Worlds Collide ♥ Reality & Fantasy! [Inactive]


Pessimistic Optimist
Worlds Collide ? Reality & Fantasy! - Offline, you're running with the average folk.. Online, you're in the enchanting Worlds Collide! ?


So, what is Worlds Collide, exactly?

Worlds Collide is a virtual reality massive multiplayer online role-playing game (VRMMORPG for short, or just VRMMO). It's an enchanting place filled with beauty and wonder, and they don't call it "Worlds Collide" for nothing. This VRMMO is like nothing...

Read more about this role play here!
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Crystalline? updated Worlds Collide ? Reality & Fantasy! with a new update entry:

Accepted Character's So Far~

Okay, so here's the character count-up.

There are three girls from me,
yours truly:

Masumi Nagamori, Naomi Nagamori, & Reina Nagamori.

AbraxasNine is working...

Read the rest of this update entry... 


It's currently bright and early in the morning; around six or seven. We're starting off in the real world - that is, unless your character has nothing to do and is pulling an all-nighter in Worlds Collide. Everyone is going about their usual routine, whether that's getting ready for school, work, or just lounging about the house. It's around mid November, so school years have already been in session for a few months now. I'd like us all to be attending the same colleges and high schools, being that it makes it easier to interact. However, if you insist on going to a separate school, that's fine by me. The same goes for the city - I'd like us all to live in it. However, if you really want to live in a small town, then you can. Just have it be a close neighbor to the city.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be8486484_TheThreeSistersBanner(1).jpg.7ca7729ca9e9620d87a4676751b701ca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10754" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be8486484_TheThreeSistersBanner(1).jpg.7ca7729ca9e9620d87a4676751b701ca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Masumi could hear her alarm clock going off, meaning that it must be around 5:30 in the morning. Even though school didn't start until 8:00, she had to wake up earlier than most. Reina had to be at the garage at 7:30, and she's the one who gives Masumi a ride. If she wanted, she could take her chances with the 7:30 train, which most students who enjoy sleeping in take, but she preferred riding in Reina's Mustang Fastback. It didn't mean that she enjoyed waking up earlier for it, though. Feeling lazy and too tired to get up just yet, she turned over in her bed and slowly placed her tiny hand over the snooze button, pressing down on it. She allowed her hand to linger there for a moment before finally returning it to her side, placing it under her porcelain cheek. Morning already, huh? She thought to herself. Letting out a sweet yawn, she threw her hands over her head and stretched. I really don't want to get up yet.

She just lied in her bed for a moment, turning over unto her back. Slowly, her honey colored eyes opened completely, and she allowed her stare to remain on the ceiling above her. Why do I even bother getting up anyways? She couldn't help but think, but she quickly shook her head, knocking the thought away. Stop thinking like that, Masumi. You know better. She scolded herself internally, and finally found the strength to sit up. Just then, her alarm clock went off a second time - probably around 6:00 about now. Letting out a soft groan, she ran one hand through her medium length blonde hair, using her other hand to switch her alarm off. Time to get up, Masumi. Just get up. She thought to herself, being her own, silent motivator, like she always is.

The fact that she was up all night on Worlds Collide didn't really help her getting up. She felt a little groggy, but she felt that every second was worth it. Last night, she and her pet serpent, Yuri, took on an entire raid by themselves. Being a Sorcerer, she's mastered multiple types of magic. Using elemental magic mostly, she could just send lightning down over her enemies, taking down swarms at a time. She could blow others away with a conjured twister to buy time, and Yuri could blow her magical blue fire on other enemies surrounding them. Remembering her night, Masumi couldn't help but smile.
It's so much fun just flying around with Yuri, she thought nostalgically. I feel so alive when I'm soaring with her... Unlike right now.

Masumi let out a sigh as she threw the covers off of her, standing up in her plaid pajamas. She stripped down and walked over to her closet door, grabbing the towel that hung upon it. Wrapping it around her petite figure, she walked across the hall to the bathroom that she and Naomi shared. Masumi looked upon the counter where some of Naomi's beauty products lied. Her favorite lip balm, mascara, eyeliner, foundation; Masumi used to love watching her apply it. She never wore much - only enough to enhance her features - but she applied it like a professional. Allowing a small smile to come across her lips, Masumi picked up one of Naomi's lipsticks. So beautiful... But, it'd never look good on me. She thought with a sigh. Slowly, she put it back down, and started up the shower.

Naomi was already up bright and early by the time anyone else in the house was. She always wakes up early - at five o'clock exactly - to prepare herself for the day. Being an actress in the making, she knows she always has to look her best, so she tries every day to match that expectation. Sitting down on the chair in front of her vanity, she began to brush her extensive blonde hair. It cascaded all the way down to her waist like a straight waterfall, which she adored. Her hair was one of her many treasures, and she's always taken wonderful care of it. However, as she looked into the deep brown eyes that peered back at her through the mirror, smiling, she felt something nobody would expect her to feel. Disgust.

Naomi knows she has a pretty face and a nice figure, but deep down inside, those things weren't what she actually wanted. She felt rotten on the inside - almost like she was dying. No matter how many people fawned over her at school, thinking she's so pretty and popular; no matter how many guys bow in her presence and practically kiss her feet... She still feels like there's something missing. Inside, she always feels hollow. However, Naomi lives up to the best female actress on her college campus - she acts wonderfully, both on stage and off. Still... Not a single person, not even her two sisters, have seen and embraced the
real Naomi.

Oh, it doesn't matter. Get a hold of yourself. Naomi scolded herself as she let out a sigh. You've got to catch the 7:00 train. It's about a 15 minute walk away, so hurry up and get ready. She gave an internal order, which her outer self followed. Sure, Reina always offered to give Naomi a ride to college. She gives Masumi one to her high school every day, so what's one more? Still, Naomi and Reina never really had an intimate sister-like relationship. They're more like polar opposites, and each other's worst enemy. The only thing they can ever agree on is Worlds Collide - which Naomi appreciates - but she still hasn't seem to forgive Reina for leaving her and Masumi all those years ago. What right does she have to scold me and the way I choose to live? Sure, I'm living under her roof, but I help pay for rent. I can make my own rules, too. She tells herself, internally, everyday.

After she got dressed, wearing one of her favorite creamy white, button-up blouses, a pair of her dark blue jeans, her favorite knee-high brown boots, and her brown over-coat to match. Just to accessorize, she put on some pearl earrings and a nice, small brown scarf. Smiling at herself in the mirror, she ran her hands around the back of her neck, flipping her extensive hair out from her clothes. It draped all around her like a silk curtain, and after giving herself one more look in the mirror, she grabbed her black messenger back and walked out of her room door.
Walking into the bathroom she and Naomi shared down the hall, she began rummaging through her make-up bag. Applying just a little mascara and lip balm, she decided she didn't want to wear that many products today.

Satisfied, she walked out of the bathroom door and began walking towards the kitchen. Taking a strawberry flavored breakfast bar from the cabinet, she opened it and began munching in it graciously. Afterwards, she grabbed her house key from the rack where all the keys hung by the front door. Unlocking the door and walking outside, she shut it again and used her key to lock it once more. Adjusting her messenger bag strap, she began walking down the stairs, eventually reaching the streets. She munched pleasantly on her breakfast bar as she walked, watching all the busy people walking by her. A couple of guys stopped and started at her, and as usual, she winked towards them playfully and smiled. It'd always get a laugh or grin out of them as well, and Naomi knew they just made their morning.

Still, she couldn't help but wonder, as she made her way to the 7:00 train... Would anyone come around and make hers, too?

Reina has never, ever been a morning person. She didn't wake up until she heard the sound of the water running on the other side of the apartment. First came that sound, then came the sound of the alarm clock of hers that had to of been buzzing for more than ten minutes. Sitting up abruptly, she switched it off and placed one of her slender hands over her forehead. Her dirty blonde hair was in a wavy mess, probably cascading all over her face. Ugh, I probably look like a blonde grudge right now, she couldn't help but think, getting a laugh out of herself as she attempted to smooth her hair down. Knowing it was a vain attempt, she eventually conjured up the strength to get up and look for a brush.

Walking into her bathroom located inside her master bedroom, she felt around the counter for a brush and began ridding her hair of all tangles. Once she was done, her hair fell a few inches past her shoulders in elegant waves. She then placed her brush back down, simply coming it through with her fingers as she made her way back into her room. Upon her nightstand lied her black, rectangular glasses, and she picked them up and put them on. Raising her eyebrows at all the things she could now see clearly, she blinked a couple of times to get used to it.
Gah, I'm never going to get used to that. Gotta hate being as blind as a bat. She couldn't help but think, laughing to herself once more.

