Ww: Legends~

Daniel raised an eyebrow, and he smiled

"... effectionite are we?... you know i wouldnt have even noticed if you didnt blush like a beetroot and stutter like that" he said almost jokingly.

he stood up next to her and bumped into her.

"of course, although i'm not a necrophiliac, i do like "exotic" girls" he gave her a wink as he playfully flirted with her.
Arianna rolled her eyes with a small smile at Daniel's flirting, her pale, cold face slowly cooling off. She kept an eye out for her seemingly new rival as they approached the school again, her cape around her as she walked. An idea suddenly hit her, and she smiled coolly at Daniel.

"Well Daniel, if you are going to be so open about your preferences, perhaps I shall remind you how truly close you were when you were riding Dixie with me." she said, smiling, a bit proud of herself for the comeback, but of course only playing with him.
Daniel chuckled "well maybe i did notice"

he pulled out his wand again and pointed it at Arianna's face, but he didnt blast anything, instead what seemed to be a beautiful butterfly formed from the tip of the wand, it flew up over Arianna's head, and then Daniel blasted it, it exploded into 2 dozen more butterflies with some dragonflies in the mix, they flew down the sides of Arianna's body in a spiral, dissipating into the ground.

"now, who can resist my Magical charms?" he used the word "Magical" both literaly and metaphorically
"That was beautiful!" Arianna gasped, her eyes wide in wonder.

She had heard of witches, and seen more along the lines of enchantments and potions cast, but never magical feats like the Headmaster and Daniel could perform. She watched the dragonflies and butterflies disappear toward her legs, still walking forward with her cape billowing around her. He did indeed have many talents, and she wondered how well he would fair in a fight.
Daniel smiled and laughed

"that was a little trick my mom taught me, just something flashy for parties, normally, you're meant to have the bugs fly off in all directions, but i figured it would be best if they just went down you... funny story, once during one of those inter-family duels when i was little, i accidentally used that spell and i got blasted right off the stage... what a day that was!"

they got into the main courtyard

"so, i guess we've probably missed the first classes of the day..."
She smiled as she listened to him talk, keeping her gaze forward to watch where she was going. She wondered mildly to herself if the classes even started that day, given the announcement, and had thought they started the next day. After her thinking yielded no result concerning the classes, she decided to speak.

"I thought classes started tomorrow, though." she said curiously.
"yeah, the real classes, but dont we have like, orientation? you know, introductions to our courses?"

he continued walking with her, sighing.

"So... do you wanna do anything else? maybe climb up the old towers? mess around with some spells? OH!"

he jumped in front of her

"ok, i gotta be honest, i REALLY wanna see what kinda magic you can do"
Arianna blinked softly, unsure of what Daniel meant. She stopped when he stepped in front of her, not entirely sure what he meant by magic. She had her sword and axe, which were infested with hellfire to cut through most anything, she was technically dead, since she couldn't be killed, she could remove her head, and she had a dead horse. What magic was there? If he meant the kind of magic he could do...her shoulders sagged as she suddenly felt a bit bland.

"I do not cast magical spells and incantations as you can. I do not have the ability, nor desire." she said slowly, suddenly remembering the black magic that took hold of the Horseman and earned him his fearsome reputation. She didn't want the same for her.
Daniel raised an eyebrow

"but... this is a school for magic... there are non-magic schools that cater to all species and races, even undead... and the headmaster here, from what i've heard, can know if someone has any magical ability that can be harnessed and considering you were unconcious in his office and he touched you himself when he gave you the gift of tongues, i'd say he can sense some useable magic in you..."

he thought for a bit

"can you control spirits?influence things around you that others can't?... or maybe you're armour and weapons are magical and only you can control them!"
Arianna listened to Daniel as she walked, trying to find some kind of hall that lead somewhere interesting. She felt uncomfortable, and almost belittled compared to the students here that COULD use magic. She had never used magic, nor had any desire to, and wondered if she could be expelled because of it.

"Only I can wield my weapons, yes. They burn whoever else touches them. I can also summon my horse from anywhere, and feel her emotions as my own." she answered, hoping that was a suitable answer. "Where would you like to go and explore? I do not know my way around the school and exploring sounds like it might prove valuable." she added, hoping to deter him from the subject of her using magic.
Daniel shrugged "okay then..."

he smiled to her, he knew she had some magical tallent, it may have lain in her weapons or in Dixie, or maybe she could control the undead... she had something, that was for sure.

