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Community [Worlds, Non-combat Low Tier] Operation Mobile Supply drop


One Thousand Club
OOC: I took some liberties with the opening narration. Rp will run on a 3 day schedule, so post at least once in the 72 hours. Rounds may go faster if we post faster. Keep in mind advanced rules. Failure to post will be treated the same as a failure to deal with the situation at hand. Ask any questions that need asking, but I can only answer those appropriate to answer during worlds. Conditions for this rp will involve keeping the supplies moving and fulfilling requested supplies from the front and lets see if anything gets burned or destroyed shall we? Factions with fewer members will receive a bonus throughout the rp to ensure the other factions do not easily outdo them. Assume ability cooldowns always matter for the duration of this rp.
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Tau Tau DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory
TLDR: With a new coordinated effort to exterminate the bugs, the supply camp has been having trouble fulfilling the order requests and keeping records.
All the Fae and Empire related characters had been pulled into the East Empire major supply hub which was not the main supply base for the ongoing operations against the bugs in the region. Wooden walls had been erected around the camp's perimeter; guards regularly patrolled the camp's interior. General Marcus Antonius was in command of the camp and had requested more support if the hub here was to supply the entire operation.

"You have all been brought here for a simple reason, we need supplies counted, requests fulfilled or else the operation at the frontlines might cumble. A request for supplies will come in, you will subtract the supplies from the total listed here in the main supply tent on this board here. However, we don't have enough supplies to go around right now for every single request. So you will have to make judgements on which request you approve and deny, I will give you an example of two requests," Marcus explained as two pieces of paper were placed on the table.

1st example request:
Unit: 5th Batallion, 1st Emperor's Spears
Supplies Requested: 3x Week ration packs, 19 spears, 15 Shields
Reason for request: Replace battle damaged weapons and replenish food stores to required levels

2nd Example:
Unit: 5th Batallion, 5th Emperor's Hammers
Supplies Requested: 16x Week ration packs, 5 hammers, 5 Shields
Reason for request: Excess supply request.

"Now in this situation the second request would be denied while the first approved. Once one of you approves the request, come to the board over here and subtract the amount of supplies from the total. When something gets low lets say within 20 of that one supply send someone to my tent next door with the amount of supplies you need. 50 is the lowest before you can request more supplies and 200 is the highest I can approve of any one resource. Now with that, I will leave you all too it. The operation hangs in the balance," Marcus concluded as he left the tent. No sooner did he when a runner bearing two messages came in. [Current supplies 200 Week ration packs, 200 Hammers, 200 Spear, 200 Spear, 200 Light/Med/Heavy armor, 200 Swords, 200 coils of Rope, 200 wooden cogs, 200 Horses, 200 Lances]

Unit: 1th Batallion, 6th Emperor's Engeineers
Supplies Requested: 20x Week ration packs, 40 hammers
Reason for request: Replenish battle-damaged hammer; rations requested for upcoming assault on a bug tunnel opening.

Unit: 1th Batallion, 1st Emperor's cataphract
Supplies Requested: 4x Week ration packs, 10 horses, 5 Shields
Reason for request: Bring rations back to required amounts, replenishing horses lost in the last attack, and replacing shields damaged from the last attack in preparation for intercepting a bug group.

< Fae >


  1. Entered tent
  2. Accepted request: 1st Battalion, 6th Emperor's Engineers
  3. Wrote response letter
If you’d like Aedri to remember Yume, I suggest making it progress in this order: emotional connections right away, then half-remembered thoughts regarding her, and finally complete memories.

Would recommend splitting it between a few posts, but it’s your call. No guarantee we last that long.

Yume glanced around the camp, a bit on edge. One bug was too many bugs, and big ones qualified as at least a hundred-in-one. Tensions were high, even in place such as this, which should be a safe haven. On the flip side, war also provided great opportunities to make a name for oneself: the name ‘Yume’ in particular.

One thing Yume had learned recently was the power of writing. In particular, her curse had never followed her words, but rather her body. With a bit of subtle war propaganda, this could be a meaningful first step to greatness!

A short while after arriving, Yume caught sight of a familiar face, with the iconic hair rainbow flowing behind it. Well that was unexpected! …and unwelcome! Of all the people to meet, why’d it have to be her!? And of course they were headed to the same tent! Bleh. Yume glanced off to the side, refusing to meet Aedrianna in the eyes as they entered the tent.

"Hm... alright, seems easy enough," Yume shrugged in reply to the general. Swiping the first letter, she read it aloud. "Jeez, that's a pretty big request already. The reason seems okay, though. I'll approve it," she said, standing and adjusting the board, before writing a quick return letter.

Dear Engineers~

How'd you go and lose 40 hammers!? Did you retrace your steps? Ask yourself, "if I were a hammer, where would I be?" Or maybe your hammers are starving and that's why you're asking for so much food?

You can have your hammers, but from now on, treat your hammers right. Spend time with them. Get to know them. Most people, they go through life not even knowing one hammer particularly well, and here you are getting a chance at a second one! Cherish it, because you won't get a third.

—Forgotten Queen, Yume.

Handing the letter off with the seal of approval, Yume turned to the others in the tent. "Nice to meet you—" Yume paused briefly as she threw Aedri a side glance, "—all… uhm. Anyway, this sure is a pretty group we have here. I think I saw the general blushing~"

  • 180 Food (-20)
  • 160 Hammer (-40)
  • 200 Spear
  • 200 Shield
  • 200 Armor
  • 200 Sword
  • 200 Rope
  • 200 Gears
  • 200 Horses
  • 200 Lances
INTERACTIONS: saxon saxon Tau Tau Lolory Lolory Moonberry Moonberry

[Human],[Witch], [Mundane Human], [Apprentice Medic]

“Alright sir, let me see what we have..”