She looked over at the time, and it read 6:30. Naomi always left the house at six to walk towards the train station, and Masumi usually hits the shower soon after. Now, it was Reina's turn - get ready, make breakfast for her and Masumi, and have a morning cigarette. Walking around her room in nothing but a baggy white t-shirt, her usual sleep-wear, she began to look for her clothes of the day. Choosing a pair of her favorite, old blue jeans, a black tank top, her favorite dark brown leather jacket, and her pair of black combat-style boots, she was now ready to tackle her day. She walked around her room to the other side of her bed, where, in the corner, lied a case containing her favorite guitar. Picking it up, she walked out of her room and shut the door behind her.

Placing her baby by the front door, she walked into the kitchen and began preparing Masumi's favorite cereal - Coco Pebbles. Reina, on the other hand, was a sucker for Captain Crunch. Then came Naomi, who would throw a fit if anyone touched her Honey Bunches of Oats. Not wanting to piss her off, Reina stuck with her Captain Crunch. After adding milk to both bowls, Reina placed them on the round table by the front window of the apartment. That small space served as their little dining room. Reina sat down at her seat and began munching away at her cereal, finishing it quickly because she didn't care for taking "lady-like bites". Once she finished, she opened the window and took out one of her cigarette's, lighting it and taking a long drag. Exhaling the smoke towards the window, she set it down in the ash-tray located in the center of the table. Afterwards, she took her dishes and rinsed them out in the sink, leaving them in there to attend to later.

Returning to her cigarette, she heard the sounds of doors opening and closing, meaning that Masumi was getting dressed and ready. Reina waited patiently, smoking to pass the time.

Masumi walked out of the shower smelling like strawberries and cream, being that those were the scents of her shampoo and body wash. Her thin blonde hair was sticking to her face and neck, dripping slightly even after being tousled by her towel. Letting out a sigh, Masumi wrapped her towel around her and opened the bathroom door, shutting it as she made her way down to her room. She entered and shut the door behind her, as well, locking it as she hung her towel back up upon her closet door to dry. She walked over towards her dresser, picking out her underwear of the day: sheer white, with a tiny bow in the center, with a white bra to match.

Masumi then walked over to her closet, running her index finger along the array of clothing. She didn't really care what she wore, so she usually stuck with the first thing that called to her. Today, that just so happened to be a pair of her favorite purple leggings, along with one of her dark blue hoodies that was a couple sizes too big. It draped all the way to her upper, mid thigh, so it looked more like a dress on her. Masumi simply shrugged it on and slipped into her trusty pair of dark brown high top sneakers. The flaps hung over slightly, revealing the soft, beige like pink inside. Nothing that she was wearing matched in your usual sense, but she didn't mind. She was comfy and warm, and that was all that mattered.

She then walked over to her desk, gathering all of her things. Her brown messenger bag was stuffed not only with her school supplies, but also a couple sketchbooks and notebooks, as well. Not to mention the latest VRMMO Game Review magazine, featuring a spot just for Worlds Collide, and the tenth volume of a manga she's reading - Kimi Ni Todoke. Not many take her for the shoujo, love & romance type, but Masumi has honestly been curious about the whole ordeal. Kimi Ni Todoke just called to her, and she's loved the manga from the first volume. She picked up from where she left off as she got everything together, gathering and reading at the same time. She continued reading as she walked out of her room, tossing her messenger bag over her shoulder, and sat down at the dining table.

She could smell the smoke from Reina's cigarette, but Masumi wasn't one to complain. In fact, she wasn't one to speak at all. Since their mother died, well... Masumi's voice died, as well. She simply munched on her Coco Pebbles, reading her manga still as she did so. Eventually she finished, and Reina took the liberty of putting her bowl and spoon with the rest of the dishes.
"Ready to go?" Masumi heard Reina ask as she threw her guitar case strap over her shoulder. Masumi simply nodded, their light, honey colored eyes meeting for a split second as she did so. Reina simply nodded in return, leading the way as they head out the door. Masumi took her key and walked ahead of Reina, watching as she locked the door and rushed down the stairs to catch up.

Masumi let Reina take the lead as they waltzed through the parking lot, looking for Reina's black Mustang Fastback. Masumi liked the car a lot - plus, the heater worked amazingly. Reina stuck her key in the ignition, and the engine purred to life. Smiling, Masumi watched as Reina stepped out of the car and opened the trunk, placing her guitar inside and shutting it afterwards. Finally getting comfortable in the drivers' seat, and Masumi settled in the passenger, they shut their doors and began the drive to Masumi's school. They didn't say a word on the drive - only the sound of Reina's music resonated through the air. Masumi continued reading her manga, though she could still notice every sound around her. From the slight buzz of traffic to the people conversing on the streets, even the soft sound of a bell ringing as someone stepped into a tiny cafe; Masumi could hear it all, being that she's the type that notices every little thing around her, whether she wants to or not.

Reina looked over at Masumi from time to time as she sucked on her cigarette. I wish she would talk to me, she couldn't help but think, but she knew that she couldn't force Masumi to. Their mother's death probably took the largest toll on her - Reina couldn't even begin to understand, being that she and their mother weren't really that close. Letting out a sigh, she pulled up to the front of Masumi's high school and unlocked the car door. She watched as Masumi opened it and stepped out, pulling her messenger bag strap back over her shoulder. "Have fun, Masumi," Reina spoke to her little sister kindly. Masumi forced a smile her way and nodded, shutting the door and turning around afterwards.

Feeling a small cloud of doom come over her, Reina made her way towards her work, sighing multiple times along the way.
One little sister hates me because I try to keep her responsible, and the other little sister never talks to me because she's so wounded... I don't know how to treat them anymore, Reina couldn't help but think, removing one hand from the wheel to run it through her hair. That's one of her nervous ticks - she always does it when she's stressing. The only time we ever really talk is through Worlds Collide. I guess I made the right choice buying that for them last Christmas, but... How can I get us closer in the real world, too? She thought, taking one last drag from her cigarette before putting it out and throwing it out the window.

She parked in her usual spot at the garage she worked at. One car she was working on - a basic pick-up truck by Ford - needed to have its tires replaced. It was already raised up, so her boss helped her out a bit. Smiling, Reina listened as her engine hummed off, and she took her keys and stepped out of the car.
"Just the tires, right?" She asked aloud, knowing her boss, Ren, was around there somewhere. "Yeah! They're over there in the corner!" he called back, and Reina smiled, proceeding to her work ahead of her.

Meanwhile, Naomi finally reached the train station, and boarded the 7:00 train. Mainly people who went to the same college as her were on board, or those who needed a lift to the center of the town. She looked around and spotted a couple of familiar faces. Many waved at her, and she would wave back politely as always, while others looked at her with hungry eyes. Those were either boys who had crushes on her, or boys whom she's had a fling with here and there who wanted more. She simply flipped her hair towards those guys, looking the other way. She didn't want to encourage them, being that she only sticks with one boy for so long. Commitment and love were just so over-rated.

Still, as she looked out the train window, looking at the passing scenery, along with the dark and light hues of the tunnels they went through, her facial expression softened. She always faced away from everyone when this happened, though a certain lucky few may catch it - her softer side, her kinder side, her wounded side.
What is love, anyways? She'd always wonder in the depths of her mind. Did mom and dad love each other at all? It sure didn't seem like it... Dad left mom for someone else, anyways. If that's love, then it's got to be terrible. She decided, letting out a sigh. Did dad love the girl he left mom for? Ugh.. Love. It's more of a hassle than it's worth, indefinitely.



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Joshua Reckner

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Joshua.jpg.ca7052e83ea9a4da65ef536f5c4e60da.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10762" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Joshua.jpg.ca7052e83ea9a4da65ef536f5c4e60da.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt!

Weary eyes, those that were once peacefully shut, began to twitch.

Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt!

Fingers curled and toes wiggled, the sure signs of the conscious mind returning to the body. The irritating contraption rumbling frantically on

the wooden surface was quickly silenced, a hand jutting out to slam down on the top button.

Then silence.

Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt!

Fingers tighten and press into the soft under-skin of the palm. A tired, forced sigh emits from the previously sleeping man. The snooze button is quickly pressed down once again, the rumbling and panicking of the alarm clock is silenced once more.

Instead of drifting back into the peaceful realm of sleep, h
owever, Josh drearily opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling above him. Rather than a plain, white ceiling, his gaze criss-crossed over wooden support beams and wide, metallic tubes. In fact, everything that usually exists beneath the floor was directly above him. This was because Josh was sleeping on the couch of his unfinished basement. Not that this was unusual, no. On the contrary, this was how Joshua always woke up. It was followed then by a pathetic attempt at pushing himself up which ended in him f--


That is the sound of a college-level sophomore sliding off a couch onto a cement floor. Oh, but this boy is wide awake now. "Ow... stupid couch." His palms find their way to the cold surface of the ground and he pushes off, legs curling underneath himself and doing the rest of the work until he's on his feet. He stretches his arms wide and his jaw hangs open in a long yaaaawn. "Aaahh... I... really need to get a real bed."