"well, i reckon we could see where everything is, wanna go check out the gym?"

after her response, they headed out again.

coming to the gym, they went in, going up some stairs to the "viewing platform"... down below, they saw an arena, inside, 2 seniors were gearing up, with their class sitting off to the side and their teacher, a strange humanoid fox-creature watching them.

"and... begin!" she called, and the 2 seniors went at each-other, punching, kicking, dodging, grabbing and weaving, it was like some kind of brutal danceone focussed more on dodging and weaving, the other was like a freaking tank, going in all-out, not giving the other a chance to counter attack, giving him no respite.
Arianna watched with slight interest as the two fought, standing stone still without breathing, since it wasn't necessary. Fighting now was different than the fighting she witnessed back at the village; most everyone dealt their problems out with fist fighting, but it wasn't this good. Very rarely did they use swords or guns, but when they did, Arianna always laughed at them because she could be shot, and not hurt. Her attention quickly grew bored and dull as she watched the fight and she began looking around the room, taking in everything. She didn't even know what a "gym" was, nor most anything in this school because of how modern it was, so she was trust Daniel to lead her around and teach her what it all meant.
down on the floor, the 2 fought like crazy, but things got a bit intense when the smaller, quicker one was caught in a combo, the big guy did a left hook, followed by a right uppercut, which hit the smaller one, knocking HER helmet, off, and sending her flying back, she was a dark elf, maybe a Drow, she got to her hands and knees and slid her padded helmet and glasses back on, this time with her 2 long tied ponytails hanging out the back.

she came at him again, but he moved too, he got in close to her, perfect for his large piston-like arms, hell for her long slender arms, she unleashed a devestating barrage, hammering her core, he moved to the side when she hunched over a bit, smashing her hard on the side of her head, , she did a roll on the way down and when up she tried to get him with kicks, instead he grabbed her long, muscular leg, and lifted her body, slamming it into the ground to a "ooh!" from the class, then he spun her around and released her, sending her slamming against the nearest wall.

Daniel winced "okay, THAT was pretty impressive!"

down on the floor, the elf shakily got to her feet again, the human boy who beat her removed his helmet and glasses and helped her along, exchanging a "good match" between them... good sportsmanship.

"huh... i guess that sign down there isn't lying..."

down below there was a sign near the entrance door saying "beyond this point there are no genders, no races, no colors and no religions, all are equal, what happens in the gym, stays in the gym" the sign was of course enchanted to be read in the language of the reader.
Arianna raised her eyebrows at the display, impressed. She was also impressed by the sign, and read it quietly to herself. After a moment, she snatched her head off her shoulders, tucking it under her arm like a basketball, watching the class again. She mildly wondered if she would be allowed to use her weapons during the fights, if she was made to fight, that was.
the next 2 came up, this time the opponent was a male as well, they bowed and got into it, this one was more balanced against the close range muscle bound guy who wont the last match, the girl was given a bottle to drink as she was checked for any injuries, she was fine.

the next guy, a young human man like his opponent was really giving him work for a victory, changing styles as he went on, in the last match, the girl was a strict "long range" hand to hand fighter, meaning she struck with outstretched legs and arms, to beat them at a distance, using her long limbs to her advantage, so all he had to do was get in close, or use her light mass against her, which he did both of and quickly beat her, but this guy, his kicks were light jabs at his opponent's legs, then after striking the legs enough, he's shoot out at the head in a flash, the other guy was on the defensive, but his defences were holding, it was anyone's match.

"so, do you wanna stay here and watch Arianna? or do you wanna go look around a bit more?... i hear they have this revolutionary room in this gym for things like races and all that, wanna go see?"
Arianna nodded by moving her torso some, turning to follow him. She wondered if they would be racing horses, or on foot. If they were on horses, maybe she could join. She couldn't hardly run with her armor and weapons bound to her anyway.
Daniel walked along, just as they were heading out, the big guy who won the last match tried to thow the other guy, but the other guy grabbed his shirt and used the momentum to throw him off ballance.

