WW - The New World


Evil Overlord of the Rebellion
Vent sighed.

He didn't feel like speaking in front of this crowd of fresh faces, but knew he had to. Steven and Marco were the only other two who would, and they were nowhere to be found.

Just like those two dicks..... He thought, always taking off and doing whatever they wanted.

He chuckled when he realized the hypocrisy in his voice.

Walking into the room, where all the newest students were seated, he smiled.

"Hello students. As you probably already know, I'm Vent Atererus." He started, patting himself on the back. All the staff at The Highland Institute for the Study of Magic were world reknowned, the best of the best. They'd saved the world more times than most people had eaten breakfast.

"I'm here in Mr. Highland's stead to welcome you to our prestigious Academy, and let me be the first to say I have nothing but high hopes for all of you. You're the next generation. The ones who will surpass even us, just as we did our parents and teachers. For this orientation, I would like all present to ask one question on their minds right now. Anything. I'll do my best to answer." He said, smiling, letting his first lesson teach itself.

OOC - Any new characters will be in this orientation.

Vent is the teacher of the Elemental Studies, Runeology, Physical Magics, and Demonology classes, for reference.

(All other returning characters will have their credentials posted under the opening post)
Steven Adams was in his office,getting his things together. He was the Dean of Telekenetic Studies and Illusion Studies,an Associate for Pseudomagic Theory,and the academy's disciplinarian. He checked his watch. "Crap..." Steven left his office,leaving it in it's natural state: A mess that makes a tornado look clean. Steven had a few qualities that made him stand out. Most obviously was his left arm; it was a prosthetic from the shoulder down. Steven articulated it with telekenesis. Also quite apparent was a plain bandana wrapped neatly and tightly around the left upper section of his face,concealing his eye. Or rather,empty eye socket. On closer inspection,one would note a scar across his larynx. And when Steven opens his mouth...He sounds like some cheap horror movie killer.

Steven approached the auditorium,his hair kept in a ponytail. He saw Vent at the podium,addressing the new students. With a thought,Steven rendered himself invisible,and sent Vent a telepathic message "Sorry I'm late. Lost track of time preparing courses." He walked into the auditorium,invisible,and up the stage steps. He waited behind Vent,awaiting his cue to introduce himself. Steven made no effort to hide his magic signature;in fact,he inflated it. Theatrics.
Lilith had been sitting in the front row of the auditorium, listening closely to what Mr. Atererus had to say, a wide, dumb-looking grin on her face. Of course, what everyone else saw was a girl with a stoic expression, half of her face being hidden by a black and purple cloak. It was the first day, and she couldn't look like too much of a dork. She hadn't been this excited in her life, with the exception of when she first realized she could use magic. It was a miracle in itself that girl even got to the Academy, spending days walking and hitching rides with strangers (some of whom didn't have the most innocent of intentions), and her clothes were shabby and worn, though a bit of her focus was used changing that, too. But her vision was still alright, so she didn't mind much.

As soon as she heard the words "Ask one question", Lilith's hand went flying into the air, waving it around and trying to get Vent's attention like some kid in grade school. One could feel the cool points leaving her body.
Vent smiled as the girl in one of the closer rows began to wave her hand like a maniac.

"Yes, with the purple and black robe." Vent said, pointing to her, a gust of wind picking her up and bringing her gently to the stage beside him.

"Ask your question, miss, don't be shy." He said, the winds twirling around him in a display of power, his light brown hair billowing about in it's shaggy mane, before residing.

He brushed it from his deep, green eyes, and waited for the girl to ask her question.
Lilith kicked around while in the air, her cloak flapping around her, and having a small freak-out in her head before realizing Vent was the one picking her up. She said nothing for a moment, simply in awe at what the instructor had just done. Quickly, she spoke up, trying to keep herself from stuttering like an idiot. "Oh, uh, that was cool! Err, anyway, there are like, dorms here, right? Because I can't go home.", she stopped, thinking of a way to avoid explaining her current... Living conditions. "I can't go home because... I don't live anywhere near here, and it would take to long for them to drive here and back everyday!", she said, confident in her lie.
Vent looked a little somber, compared to the smile he'd been wearing up until that point.