That was not the first time he commented that to himself, nor would it be the last. Eyes staring about the mess of an area that he called his "room," Josh hesitated longest at the most expensive item that the room held. The new virtual reality headset and equipment that his parents just bought for him... and he hasn't been able to use it for the past two days! The yearn to strap the equipment and boot up the game, Worlds Collide, was immeasurably strong for him. He's heard such great things about this! But... that will have to wait. After all, it's currently-- Hold on, what time
is it? Josh looks back towards the hated alarm clock, sitting their in a dense silence and showing the brightly lit numbers that spelled certain horror for Josh: 7:15

There's no time to stand about and gawk at the new-fangled technology, he's got to get ready for the train in 15 minutes! Shuffling quickly to his wardrobe, he jumps out of his sweatpants and t-shirt and tugs on some proper, better smelling clothes. Next stop is the bathroom, which is upstairs. He sprays some deodorant on his shirt and rubs a second helping from his stick-deodorant under his armpits. Despite the label saying that it attracted "Unlimited Female Attention," the most attention he ever got after using it was a happy sniff from the weird girl that sat next to him during Chemistry class.

... He won't admit it, but he's at least glad that
she noticed him, even if it was sniffing every day. There's some evidence that girls can at least see him, right...?

Heh, yeah. Right."

He steps out from the bathroom and skips quickly over to the desk beside the entrance into his study. A few papers stick out from the zipper of his backpack, which are quickly shoved back inside and the zipper is closed. Josh hefts the pack onto his back and darts out the front door, aiming for the 7:30 train that was surely just waiting on him now.



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Katsuo Yuuto


"...chased...I'm being chased..." Katsuo's consciousness faded back to him as he looked behind him. Monsters, giant monsters with disfigured faces were chasing the boy relentlessly as he hopelessly ran down an endless path in hopes to escape them. "There's...more...more are coming...constantly coming...There is no break from this suffering," he whispered keeping up his pace in vain hope he could run away. Panting and sprinting, a wall appeared in front of him as he slowed his speed, now cornered by the giant, barely humanoid figures. One of which reached out for Katsuo who was trembling in fear as his pupils shrunk and his teeth chattered. "It's not like I deserve help anyway. I'm dead," Katsuo thought taking a deep breath, wincing at the imminent pain he would soon feel. Just then, the giant set him down. "...what...? What is happening?" Katsuo said looking around at all of the monsters in front of him who seemed to be staring at him with empty eyes. Just then, they all simultaneously erupted abruptly into hysterical laughter, piercing Katsuo's ears like needles. "W-what...? What are you doing?! You're supposed to kill me! Kill me! That's how things are supposed to be! Y-you aren't supposed to...Damn, what is going on?!" Katsuo yelled covering his ears and falling to his knees.

"Katsuo, get your damn lazy ass up!" His mom yelled, spitting in his face. He jolted up with cold sweat running down his entire face as he scanned his room for the monsters he had seen in his imagination only moments ago. As much as he searched, he could only see one and that one placed it's face dangerously close to his. "I just checked your grades again. A ninety seven on a homework assignment? I don't pay all this tuition for you to just **** around! I'm sending you to public school! Crap, a little piece of **** like you wouldn't even last a day there. Pathetic, lazy bastard!" his mom slapped him across his face once before storming out of the room.

Katsuo sighed as he rubbed his face. "Good morning to you too, mom," he whispered turning his head away, "that judgmental piece of crap. Guess she really isn't that different from other people though. Ahaha!" Katsuo smiled as he got out of bed and proceeded to get dressed for school "Dang, it's six. Why get me up so early when we live right next to school? ...Ah well, not like I would've woken up in time on my own anyway... And that dream...Maybe VRMMOs are starting to effect my dreams. I'm not usually chased by such big creatures. They're usually more human sized." Katsuo straightened his hoodie as he ran down his mansion's long, white staircase polished on every inch of every stair to perfection by the maids. He walked over to the kitchen where he picked up an Oreo and a comb before heading out of the door for school. Just then, his mom stopped him and made him turn around.

"Look, honey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get angry with you. It's just frustrating when I see how you are throwing your life away on stupid video games when you could be something much greater," she sighed then began crying on his shoulder. "Nah, it's alright, mom. I'll work harder. And the red mark on my cheek is almost gone so that's nothing to worry about," Katsuo smiled probably the most insincere smile he had ever smiled before. His mom had cleverly thrown hidden insults in her apology to him which didn't make him feel any better about himself than the fact that he now had to comfort the very person who had just smacked him across the face and essentially called him a failure for who he was. Katsuo hated people like her. People who thing people's anger or sadness could be fixed with a simple apology. He despised them almost as much as he despised school. He then skipped off to school with a twisted smile on his face thinking, "Oh how stupid this world is! Again and again we play this game people call reality. Not nearly as interesting as Worlds Collide, though! Oh, no, no. It's a good thing I'm bringing my laptop to school. I have some farming to do."
The alarm rang, and Rin glared at the clock, pulling off the headset. Gosh Darnit, I thought I had another hour. Rin stands, setting the headset off to the side, the Character selection almost complete. Grabbing his car keys and a package of Poptarts, he opens the door, walking down the hall to the elevator. He checked his watch, it reading 7:15. AH SHOOT! he yells in the middle of the elevator, the old lady standing in front of it as the door opens looking confused. Rin dashes through the lobby, fumbling with his wallet to find the access card. Whipping it out he runs it through the parking garage door, running to his Motorcycle and slamming his helemyt on, wincing as it pulls on his hair, still put back in a ponytail.

*at school*

Glaring at the clock as he walks through the door, he sits in a seat way far in the back of the room, his eyes cluded over sleepiness because of his sleepless night. He took a moment to remeber what had happened.

His eyes snapped open, hair tie long gone, having been snapped from him pulling on his own hair. The nightrmare as still vivid the gaping Jaws in the back of his mind. He glanced over at his desk, still panting. Deciding it would be stupid to go back to sleep, he decided to put the headset on, laying back to rest on his bed.

Singra Nine

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be84d1a60_SinaFrei.png.d7a71bab0cbf8445fd89046c37b2061d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10771" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/57a8be84d1a60_SinaFrei.png.d7a71bab0cbf8445fd89046c37b2061d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

'The world, will it always be an empty place?'

Silence, a force that held quite firm within the room, making it rather difficult to believe the girl lie wide awake. Eyes so casually staring at the ceiling as if a daily occurrence, whilst the digital clock at her bed side would display '6:26'. It is assumable the girl had awoken some time before her alarm, and is simply laying in wait for the call to rise. This was a frequent event, seeing as Sina's internal clock was set quite well for her desired schedule. But free time that commenced unplanned would generally lead to undesired thoughts visiting her. And though undesired, the girl would do near nothing to delay them, seeing it as futile to fight a seemingly unstoppable event from occurring.

It was when the girl began to delve into the thoughts, the alarm would sound. Right hand partially covering her corresponding eye for only a moment, as if to signify her closing of thoughts. Sina would come to push herself upright, feet meeting the floor as she twisted her position to shut off the alarm. The speed of her motion bringing about a slight daze, halting her for a few seconds before allowing her to proceed to the closet.

Her choice selection was always quite plain, a simple T-shirt of some plain color. For leggings, it would vary between long or short skirts, depending on the seasons. As for under garments, well, let us merely keep that as a mystery. The girl at times would wear a black jacket regardless of the current weather conditions, more or less depending on her mood at the time.

Exiting her room, Sina would come to walk down the hall, stopping just before the bathroom door. However, her plans were delayed, by the sound of running water and the light from under the door, it could be determined that it was already occupied. Curious as to who might have been interrupting her schedule, she knocked on the door. What came to respond was not a voice, but another knock from the shower wall. "Frei?" It was peculiar, seeing as the assumed perpetrator had the habit of taking showers during the night. But, with another knock in response, it would indeed have to be her sister.

A short time would pass before the shower stopped running, and Frei would appear in the doorway. A towel draped over her crimson hair as the elder sister would stare at Sina, a light fog clouding her eyes giving it a near empty appearance. The girl would tap on her wrist, lightly tilting her head to present that this was a question. Sina, used to this method of communication would respond, "About six thirty five.". Frei came to look towards the ground after hearing the estimated time, revealing that this inconvenience was an accident. Then again, with it being only a small delay in her schedule, it was difficult to really hold anything against her.

After that event, Sina's schedule continued rather normally, well, mostly. An hour after that event, she would return to the bathroom, seeing as her hair would be moderately dry by then. Her intent was to finish brushing her hair before heading out the door, but this time one small difference appeared. Frei sat on the bathroom counter, holding the brush whilst Sina entered the bathroom. The older sister gave a slight smile as she held it up, once again tilting her head lightly to the side.