After entering the tent. Cheshire looks it over thinking. They would need to be careful with some of the supplies especially items like rations and weapons. Horses might be another concern as Cheshire read the request over after respectfully taking the letter. It seemed reasonable, and less expensive he didn’t get the chance to talk to Yume before he approved the other one on the other side Cheshire simply wrote one thing:
Approved, Good luck Soldiers!​
Handing the letter off the seal of approval he turned to Yume, Aedrianna and Umbra and spoke

“Greetings to you all as well, my name is Cheshire! I do believe we should discuss plans for anything we need to approve later down the line for better and longer lasting distribution?”

  • 174 Food (-24)
  • 160 Hammer (-40)
  • 200 Spear
  • 195 Shield (-5)
  • 200 Armor
  • 200 Sword
  • 200 Rope
  • 200 Gears
  • 190 Horses(-10)
  • 200 Lances

1: enter tent
2: approve request
3: talk to the others
Designer (60).png
UMBRA BLACKWELL | Demon | Enticer
"Greetings to the both of you. My name is Umbra Blackwell, its good to be working with you." Umbra welcomed the two newcomers who'd entered the tent and promptly accepted the two requests without much hesitation.

Don't waste it all in one day. He wrote to the soldiers, before the letter was handed off to someone else.

Volunteering to do this kind of work was normally beneath him, but he'd obliged anyways. Any excuse to be near conflict was fine by him. Though he'd grown very bored so far just running errands and signing off on things that were too meager for someone above him to deal with.

"I approved this as well, though I do have reservations. We can't keep giving out hammers in that bulk normally, or else we'll run out before the days end." Umbra noted. "We should only approve that which we believe is the most dire of situations. The soldiers are strong, I assume it won't hurt them if we don't approve some of their requests."

That, and well, Umbra didn't feel like being scolded by a stranger on giving too much away. It seems war was the perfect time to be as stingy as he wanted. "Food is one of the most important parts of any war, so we have to be careful about how much of it we approve. Let's focus on requests that need specific things like shields and armor. A defensive strategy might make the soldiers last a bit longer than an offensive one."

1. Greet Everyone
2. Approve the request
3. Suggest to only focus on requests that are "dire"​
  • 180 Food (-20)
  • 160 Hammer (-40)
  • 200 Spear
  • 200 Shield
  • 200 Armor
  • 200 Sword
  • 200 Rope
  • 200 Gears
  • 200 Horses
  • 200 Lances

Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna's gaze traced the earth beneath her feet, her chin barely raised, shoulders drawn inward as if bearing the weight of unseen burdens. Her long blonde hair cascaded around her, with faint streaks of color fading like whispers of a forgotten dawn. Today, she was not the vibrant beacon she had once been, though perhaps none here would notice—or care. This was the war front, a land where joy was a distant memory, replaced by the somber hues of duty. Hiruq, her steadfast companion, was at her side, her fingers entwined in his snowy fur, drawing strength from his presence. She pulled her father’s cloak, worn and familiar, over her head, the lingering scent of home a fleeting comfort.

As they entered the tent, Aedrianna’s blue eyes caught the gleam of silver curls, and an inexplicable wave of irritation washed over her. She blinked, her gaze following the girl who seemed out of place amidst the grim surroundings, her appearance too pristine for a setting so harsh. Aedrianna inwardly chided herself, shaking off the irrational annoyance—emotions were running wild since finding her father's lifeless body, but she would not be ruled by them.

Marcus's voice pulled her back to the present as he outlined their task. Aedrianna hung at the edge of the group, her hood casting shadows over her face, listening intently. The task was straightforward—managing stock, assessing requests. Basic business. Yet as she prepared to join the others, her eyes again found the silver-haired girl. The irritation flared, unreasonable yet undeniable. Aedrianna took a steadying breath, letting it go, her lips curving into a calm, collected smile. She acknowledged Cheshire and Umbra with a nod, noting that the silver-haired girl had not offered her name. Although Aedrianna could feel the weight of her gaze—almost a challenge.

"Indeed... quite the group," she murmured, her voice gentle yet edged with subtle authority. She stepped forward, though she did not lower her hood, the smile lingering as she continued. "I believe we should deliberate a bit more before making approvals. Our resources are finite, and we cannot assume General Antonius will be able to replenish our stock without delay. If we exhaust our supplies prematurely and are forced to wait for resupply, any critical requests that arise could mean lives lost. Prudence must guide our decisions."

She offered a graceful curtsy, her voice steady as she introduced herself. "My name is Aedrianna Belmonte, and this is Hiruq. I have experience in managing inventory for merchants and have worked alongside the forces in previous operations against the nests. I trust my skills will be an asset here."

Her gaze shifted thoughtfully toward the supply board. "I see some approvals have already been made, but I suggest we proceed by voicing our opinions on each request. The last to speak can tally the votes and approve the request with the majority. In case of a tie, we should consider approving the request with the lower impact. This is merely my suggestion."

saxon saxon Tau Tau DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory
1. Greet everyone and suggest a protocol.
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OOC: I took some liberties with the opening narration. Rp will run on a 3 day schedule, so post at least once in the 72 hours. Rounds may go faster if we post faster. Keep in mind advanced rules. Failure to post will be treated the same as a failure to deal with the situation at hand. Ask any questions that need asking, but I can only answer those appropriate to answer during worlds. Conditions for this rp will involve keeping the supplies moving and fulfilling requested supplies from the front and lets see if anything gets burned or destroyed shall we? Factions with fewer members will receive a bonus throughout the rp to ensure the other factions do not easily outdo them. Assume ability cooldowns always matter for the duration of this rp.
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Tau Tau DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory
TLDR: With a new coordinated effort to exterminate the bugs, the supply camp has been having trouble fulfilling the order requests and keeping records. Now with a potential fight that could break out at any moment.