"A very good question." He said, placing his hand on the girl's back.

"We have unparalleled dorms for all students wishing to stay in them, free of charge. We here at the Academy understand what it feels like to be homeless, or have a home taken away, or even simply being unable to return." He said with a wink to the girl.

"That's why as long as you're here, for whatever reasons, I personally, not just the Academy, would have you all think of this place as your home. I know it's where I call home." He explained, his warm smile returning. With another gust of wind, he placed the girl back in her seat, tenderly and gentle.

"Thank you Lilith. The answer to your question has soothed everyone's worries, I'm sure." He said to her, then looking about in the crowd again.

"Any other questions?" He asked, having fun despite himself.
It would have been a lie if Vicky didn't admit that she was a little nervous about going to a new school. She was starting her magical education much later than her other classmates, or so she was assuming. Sitting in the crowded auditorium she watched as other students filed in. There were no familiar faces to her, other than the teacher who stood at the front of the classroom. Vicky didn't claim to know much about the founders of the school, though she had heard things about them and the fantastic things that they had done.

After an eloquent opening speech by the teacher he suggested that everyone ask at least one question. Vicky wasn't sure if he was being serious or if it was an ice breaker- how would he be able to tell if everyone asked a question? She was thinking over what she wanted to ask when a hand in the front row shot up. Deciding to use this first question as a basis for her own she found herself growing angry when it was revealed to be such a common and unimportant question that could have been asked at the very end (although Vicky believed that anyone who would have bothered reading the school manual would have known otherwise.)

Once the question was answered and the teacher asked if there were any more questions Vicky's hand shot up like a spring. She had hardly been given the teacher's okay to talk when she asked her question. "How does the ranking system work at this school? Will the classes separate the students who truly want to study magic from those who," she wrinkled her nose and looked right at the girl from before, "Only seem to want to waste everyone's time?" It was said with such vigor and malice that it made several people flinch.
Lilith couldn't decide whether to be surprised or impressed by Mr. Atererus, still amazed by his wind, and apparently mind-reading, abilities. It took a few strange looks to realize that she had forgotten to straighten herself up via magic, but she simply shrugged, figuring that it was too late to change back, since everyone had already gotten a good look at what the condition of her clothes really were. She sat back, finally feeling as if she could relax. 'I think I may have found a home here!', she thought, the same goofy grin on her face from before.

Another girl's voice rang out behind her, prompting her to look back and see exactly who's it was; a red-haired girl with glasses that looked around her age. Lilith didn't think much of her until she seemed to say, "You stupid ho." right to her face in the form of an intelligent question. She gritted her teeth, feeling pretty insulted, and a little embarrassed. It wouldn't leave the best impression to start a scene in front of everyone right then and there, but the former hitchhiker hoped they weren't in the same classes, or, God forbid, the same dorm room.
Marco walked onto the auditorium stage where Vent and stephen was

since Stephen was somewhat a n00b when it came to magic compared to Vent and Marco, Marco's pressence overpowered them both, without even trying, he let a little bit of his power leak out over the audience, some of the students at the front felt pressure, like his mere presance was overpowering them.

"sorry about that, those damn mage-hunters ore on my neck again"

Mage hunters is a short way of saying both the anti-blood-magic league and the "holy" templar order, both of which had Marco as their NO#2 target, the most wanted being boghren

he sighed, looking over them all, then sucked his power in, it still overshadowed Steven's though.
Keeping quiet and feeling uneasy amidst all these people, Jirocho sat there, thinking about which question would be the most important one and if it conflicted with his interest in meeting new people. After a while of thinking and staring with a blank, seemingly enlightened, look in his eyes he raised his arm and awaited until he was appointed to ask his question.