Now standing before the mirror, Sina would stare at her own reflection. Frei slowly moving around behind her, whilst carefully brushing through her little sister's hair. A single ruby eye would stare back at her, seeing as her right eye was now covered with a patch. Around the house she often kept it off, seeing as it was a little uncomfortable. But outside, where the lighting is always changing, it could sometimes cause her discomfort to not wear it. Overall, this disability was a nuisance. Already she knew the world was empty, so just why is it that she has to bear with this?

Sina quickly buried herself within her thoughts, so deep that she would not even realize her sister putting the brush back on the counter. But it would become apparent, quickly, when she could feel Frei's arms wrap around her. It was quite random, seeing as her sister rarely showed physical affection. She would quickly break free, spinning around to stare at her sister. As usual, Frei tucked her hands within her hoody, simply staring back at Sina. Seeing this normal expression, the younger girl dropped back to her normal passive state once again. "I should get going... ", with only a nod in response, Sina turned back for the door shrugging this instance off as a simple odd occurrence. In truth, the walk from her house to school was only about twelve minutes, hence why she held no worry about leaving home around 7:45. Though, it would be a little inconvenient if yet another disturbance came to her schedule.



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Mayla Logan:

Honk honk honk.

A half asleep Mayla turned her head towards the noise. "No need to wake me." She thought with a chuckle. She had never gotten to sleep in the first place.

She swung her legs over the edge of her mattress and sat there got a bit, listening to the periodic honking of her goose clock. After about five minutes of this, she decided it was time to get her ass out of bed. She got up, stretched, and tip toed her way to her closet. She rummaged through her wardrobe, finding nothing interesting. Not wanting to waste any more time, she decided on a white shirt and some jeans.

She trudged into the kitchen, opened the fridge, and found a comb. She brushed her hair, not even bothering to wonder how the comb got there. She threw the comb to the side and looked for something edible. No such luck. Mayla sighed, grabbed her book bag, and left.

"This game is getting boring..." She muttered to herself while walking to school.
It was seven in the morning when Soren's phone went off, waking both himself and his wife, Alara. He groaned and picked up the phone. "Soren Millern," he said, rubbing his eyes. The next words spoken jolted him awake. "Practise!" he exclaimed, shaking his wife and looking at the time. "No, no, no!" He frantically got out of bed and started changing. Alara rubbed her eyes.

"Practise?" she asked, tiredly. It only took her a few more moments to register what this meant, and her eyes opened wide. Grabbing her clothes, she started changing and pulled out her violin, Soren doing the same with his flute. They quickly went out to the kitchen in the dorm and poured cereal into plastic baggies. They rushed out of the hotel room and down out to their rental auto. Soren almost went into the right side of the auto, and then stopped himself. "Bloody American autos," he said, and switched to the other side.

It was a half-hour drive to the university and so the two of them chatted happily about WC and real-world affairs (although it was mostly about WC). Soren reflected on how his life had changed since he'd met Alara. Alara was the only one with whom he could talk to without going into shy-mode. Of course, there was the rest of the LSO, but it was a bit harder. In Worlds Collide, however, he was much more inclined to speak instead of being shy. It was a big push in the right direction, but it still wasn't going quite far. He hoped that it would help him get more out of his shell.

They found their way to to the university and rushed around, looking for the music room. And not a moment too soon did they find it, because it was just about time to start when they got in. Soren stammered, trying to say something, but Alara spoke for him. "We forgot to set the bloody alarm in the hotel room. And then we had problems with American autos," she said, slightly out of breath. About a dozen of them nodded at this. Even after being in America time and time again, American autos were still confounding. They both sat down, Soren catching his breath, and they began to play.

After about an hour, they took a short break. "We have a surprise for you all," the conductor said, and then looked concernedly at Soren. Soren didn't notice this, though, and the conductor continued. "We'll be staying here for a few more months, but that's not the surprise." A few of the orchestra members murmured in disgust. "The surprise will come when you all come back from break," he said, and ushered the members of the orchestra out, thinking about what the surprise might mean for Soren. He brushed it off, however, hoping with all his heart that Soren would be able to deal with it.

Soren and Alara walked out chatting, albeit the former a bit more shyly since they were in a public place. They both wondered what the surprise might be, and Alara thought about how the conductor had looked worriedly at Soren. Did it have something to do with his shyness? She brushed it off and continued chatting with Soren.

Current time at the end of this post (but not necessarily for others): 08:45
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Introduction: Part 1


A sharp gust of air brought a shiver to Alfie's figure as he trekked along the main road of the city's marketplace. Pulling down his scarf part way, he let out a breath of air smiling as he watched the ethereal display of white fade to the nothingness from whence it came. Upon readjusting his scarf to its original position, Alfie continued his walk forward whilst pulling out his phone and checking the day's information on its home screen.


Clear Skies

High: 7 C

Current: -5 C

He let out a somber sigh in response to the temperature that had reached the negative values. Gone was the gentle caress of the cool fall breezes on his morning walks, and with the coming of winter's wrath, Alfie couldn't help but begin to ponder where the time had gone. Lost in thought, he almost missed his destination, but with an iron barred door, metal shielded windows, and surveillance camera supervising the entrance, the store held quite the uniquely noticeable, if not menacing appearance. Ducking around the building's corner, Alfie began to ascend the metal stairs that scaled the side of the store and led to a quaint second floor residence. Procuring a key from his pocket which unlocked the door, he entered the residence, removing his coat and scarf and placing them on a nearby rack, before making way toward the kitchen for breakfast preparation.

With a tray, topped with two cups of tea and two plates filled with bacon, french toast, and scrambled eggs, in his hands, Alfie made his way throughout the halls of the residence until stopping in front of a door from where the gentle sound of a music box was playing a nostalgic tune from a life past lived. Gentle pushing the door open with his foot, Alfie made his way into the dimmed room placing the tray on a nearby tea table before shutting the box's lid and bringing an abrupt silence to the atmosphere. Peering toward the bed, Alfie gazed upon the individual in a seemingly peaceful sleep; his own eyes focusing on a small glistening cluster, welling in the corner of the figure's eye before its graceful descent down the side of his cheek and its inevitable fade to the cotton below. After giving the individual's upper body a gentle shake causing him to lightly stir, Alfie seated himself at the table before taking a sip of tea while gazing forward with unfocused eyes, and a mind lost in thought.

Silence was the theme of the morning, as the two calmly ate their breakfast without the exchange of words that were commonplace at times such as this. A heavy atmosphere burdened by the weight of emotions filled the air and threatened the uphold the autonomous silence it had brought forth, yet it was broken some time later with a whispered statement from Alfie.

"It has been four years, Kaivant."

Time passed in silence once more, as their gazes met, yet no response would be returned. It would be several sips of tea later, until Kaivant's reply to Alfie's previous statement would be heard.

"It's not a matter of time," he would say before allowing the silence and heavy atmosphere to overcome the remainder of the meal.

Alfie's mornings had become something of a routine ever since his arrival within the city. After awakening at 6:30 every morning, his day would begin with the usual journey to Kaivant's residence where breakfast for two would be prepared by him. The day of the week would then determine his next course of action, whether it be the preparation for classes at the nearby university or the preparation for the opening of Kaivant's store, Infinite Reality. In today's case, Alfie did not have any classes to attend, yet before any preparation could begin, there still existed a task to be completed...the dishes. As Alfie let out a long heavy sigh toward the monotonous task at hand, a voice from outside the kitchen called out, rebuking the teen who was reduced to boredom by his chore.

"A man must always give his all toward any task at hand, Alfie" Kaivant said while entering the kitchen shortly after and placing the towel wrapped around his neck upon the back of a nearby chair. "Nevertheless, seeing you don't have class today, and you finished your jobs last night, take the morning off and enjoy yourself. I can man the store alone, until school gets out."

Being a game store whose audience primarily consisted of teenagers and young adults, Infinite reality's peak hours did not begin until after school hours despite the morning to evening schedule under which the store operated. This, however, meant time outside of work and class for Alfie to make use of the store's equipment and satisfy his gaming desires.

"Be careful what you offer your employees, Kaivant. Let them run off to new realities and they might not..." Alfie began but cut himself off before finishing his statement; his eyes quickly darting to Kaivant's face to notice a shadow falling upon it, only to be quickly replaced with a smile and chuckle.

"Enjoy yourself, dancer boy. Go paint me some pretty pictures while your at it." Kaivant said with a heavy tone of teasing as he began to depart from the kitchen his arm waving in farewell.

"Maybe one of these days you can be my model, but for now, enjoy catering to the housewives out there. Perhaps you'll finally sell the set of cooking games you adore sooo much." Alfie called out in reply with an equally teasing tone layering his statement.