  • 176 Food (-24)
  • 160 Hammer (-40)
  • 200 Spear
  • 195 Shield (-5)
  • 200 Armor
  • 200 Sword
  • 200 Rope
  • 200 Gears
  • 190 Horses(-10)
  • 200 Lances

As the group introductions were underway the approved requests were quickly picked up and then sent out. For the moment the group had a few moments to discuss how they wanted to deal with the incoming requests. After all, they could request more supplies, but there would be no telling when those new supplies would be able to reach the camp. For all they knew it could be several days before they would reach the camp. So teamwork coordination and discussion was going to be key here especially when supplies got low.

Shouting was heard from outside the tent, though what exactly was said could be understood. Though it was getting louder and louder until the flap of the tent opened revealing an Empire and a Fae messenger. "What do you mean! We have the hole that the main assault group is going down! Our requests should be given more priority!" The fae messenger argued with the Empire soldier.

"But you are in our supply camp also requesting out supplies! We could be using those supplies to help only our forces against the bugs!" The Empire messenger retorted as the two's foreheads were now pressed against once another. The two slammed their requests on the table while the two looked like that was going to start a fight in the middle of the tent which could cause some issues if they come to blows [D grade challenge]

Fae Request:
Unit: 1st Batallion, Spear of Leaves
Supplies Requested: 20x Week ration packs, 10 Spears, 15 Shields
Reason for request: Requesting supplies to restock main force holding the main bug assault hole.

Unit: 7th Batallion, 1st Emperors Bows
Supplies Requested: 10x Week ration packs, 5x Swords, 15x rope
Reason for request: Restock on rations and replacement/repair of equipment pending upcoming assault.


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Designer (60).png
UMBRA BLACKWELL | Demon | Enticer
"I quite like that proposal, Miss Aedrianna. It'll at least give us a protocol of what to do in case we all can't agree on something." Umbra said, though he found diplomacy boring it would lessen the amount of work he'd have to do for something so menial. As the introductions wrapped up and they sent the request out, no sooner had a commotion began outside of the camp that quickly alerted Umbra. He turned to the exit of the tent, hiding the pleasant grin on his face from the hazy negative tension in the air. "Sounds like a fight is brewing...let's go and mediate it shall we?"

Outside of the tent, two soldiers stood with their heads angrily pressed together in a battle of wills. Umbra glanced at the requests they slammed on the table, and inspected each of them. This was a more pressing matter than before as they'd have to choose between a Fae and an Imperial soldier rather than seeing which encampment would get what.

"Hm...well I see no reason to give the Empire more handouts than necessary. We've already approved them a request after all." Umbra explained."I believe some of the Emperor's men could learn a thing or two from the Fae in terms of supply preservation. 40 hammers is quite a lot, you know? You are all far too frivolous with your weaponry by the looks of it." He simply shrugged having given his verdict on which request they should follow through with. Turning to the others with a polite smile, he spoke. "Don't you three agree as well? I mean, the request load is already quite ridiculous if you think about it. And we'll be close to running out if we let them take as they please." He said to Aedrianna, Cheshire, and....he was having a hard time remembering the name of the third person, though he was certain she was apart of their group as well. It mattered not.

Truthfully, Umbra didn't actually care which one of these requests they approved. If worst came to worst, these two would fight one another which wouldn't be too bad in his book. He's been to bored to death all day, anyways! But he also liked the idea of stoking the fight even more, just for fun. If anyone was suspicious of his intentions he'd just restate his position as a simple volunteer, someone who was already giving up time to help a war effort. He wasn't trying at all to appease the two of these messengers but he could make an attempt at least. In his own, special way.

Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Moonberry Moonberry | Tau Tau | saxon saxon

1. Hear commotion outside of tent
2. Go investigate.
3. Approve the Fae messenger's request​

< Fae >


  1. Take sword from Empire messenger (Combo with Memory Sink)
  2. Memory Sink - Stealth D, Telepathy F - Yume exits public view and attempts to erase any memory of her existence from those in conversation range. - D Grade - 2 post cooldown
  3. Hide in camp - Stealth E - Base ability skill. - E Grade - 1 post cooldown (Combo with Memory Sink)

Yume nodded as Umbra and Cheshire introduced themselves, "Pleasure~" —while still refusing them a name of her own.

Once again, Aedrianna got a sad— even hurt —look as she introduced herself. "You look terrible," Yume spoke in that brutally-honest way family often did out of concern. "Sure sure, democracy,"" she shrugged. "By the way, Cheshire, I think you miscounted the food."

Before she could worry about either of these things, though, she had another two letters shoved in her face. Though the letters themselves looked to be more of a secondary concern.

After giving them a read, Yume answered, "I vote we approve both. It should be fine, maybe."

