Ww: Legends~

Inali was running late. Cursing herself for staying, and making herself another cup of coffee. She followed the directions her father had given her only stopping once to pet a stray cat that hadn't ran away, which was rare. She had only been petting it for a moment when she remembered that she had somewhere she needed to be. Shaking her head and putting her hands on her cheeks she looked up to the sky and cried, "I'm going to be so late!" before continuing to follow her fathers map. . . As she slithered her way to the gates she was relieved to see that there was a group of people still there. One was dancing and the rest seemed to be doing their own things. She smooths down her vest and looks down to make sure that her scales were clean, before patting her hair down and slithering up to the crowd. She sees a girl with long black hair and a huge green jacket on. "Um, excuse me I'm at the right place. . . right? The academy?" She trails of then looks down and hold's up a piece of paper to show the girl.
Nova pulled at the gloves that covered her arms, making sure that they were tight around her mid-bicep before re-examining the rest of her clothes. The girl knew she was running late, but a sense of worry was deeply ingrained into her psyche, what if something showed? Her cargo pants and boots covered up her legs, and a tank top covered all of her shoulder and side plating. There was one worry in her mind though, the scarred tissue that marks her shoulder on the left side, the signs of a wire being underneath. Sure, the girl would be carrying a backpack, but she wondered to herself if it was enough, also taking into consideration the wire on her neck, that was covered by the long tresses of hair.

With a final sigh, she threw on a high-necked sweater despite the heat of the day and zipped it all the way up, popping the collar up instead of folding it down. After tying her hair into a bun, she sighed and made her way downstairs, hands in her pocket despite the gloves. Nova then shared a goodbye with her parents, who were very worried about her departure into a magical school. They didn’t know a thing about the school…sure, there were brochures and stuff but that didn’t really say anything about the atmosphere.

Her parents were worried, in truth, and so was she, none of her family had any knowledge of the school or any of her friends. The aptly gifted girl would have to do it on her own, and as the first of the Upton’s to walk into the magical academy’s doors, she was a little baffled. There were so many different kind of creatures there, not to mention what they were doing, as one of the humans seemed to be doing a rain dance in the middle of the square.

The rest of the kids seemed to be eagerly conversing with each other and Nova wasn’t sure exactly what they were…supposed to do. Her lips tightened into a frown at the aspect of asking someone, and the sounds of yapping pulled her attention away. It was a cute little dog in a cage, held by a girl that was around her age, much like the rest of them. Before she could stop herself she noted, “D’Awhh” and then slightly panicked at her reaction, straightening up.

“Uh…” She noted, wondering if she caught the girl attention or not but keeping her eyes away from her face. “Isthisthemagicschool?” she asked, mumbling her words in a fast pace. She pulled down the sleeves she had rolled up earlier, and despite both glove and sleeve covering the damage now she still felt very exposed. Even going so far as to duck her nose into her collar so she could frown at herself still looking at the dog in the cage rather than the girl.
Seeing as the green haired girl was not accepting the offering, Mel backed off, a little depressed. Then she heard a voice behind her asking if this was the academy. She turned to see another naga, this one was a girl though and had green scales instead of the other's bluish ones. "If you mean the Highland Academy for magic then yes, it is." Then she held out her hand full of candy, offering it to the naga.
Daniel's eyes widened as he looked at Jiro's blade, it was quite a masterfully crafted sword, it looked sharp enough to cut steel, strong enough to withstand a missile blast and for some reason, to Daniel it looked light, by the way Jiro held it, it was nicely balanced as well, of course Daniel was no expert and was just guessing.

after looking at the blade for a bit, being very careful not to touch it or even breathe on it, he had been to enough rich museums with his family to know to be VERY careful with these things.