With his chores complete, Alfie made way to the final unvisted room within Kaivan'ts residence. It existed at the end of the hall and could have easily been considered the most unique room within the house. The room itself existed in a perpetual state of lacking lighting features, and it would have been pitch black,. upon Alfie's entry if not for the plethora of blinking lights and constant leds from various electronics covering every inch of the room. Laying down on one of the room's two beds, Alfie began equipping himself with the appropriate gear for the game he was about to play. Once preparations were complete, he laid back onto the pillow underneath him and with the close of his eyes, began his dive into a new world.

Upon opening his eyes, Alfie quickly raised his arms to shield himself from the bright light of the world's sun that had begun to rise directly in front of his view. Unlike the bitter cold of the world left behind, a gentle warmth, created from the radiating sun, and the caress of flowers swaying with a gentle breeze, greeted Alfie in his current position seated upon a flower filled knoll. As he turned to view down the hill and across the horizon, Alfie couldn't help but lose himself in the beauty of Worlds collide. This world was nothing more than an illusive reality, masking the existence of simple pixels, yet it was a world that Alfie had come to love; it was a world that had become a second reality.

Laying back onto a flowery bed, Alfie stretched himself with a loud yawn as he began to ponder his course of action. Perhaps I will paint a picture of the rising sun, Alfie thought to himself while briefly performing a mental checklist over his stock of paints. However with a shake of his head, he sprung up to his feet with a large grin on his face.

"Who am I kidding?" he began as he observed a glowing spot on the ground in the not so far distance. " I can paint a picture anytime in the real world. I am here to have fun." he concluded equipping his tessens in each hand while continuing to observe the glowing light which had begun to intensify and develop into the form of a mob.

"Showtime..." he muttered before breaking into a dash to greet whatever was about spawn.
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Yui Sato


" Yui... Yui..."

She spun around, her eyes meeting nothing but an endless abyss, shrouded in darkness.

" Yui..."

" Who are you? Why are you calling me?" she implored, more curious to find out who had interrupted her sleep than afraid.

" Wake up...Yui..."

" Wha-"

" YUI!"

" Ah!" she shot up in bed, her light brown hair falling messily around her face. BAM! BAM! It took her a moment to realize that someone was banging on her bedroom door, with the sound of her aunt's sewing machine whirring loudly in the background. She sniffed, was something burning in the background? She groaned tiredly as a wave of dizziness shot through her head, it was way too early for this sort of sensory overload. Well, that's what you get for staying up until 2 in the morning playing video games.

" Yui, if you don't get up soon you'll miss your train!"

" I'm awake! I'm awake!" she grumbled, trudging out of bed. " It's not that late-" She stopped and yelped. A second glance at her clock proved her wrong. Damn, it's already 6.30! It'll take me about ten minutes to get to the station, so that leaves me with 20 minutes to dress and eat.

She tripped over her own feet on her way into the bathroom and on her way out. After a moment of contemplation, she quickly grabbed a dark green sweater, a red pleated skirt and white leggings, pulling them on in record time. A quick look at the mirror confirmed her suspicions. Yui cringed, " I look like I'm dressing up for Christmas." She slipped on her black boots and headed towards her dressing table. Before she could even grab a comb, her door swung open and her aunt peered in,
" Eh, Yui? Are you still not ready? And why do you look like you're dressing up for Christmas?"

" Aunt Miko! You can't come bursting into people's rooms like that, what if I was half-naked? And I thought I locked the door!"

" Pssh, nothing I haven't seen before. Besides, I was worried you passed out or something, you were taking too long! Maybe the lock's busted."

" Wha-no! You're holding the key!"

Her aunt shrugged and slipped the key into he pocket,
" Key? What key?"

Before she could open her mouth to protest, her aunt shoved a pile of fabric into her hands. " Here! I made this for you last night~" Yui gave her a skeptical look and unfolded it to find a black military jacket with silver buttons. " This is beautiful," Yui gasped, completely forgetting the ordeal with her door lock. " Aren't I the best aunt in the world? Oh my god, look at the time! It's so late! I'll get you your breakfast on the go. Now move! Move! Move!" Buttoning up her jacket as fast as she could, she slung her bag over her shoulder and tripped her way down the stairs after her aunt. As soon as she reached the landing her aunt shoved a piece of toast into her mouth and patted her head, " Bye! Love you. Have fun at school! "

Yui was shoved out the door before she could blink. Taking her toast out of her mouth, she waved exasperatedly to the already-closed door, " you too..." As soon as she finished the toast, she rushed to the station, hoping she didn't already miss the train. The cold breeze sent a chill down her spine, making her sneeze. Her eyes scanned the empty street, meeting nothing but isolated curbs and closed doors. It was always the same, no sound of laughter, no kids cycling down the street, no merriment, nothing but silence. If she was lucky, she would see a car or two driving out of their driveways. She sighed sadly, it got pretty lonely sometimes. As she neared the station, the clock showed that it was only five minutes away from seven. She hopped onto the train just as the doors slid shut. Sighing, she slid into her usual seat, her vision slowly focusing on the familiar scenery outside.
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"School sucks." Yuuko Inoue said lazily, not even bothering to fix her current situation. Apparently, she was too busy ranting while trying to get up, to the point that her foot just had to slip on one of the blankets which was once on her bed, resulting to more pain--physical and emotional. "Still sucks." The sluggish high-school girl growled as she heard silent footsteps growing louder-- giving her the conclusion that someone was going towards her door. And she hoped, wished, and prayed that whoever it was, wouldn't open the wooden door just millimeters beside the dizzy head belonging to her fallen body.

It still happened though.

"Jesus, Yuuko!" Aii Inoue, one of Yuuko's cousins, exclaimed as she twisted the door knob, trying to push the door that would only budge a few centimeters, causing it to make loud, loud thumps. "What's this?" She asked in between pushes, not even thinking about what was getting hit. "Are you okay there? It's like the door's stuck from some--"

"Head." Yuuko muttered. She was used to her cousins and everyone else being too clueless about things at times, but she knew that all that they did was never too intentional. Aii Inoue was the only cousin staying at their residence, and even if she was working, she could still be childish as ever. At times, Yuuko was like that too. Well actually, most of the time. She believes that it ran in their blood. "Like your cousin's head, for example. Aaaiiiii-"

"Oh!" After a few seconds of realization, Aii jumped backward, leading to a last bump on Yuuko's head. "Sorry Yuuko. I didn't know... You know, your head, was... there."

"It's okay." The pained girl sighed, gathering enough endurance to stand from her fallen position. She patted her bed hair in an attempt of making it look better, but she didn't think that it helped life as she knew it. The only reason why she was at the smallest room in the house was because her room was set up for renovation, and today was the last day that she was to force herself in the cramped space. "Just go awaaay..." She growled, and her cousin did so.

Not wasting any more time, Yuuko walked towards the comfort room which was just a door away from her temporary bedroom. She took a peek at the wall clock before going in.
"A little before 6 a.m. Too early..."

The truth was, she spent almost all night playing the one and only Worlds Collide. She was an insomniac, and she was used to not sleeping at night, at all. While in the shower, she couldn't help but think about those times when she was playing in that beautiful world--or, worlds.

And right after a good shower, some blogging and a nice, easy dress-up, she was better as ever. As usual, she wore a random school uniform-like clothing, only to make others confused, and think that she was from another school. It was a good thing that theirs didn't require any uniforms or whatever. Yuuko was contented with the loose blazer, blouse, necktie and skirt that she wore most of the time.

"Wooooooo!" Yuuko ran, hopped and jumped on the stairs towards the dining room downstairs, ready to eat her breakfast.

"Why am I not surprised?" Her cousin muttered, munching on roasted beef, and poking some rice with her fork. "You gotta hurry." Aii looked at her pink, girly wristwatch. "It's already 7:16. You're lucky we have a driver, y'know?"

"Says the one playing with her food." Yuuko quickly ate two servings with even extra desserts and lots of water, just like she would when she was tired. And right now, she was mentally tired. Her brain was really worked out after playing a virtual reality game all night. "I'm done..." She muttered, wiping dirt off her lips with the back of her hand. After zipping her backpack open, she looked over at her phone as she and her cousin both stood. It was now 7:25, according to her phone.

"Come on, come on." Aii said as they both jogged towards the outside world, backpacks latched carefully behind them.
It's been ages since I posted here, so I'll just make a slight continuation from my previous post. For the best understanding, read my post (the second one on the first page). TL;DR? He woke up late, stared longingly at his Virtual Reality set and WC game (which he just got), and then almost was late for the train.

Joshua Reckner

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Joshua.jpg.b92f3bd7dcde3dc70afc74d87d2ae691.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10989" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Joshua.jpg.b92f3bd7dcde3dc70afc74d87d2ae691.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The train ride to school was no different than any other time he had boarded it. He sat down in the closest, single-seat he could find to the door. Usually, the guy or girl sitting nearest to him would shift uncomfortably, or in the worst case scenario would get up and move. He just ignored it though, as he happily thought about the new game waiting for him at home. As long as his homework was light today, he'd finally be able to jump on and use the equipment for the first time! Worlds Collide came highly recommended from the very few friends that he had, and even those were more of simple acquaintances, and from every gaming magazine he was subscribed to.