Meanwhile, she’d been listening to Umbra with amused interest. Things were heating up quite a bit, and he wasn’t exactly helping to simmer things down. At this rate, drastic action had to be taken…

"Umbra makes a good point, though. 40 hammers, yeesh. You, sir!" Yume pointed to the empire messenger, "—have lost your weapon privileges! Yoink~"

Walking up, Yume suddenly snapped forward to snatch his weapon right from the holster and run for the tent exit. If she could just buy enough time, she— a good, kindly fae —could return the poor man’s weapon from the dastardly thief and show him they weren’t all as bad as he thought~
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Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna cringed as she listened to Mr. Blackwell speak. Although she agreed with what he was saying he was saying it in all the wrong ways. She frowned, holding a finger up as he spoke, as if to interject. However, before she had the chance to say anything, Yume pulled her stunt. Aedrianna blinked and she was reacting before she could think about it she was reaching out to snatch at Yumes hand.

"What is with you and ignoring peoples personal space?! First Sorieiel and now...the....soldier..."Aedrianna blinked in confusion as she accused the girl of something that she couldn't quite remember. Why had Soris name come up of all people? She hadn't seen her since she'd dissapeared from Nan Gau. After she'd found her father. The girl shook her head, and continued on the girl. "You have no rank or stand here to take away a soldier's weapon. You might have just earned yourself imprisonment or worse. Give it back to him and apologize immediately. One more stunt like that and I'll take you off this supply duty my self." She glared at the girl for a second. Then turned to approach the likely very angry soldier with an air of respect and deferment. Albeit she held her hand absently in the scruff of a large white wolf beside her as she stared at them with ice blue eyes. Now was the time for her to put her skill [Business ] F to use.

"With all due respect Mr. Blackwell, and soldiers. Our decisions are not swayed due to which side the forces are from. All of the forces are working together to fight this infestation. And I believe that the Main force is in more dire need at the moment. We will take the 7th Battalions request into account and make requests to have that stock delivered. You can resubmit your request and likely be approved then." She smiled cordially to them both and looked to Cheshire and Umbra. "We can NOT approve BOTH. Cheshire, we need to put in a request for more supplies. Will you calculate what it will take to put us back to two hundred on everything. Then add fifty onto the weapons and armor and food. And take that request over to General Antonius. By the time those supplies come in we'll have a better understanding of the supply and demand here." She looked back to Yume then and pursed her lips. "What was your name again?"

Tau Tau DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory saxon saxon
1. Stop Yume
2. [It's Just Business] - Business F, Lucky F: User uses their knowledge of supply and demand to make strategic plans for future requests. Grade F Cool down 0
3. Suggest a resupply request.
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: saxon saxon Moonberry Moonberry Tau Tau Lolory Lolory

Everything ended up confusing Cheshire more than he liked to admit. But instead, he played along anyway despite how weird his group was. Something about Umbra set off alarm bells so he decided to look at him and use [Appraisal [F] he wasn’t being discrete about it either.

“Blackwell, we do not-“

than Yume spoke up and he faced palmed. There was a war, there was tension there was life and death everywhere…why did both Blackwell and Yume suck at this?

“Please return the weapon, ma’am…”

He jumped when Aedrianna started lecturing the other two. It also felt like she was lecturing him as well but he did agree. After all, he did ask to make a proper protocol first he didn’t understand why he was being accused of wanting to approve these requests

“I know! That’s why I asked for us to have a process for approval…”

He spoke to the Fae and East Empire men.

“Like Miss. Belmonte said we don’t intend to pick favorites, after all both sides have a mutual enemy that we are trying to get rid of! The bugs are everyone’s priority at the moment. So at the moment, the 1st Batallion’s request will be prioritized. But we can request for a restock, though the 6th will have to resubmit that request in the long run.”

Cheshire began to crunch the numbers. A Bit seemed he was in charge of that portion despite his prior mistake in calculations. Thinking as he ran the calculations in his head.

‘Food: needs 24 to replenish to 200
Hammer: needs 40 to replenish to 200
Shields: need 5 to replenish to 200
Horses; need 10 to replenish to 200….’

“Miss Belmonte I we can’t request for a supply request yet.”

1:use [Appraisal [F] on Umbra
2: try to ask Yume to give the weapon back
3: tell Aedrianna that they can’t request for more supplies yet.

  • 176 Food (-24)
  • 160 Hammer (-40)
  • 200 Spear
  • 195 Shield (-5)
  • 200 Armor
  • 200 Sword
  • 200 Rope
  • 200 Gears
  • 190 Horses(-10)
  • 200 Lances
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OOC: I took some liberties with the opening narration. Rp will run on a 3 day schedule, so post at least once in the 72 hours. Rounds may go faster if we post faster. Keep in mind advanced rules. Failure to post will be treated the same as a failure to deal with the situation at hand. Ask any questions that need asking, but I can only answer those appropriate to answer during worlds. Conditions for this rp will involve keeping the supplies moving and fulfilling requested supplies from the front and lets see if anything gets burned or destroyed shall we? Factions with fewer members will receive a bonus throughout the rp to ensure the other factions do not easily outdo them. Assume ability cooldowns always matter for the duration of this rp.
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Tau Tau DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory
TLDR: With a new coordinated effort to exterminate the bugs, the supply camp has been having trouble fulfilling the order requests and keeping records. Now with a potential fight that could break out at any moment. Combat for Yume has begun!

  • 176 Food (-24)
  • 160 Hammer (-40)
  • 200 Spear
  • 195 Shield (-5)
  • 200 Armor
  • 200 Sword
  • 200 Rope
  • 200 Gears
  • 190 Horses(-10)
  • 200 Lances
Mundane Monster (Demon) | Enticer | Handsome along with anything at F grade or bellow on their sheet

The Empire messenger ignored most of the other people while arguing with the Fae messenger when he reeled slightly against Yume's Memory sink but was unaffected, immediately turning to snatch her hand that was moving toward his weapon. "What do you think you are doing?" The Empire messenger was unhappy and quickly drew his blade with his other hand. At this point, the decision had already been made; attempting to grab a soldier's weapons during a time of war was not advised. [2x D grade basic attacks going toward yume.

