Wyld Whispers on the Wind (OOC) [A Legacy of Dreams and Destruction]

Yeah sorry, I have been busy. People moving in and out of my house, I thought I was going to have more time but my wife has been keeping me busy. This weekend is A-kon so don't expect much to happen until Monday if not Tuesday. This is not forgotten, just backburnered.
Sorry, to answer your question,; Oak Island, NC Back now though.....charcter will be finished in the next few days...
OK, I'm looking trying to create an oneirmancy spell...problem is for some reason ,I cannot seem to think straight...a mental block of sorts...and so I call upon my player allies...

I'm trying to create a spell that when cast it conjures up an oasis, complete with spring and fruiting trees....But said oasis only lasts till a stated event ('until our peoples our no longer allies, until one of noble blood stands before the oasis and says "Blathering BlatherSkeit!", until a week has passed, etc) at which point the entire place fills with rampant flames until all that is left is a glassy spot on the desert....Any suggestions on how to build it...?

It must first build a benign enviroment,

then determine when stated event has occured,

then explode into flame burning and killing all in the oasis not created by the spell.
Assumption of Water or Wood, Ordinary Object Conjuration... I'm unsure of how to achieve the explosion, though.
My computer crapped out on me. I am on my phone right now. I will be able to help when I am on something more substantial than a blackberry. Probably this evening.
I am sorry that I am being a lazy bastard. I will get a second wind on this shortly, cut out those who have given up due to my or their lethargy, and fill in the gaps. Apologies once again.
My computer crapped out on my again and worked kicked up so I will let everyone know when I get this game back on track and can fill out everything.

I do my best. This is my most reliable Exalted fix, this board. My RL schedule is usually too chaotic to get a regular game together.
Yeah, Know how that goes......On a note of finally finishing my character and moving us towards eventually starting.....

how do these look...?


Flask Of The Sweet Nectar Of Harmony And Bitter Juice Of Strife

Artifact 4 Samadhi Circle Oneirmancy

12m, Commited by his Lore Keeper


The simple metal flask is uncorked and poured upon the ground and in mere hours what was yet another patch of desert, now is a secluded oasis. Trees seem to flourish with fruits hanging heavy from them, a spring keeps the site well watered, A fresh breeze constantly blows through, and an outcropping of rocks reveals a small honeycomb of natural caves. It is truly a paradise of simple pleasures. But woe betide they that foolishly enrage the crafter of their new home, for the rocks, the trees, the very air and water all know who they owe their existance to. An they shall all erupt into fiery fury at a single comand from he that created them...

In Shaping combat, this spell can be wielded much as a singing staff, restructuring the terrain to it's weilder's preference.

As a Cup Shaping weapon, it has the following stats (standard for it's level)


1MP for Assumption Of Element (Water), pg (Shapes Glamour into Water )

1MP for Assumption Of Element (Air), pg (Shapes Glamour into Air )

1MP for Assumption Of Element (Wood), pg (Shapes Glamour into Wood )

1MP for Assumption Of Element (Fire), pg (Shapes Glamour into Fire )

1MP for Assumption Of Element (Earth), pg (Shapes Glamour into Earth )

3MP for Elemental Evocation, pg 164, (Allows the shaping of the spells raw elemental glamour into an oasis)

3MP for Ordinary Object Conjuration, pg 193 (The trees daily sprout new fruits)

1MP for Gladdening visage, pg 183 (Soothes nervous mortals, making the oasis seem less mystical, more inviting)

3MP for Teeth Of The World, pg 165 (Should they that live in the crafted oasis forget who they are indepted to, then a single command from the Spells Holder will cause the entire oasis to turn against them)


Oath of the Irresistable Gaurdian Of Peace

Level 3 Anugraha Oath

3m Commited

"I shall use words before swords, and take prisoners before slaves, I shall endever to keep the peace till the sun hides behind the moon..."

As a Staff Shaping weapon, it has the following stats (standard for it's level)


1MP for Dissonance Of Principles, pg 176 (inflict penalties on foes in social combat)

1MP for Furious Maelstrom Craft, pg 177 (Allows multiple Social attacks at once)

1MP for Surpassing Excellence, pg 219 (2die specialty in Persuasion(Violence isn't the answer))

1MP for Surpassing Excellence, pg 219 (2die specialty in Thrown(Disarm))


Saree, Emmisary's Falcon

Level 1Fey Beast

3m Commited

A beautious bird mixing the best features of Eagle, Parrot, and Peacock , it's lovely tail streamlined for flight...She Often sits perched Upon Iktalen's Shoulder, and in combat she happily gives up her seemingly endless tailfeathers for use as deadly blades....