Josh was never a fan of the cold. He hated being cold, being near something cold, or touching something cold. He always wore the brown, fuzzy jacket that became the stereotypical way of discerning him from others. Despite his general cleanliness, taking a shower once a day
if he remembered and only re-wearing clothes once before washing, he almost never put this jacket in the washer. The first time he did, he lost a majority of the fur to the high speeds. He never put two-and-two together, however. The jacket didn't smell too bad, but it certainly masked the deodorant he sprayed underneath it. This gave him a common nickname around the class mates that were borderline-bullies.

Hey, Wreckage, you're sitting in my seat." One of the few people that cared to talk to him at all was standing right in front of him, glaring down at the poor man. Josh didn't say a word and scooted to the side. "I don't want you sitting next to me either, Wreckage! Go stand in the back of the train." This comment, however, didn't get a reaction from Josh. He simply stayed seated where he was. He would respect someone's usual seats, but he wasn't going to move just because he was next to someone's seat. He stayed so quiet, in fact, that the name of this man was essentially lost on Josh. He didn't know it and he didn't care to know it. Eventually, the rude man sat down at his "seat" and leaned away from Josh. "Why don't you ever shower, Wreckage? Jeez, you're in college now."

Any further comments were drowned out by his daydreaming of Worlds Collide. What kind of character would he make? A human, perhaps? Or... or an elf? He wanted a ranged fighter, likely an archer. Maybe he should be a Hybrid? He hadn't heard much of the class from those he knew, but they were extremely customizable. His eyes twinkled a bit as he thought of a man with wings! A
flying archer! You could get aerial shots off at those below you! Yes, that's what he would do. Some sort of Avian Hybrid, one that had wings, or a pixie or faerie if he couldn't do what he wished. As the jerk beside him continued to make comment, Josh slowly came back to the cruel recollection of reality. Standing to his feet, Josh turned to the man. "Shut up, man." It was probably the first word that was ever given in response, and the train doors opened just then, almost as if in response. Josh bobs his head and strolls out of the train, glancing around for the quickest route to his next class.



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Crystalline? updated Worlds Collide ? Reality & Fantasy! with a new update entry:

Events, Occupations, & More~

Okay, so everyone is buzzing about who's doing what and what exactly is going on in the real world. First off, I'll tell you about upcoming events.


The Cultural Festival

This is what's going on in the high school scene. All those in high school have this going on, and if you don't know what a cultural festival is, I'll briefly explain. You've all seen those anime shows when they have these things at their schools, right? There are food...

Read the rest of this update entry... 

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be8e3d248_TheThreeSistersBanner(1).jpg.71c85c2406172a0cb37938e76aa07dd8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11220" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be8e3d248_TheThreeSistersBanner(1).jpg.71c85c2406172a0cb37938e76aa07dd8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Masumi walked through the school courtyard, making her way to the front doors. Once she opened them, the sound of other students talking and laughing filled the air - it was so loud that Masumi almost shoved her hands over her ears. Her fingers hovered in mid-air for a moment before she caught herself and returned them to her sides. I'll never get used to that, she thought to herself, letting out a deep breath. Adjusting the strap of her bag, she began walking through the hallway, making her way over to her locker. Everyone was so much taller than her, being that she's only 4'10'', so she had to weave her way through people who didn't notice her. Story of my life - going by unnoticed, she couldn't help but think, but silently scolded herself for doing so. Oh, knock it off, will you? Just unlock your locker.

She did so and began gathering her things for her first class - homeroom. A text book and her notebook would do, so she stuffed those in her bag and began making her way to her class. As the walked through the hallway, she could hear people talking about the upcoming cultural festival.
"What's your class doing? Mine's doing a Haunted House! Isn't that awesome?" she heard people conversing. Masumi had to hide her urge to gag; no way in hell was she participating... Or, well, that's how she would feel if she had a choice on the matter. She knew it was an involuntary thing - you had to be in it one way or another. Homeroom is going to be such a drag... she thought to herself with a roll of her honey glazed eyes.

As she entered the class, she could hear everyone talking about it.
"Isn't it so much better to be working on a float or something instead of homework? I can't wait for tomorrow!" Masumi could hear her fellow classmates conversing. It almost broke Masumi's heart as she realized they'd be working on cultural festival preparations instead of actual school work. With a soft sigh, she made her way to her seat in the very back of the room, right next to the window. Taking out her volume of Kimi Ni Todoke, she began skimming through it, awaiting class to begin. In the volume she was reading, they were also working on their cultural festival. With a brief, half-smile, Masumi shook her head. If only the real world was as cute and sweet as that.

Naomi listened as the train hissed as it came to a stop. Wanting to beat the rush of people getting off the train, she edged her way to the exit beforehand. She was off the train as soon as the driver announced that they have stopped and that the doors were opening. Clutching her things close to her torso, she walked through the crowd, trying to keep ahead of things. With a friendly smile, she waved to all the people who recognized her as she neared the college. "Hey, Naomi! Good morning!" She was greeted by people, who though knew her, she still considered complete strangers. Behind her nice smile and sweet, "Hello," were quite skeptical thoughts. You know my name - that, and nothing more. She couldn't help but think as she made her way inside the school building.

As soon as she entered, she noticed something different in the air. People were conversing about some famous orchestra that was playing at the university, and this raised Naomi's brow.
Are they the orchestra Mr. Tanaka talked about? I wonder if they're going to play in The Nutcracker? Naomi couldn't help but think. The Nutcracker was a dance performance, and though Naomi is a Theatre/Acting major, she does fancy dance quite a bit, as well. Ever since she became a dancer in WC, she found that it began to grow on her. She smiled as she imagined it all - the orchestra playing live as she and her fellow dancers danced in tune to the music. The holidays were going to be magical if they started off with that.

She walked by the music room, weaving her way through the people crowded around it already. Whatever orchestra was playing, they were really good. With a smile, Naomi made her way through everyone, and began on her way to her first class. She didn't have her acting classes until the afternoon - sadly, she started her day off with her Basics - English, Math, Science, and History. Stopping by her locker, she heard a familiar voice call out to her.
"Hey, Naomi," it spoke in a seductive tone. Naomi rolled her eyes as she shut her locker door, revealing his face. Kai. "Unless you're going to carry my books, I suggest you leave me alone." Naomi spoke ruthlessly as Kai withdrew a little. Nothing was more annoying than a hook up who wouldn't stop coming back for more.

"I'll carry them," Kai spoke with a smirk, and Naomi tossed her books to him, forcing a grin in response.

"Now you're making yourself useful." She winked playfully.

Reina was at work putting on a new set of tires on a Ford pick-up, and being that she's highly experienced with such work, she did it quicker than she anticipated. "Hey, I'm done!" she called out to her boss, Ren. "You always finish up jobs so fast," Ren let out a chuckle as he entered the room. He was a middle-aged guy, tall and fit, and still looked young and handsome. His shaggy black hair fell over his face as he looked down at his hands, which he was rubbing clean of grease with a white rag. "Your time here is practically always spend on break because you go through cars like Speedy Gonzales," he chuckled, getting Reina to roll her eyes.

"I don't always finish up jobs fast! Remember that one time I spent a whole day fixing up that one Mustang with the blown engine?" Reina pointed out, getting Ren to roll his eyes back at her. "Yeah, and that job would normally take someone a week," Ren chuckled, tossing Reina the white rag to rub her hands clean on. With a laugh of her own, Reina cleaned her hands and tossed the rag aside. "Well, I guess that means you have yourself an awesome employee. Instead of acting like a total skeptic, why don't you buy me a lollipop for great effort?" Reina teased, getting a few more chuckles out of Ren. He looked at her in silence for a moment before finally nodding her way.

"Yes, I do have one hell of an employee,"
he stated, playfully winking at her. Reina was caught by surprise by this action, so with a forced smile, she hooked a lock of her blonde hair behind her ears. "So, can I play my guitar, then?" She asked with wide, pleading eyes that shimmered in the early morning light. With a wave of his hand, Ren nodded and left the room. "Don't have too much fun!" He called from the other side of the garage, where he continued working on his own project. With a smirk, Reina made her way over to her car and popped open the trunk, taking her guitar out from it. Opening her case, she released her precious instrument and threw the strap over her shoulder.

"Nothing like a nice, acoustic morning," Reina spoke softly to herself before she began playing a few chords.




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It was morning, the start of a brand new day. People were awakening from a night's rest and going about their daily routine. Brushing your teeth, adjusting the shower to the perfect temperature, deciding what to wear and whether or not it suits you, and enjoying a meal with loved ones, all common activities in the lives of others. However, it was very different for a certain boy.