He felt idiotic sitting there with his arm raised, like he was in kindergarden, but he realized it was a sign of respect to those who most definitely deserved it. Either way, he put his raised arm over his other arm which leaned on his elbow against the large auditoriumdesk. His eyes were doing the butterfly, glancing at everyone in front and to the sides of him. He didn't like being in the center of attention and eventhough the teachers were the ones in the "eye of the storm", he felt like he had swapped places with them as he tried to distinguish the whispers, giggles, hushed laughs and conversations underneath their breaths. He failed horribly at it and the worst case scenario happened, he started imagining things.

' Look at that kid, what a fool. '

' Isn't he the one who... you know... ? '

It went on and on until Jirocho was about to lower his arm and get the hell out of this room. His arm started to waver and slowly it started moving back downwards.
Shy little Alice sat clear in the back, way from any place she thought would bring attention to herself. She didn't raise her hand, knowing that other students would ask general questions, which is all she had. Alice twiddled with her hair and started to space out. She was still listening though. Her mind blanked as she just stared at the student in front of hers' chair.
Slasher continues to look around the room he stops to look at the person who had their hand up he thinks to him self "what is he doing", but is compelled to go over to him, and say hello.He is stumped on what to do, but he quickly gets up and walks over to him to greet him. when he gets there he says" hey my name is slasher nice to meet you what is your name".
Vent smiled.

"Hey Marco, take a seat by Steven. I'm doing the orientation right now." He said to Marco, snapping his fingers and bringing Vicky and Jirocho up to the stage with a gust of wind.

"To answer your question, miss, everyone will treated the same, in class and out of class. We don't believe in separating a group of kids into a class system, everyone learns together, or not at all. Of course, there will be disciplinarians, like our invisible friend Steven Adams," Vent said, moritioning to the invisible presence next to Marco. "- But I'm sure that everyone will pay attention in class, because everyone wants to learn." He explained with a smile. This girl was haughty.... He hoped she grow out of it.

With a flick of his wrist, she was sent back to her seat, gently like the others, but the wind twisted around her for a second, making her hair just a touch messier than it was a second ago. Vent chuckled.

"And, what's your question, young man?" He asked Jirocho. Hmm.... He thought, this boy has an aura of despair about him. Troubled past? Twisted destiny? Vent decided he'd keep an eye on this boy personally. He took take of all his students, but being the guidance counsellor meant some needed more help than others.
Marco noticed the unusual aura coming from Jirocho

"looks like there's a story here..."

Marco sucked in his aura, now it was compressed to be smaller than stephen's.

Marco sat in the chair and crossed his legs patiently.

as the defence/gym teacher and anti-bullying co-ordinator... Stephen made the decision, but Marco carried out the punishments, his favorite was making the bully run 3 laps around the school in the frosty cold morning wearing only Pajama pants and a singlet, he honestly wanted a bullying gang to form, so he make an example of them.
Before Jirocho had been able to fully lower his arm he felt the air around him starting to move and fly in a spirallike pattern with him in the center of it. As he felt the, now fierce, wind around him flow even faster and more uncontrollably, he could swear he saw his raised arm faintly shimmer and grow transparent. His knowledge of magic was limited and he had no idea magic like this could be practicioned without the use of Gathering Spells, as such he was completely unaware of what was happening and he already had slashed a finger open with the innerside of this silver thumbring, which had a miniscule but sharp triangle attached to it so that he could fullfill the bloodcontract needed for the Gathering Spell.

Before he was able to smear his bloody finger over the Card, he had already completely vanished and reappeared on stage, in front of the class. With a cut finger, a card in his hand and a dumbfounded and scared look on his face. He didn't have to imagine how he looked like right now, barely hearing the explanation and question the teacher asked him, Jirocho's gaze followed the lowest desk over the tiled floor to his feet. There his eyes stared at his feet, shackled by his pover clothes and a cowardly body and mind.

After a little while of silence, Jirocho spoke softly, barely audible for most of the classroom.

" Is---Is there anyone able to travel between worlds? " Suddenly realizing what an absurd and strange question he just asked he woke up semi-shocked, stumbling over his words and using handgestures to try and explain to everyone what he meant.