This chaos ensured the Fae messenger looked like he wasn't about to step in a rare moment of camaraderie. The Fae messenger would have done the same thing, and at this point, he knew the Fae girl had brought this upon herself. It was a time of war, and when things started to go, things started to go. Meanwhile Umbra would for sure be able to tell that he was being appraised by Cheshire, though what to do with that information would very much be up to them.

However now the air in the tent was filled with tension would the group attempt to stop the messenger or let him carry out punishment? More importantly would such a thing change the outcome of which request they would approve?
: saxon saxon Moonberry Moonberry Tau Tau Lolory Lolory
When Yume got attacked Cheshire…didn’t know what on earth to do about it, she kinda asked for it…who was she again? He shook his head he had better things to worry about and he had a chance to give the Fae Messager the request. Grabbing a piece of paper and writing.
Approved: get out while he’s busy.​

Then gave it to the Fae before turning to Umbra.

“Can I talk to you in private?”

He asks, this would be an excuse to get out of dodge if the Easter Messager ended up with his eyes on him next. However, he couldn’t help but be concerned about the blatant Monster in their camp…

‘How did he get here anyways…?’

He asked himself before walking out of the tent. Then it felt like a wave of murderous thoughts plagued his mind. But he’d only act on that in the worst case scenario…
1:approve Fae request
2: ask umbra to talk
3: walk away

  • 156 Food (-44)
  • 160 Hammer (-40)
  • 190 Spear - (-10)
  • 180 Shield (-20)
  • 200 Armor
  • 200 Sword
  • 200 Rope
  • 200 Gears
  • 190 Horses(-10)
  • 200 Lances

< Fae >


Cooldowns: E1 | D2
Light Armor HP: 3/3
Flesh HP: 1/1

  1. Basic Dodge
  2. Basic Dodge
  3. Mana Attack (@ F-grade)

Well, this was awkward. Not exactly how Yume envisioned things going, with the whole 'threats of removal' bit, and now the threats of beheading thrown in the mix. Calmly raising her arm, a band of blue runes began to glow underneath her sleeve. Thrusting her arm to the side like a conductor, her body quickly dashed one way, while the attacker was blown slightly in the opposite direction.

"Sorry, if you want to remove me, you'll have to get in line, y— hey!" was interrupted by the second attack, forcing her to dodge again in the same way. At this point, the gusts of wind were blowing some of the papers around the tent and making a general mess of things.

"Well someone's in a stabby mood today~" she teased, raising her wand and firing a blast of mana at the messenger's weapon. "I'm the one trying to get your request approved! Why don't you stab one of them!?" Yume gestured to the others.

"That's a joke, by the way. No stab. I don't see why we can't approve the 7th's request. There are plenty of supplies. Let's use 'em while we're all still alive."

Her eyes wandered over to Aedri, "If the old guy can manage to remember a friend's name, you can too, Aedrianna Belmont~"
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Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna touched her hand to her forehead. Feeling entirely overwhelmed by all of this nonsense as she watched Yume dart around to avoid the soldiers attacks. Cheshire handed the approval over and stepped outside. She wondered if he was going to request the resupply or not. And had a strong urge to just do it herself. But watching everything play out here had her a bit concerned. This wasn't the place for blood shed. The silver haired girl's words seemed a bit odd and out of place for some reason. almost pointed. She found herself shaking her head and taking a hesitant step towards the commotion.

"With all due respect!" Before she knew what she was doing, her body was moving on its own accord. She moved between the two and tried to shove them apart. "Supplies are limited and we don't know how quickly a resupply is coming. We can't hand out everything we have assuming it will be replaced immediately. Both of you are behaving very poorly! We need to focus on getting a flow going with the supply and demand!"

saxon saxon Tau Tau
1. Basic Shove
2. Deescalate
Designer (60).png
UMBRA BLACKWELL | Demon | Enticer
Umbra was not fazed by Cheshire's obvious appraisal, but he was interested in the fact that someone would do it so openly where others could see. It didn't matter to him, but he also wasn't dumb enough to follow someone alone where they could just attack him for no reason at all. Back in Blackwell, "can I talk to you?" really meant "Hey can I kill you where no one can see right quick?" And he just got here too! Instead, Umbra smiled as if nothing were wrong.

"My, I'm quite surprised by your callousness Mr. Cheshire. I would have thought you'd want to stay to help this young lady here survive a potential maiming." He said with a headshake. "There will be plenty of time later to chat. I'll have to mend her wounds if she gets hurt, jumping around as she is already. Excuse me-" He cleared his throat for a moment, and stuck his head out of the tent. "Can someone please come and handle these brutes! They're disturbing a volunteer and we can't get our requests done if messengers can maim whoever they please!" For some reason, it was left up to him to be the one to ask for help.

Aedrianna was busy trying to protect the young lady who was currently being attacked, and Cheshire had left seemingly to try and get Umbra alone. But he wasn't taking the bait.
"Oh and if you're leaving go and get medical supplies for after this altercation is done with!" He called to Cheshire as he was leaving the tent. "I'll stay here and try to help...the young lady." For the life of him, he could not remember her name, even though he was certain he'd known it just a moment ago.

