Wyld Whispers on the Wind (OOC) [A Legacy of Dreams and Destruction]

So far that is... consistent with the last check.

If Cry or anybody else doesn't perk up then I will nab two more people to round it out.
Since neither of the other two players have been on in over a month (three in Cry's case) I have made a recruitment thread

You guys weigh in, cuz it is as much your game as mine. We can discuss candidates by PM or something, or right in that thread if you don't mind being public about things like that.
Axelgear said:
The Lighthouse of Yawning Dread

That all changed, however, with the death of Celebrimbor's favourite and, in a fit of rage, he sank the walls and begged the sea to swallow him. For a time, it did, but he returned, unable to dissolve his misery in the waters and, so, he set about building a monument to Ciryatan.

Celebrimbor's favourite what? FAVOURITE WHAT!?
Welcome welcome. You are also in charge of creating the Fountainhead of the Wyld freehold, as its Keeper, and the Glory of the Creation Freehold as its Pride.
It think its an interesting concept thus far, not sure how it fits with everyone else though ^^

Anyway I have one final hiccup to kill before I work on description (Since it appears somethings don't add up for me *sigh*) Assumptions--- So the Cost of the Form is the entire set right... In Xytrisae's case Assumption- Wood, Mutation- Gossamer Wings, mutation- Serpents Body For a total of 29m and 9g? (Which in my case is 9 motes over and if its committed and if I'm reading this right this would not be a good idea at all?)
Myllinnia said:
It think its an interesting concept thus far, not sure how it fits with everyone else though ^^
Anyway I have one final hiccup to kill before I work on description (Since it appears somethings don't add up for me *sigh*) Assumptions--- So the Cost of the Form is the entire set right... In Xytrisae's case Assumption- Wood, Mutation- Gossamer Wings, mutation- Serpents Body For a total of 29m and 9g? (Which in my case is 9 motes over and if its committed and if I'm reading this right this would not be a good idea at all?)
When you are taking assumptions and mutations, you only pay the gossamer cost EXCEPT for the assumption itself, you pay and commit the ten motes. If you are essence 2 this cuts your effective mote pool in half. It is a very ham-fisted way to enforce the ravenous feeding of the fae. Where is Serpent's Body?

If Serpent's Body is a pox or something, might I suggest Assumption of Bestial Visage instead? You would get (Essence) mutation points to style your form after your animal. Unless you are really tied to the Wood assumption.
Yeah, an abomination is a little beyond Assumption of Bestial Visage...

BUt you could still be snakey, and do snakey things. You just have to take serpent body as an abomination (sucks that you have to get sword 3 and it isn't one of your feeding graces). You could turn into a snake, you can make snake attacks.
Ya I had to go, Concept vs my usually 10 point buy of Essence 3 >< (Sword 3... 10 points)

Now that I realized there are more base assumptions than the Elemental ones (How could I have missed the Emotional ones and the Beastial ones xD ) I'll be revising that single charm tomorrow ^^
I neglected to mention that you have a free background of Freehold at three that you can not buy up. No cysts for you, but you do have penents.
If we do not get a fourth sibling soon then we can start out with the fourth sibling having gone rogue, which works pretty well because he could have inverted from Imperial to Anarch and given you guys the finger. This doesn't have to be a central story at the start if you don't want it to be, but it can be out there for us to use.


Also, thoughts on Coyotekin?
It sounds like a good idea to me, makes for interesting stories or some such.

As to Coyote, I like his concept thus far. A strange and mysterious Unshaped to happen upon us with his 'Dumb Luck' sounds like it would be fun.
Many apologizes, my net is currently out so posts will be as I can beg net access from one point or another....It should be back in a few days
An addle-brained artificer would be most welcome. If they want a tie-in, they'd be well-paired with Celebrimbor. He was once a master craftsman himself until he lost his Ceryatan, at which point he ceased to care for crafting and focused more on destructive hatred. His lucidity and understanding of the reality of Creation has shattered him, compared to the half-focused mind of his sibling, which is likely inured to the torments of reality.

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