Natural Attack (Talons, as per a Fine Short Sword) Spd4/Acc9/Dam7L/Rate2/Tags-


As a Sword Shaping weapon, it has the following stats (standard for it's level)


1MP for Compelling Presence, pg 182 (Addicts others to it's presence)

2MP for Gossamer Winged Flight, pg137 (Allows flight)

3MP for Ordinary Object conjuration, 193 (Creates a perfect Throwing knife)


On a note of finally finishing my character and moving us towards eventually starting.....
how do these look...?


Flask Of The Sweet Nectar Of Harmony And Bitter Juice Of Strife

Artifact 4 Samadhi Circle Oneirmancy

12m, Commited by his Lore Keeper


The simple metal flask is uncorked and poured upon the ground and in mere hours what was yet another patch of desert, now is a secluded oasis. Trees seem to flourish with fruits hanging heavy from them, a spring keeps the site well watered, A fresh breeze constantly blows through, and an outcropping of rocks reveals a small honeycomb of natural caves. It is truly a paradise of simple pleasures. But woe betide they that foolishly enrage the crafter of their new home, for the rocks, the trees, the very air and water all know who they owe their existence to. And they shall all erupt into fiery fury at a single comand from he that created them...

In Shaping combat, this spell can be wielded much as a singing staff, restructuring the terrain to it's weilder's preference.

As a Cup Shaping weapon, it has the following stats (standard for it's level)


1MP for Assumption Of Element (Water), pg (Shapes Glamour into Water )

1MP for Assumption Of Element (Air), pg (Shapes Glamour into Air )

1MP for Assumption Of Element (Wood), pg (Shapes Glamour into Wood )

1MP for Assumption Of Element (Fire), pg (Shapes Glamour into Fire )

1MP for Assumption Of Element (Earth), pg (Shapes Glamour into Earth )

3MP for Elemental Evocation, pg 164, (Allows the shaping of the spells raw elemental glamour into an oasis)

3MP for Ordinary Object Conjuration, pg 193 (The trees daily sprout new fruits)

1MP for Gladdening visage, pg 183 (Soothes nervous mortals, making the oasis seem less mystical, more inviting)

3MP for Teeth Of The World, pg 165 (Should they that live in the crafted oasis forget who they are indepted to, then a single command from the Spells Holder will cause the entire oasis to turn against them)


Oath of the Irresistable Gaurdian Of Peace

Level 3 Anugraha Oath

3m Commited

"I shall use words before swords, and shall take prisoners before slaves, I shall endever to keep the peace till the sun hides behind the moon..."

As a Staff Shaping weapon, it has the following stats (standard for it's level)


1MP for Dissonance Of Principles, pg 176 (inflict penalties on foes in social combat)

1MP for Furious Maelstrom Craft, pg 177 (Allows multiple Social attacks at once)

1MP for Surpassing Excellence, pg 219 (2die specialty in Persuasion(Violence isn't the answer))

1MP for Surpassing Excellence, pg 219 (2die specialty in Thrown(Disarm))


Saree, Emmisary's Falcon

Level 1Fey Beast

3m Commited

A beautious bird mixing the best features of Eagle, Parrot, and Peacock , it's lovely tail streamlined for flight...She Often sits perched Upon Iktalen's Shoulder, and in combat she happily gives up her seemingly endless tailfeathers for use as deadly blades....

Natural Attack (Talons, as per a Fine Short Sword) Spd4/Acc9/Dam7L/Rate2/Tags-


As a Sword Shaping weapon, it has the following stats (standard for it's level)


1MP for Compelling Presence, pg 182 (Addicts others to it's presence)

2MP for Gossamer Winged Flight, pg137 (Allows flight)

3MP for Ordinary Object conjuration, 193 (Creates a perfect Throwing knife)

Everything seems in order at first glance. As my life cools down here in the next couple weeks I will make a point to ignore my worldly vices and jumpstart this thing with a kick to the balls.

Once again, terribly sorry, start up is always the hardest part for me, but once it gets going it flows much better.
It just occurred to me that I never listed Celebrimbor's panoply. As I was doing so, it occurred to me that it's far easier to equip a Fair Folk with four dots in Artifact than one with five. I'm still musing on designs for his Deep Wyld Horror and, at the moment, I'm thinking of a gargantuan clockwork monstrosity but I'm taking suggestions.

Also, what's the attunement cost for artifact armor? It lists attunement for other things but not for that.

By the way, am I the only one who notices... Interesting things in the index?
Axelgear said:
Also, what's the attunement cost for artifact armor? It lists attunement for other things but not for that.
Are you talking about Shaping Armor in GWM? Because there is an attunement listed for them on p 139 of GWM
Since I have updated the Creation Freehold with the Breakthrough and finally typed out the Wyld Freehold, I feel this is time for another role call (I know it is getting redundant). I am ready to try and get this bitch rollin.

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