Anime & Manga Worst Animes that you have watched

I agree Kotomi Rosario Vampire seemed appealing for 1 episode then turned into an awful repetitive mess of nearly kissing.

But personally I'd give the prize to girls bravo, because it actually managed to make me fabricate an intense hate towards all of the characters.

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Hitalia is a really great show...but why are all the episodes FIVE MINUTES long...and they really need to just cut out all that boring chibitalia stuff. GET BACK TO SEXY GERMANY. xD


Long story short, anime with angels is a dangerous combination

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For me it would have to be Chobits...

The story is a bit like milk with sweeteners, sugar and honey in it: so sweet it would make one sick.

To be fair though, I stopped at episode eight, cause I couldn't bring myself to watch the rest.

Also, I see why Higurashi would be hated, I myself didn't like it very much from the beginning. I had stoppep watching it, but my friend kind of forced me to watch the ending, and it does get a bit better - once you understand the meaning of all the stuff happening there.
I can't think of the worst....but I know ones that I couldn't finish cause of negative reasons: Trinity Blood, Highschool of the Dead. Oh and I just darn dislike Yugioh.
Pupa. Specifically episode 6 of Pupa. My gosh, so awful, so weird, just.... its on YouTube, look it up for yourself. There was also this one bit with random live action fish guts...? No reason for it, just, random fish guts. Aswell as exploding puppies, attempted baby murder, excessive gore, and depending on what version you watch, really cheap censoring.
Gunslinger Girl, no doubt about it. It was so boring, I played my DS while I just listened to the audio. Kino's Journey is pretty interesting, freakishly boring as well. Netflix has a lot of "okay" animes -_-
wow I'm seeing a lot of anime I like not being liked Psycho Pass, Higurashi, Hetalia, etc just goes to show different strokes for different folks

The Familiar of Zero, probably the anime I despise. Like ahh, it's just the characters, like I could only watch a few parts of that anime, the main female is just a bully, and it's 'justified' because she was bullied, which doesn't justify anything at all. Now a main female who is nasty toward others could be an interesting character, but now when the anime tries to make her likable, like 'oh she just abuses Saito physically and verbally, what a quirk!' No, that's not okay. Overall it's a harem anime that makes me fell uncomfortable. Now I've watched harem anime and have enjoyed a few, (emphasis on a few) but this one....also Saito is a huge pervert (which os to be expected in a harm anime sadly...) This is why I like School Days, because it's like a real spin on a harem anime, relationships are lost, people get hurt, etc.
Mermaid Melody. Really linear characters and just overly simple and childish. A potentially fun and cute idea, but just not taken seriously enough.
My least favorite three would have to be Sword Art Online, Angel Beats!, and FLCL. Recently I finished Black Bullet and No Game No Life and I wasn't too fond of those either.
Personally, I don't really like SAO, I mean I get it, it's quite new but...... I liked Hacksign better, to me SAO is just horribly boring, I didn't even bother finishing the first episode.

Another is... uhhh.. Karneval? I think? It's just an anime filled with bishounens, I like bishies and all but, it's just too much yaoi hinting and even if I thought the characters were hot, I didn't make it pass the first episode without being bored, the bishies weren't worth it.

Most animes like Shugo Chara(Cara??) Or any anime with the theme of "sparkly hey there's someone who needs my help and who could possibly die any moment but I still have time to have my uber long magical girl transformation!!" I can't stand how girly and sparkly they all are, with the clothes was that even necessary? It'll be cool if the clothes were badass and all but no, who the fuck puts fairy wings and shit and all into their clothes when fighting to the death? I also hate the animes with female characters having oversized breasts, I mean, ALL of them, in a usual there's a lot of types of women who appear in animes, one of them are the sexy over busts types, but having them all busty? really? It ought to just get to the hentai category.

Also harems, with so many girl fighting over one douche bag who pretends like he has NO IDEA these girls are fighting over him, it's irritating, bloody irritating, and there's alot of them.

.....Also, I forgot to add, Sailor.Moon. .. no that's just no.. oh hell no woman......

Hellsing series or the anime series.. I didn't like it at all. But the OVA was absolutely amazing.
I'm shocked and disappointed that this thread's gone by without a single mention of SPACE THUNDER KIDS


Okay it's not anime in the strictly technical sense, so sue me.
Unless you really want to feel like you've gone on a horrible mind-bending drug trip without the drugs, I suggest not watching Hare Nochii Guu (Jungle wa Itsumo). The basic plot starts with a blue-haired boy (Hare) living in the jungle with his drunken neurotic mum (Weda) when one day she brings home a seemingly adorable little pink-haired girl (Guu) out of absolutely nowhere and explains that she'll be living with them. By the next day, it becomes apparent that she has the ability to eat anything in one bite without chewing and extract it for later use. Also, she's no longer cute. In one episode, Hare gets eaten on purpose to rescue his classmates from the alternate universe existing in Guu's stomach, where he meets a pair of male and female tour guides and rescues his classmates by doing absolutely nothing. Throughout the course of the series, we meet Hare's extremely old perverted doctor father who knocked Weda up at fifteen and this random perverted maid who shows up and decides she's Weda's maid because she's always had a crush on Weda or something. There's also a weird butler. Everyone eats weird-looking rabbit things alive and Guu stole someone's chest hair to make an afro wig.

I think it is worse than Boku no Picu.
WalkingDisaster said:
Bleach is way too long. End of story.
Princess Tutu is just plain weird. So weird, it's off-putting...I didn't make it past the second episode.

If y'all want a good anime, watch Vampire Knight or Soul Eater.
Vampire Knight is da beest!
School Days... hands down... that show messed with my head for like weeks.... couldnt watch any anime during that whole time...
You're all going to hate me for this, so I'm gonna put it in a spoiler.


Fairy Tail. There are definitely worse out there, but this is the worst I'VE seen. It's just so juvenile, it's like the MLP of anime. I just don't understand why it has the appeal it does.

In all seriousness, though, please don't judge me.
ThatsAPaddling said:
You're all going to hate me for this, so I'm gonna put it in a spoiler.

Fairy Tail. There are definitely worse out there, but this is the worst I'VE seen. It's just so juvenile, it's like the MLP of anime. I just don't understand why it has the appeal it does.

In all seriousness, though, please don't judge me.
People like Fairy Tail?
Well, there was Sands of Destruction ... and lemme see ... Pokemon. Sands just had plain silly villains. Pokemon ... horrible animation. Never could see why it was popular.
Lots of hate for School Days here it seems. Honestly, it's for a very specific audience and if it's not your thing I dunno why you'd be watching in the first place, given how much its reputation precedes it. I found it interesting and a bit creepy. As far as creepy and/or ecchi goes, I think it's pretty good really. It seems like most of the people saying they hated it were freaked out by it. The thing is, that doesn't actually make it bad. :P

Also, don't get me wrong, I do love Ouran, but it's awful. So awful it's good.

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