Mentions: saxon saxon | DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Tau Tau | Moonberry Moonberry

1. Stay in the tent with Yume and Aedrianna
2. Call for help loudly
3.Ask Cheshire to fetch medical supplies.​
OOC: I took some liberties with the opening narration. Rp will run on a 3 day schedule, so post at least once in the 72 hours. Rounds may go faster if we post faster. Keep in mind advanced rules. Failure to post will be treated the same as a failure to deal with the situation at hand. Ask any questions that need asking, but I can only answer those appropriate to answer during worlds. Conditions for this rp will involve keeping the supplies moving and fulfilling requested supplies from the front and lets see if anything gets burned or destroyed shall we? Factions with fewer members will receive a bonus throughout the rp to ensure the other factions do not easily outdo them. Assume ability cooldowns always matter for the duration of this rp.
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Tau Tau DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory
TLDR: With a new coordinated effort to exterminate the bugs, the supply camp has been having trouble fulfilling the order requests and keeping records. Now with a potential fight that could break out at any moment. Combat for Yume has begun!

  • 156 Food (-44)
  • 160 Hammer (-40)
  • 190 Spear - (-10)
  • 180 Shield (-20)
  • 200 Armor
  • 200 Sword
  • 200 Rope
  • 200 Gears
  • 190 Horses(-10)
  • 200 Lances
Mundane Monster (Demon) | Enticer | Handsome along with anything at F grade or bellow on their sheet

The messenger missed Yume by a hair twice but as the mana blast came around the messenger blocked the attack by this point in time the sounds of something going on were being heard by other soldiers and quickly 4 soldiers rushed into the tent with their weapons drawn and ready seeing Yume and the Empire messenger seeming to have a fight and they quickly surrounded the fae. This was lucky for the rest of the group as they seemed to be staying away from the situation or could get drawn into the situation as well.

All four soldiers had spears at which they quickly pointed it yume and each attacked with an E grade attack while the messenger responded with 2 F grade attacks bringing his word down in a diagonal while the spears attempted to poke a bunch of holes into the Fae girl. Though there was something off about the spears they seemed to be glowing a faint blue glue.

meanwhile this time 2 Fae messengers and 3 empire messengers arrived going around the fighting that was going on as they didn't want to get pulled into it. Though before any of them could get their requests put in they all started to argue amongst themselves [D grade Challenge]. There was also the hint of smoke on the air though the origin of such smell was unknown at the moment [E grade challenge].
Designer (60).png
UMBRA BLACKWELL | Demon | Enticer
"Oh thank goodness help has arrived-" No sooner did Umbra speak when the "help" turned their spears on Yume and also began to advance on her, making the situation a million times worse. Perfect. I was getting bored of just signing off on things. Not to mention how there were more people with more requests in hand. Umbra wasn't equipped to deal with squabbling messengers (and he didn't feel like engaging with it to begin with.) But then an idea came to mind on how he could possibly make this better solely for himself.

"Let me handle some of these for you, gentleman." He said, taking the Empire's requests. He went to go and approve them, but "accidentally" spilled ink all over the request documents. Black smudgey ink seeped into the paper, entirely obscuring whatever was written. "Oh dear, I'm sorry. It's just so hectic in here, I can't concentrate enough to sign anything! Perhaps if you all could tell me what the requests were instead, then I can manually approve whichever ones we can afford." He was not going to be the one to waste time doing that, that was for certain.

"One of the volunteers is a lot better at it than I am, why don't you go and find him? He left to go get medical supplies. By the way, what on earth is that horrible smell?" was something truly on fire during this absolute catastrophe of a volunteer event? The day can't get any better than this, I'm sure of it.

Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune | Tau Tau | Moonberry Moonberry | saxon saxon

1. Take the Empire messengers requests
2. "Accidentally" spill ink all over them.
3. comment on the burning smell​
: saxon saxon Moonberry Moonberry Tau Tau Lolory Lolory

Cheshire believed he knew Umbra would be up to no good anyway and left him as it was, he did not intend to help the monster who had been so bold to see requests. Cheshire wondered if he should even intervene with that the words Umbra used were likely to get them both killed if he got involved and then who would help with the approval process? He would’ve gotten involved if Umbra hadn’t and thinking back to what happened to Yume made him less eager at the smell of what he knew to be smoke his nose. He didn’t have any heightened senses so it would be difficult if not impossible to track it down he attempted to investigate it with [Magic check [E]. Attempting to keep an eye on the surroundings and hoping this wasn’t deadly

1:use [Magic check [E] in attempt to investigate the smoke
2: watchful
3: watchful
Ability used:
Magic check- Magic [E], Componetless magic [E], Affinity [Non-Lethal] [F], Selective Magic [F], Affinity [Dark] [F], Appraisal [F] - shoots 1 harmless palm sized shadow ball in attempt to appraise -1 post cooldown- E grade

  • 156 Food (-44)
  • 160 Hammer (-40)
  • 190 Spear - (-10)
  • 180 Shield (-20)
  • 200 Armor
  • 200 Sword
  • 200 Rope
  • 200 Gears
  • 190 Horses(-10)
  • 200 Lances

< Fae >


Cooldowns: D1
HP (Light Armor): 3/3

  1. Mana Attack Counter (@ E-grade)
  2. Basic Dodge Combo
  3. Mana Attack (@ F-grade)

"How am I behaving poorly? I’m just trying to avoid becoming a fae-kabab!" Yume protested Aedri’s lecturing. Nice to know they could get along as well as always.

"Help! This man attacked me with no provocation!" she called out to the spear squad. Sadly, they took a side a bit too quickly for her taste. "Ugh…!" she groaned, once again using her bracelet to dodge the spears (as best as she was able), adding a burst of mana from her wand to counter the sword.