"damn... you'd think that was rehersed or something, those guys looked like black belts in like, 5 different fighting styles!"

they went along, soon coming to the next chamber which was a normal gym with machines, inside was only 3 different people, a half-orc half-elf, probably the child of a captured elven maiden and abandoned by his clan for being a half-breed, he was pumping iron like crazy, with a full 8 pack and huge arms, a real "gym rat" and the other was a Naga, a more snake like one, with a cobra-like head and scales all over her body, but still with human features, she had thetip of her tail wrapped around a bar and she was pulling herself up with her hands linked behind her back.

they soon passed this and came to the new "revolutionary" room... it looked, unusual, to say the least...

a full class was in there, but there was no equiptment, and there were a bunch of circles on the ground, of those that were being stood on, its hard to describe, but it looked lke a transparent screen going up about 8 feet on each side of the students was there, the students were running and jumping on the spots, and the ground seemed to be moving beneath them, looking down it was like this room was being suspended high in the sky, and these circles were holes they could see down through, but these screens that went up, they also went with this illusion, one boy they saw running and jumping, even though his legs were bounging him forward, he remained in the same spot of the circle, the boy jumped but missed his mark and fell, he let out a scream and suddenly the illusion around him collapsed, falling not to his doom like the illusion around him would indicate, but instead on to the soft, padded floor of the circle.

"I... It was so... real!" they heard him exclaim, panting and sweating from all the running, the instructor, a male human with a texan accent chuckled "take a drink and join back in if you can"

Daniel whistled "would you look at that, eh?..."

he leaned forward and smiled

"i wonder what its like... actually being in them..."
Arianna shrugged, placing her head back on her shoulders. She swallowed as she watched, her cloak around her like a dark mass. She chuckled when the boy fell and screamed, finding it obviously amusing. She grinned when the boy got up, the teacher chuckling too.

"I have never seen...illusions like that." she said, the notion scaring her a little given her medieval life.
"heh, yeah! same, i think thats why this room is the only one of it's kind, no-ones ever seen something like it before because there's never BEEN anything like this before... a mixture of the most advanced magic developed by the demons now residing in northern russia, combined with the most advanced human technology from France, Japan and Canada... epic"

the boy down below took his shirt off, he was in pretty good shape, but his body was red hot from all the running, he was sore all over from the exertion, he guzzled down his water while blasting a frost spell at the bottle, chilling it, the instructor didnt seem to care,

Daniel pushed himself off the guard rail.

"well, thats cool... ok, since i decided to come here, you decide where to go next"
"I do not know anywhere in this school, therefore I have no clue where to go." she answered, looking around curiously. If it were up to her she would go riding on Dixie into the woods to explore, but she didn't want to risk running into that kid again. She growled to herself, eyes flashing at the memory of the stranger trying to take her head, and then talking to her like he didn't do a thing wrong.
"aw come on, i didnt know where the gym was, but we found it didnt we? there must be somewhere you wanna see?.. or you wanna find Angafay and them again?"

he was down with what ever she chose.
"We should go find Angafay. We have been gone for quite a few hours." she said, turning and walking what she thought was the right way. "Wait, no....this way." she said, turning and walking the other way, using her necklace to dowse for where Angafay was.
Daniel followed along with her

"alrighty then..."

as they came out of the gym, they saw a young man being surrounded by a group of orcs, the boy's books were on the ground, and he had a big red mark on his face, and his left eye was closed right with a big red mark around it, turning blue-black, the orcs were laughing.

"what? you thought i'd let ma sistah date a piss-and like you? a human!? nah, yer women can get with an orc, but ye think an orc girl can get wit a puny human like you!?"

the leader of the gang, the brother of the orc girl this boy was probably asking out, lifet the boy up by the throat

Daniel scoffed, pulling out his wand and he marched towards them.

"you sons of... "

he jabbed his wand out at them, sending a bolt of electricity at the orcs, hitting one on the chest, but he shrugged it off.

they dropped the other guy and turned to Daniel, one of them summoned up his staff, the leader, and he blasted a firebolt at Daniel who managed to deflect it and retaliated with a similar, if however smaller and more accurate spell, as he did this, the others began to move around to flank Daniel...
Arianna took her sword and drew it, getting between the orcs and Daniel, glaring full force.

"If you brutes are looking for a fight, look no further, because I cannot die. I am warning you to stop while you are ahead, lest you enter something you shall regret." she warned, holding the sword up. It could easily slice through the limb of any creature, but there was no need to tell them that when she could just let them off with a fair warning instead.
by the time Arianna finished speaking, the Orcs looked at each-other, then, a rock was thrown at her, as she deflected it, another threw his club, taking her head clean off, it landed at Daniel's feet

"alright Arianna... dont "lose your head""

he started laughing out loud at his own terrible joke.

"Ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! -thock- OW!"

one of the orcs hit him across the head with a club, but he didnt get knocked out, Daniel then show out his wand and stunned the orc at point-blank range.

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