Anime & Manga Worst Animes that you have watched

I gotta say the worst anime I ever saw was naruto. I absoultl hate it. Maybe child ninjas aren't my thing lol
I personally hated School Days. It wasn't bad, but it was so psycho and disturbing and creepy that I just didn't like it. It taught me to never, ever, cheat on girls if they love you dearly.
Tokyo Mew Mew. : -_- : It seems incredibly unlikely that a lazor fired at random out a window would only hit four female teenagers. It would have at least hit some male teenagers at the very least. I don't care how many fans this show has, it is godawful.
Not to harass or put fans down, but I'd say Fairy Tail - because it operates on what I call "Because Thats Why"-principle.

Several times through the series characters accomplish inhuman feats with no reason as to why they should.


- Dragonslayer Natsu suddenly gaining the ability to eat Godslayer flames.

- ANY fire/ligthning-combo attack (if I remember correctly Natsu once ate Laxus flames and was later, without eating any more able to summon those powers again.)

- Erza beating that whole tower of 100 monsters thing.å
Dragon Ball Z and Bleach.

No explanation really needed. They both drag on too long and then I get real bored...
Out of all the ones I have actually attempted, I have to say Psycho-Pass. I loved the idea of it, but the main female character bothered the absolute crap out of me. Besides the fact all male characters are supposedly blind when looking at this girl, calling her cute and whatnot when it really honestly looks like she's overdosing on some drug, her overall attitude about her work just angered me. In short, wonderful idea + horrible main character = worst anime I have ever attempted to watch.
Ah! my Goddess was the overall crappiest anime I've ever seen. And another one I really need to mention is (hate me for this) Chobits. I mean- Gah! I couldn't handle the series and forced myself to stop halfway through. Ah! My Goddes is one of the few animes I stopped watching around four episodes in.
Valvrave the Liberator...

At first, I thought it had some potential, but I guessed wrong.

The second episode was in between "Meh" and "Alright".

I kept watching it, to see if it would just be one of those animes that started off bad, but eventually turn into a decent series.

Boy was I wrong.

I stopped at Episode...10? Or something. I have no idea what motivated me to keep watching it. Probably because it's so bad it's good.

It's horrible-choppy story line, characters with potential were killed off too quickly, it's all "lovey-dovey, happy-go-lucky". L-Elf was probably the only character that actually made this show (kinda) interesting. But even then, he's an overpowered character always getting things his way.
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I hated the Hellsing anime. Hellsing Ultimate OVA and Hellsing the manga will always be my favorite anime/manga, but good grief did the first series suck. It's kinda like in the sense of FMA. FMA the manga and FMA Brotherhood are close in storyline and people usually like that better. FMA the first anime started on track, then it veered off and ended up wayyyy far from where it started and was SUPPOSED to end up but didn't.

Here's my list of things that are wrong-

-Seras's appearance was messed up. She's supposed to be blonde but they make her ginger?

-Over half the cast is missing. An entire organization is missing and a pretty major character and his crew as well.

-The characters that are there are made super weak,especially Anderson who's incredibly weak compared to the manga/OVA Anderson.

-This series has the most disappointing ending ever. It solves no major conflict and was blatantly obvious that the directors knew they butchered the series and were just trying to end it.

Higurashi and Mirai Nikki dubbed. Higurashi- gives school children deep/annoyingly high voices.

Mirai Nikki-

Yuki's voice- could be better but is tolerable if you aren't incredibly strict on what you like in dubs.

Deus's- Pretty much what I would imagine him to sound like.

Yuno's-The most unfitting, terrible, horrid excuse for a dub voice I ever have had the mispleasure to hear.

And of course Mabaraho,Dears, and Eiken for the vomit-worthy portrayal of women as nothing but stupid, oversexualized servants of men.
The 3 episode anime of the console wars between Sega and Nintendo. First problem its from Sega's point of view(cause we all know THEY are still in the console business!). Also it just wasn't enjoyable to me for some reason.
School Days, DearS, and Hetalia

School Days is a prime example why ecchi and drama don't go well together, as well as it being BOOOOOOOOOORIIIING....'

DearS is also a bore, and it tries too hard to be cute and funny, which resulted in it being stupid and obnoxious.

Hetalia....let's just say I have moral issues with that anime....
For me, the worst anime would have to be... Vampire Knight. They didn't follow the manga at all which would have made it much better and could've been longer. A lot longer. Not that I liked the ending to the manga either, but still. My point has been proven.

Another is Black Butler. Why? Because they didn't follow the manga. If they had done that, then you would have a lot more arcs that could've been done really well. AND THE SHINIGAMI GET MORE SCREEN TIME!!! In my opinion for season 2, they rushed it and spent more time on the OVA's than the actual series itself. Season 1 was fine though.

That is all. ^.^
I've seen my fair share of anime but some bad examples would have to

be..well..the English Dub Of Spider Riders..I HATED that show. The story

was all but non-existant, the characters were bland and forgettable, most

of the fights hardly had any worthwhile moments..

It was just a bad show in my opinion..

Also, while I LOVE the Precure series to death, I find Suite Precure to be my

least favourite season. Story? What story? The two leads were expys of Nagisa

and Honoka. Hibiki got WAY too much focus and screentime, some of the most

pointless villains ever...I could go on all day of why I am not a fan but I'll leave

it at that.
"Kämpfer für die liebe" Basicly story guy gets ability to turn into female and there are two factions hunting him if he choose stay as guy all universe gonna be saved and if he choose stay as female and become lesbian all universe are doomed.Both factions have females only and they constantly throw them self naked to seduce him ect and no this isnt hentai its actual anime.
For me it would have to be School Days...that was the creepiest shit I'd ever watched. And the ending was shitty.

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I'd say Rosario Vampire was pretty bad. It was basically circling around the relationship of the main character with all of the girls, who all fought over the main character the whole show. And the ending didn't make sense at all.

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