" I----I mean, is anyone able to travel between dimensions.....planes....worlds....locations ? "

Finally giving up on trying to make himself seem normal and not insane he lowered his head and hands and bit the inside of his bottomlip.
Slasher looked at the stage, and then everyone in the room "I wonder what there names are" he says to himself. He starts to wonder if he'll fit in but then loses focus. He covers his face and laughs "oh well" he says. Slasher focuses on his hand and lights it a flame. "so bored" he says.
Vent's eyebrow raised.

"Yes, of course. Magic allows nearly anything to happen. It's a wide, wide subject, with infinite possibilities. I even used to know a wizard so powerful, he could create his own dimensions, not just travel to new ones. So, yes Jirocho. It's very possible to travel to other planes."

Vent opened a mental connection to Jirocho.

'Don't worry, this is me speaking directly to your mind with magic.' He sent, smiling. 'I'd like to speak with you in private afterwards. Don't worry, you're not in trouble.'

With that, Vent snapped his fingers, and Jirocho was back in his seat.

Vent chuckled, and the boy who was playing with fire was immediately doused with water. (Slasher, that's you.)

"Let's try and keep fires to a minimum. Our gym teacher, and benefactor Marco Highland set a few things on fire back in our school days. So, learn from his lesson and only use fire when practicing in the training hall, when asked by a teacher, or in emergencies." He explained, tut-tuting the boy's supposed boredom.
Alice looked up and raised her hand quietly. Feeling the numerous stares focus upon her, she shrunk back a bit, but kept her hand up. She was concerned whether the dorms were to be shared with another person, and if they were co-ed.
Vent glanced and saw the shy girl with her hand up.

He snapped his fingers and brought her up to the stage, on a breeze of tender wind.

"Now miss, what's your question?" He asked, smiling.
Alice jolted as the sudden gust of wind, and watched her chair lift from the earth. "Um..are we sharing dorms with other students?" She asked in a slightly softer tone. She shifted so that she was sitting on her legs to keep from falling.
Vent nodded.

"Students under the age of 14 must share a dorm room with three others. Once 14, however, they may opt to have any roomates, in any room, or stay by themselves. So, yes, and no." He answered, having Alice float back to her seat.

"Now, are there any more questions? On or two more, let's hear 'em." He said, sliding his hands into his pockets.
As the teacher opened a mental link between himself and the student, Jirocho felt a jolt of electricity in his head making him jerk his head upwards. Closing his eyes he could hear the teacher speak loud and clear in his mind. He was too surprised and prudent to show any sign of telekinesis between him and the teacher towards the other students, although it might be clear to some anyway.

Either way, before he knew what was going on, he was already back in his seat. He couldn't help but feel happy, he might have made a fool out of himself but he got a great response from the teacher which made him very happy that he could someday commence his Gathering-journey in otherworldly planes and remote locations. He felt like getting some fresh air and smoking his pipe in perfect bliss, but he had the common sense and respect to wait for the class to end ofcourse. At the moment he couldn't care less about looking like a fool, he sat there with an evergrowing smile on his face and didn't attempt to hide it.

He regained his composure and listened to the other students and their questions until they were dismissed, after which he would go for a quick smoke and then hurry to find that interesting teacher that seemed to master many magictrees. So far he noticed he mastered the Air, Water and Telekinesis magicbranches but presumably he mastered many more.

Jirocho was almost shaking with excitement.
When Vent introduced him,Steven allowed his invisibility spell to fade. Steven apeared behind Vent,to his left flank,hands behind his back,legs apart;he was standing at ease. He wore a black vest with a white button up shirt underneath,and black dress pants,wearing semi-formal shoes. The bandana covering his left eye socket was pure white,and plain,his black hair kept in a rogue knot,his left arm,from the shoulder down,was a prosthetic. He also had a scar across his larynx. Steven stopped inflating his magic presence. Even at the age of thirty,he still enjoyed theatrics.

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