alright! One more questions; did you want the powers elemental? As in water manipulation, fire, electricity... etc.

Or something uncommon? Like astral control and phasing?
I learned how to give well thought out marks. I wanna know how to give the other.

Now I know how to give character development!! Yeah!
cx lol


Okay guys! Me and IronDragon were debating on whether or not to use the GeNext kids later on in the plot for interesting stories as well as some plot twists and things.

However, we couldn't really decide whether we wanted them or not. Do any of you guys have any suggestions on this?

If we did use the GeNext, they would most likely be adoptable NPC's.....however, I'm still not too sure.

In case you didn't know, GeNext is a group of kids who are the children of very popular X-Men and heroes. In this roleplay, they would still be children of their deceased/captured/retired parents but most likely on the run. Or a reckless group. Either way, it would be extremely interesting for both the Hunters and Runaways. Any ideas...? Do you want them to be featured or not?

@Krisi @Moody Blues @IronDragon @Venus @DemonKitten @Vudukudu @gogojojo331 @Vengeance Spirit @Tempesta @King Nothing @Allcure }

and for those wondering, I'll start the roleplay either later on today or tomorrow. c:

I don't mind either way unless my character is considered next gen. Technically just adopted, but it would be an interesting turning point for my character to meet the actual blood kids of them.
Ah that's a great idea xD I think we'll end up using most of the GeNext as hunters and a few of the remainder will meet up with the Runaways
Character development comes first. Our first enemies should be unnamed hunters for us and unnamed survivors for the hunters. Recurring enemies should come a bit later O.o

I'm curious to know how well our characters are going to interact with one another O.o . Some of us seem to be opposite~
@Vengeance Spirit I was actually planning on doing what you said. Seeing how there are only two hunters, it would be difficult to do much with them in the main plot. Which is why, I want to work on character development to give everyone time to reach their post limit and possibly make more hunters to where the real ploy begins.
shattered said:
@Vengeance Spirit I was actually planning on doing what you said. Seeing how there are only two hunters, it would be difficult to do much with them in the main plot. Which is why, I want to work on character development to give everyone time to reach their post limit and possibly make more hunters to where the real ploy begins.
With so little hunters it will give us time to bond xD
Not only that. But you could make it so Hunters work in groups with humans who work for the sentinels as well. Like they're deployed in squads and a majority will be unnamed. Who knows?

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