Rather than awakening to the ear-piercing beep of an alarm clock, dark lavender eyes opened to the sounds of raging waters. Bright sunlight made such a peaceful moment turn into quite an annoyance. Blocking the warm rays with a fabric-covered arm, he shifted in his current position.

Adjusting his eyes properly before accidentally blinding himself, Xavier sat up from the patch of grass, the collection of tall greenery and flowers practically begging to be rolled in. Hands covered in black gloves ran through this patch, while their owner stared idly at the source of his sudden wake. The culprit was none other than the roaring waters emitting from the large waterfall here in the area known as the Fae Falls.

In Worlds Collide, the Fae Falls were a common hangout spot for many players, especially those of an aquatic race. The lush flora on land and the crystal clear waters surrounding it truly made for a beautiful sight. It was one of the most magical places here in this vast world, but the boy currently rising onto his feet couldn't care less.

With his two feet firmly planted on land, Xavier did a quick stretch of his arms, the soft neck of his ebony-colored jacket brushing against his flesh as it shifted. Still somewhat half-asleep, he came closer to the nearby collection of water, kneeling to bring his face closer. A cool sensation took over his hand as he dipped it in the clear blue. He soon brought the feeling to his face, relieving himself of any prior exhaustion he may have had.

Opening his eyes once more, Xavier peered into the water, getting a view of his reflection. Eyes colored a dark lavender and a head of not quite platinum blond hair, an appearance he had grown used to. However, this appearance was not his. What he stared at now was merely a collection of data that was designed for this game. Although, this might as well have been his true appearance, given the amount of time he's been here. In fact, he couldn't quite remember what he looked like in that other world. Well, it wasn't as though it mattered much to him anyway.

To forget what you really look like meant that you had to have spent a considerable amount of time in this virtual world, which Xavier had. He still hadn't logged out since that day and he intended to keep it that way. This was why he woke up here in the falls, rather than his own bed. To be more precise, he chose to sleep here for the night until the next quest came along.

Unlike many players who have either purchased a house or taken up residency at an inn, Xavier was a wanderer that slept in whatever area he was in at the time, seeing a house as a waste of currency. His latest escapade had taken him to the Fae Falls, which was a fairly decent spot to rest, considering that no dark race or creature could enter.

Standing back on his feet, Xavier stared at the floating sea of azure and the levitating masses of land that encompassed it. This was the sky Xavier saw every day at all times of the day, unlike others. For many, it would've been strange to wake up in this world instead of their homes, but not for him. To Xavier, this was the real world and that other place was nothing but a terrible game.

In the midst of staring at the sky, a beep rang in Xavier's ear. With the signal of receiving a notification, Xavier opened his home menu with a flick of his finger, a chime ringing in response as if it was welcoming him back. After scrolling through the bars of the menu, each giving off their own chimes, he reached the Quest tab of his menu.

His eyes scanned over the text, detailing what was to be his next quest. Satisfied with the information, Xavier pressed his finger against the circle to accept, the menu quickly dissappearing in a flash and becoming replaced with a navigation tool in the corner of his screen, glowing arrow indicating the proper direction.

Always dressed in his all black combat attire, Xavier was prepared to complete yet another quest. With each step yielding the crunching sound of fresh grass, he was leaving behind the magical Fae Falls in favor of something much more appealing at the moment. It wouldn't take long for him to arrive at the Dark Forest.
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K a o r u N o r i


Kaoru dreadfully woke up to his irritating alarm once again. He slammed the 'off' button, and sat up with his legs over the bed, slipping on his slippers. With a long sigh, he stood up and approached his closet to get dressed. Kaoru picked out his favourite, big, hoodie and some sweats. He didn't like wearing anything even the slightest bit uncomfortable.

After eating some cereal, Kaoru whipped up his backpack over one shoulder, and put in his headphones, leaving for school. He didn't even bother brushing his hair, but he liked it that way. He walked to school slowly taking his time, even though there wasn't much time left to take advantage of. School was in 5 minutes, and Kaoru was at least 10 minutes away. Though, he was always late for first period class.

By the time he got there, he was indeed 5 minutes late. He didn't need a late slip though, because his teacher knew he came to school around this time, and didn't get him in trouble for it. Or at least
anymore. Kaoru sat down in his regular seat in the back corner, and drifted off to sleep, thinking about how eager he was to play Worlds Collide when he got home.

Katsuo Yuuto

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/tumblr_miwfoeFOgA1s72yyto1_500_large.png.3735154d0b5469f0454e9cda50ff0668.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11261" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/tumblr_miwfoeFOgA1s72yyto1_500_large.png.3735154d0b5469f0454e9cda50ff0668.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Katsuo arrived at school pretty early due to the events that had unfolded during the morning so he debated what to do. He checked the cafeteria first to see if there were any open tables he could sit at but found none. Sighing, he slipped his headphones on to listen to music as he headed to the library to sit until school started. Luckily, he found a comfy, secluded corner in the library for him to sit as he leaned his head against the cold, stone wall closing his eyes. He stealthily slipped underneath a nearby desk where he pulled out a Coke can he had brought with him out and opened it. Taking one more scan around the room, he quickly took a sip of his Coke beginning to play a song from his favorite band again being cautious no one was looking. It was much harder to get away with these sort of things in a school full of snotty aristocrats who view themselves as above such influences but Katsuo had managed to get away with it for the past four years. He was still a little tense from the morning but if one were to take one look at him, they might think he was the most carefree boy in the world. As the first song on his playlist came to an end, he heard two feminine whispers coming from a nearby desk: "...yeah, I heard he was possessed. Apparently it has something to do with his mom... No wonder he's never touched a girl," the more...erm..."bitchy" of the two voices spoke trying to keep her tone down. "Now that's probably just a rumor... I mean he isn't that weird. Just, like, awkward and stuff, you know? He's very creepy though... He's the kind of guy I could expect to pop out of like anywhere at any time. Sometimes I wonder if he has any friends at all," The other girl spoke and by this point, Katsuo knew very well who they were talking about.

That was a first. He couldn't remember a single time someone had actually talked about him, much less to him unless a situation clearly called for it. Katsuo got up out of his cramped corner and walked behind the two girls with his soda in hand. "Boo," he leaned his head between the two girls. His gaze shifted between one then the other studying their reactions. Emotions intrigued Katsuo and he could sometimes get more personal to others than some are comfortable with. After concluding that both the girls had immense fear in their eyes, he smirked and set down his Coke. "Here, it's a present from me. Take it. No really, do," Katsuo slammed the Coke down on to the table beginning to walk away from the library, "Oh, and by the by,...If all people are as rude as you, I'd really rather not have friends." He waved goodbye behind him before exiting the library. Jeez, he just couldn't get peace and quiet anywhere could he?



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Mayla Logan~ <3

Mayla arrived at school a bit late, but it wasn't too bad. People were still crowded in the hallways like a bunch of fools, rambling on and on about some cultural festival. Mayla sighed as she weaved her slender frame through the sea of idiots. She had to get to the other end of the building and she only had a short amount of time to do so. She smiled as the Mission Impossible theme played in her head. Maybe this game wasn't that boring after all. Mayla speed walked through the halls like a pro and was very close to her destination when a very large perso- uh obstacle stepped in front of her path. New objective, clear this obstacle without making eye contact. Mayla took a step to the left. So did the obstacle. Mayla took a step to the right, as did the obstacle. Mayla took two steps to the right, and lunged forward. Unfortunately, the obstacle had also taken two steps to the right and was not expecting a lunge. The obstacle fell to the ground. Mayla shook herself out of her gaming trance and fled the scene. She had just pushed over somebody who looked as if he could break her in half, and she wasn't looking forward to his reaction.

Mayla let out a sigh of relief as she sunk into a seat in the back corner of her math class. She stretched out and yawned, this was going to be a long period. It looked like the class would be learning something Mayla had mastered ages ago. New objective, make it through math class without falling asleep.

Eventually, 1st period was over. And before Mayla knew it, it was already time for lunch. This day was flying by. She walked past the lunch room and into the supply closet. Lunchtime meant nap time. Mayla could not go to work after school if she was tired, she had learned it the hard way. She curled up in the back of the closet and cuddled a bottle of Windex. Mayla allowed her mind to wander. Her eyelids started to get heavy. In no time at all, she had drifted off to sleep.



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"See'ya, Aii!" Yuuko waved off her cousin with a little smile, who was at the backseat of the Volkswagen Beetle that their driver drove to her school. In truth, there were more and other vehicles that the Inoue family would've chosen and their driver would have used, but when Yuuko says that she wants to get in the seemingly-unwanted yellow beetle-like car over there by the far end of the clean garage, it happens.

"Geez." Aii Inoue, Yuuko's cousin, looked off by the open window, trying to fix her hair that kept on flying everywhere because of the wind passing through her face. It was obvious that she wanted to just let the car leave and go But of course, she knew better than to upset Yuuko, who was a quite sensitive regarding being ignored. She never wanted a younger cousin being more stubborn than ever. "Go on. And don't let me catch you playing that game thing again when I come home."