"wow, thanks dude, thats one helluva sword"

Daniel stretched his neck, this heavy bag on his back was killing him, damn rich parents, packing too much its not like Daniel needed a whole new freaking wardrobe, he was planning on wearing school jackets, pants, shoes and shirts while he was here anyway, the school didn;t have a set uniform, but he did want to wear something with the school colours.
Crow's eyebrow twitched. How he was going to get up a tall fence was beyond his knowledge; however, there was someone who knew how to get to high places. He raced over to his sister who was sitting on the grass, taking a quick break. "Jinx," he said, "Can you turn me into a bird for approximately... fifteen seconds?" She gave him a weird look. "If you're going to go dance around, I need to be entertained. My entertainment is sitting up on the fence."

Jinx tilted her head to the side as a coy smile came across her face. "Oh. So you need a favor. I suppose I can help you. I am your sweet sister." Crow's face lit up. "But, no more scaring me, kay?" she said. Crow nodded his head, surprised his sister's condition didn't involve something humiliating. Jinx got out her wand and tapped Crow on the head. Ironically, she turned him into a crow.

He squacked and squacked in anger at his sister's ironic joke. Since he couldn't really communicate anything audible in his present form, he settled for flying up to the fence and plopping himself down right next to the grey girl. Jinx turned him back almost immediantly afterwards. "I found my way up here. Now, your name?" he smirked.
Watching as the boy ran away, Theo smirked proudly. Looking up at the other, he was taken back by the annoyance glancing through his ghost's eyes. "What if he does something funny?" He stated, a glint of anger in his voice, receiving only a shrug in response. Reaching over, her tugged on the edge of her skirt, pulling her down into sitting on the wall.

Turning her head away from her control as the bird landed, and changed next to her, she offered a slightly forced smile. She had to give him credit, most backed away at Theo's challenges, but this one had actually tried.
"Evelyn..." She said softly, voice reading with something of a faint echo, "And this is T-"

"Theodore Lancaster the third."
Inali looks at the proffered candy in the girls hand, and looks at the girl. "Really? Thank you very much." she tentatively takes one examines it for a moment before opening it up. Popping the candy in her mouth she fiddles with the wrapper in her hand. Extending her hand out she smiles. "I'm Inali, it's a pleasure. What's your name?"
Claws shrugged as she noticed that many people were already in conversations. Maybe she could talk to someone later. For now she decided to check out the school in question. She wanted to see what it was like and what it held. Smiling, Claws went inside and started to look around the place. Maybe she would bump into someone this way.
"It's nice to meet you two," Crow said. His eyes flickered to Jinx for a mere moment. She was resting in the grass, asleep. What a bum. She probably tired herself out. "I doubt you care, but that girl down there is my sister, Jinx. Feel free to avoid her if she gets on your nerves. I've heard all of the complaints before," he said in a harsh tone. He cleared his throat and sat upright. "Anyway, may I ask how the two of you got up here? Was it a spell? Or are you an angel that can fly?" Crow smiled.
Mel steadied herself and proceeded to shout . . .

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. . . said the girl who pretty much let everyone within a mile of there know this embarrassing name. Straightening up she said to Inali, "Now that you have accepted the offering, are we friends yet?"
Suddenly one of the girls shouted her name before suddenly getting shy; with everyone talking to someone, the drow couldn't puzzle out where she should be going.

"So... we are waiting for something?" she fumbled with the words quite a bit, heavily accented with her native tongue.

The dark presence Angafay had sensed before faded, leaving a lighter, if stained, essence nearby. Then the sight fled again, vanishing like it had every time before. It had been a little while since she'd heard the crowd that had surrounded her, were they still there? Deciding to test this, the blind girl reached out with a hand, for it to immediately meet cold scales. Drawing her hand back immediately, she squeaked, and almost tripped over a bag that had been set down behind her.
Daniel turned atround and saw Mel shout, rolling his eyes Daniel shouted out "And I'm Daniel Tellores, or the Tellores clan! moving on!"

shaking his head with a light chuckle as he turned back to Jiro, he said "some people, huh?" he didnt have anything against me, but suddenly proclaiming her name and all that.

"excuse me..."