"Sorry about this…" Much as she wished to be a very helpful aid to the team, at this point, Yume only cared about one thing, and that was staying alive. As their attacks pressed her into a corner, she aimed her wand at the nearby tent support, hoping to collapse the entire thing in on everyone and escape (or even better, memory wipe!) in the chaos.
Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna's eyes widened, her heart pounding against her ribs as chaos erupted in the tent. The clamor of arguments clashed with the shimmering glow of fae magic, and the acrid stench of something foul hung heavy in the air. It was overwhelming, a cacophony that gnawed at her fraying nerves. But when the ink spilled over the requests, a line snapped taut within her.

"That's ENOUGH!" Her voice rang out, clear and commanding, slicing through the tumult like a blade. It was the voice of a performer, one trained to reach the back of a bustling theater. She strode forward, her eyes fierce, movements sharp and purposeful. Without hesitation, she knelt beside the mess of ink and parchment, using the hem of her dress to dab at the spills. Her fingers deftly separating the requests as if coaxing petals from a delicate flower.

"All of you! LINE UP!" The authority in her tone brooked no argument. Her gaze swept over the room, settling on Umbra with a hard glint in her eyes. "Hiruq, take Mr. Blackwell and find the source of that stench. It's a problem we don't need escalating." She spoke to the white wolf beside her.

She turned to the Eastern Empire soldiers, her stare unyielding. "This is not the battlefield. No more blood needs be spilled here today. Bind her if you must, but we have more important things to deal with. She's a fool, not a threat." Her words were harsh, but her tone left no question.

Her eyes found the first person in line, the ink-stained pages still beneath her hands. "Which battalion are you with, and what can you remember of your request?" She shrugged off her father's cloak, draping it away from the ink to keep it pristine.

saxon saxon
1. Blot the ink with her dress
2. Tell the soldiers to line up and go over requests one at a time.
3. Tell Hiruq to make Umbra walk out of the tent.
OOC: I took some liberties with the opening narration. Rp will run on a 3 day schedule, so post at least once in the 72 hours. Rounds may go faster if we post faster. Keep in mind advanced rules. Failure to post will be treated the same as a failure to deal with the situation at hand. Ask any questions that need asking, but I can only answer those appropriate to answer during worlds. Conditions for this rp will involve keeping the supplies moving and fulfilling requested supplies from the front and lets see if anything gets burned or destroyed shall we? Factions with fewer members will receive a bonus throughout the rp to ensure the other factions do not easily outdo them. Assume ability cooldowns always matter for the duration of this rp.
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Tau Tau DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory
TLDR: With a new coordinated effort to exterminate the bugs, the supply camp has been having trouble fulfilling the order requests and keeping records. Now with a potential fight that could break out at any moment. Combat for Yume has begun!

  • 156 Food (-44)
  • 160 Hammer (-40)
  • 190 Spear - (-10)
  • 180 Shield (-20)
  • 200 Armor
  • 200 Sword
  • 200 Rope
  • 200 Gears
  • 190 Horses(-10)
  • 200 Lances
Mundane Monster (Demon) | Enticer | Handsome along with anything at F grade or bellow on their sheet

The guard would quickly deal with Yume and drag the corpse out of the tent. As the guards left and the messenger remained. "Dirty fae trying to grab my weapon can't believe we have to work with them." The guard muttered. As he took a side step as to stay out of the way of the other messengers that have arrived and started to argue on the matter who was taking priority.
(Yume has died, please wait for grade.)

As Aedri attempted to blot the ink from the papers, it was too late as the ink had already stained the paper beyond recognition meaning she was going to have to find some way to get the information back either by asking the messengers or attempting to read through the think stains. Though for the moment getting the information from the messengers wasn't looking too well as they completely ignored her shouting and now were on the verge of staring a fight right in the middle of the tent. The situation was going to have to be defused quickly to avoid violence. (D grade challenge)

Hiruq would walk over to Umbra and gently bite the man's(?) clothing trying to guide him outside of the tent. Though if that was a success was going to have to wait. As for Cheshire he would shoot the ball of black energy then he would hear a voice in his head.
"Smoke detected south." Though it wasn't particularly helpful at this moment however by this point he could see the smoke rising as the fire seemed to be spread quickly as the smoke was now visible to him toward the south.
Aedrianna Belmonte


The sound of iron meeting flesh was sickening. She'd never been a fan of the sound of a dying creature. Aedriannas eyes rose up just in time to see Yume meeting her demise in such a horrific way. Yume. The name flickered into her mind, and she blinked a few hot tears back. A few vague memories seeming to fade into the back of her mind, of the silver haired girl trekking through the snow with her. The annoying manner she kept her nose up, acting like she was the better person somehow. But still the girl had offered comfort and sympathy when Aedri had needed it most. She watched in stunned silence, as the faes body fell to the ground. Watched as they dragged her away unceremoniously. And for a second longer she looked around at the faces of the humans and the fae. All arguing and spitting at each other. Ignoring her pleas to get business sorted. How petty. How disgusting. Her lips curled as she glared at the surrounding idiots. Before she realized what was happening, there was a faint glow of light emitting from her eyes. Soon the faint flow grew brighter and brighter, surrounding her for a second, before the magic burst out around her. Bathing everyone within the immediate area in a warm healing light. A few unbidden tears slid down her face as she raised her voice again.
"STOP FIGHTING!" She demanded. The frustration of the entire situation had pushed her to a boiling point. Not that that was hard with how stressed and depressed she'd been since her father's death. "You're all just spitting nonsense at each other. Over petty supplies. That none of you are going to get! If you don't FOCUS! THERE ARE GIANT BUGS THAT WE NEED TO GET RID OF! Save your STUPID WAR for AFTER WE GET RID OF THE BUGS!" She breathed as the magic that had burst from her began to fade. She felt a little woozy after that, but did her best to keep herself standing. It hadn't been on purpose. She'd gotten too emotional and the mana had overwhelmed her. Despite that she held her chin up and stared the room down. "Please, line up, and help me figure out what we can and can't approve. So we can all move on with out lives."

