Wyld Whispers on the Wind (OOC) [A Legacy of Dreams and Destruction]

Okay, I survived and am kinda back.

And... Yeah still waiting on that chargen info.

And not just point distribution-wise... I'd still love a lot more info on the freeholds. But anyway I don't wanna bitch about shit, just wanted to say I'm back.^^
I guess standard Char-gen with BP and possible XP extras to be determined by the amount of art and backstory presented. Working out the two freeholds' structures as well as your family/group dynamics will also award extras.

So do a basic chargen. You get three free points of Freehold, and you can't buy it up any further. After that give me goodies and I will give you goodies.

I am still sick and I only have one more show tomorrow, then finals, but my classes are cakewalks so it won't slow me down. Especially once I am really back on my feet from this unidentified upper respiratory infection.
I don't know why this is a separate post, but looking back over Cry's post makes me realize I haven't been as clear as I thought I was about the freehold, and just want to leave my last post be.

The Freeholds are yours. You collaborate and make them. You create your two defined places (be it the fountainhead, glory, whatever you are in charge of).

If you need a little inspiration, I will be posting the info and the Arcane Redoubt's of both Freehold's about this time tomorrow, because those are the only parts of the freeholds you don't have direct dominion over.

I really like player driven games. Not to say I won't be bringing anything to you, on the contrary I'm a cookin' a somthin' up.
Just the Freehold, no freebie Birth points...?

Not complaining, just confirming as there was talk along those lines as we all share a similar origin.....

Also, I guess I'll call the Throne Room of the creation freehold and the Glory of the Wyld freehold.
As far as the freeholds go, I would really like them to lie in one or more demesnes in creation. All the reality-shaping fun there, plus easy access to mortals to screw with. But if you think my idea is retarded, convince me, nothing's set in stone so far.

Also, I've always liked the South, like the area around Chirascoru, maybe an oasis or something of the sort... But that's just brainstorming.
Well we decided that one in a demense and one in the wyld connected by a breakthrough was the way we were gonna go.

I am fine with the South, let's see how the others weigh in.
In the old thread.

I also just want to take this opportunity to once again encourage collaboration. I could just whip up the domains and everything whole-cloth myself, but this is supposed to be your domains, so I wanted you guys to create it. Establish family/group dynamic etc etc.
That was the reasoning for us synchronizing out castes so that no half appeared more than twice....it makes it so that we can each take a position of power in each of them according to one of our strong graces....
Don't ask me why but I completely spaced out on what we agreed to in the old thread... Now that you've reminded me of it I kinda ask myself why I didn't remember... Because I actually thought a lot about it.^^ Soooooo... Since my questions where all actually answered quite some time ago I'll be tweaking my character and adding my background in the next few hours...
I'd go for the Stronghold of the creation-based freehold and the Glory of the wyld one... Or vice versa.

It'd make sense to be the general of the demesne for my character, though, because she's so creation-focused and probably of more use as a defender vs creation-born than vs other raksha.
Celebrimbor is also a bit of a defender, but of his siblings, not of the Freehold or against any specific foe. His job is to keep everyone's energy patterns flowing properly. Beyond that, he's just a bloodthirsty warrior, seeking out his next great playing field. As such, if you want to take the Stronghold in Creation, he'll take it in the Wyld one and the Fountainhead of the Creation one.

Also, as for the South, Celebrimbor is probably going to be given a fire-based Assumption charm so that works fine with me.
South is also good with me, I've been working on an oneirmatic spell that creates an oasis...Lord Iktalen, Th Misty Envoy will be a welcome sight whatever local opinions of fae may be.....Likewise, his main form uses assumptions of air and water and his elemental impression is really quite good.....Basicly, a diplomat build, geared towards keeping the locals from minding, in fact making the neighbors wish to protect and conceal, their Wyld neighbors.
Persant Ecriv, the Smith of Heavenly Words, would probably be the vizier of the Wyld freehold and the keeper of the Creation-bound one; he's definately Creation-focused and has an almost unnerving fixation on the idea of Heaven.
Iktalen shall take the roll of Vizier for Creation-Side (We really need some names) since he's geared towards creation bound diplomacy, That leaves Fountainhead for the Wyld freehold (If Celebrimbor doesn't mind taking the Stronghold on the wyld side.....).
I posted a seed for the Creation-side Freehold here.

Questions, comments, concerns?

You can post the descriptions of your waypoints that contain your particular charge, as well as some journeys to and from in that thread.

I was going to pick a spot, but I wanted to weigh in with you lot: what part of the South would you like to be close to?

Harborhead and Varang? Chiaroscuro, Paragon, and the Lap? Gem? Other?
I love the Arabian Nights feel of the area around Chiarascoru, plus I always imagined the southern tribes who roam those parts of the deserts to be a little like the arabian touareg, whose traditions make for great drama, like the complete devotion to honor, pride and hospitality.

Plus fancy desert cities with silk-clad sultans. Creation there's almost as fair as the faerie.

Other places might give us a little less attention from the Realm, though.
I love the description. Stronghold description coming up in around two hours.

Edit & PS: As of now, I'm thinking 'martial arena' with a nice dungeon underneath and a little zoo maybe for 'my' part of the freehold, ie the Stronghold. Any objections or better ideas? I don't wanna just describe some shit that my freeholdmates will find boring or too cheesy... ;)
nope, sounds fine....Arena perfectly suits him....

For the throne room, I was thinking of a Sunny oasis, a cool breeze keeps the temperature comfortable....fountains abound and palm and date trees fill in the places where pillars might normally be found in a throne room.

As an aside....Names....

jointly the two might be called the Lovers, individually the Lord and Lady, or perhaps something more intricate with those as a base...? I'm just tossing ideas as the moment....

EDIT: Heh, nevermind, it seems apropriate background data/names has/have already been added....
Before I saw your edit I was going to say you didn't like mine? :cry:

I got sucked into some responsibility this week, which is why I don't have as much done as I said I would, then again we only have one character up so I don't feel so bad.
I'm fleshing out the Stronghold atm... What about yous guys, how's my brethren coming along?
Since I keep changing my mind, I'll wait for a little more infos on you guys, like at least a second character or another part of the freehold... Seems like I can afford to waste a little time ;)

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