Daniel walked over to Melidianna, and quietly, he told her.

"way to make a scene" he opened with.
After Mel heard what Daniel had said, she flashed a mischievous smile. "You have to go big to make a name for yourself," she said. "And besides, now everyone knows so I don't ever have to say or hear that name ever again."

She was grateful to her "dad" for giving her a name, but did it have to be such an old fashioned one. Mel was pretty sure it hadn't been used in at least a century.
Daniel sighed, shaking his head while smiling.

"quite the character, arent you?" he said smiling ".... Mel"

looking at the school, Daniel had a look of annoyance "think they'll ever get around to doing the introductions? i can;t hold this big bad much longer"
Mel tilted her head to the side. "Then why not put it down for now? I doubt anyone here would have the desire or strength to steal it. Better yet, why are you using a backpack and not a suitcase?"
Jirou was the first to hear the girl, and went into a frenzy. He began to paw at the cage door even more and gnaw on the cage. "Hi there! I'm Jirou!" he barked, wiggling around in his pet carrier.

Lola turned toward the girl, wearing a rather uncomfortable attire based on the weather. Lola almost didn't hear her question, based on her rapid speech. "Hm? Oh, yeah, this is the magic school. You're on campus right now, the building entrance is right over there," Lola replied, gesturing her head forward to the building up ahead. The large building was in plain sight, althought the door was nowhere to be seen by the large crowd. She decided to get to know a bit more about the girl that stood before her. "Is this your first year here?" Lola asked with a smile.
Theo rolled his eyes, taking to staring down at the ground as the boy spoke, body tense and ready to do something. He wasn't quite sure what yet, but he'd know eventually. Evelyn however, took kindly to the living boy, listening to him with a faint smile on her lips as she followed his direction at the girl laying down.

She was pretty for a living thing, nothing like what she'd had the chance to meet at home, of course, but for someone who aged, she was pretty. As he inquired to the how, she gave a soft giggle, and Theo growled and grumbled something unpleasant under his breath.

"We're terribly good climbers, I'm afraid." She replied, shifting ever so slightly to lean back, hands locked on the edge of the wall to keep her from falling. Funny how little things like falling and hurting yourself stayed with you when you were dead. "There's also a tree ten or so yard that way that has a branch going right over the fence..." She gestured with one hand faintly, the scent of death swirling up into the air a bit more intensely as she did so.

Tugging her back up right, Theo leaned close in to her ear. She nodded her head slowly, before pulling away and uttering something too low for Crow to catch. Turning back and resuming her leaning position, she smiled at Crow in an almost apologetic manner.
"Simple" began Daniel "if i take it off and sit it down, then i wont be able to get it back up without help... and don't ask me why i have such a freaking heavy bag... its my family, they're fussy so they tend to just pack everything I own, and they want me to be as strong as possible, so think of it like lifting weights..."

Daniel let out a grunt as as he straightened the bag.

"and I have a backpack because I don't own a suitcase"

Daniel let out a bit of a sigh, then he heard the barking of Jirou

"... is that a dog?"
Mel covered her mouth to muffle a giggle. His family fusses about his things but doesn't bother to get him a simple suitcase? When Daniel had asked if that barking came from a dog, she began getting really excited. "There's a puppy here?!" She loved puppies, really all small animals. "I had a puppy once, but then it became a dog so I had to let it go. My mom hated dogs."
The dog was barking again, and Nova let an unsure half-smile take her face, wanting to pet the dog but with not enough courage to ask. It wasn’t like she would feel the fur anyways, all feeling in her extremities being lost when she lost a third of them. The girl turned around and looked at her with his barking though, and she backed up a step, a little bit antsy on being looked at. Then she let of a breath, trying to slow down her heartbeat while the girl gave her an affirmative. It was the magic school she was looking for, and the building behind the crowd was the building she would have to enter.