saxon saxon

1. Watch Yume get dragged away, and realize she's been ignored.
2. Healing Light: Grade E - Light Affinity-F, Healing-F(Limiter: Depletes Rank 3), Magic-E(Limiter: Backlash Rank 3), Componentless Magic E, Magic AoE-F, Selective F, A Light glows around her and bathes those who can hear her voice in a soothing light that heals, basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor illnesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds. 6 Post Cool Down (Targets: Everyone within the tent and just outside.)
3. Try to convince the soldiers to get back on task.
Designer (60).png
UMBRA BLACKWELL | Demon | Enticer
Umbra managed to compose himself and not laugh at the way Yume had fallen dead immediately from a single cut of a sword, and instead turned his head toward the wolf creature that was nagging at him to come outside. Some part of him wanted to stay and cause further mayhem in the small tent, but he felt he'd done enough already with one person dead and the other futilely half blotting ruined documents. There was a third who had left to go and do something, but he hadn't returned thankfully. When Aedrianna unleashed that powerful wave of healing magic, he cringed a little. Whatever negative emotions he'd been relishing had abated, which annoyed him. He'd worked so hard to ruin the mood, and now it was gone thanks to pesky mundane magic. Ugh...healers, they're nothing but a nuisance.

"I can tell you're under a lot of pressure Miss Aedrianna. Especially after the death of...of..." For some reason, he couldn't remember why Aedrianna was so upset. There was blood on the floor, and he remembered vaguely an altercation happened just moments earlier, but of who or what, that completely escaped him. "Forgive me, the scene was so horrid I'm lost for words myself." He lied smoothly. "I'll make myself scarce, I'm sure Cheshire could use help since he's taken such a long time to return." Why did I send Cheshire away again...? Something about medical supplies...

The details were foggy, but they weren't of any importance to Umbra. He let Hiruq drag him out of the tent to do other things, and left the rest of the work to Aedrianna. So far, the day had been plenty eventful. And even though Aedrianna had essentially "cleansed" him of any bad feelings before, once he stepped out of the tent it was very apparent to him that tensions were rising amongst the camp itself. Umbra let out a small smile, as he looked for something else to do or help with. He also noticed the scent of smoke on the air, though he wasn't sure where that was coming from. If things got hairy he'd have to leave when he could.

: saxon saxon Moonberry Moonberry Tau Tau Lolory Lolory

Seeing the bright orange flame and hearing his appraisal work Cheshire used the fire itself as a beacon of sorts, he wasn’t the best with directions but the fire grew to such a point it was in view and he decided to break off into a sprint, walking towards the fire to try to investigate the fire with caution

1:walk 20ft with caution south
2: walk 20ft south towards the fire
3: investigate the fire with caution

  • 176 Food (-24)
  • 160 Hammer (-40)
  • 200 Spear
  • 195 Shield (-5)
  • 200 Armor
  • 200 Sword
  • 200 Rope
  • 200 Gears
  • 190 Horses(-10)
  • 200 Lances
OOC: I took some liberties with the opening narration. Rp will run on a 3 day schedule, so post at least once in the 72 hours. Rounds may go faster if we post faster. Keep in mind advanced rules. Failure to post will be treated the same as a failure to deal with the situation at hand. Ask any questions that need asking, but I can only answer those appropriate to answer during worlds. Conditions for this rp will involve keeping the supplies moving and fulfilling requested supplies from the front and lets see if anything gets burned or destroyed shall we? Factions with fewer members will receive a bonus throughout the rp to ensure the other factions do not easily outdo them. Assume ability cooldowns always matter for the duration of this rp.
Time: N/A
Weather: N/A
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory
TLDR: With a new coordinated effort to exterminate the bugs, the supply camp has been having trouble fulfilling the order requests and keeping records. Now with a potential fight that could break out at any moment. Yume and Aedrianna has died!

  • 126 Food (-74)
  • 130 Hammer (-70)
  • 120 Spear - (-80)
  • 140 Shield (-40)
  • 150 Armor (-50)
  • 110 Sword (-90)
  • 100 Rope (-100)
  • 150 Gears (-50)
  • 160 Horses(-40)
  • 120 Lances (-60)
Mundane Monster (Demon) | Enticer | Handsome along with anything at F grade or bellow on their sheet

Aedriana's shouting didn't do much if anything at all, though the next decision was probably not the brightest no one had taken damage that was still in the tent. When her healing light showered the room, she felt something grip her heart as she collapsed to the floor. To which the messengers in the tent a few of them stopped to rush over to the girl but some of them continued to fight. (Aedrianna has died)

The wolf that was guarding her quickly rushed to her aid though it was already too late leaving Umbra as the last remaining member of the group in the tent. Meaning he could do whatever with the rests that might be able to be salvaged if the right means are used. As for Cheshire as soon as he reached the source of the fire, the smoke was already filling the air making it hard to breath. The fire was quickly spreading as men attempted to put out the fire though with little to no avail and actions were going to be needed and quickly if there was going to be anything left to salvage. [D grade challenge]

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