The girl shifted her weight slightly, the mechanical leg now the one supporting her as she took a close look at the old building. The much taller figure in front of her then seemed to take an interest in her, making her want to run away at the moment. It was a simple question but the girl still hesitated, nodding stiffly instead of answering with words.
Crow glanced over to the supposed branch. Why hang he thought of that? He mentally shook his head at himself because he knew his lack of climbing ability didn't leave it as an option anyway. He gazed at this grey girl who was stunning despite lacking color. If he could, he would stay up there on the fence for hours just to sit next to her; however, the male of the two seemed unhappy over his arrival. Either that or his bottom was becoming pained by the uncomfortable fence. Perhaps it was something completely dfferent. The boy, Theo, whispered something unable to be heard. "What was that about?" he asked. While waiting for her answer, he heard a familiar voice call out to him.

"Crow! I want to look around the school. Mum said you had to watch me so you have to come with," Jinx yelled up to him, bouncing up and down in excitement.

Crow sighed, sad his encounter with Evelyn had to end so quickly. "Well, she's right. I have to go with her. I'm sorry. Hopefully, I'll see you soon?" he said, not sure if he was making a statement or asking a question.
(Anyone willing to interact with Claws?)

Lukas looked out his window still and sighed again. There seemed to be a good amount of people here already and who knew if there would be more coming as well. Not only that but some of them seemed a little...loud. Lukas did not like loud. He just wanted a nice, peaceful year. He really didn't want to put up with any of the other students especially certain ones.

But Lukas could also see that this school was really good and he knew it was better to just deal with it than whine. Still he would do his best to avoid most of his classmates if he could manage it. So far he had done good.
Anaru was surprised to hear everyone speaking his people's tounge,albeit somewhat different. Unknown to him,however,his people's tounge is actually archaiac english,learned from the sirens of old. When the ebon-skinned human spoke,Anaru was relieved;his people's tounge wasn't widespread on the surface. "Master the language,human. Others will need to know your pontifications if you are to work together." The sea naga spoke slowly,extending each syllable,although not for the blind human girl's sake; it's how he himself spoke normally. His voice,as usual was deep and had a slight hiss,and seemed watery on it's own.

He slithered to the gates,and unfolded his map once more. He looked at the final instruction,written in his people's script,which told him to approach the gate marked with the words of the human language above,with a drawing of the marking. He compared the two,and they were a perfect match. He folded the map up once more,and gave the gate a firm push. It wobbled,but didn't part. He pulled,and experienced the same result. "If we are to come here,aren't we supposed to be granted entry? We are locked out. I sense a trap." His predatory instincts kicked in,looking for possible vectors of ambush,and plausible escape routes,as he moved away from the gate.
Daniel saw the naga at the gates getting antsy, so he called out to him

"Calm down Slithers, its not a trap, they've just not let us in yet, maybe theres more people to arrive..."

as he said this, there was a small explosion to the distance and the next of our characters arrived Dali Ak-Ikmaj

from the small crater of the explosion, which wasn't a fiery explosion, but just a chunk of earth rapidly expanding upwards in thousands of tiny pieces, from the crater, Dali walked out, she wore the white coverings as in her profile picture, the loincloth part having 2 longer threats doing down the front and back between her legs, she hit the side of her head, forcing some earth out

"hey guys, sorry i'm late, i ran into an old burried human building about 700km away, i had trouble passing through it"

the markings all over her body were glowing lightly, but settled to look like nothing more than some tattoos.

she stood there smiling, having no idea of what to do now....
(OOC: this is a boarding school, right?)

Lola noticed that the girl seemed to feel nervous standing here, simply by how she answered. Lola still felt the need to talk to her, and especially thought it would be nice to have some company while she found her room. "Oh, it's my first year here too! well, y'know, since i've been enrolled. I'm Lola, by the way." Jirou began barking, "I'm Jirou!" which made Lola look back down at the pet carrier. Lola giggled, and introduced him as well. "And this is Jirou, he's really people oriented..... and talkative," she added, now noticing that a couple of students were already turning this way, looking for the barking puppy.

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