"Whatever~" Yuuko hummed, causing her cousin roll her eyes, and notice the high-school student's outfit for today, which was actually the outfit used most of the time.

"That skirt won't get you anywhere." Aii said lastly, looking up at her cousin up and down, before closing the only open window in the car, and telling the driver to drive.

"And you think your girly watch will?" Yuuko mumbled with hints of amusement and disgust, and ran up towards the school's courtyard, and onto the main entrance.

In her eyes, it seemed that the halls and everywhere was just occupied by more students. Or at least, more than before. "Probably because of the Cultural Fest coming up." She mumbled to herself with a smile. "That'll be exciting." Yuuko managed to greet and wave and do introductory handshakes quickly to almost everyone she knew as she passed by and jogged towards the lockers. Hers was with the sets of lockers at the very end of the hall, and she didn't know if it was just life messing with her or fate... still messing with her. She took a few seconds to catch her breath before unlocking her locker. She took her backpack off her back and onto her chest to gather things from her locker--a few notebooks with multiple reasons, her leather shoes to wear, and her homework for today. When she was done, she made her way onto her classroom. She didn't need instructions, or to remember which floor it was. She just led herself to it.

And it worked.

"Oh, hey!" Yuuko would do the same things she would do to the students earlier to her classmates. "Finally here." She panted, and walked towards her seat, which was at the second-to-the-last row, just beside the window. She placed her small notebooks and a pen stacked at the side of her desk, and realized that everyone in her class would be talking about what they would do tomorrow for the Cultural Festival. Honestly, she didn't have a perfect idea yet, but judging by the loud conversations lingering in the air, which would've made people who weren't used to it deaf, a lot of her classmates probably had more ideas that she could guess. After all those thoughts and actions, she placed her homework that she finished ahead of time at the library the other day just to get to play Worlds Collide ever since last night, and upon closer inspection, it was actually well-done. She looked around while waiting for Homeroom to start, and looked behind her to greet one of her friends, whom she considers a best friend already.

"Good morning, Masumi!" She greeted the girl sitting behind her with a smile, and offered one of the handful candies in her palm, which she once took from her school uniform-like skirt's pocket. "Want one?"


Singra Nine


"So long as time continues to pass..."

Singra quietly walked the halls within the school, avoiding every confrontation possible. Upon running into another with an opposing direction, she would step to the side and merely wait for the other to leave. Without a response, surely all around her would come to forget. She sought no interactions within this school brimming with life. Upon entry today, she did not even recall the upcoming festivities until she happened to overhear the others. She would not openly oppose them, seeing as they were moderately easy to get through so long as she continued to do what she was told.

One could only be thankful that she managed to reach her classroom without any major surprises. Frei's actions from the morning were the only thing that managed to rile her. Why today of all days, why did her sister awake so early in the morning, why was she showing an outward affection, what was Frei trying to do? These were the only questions within her mind as the day's beginning commenced. To all others, she was perhaps an empty shell merely sitting within that seat, completely lost in thought.

As homeroom began, she remained partially in that state. However, her thoughts had been cleared as she decided not to dwell over the previous events. Instead she would look out the window, waiting for the day to end so she could return to that world. It was pretty easy to get away with relaxing in this class, seeing as the teacher was quite clueless to her existence. So long as she spoke with the class, and called out when her turn came all would be well. Though, it was slightly peculiar when she had to raise her hand earlier. Then again, if she thought about it, wasn't it mostly males? "Wait... ?"

Looking about the room, she could even see a few of the other students leaning about whispering to themselves. "Maybe she likes maid costumes?" It was this conversation that stood apart from the others, making her pry into it a little more. "I would have never expected it."

" Not only that, but she volunteered herself to be a waitress." The conversation seemed to be leading to some disastrous results. "Then again, it was right after role call.. Maybe she was spacing out?"

Thinking back on it, maybe she did raise her hand twice after all. Sighing lightly Sina had no choice but to accept the current situation. Perhaps this was one of those 'off days' that people run into occasionally.

Kuniri Akamine

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Kuniri.jpg.84e09f3ecfa5d9b94185d6c33054bb81.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11344" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Kuniri.jpg.84e09f3ecfa5d9b94185d6c33054bb81.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

''Vibrations? That is how it feels when emotions blend in complete harmony.''

The halls were already full of life once Kuniri arrived, along with the constant commotion due to the upcoming festivities. The air felt so warm, just as the space around her vibrated with the countless beats of excitement. Perhaps it is of little surprise, but it was conditions like this that the white haired girl came to enjoy. Things simply appeared so much brighter whilst the students were lively. Studying proved to be a minor task whilst the common population became adrenaline filled for upcoming days. Whether these emotions spawned from young love, excitement, or even relief. Due to these various vibrations that came from the others, Kuniri would come to look forward to this time of year.

Smaller, darker emotions did indeed exist within the clash of brightness however. This Kuniri knew for a fact, nor could she blame the individuals that carried such weights. It was not their fault, nor could they be forced to change into resounding vibrations. As such, she could sympathize with them. If one's heart is not open, the vibrations others emit can be a rather crushing force that could possibly break them apart. Though this does not necessarily mean one must always be left to suffer from that weight.
'As like many fruit, patience is needed until the individual becomes ripe for the picking.' Or, only at the right time should one be removed from seclusion in hopes they can rejoin the brighter community.

Upon entering her homeroom, the vibrations dispersed. Though it was an unwelcoming feeling, it was something to be expected around this time of year. This was simply how her class was, not so much that it had any negative students, but more like they managed their time poorly. But, somehow or another they do generally pull together in the end in order to get things finished. The disharmony between emotions was probably due to the fact the class had not yet chosen what they were even doing for the festival. Even more so, the head figure of the bunch was talking with a member of the student council.

"Kuniri, tell this idiot that we aren't doing a cafe just because he wants to see some ridiculous cosplay!" Lightly smiling at the one who addressed her, Kuniri began to approach the awkward duo. They were relatively close, seeing as the girl gave the vibe of somewhat liking the boy. However, he was somewhat clueless, and probably the slightly perverted type.

"Niri! Costumes are justice right!?" While it was impossible to deny even the slightest desire to dress up as a priestess, she couldn't really call something 'just' outright.

Kuniri came to stare out the window, nearly phasing the two out completely as her mind began to wander. It was not so long ago that the people within her class acted reserved around her. They even spread a few rumors of her being a psychic, invading other's personal lives for her own benefit. But after the months came to pass they noticed she was not so dark. If anything, she was somewhat forgetful just like the others. She was not the brightest within the class, nor did she have the street smarts a couple of the rougher students had. ''Haunted House''

The two came to look at each other as if making sure they were not alone in confusion. "Eh?" The girl was the first to make an audible noise, bringing Kuniri's eyes to meet hers once again whilst carrying that empty smile.

''When a dove must choose between two, neither is true. '' The moment grew silent as the two once again looked to one another. ''I think being a ghost could be fun.'' She spoke again, this time breaking the silence completely seeing as life returned to the conversation. A small resounding beat could be felt as the small weight dissipated with the upcoming laughter.

"Niri made a declaration to rejoin her people!" The boy commented quickly, clasping his hands together before him almost as if praying. The girl quickly struck his forehead using her palm as if to end the display. "Andri! That wasn't even a chop!"

"No, no, your joke wasn't worth it," the girl came to wave off the cries from the boy, partially laughing at the situation. "Besides Kuniri, you are already like an apparition around here."

"Speak now apparition! Speak so we may take away your regrets, so you may transc-"

The boy now lay on the floor, whilst Andri stood rather normally for throwing a full force punch into his chest. She passed it off as if nothing had occurred, holding her small conversation with Kuniri for the remaining moments before homeroom could start. Where as the three would introduce the idea of holding a haunted house. Sure, there were a few complaints seeing as one or two others were already announced around the school, but it somehow managed to pass.

Really, it was around this time of year that Kuniri would come to enjoy the fact that she was in high school. The vibrations within reality seemed to peak around this point, making it quite enjoyable for her. A reverberating beat that stimulates the mind as well the heart, a feeling that can is comparable to listening to your favorite music at just the right volume. These unseen forces are something Kuniri can experience on a daily basis if conditions are correct. However, vibrations are always a changing force that can affect her in a variety of ways. Fear, anger, lust, if these emotions are too great, it may very well overwhelm her. However dangerous the possibility, Kuniri, like some addict enjoys feeling these vibrations. This is perhaps what leads her to seek outside sources. That is right, perhaps this is the reason Kuniri came to enjoy Worlds Collide and looks forward to returning to the world daily. Perhaps it is that world she is visiting within her mind whilst staring out the classroom window. Patiently waiting for time to pass, so she might next meet the series of emotional vibrations.



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Soren and Alara walked back into the music room, Soren suddenly quieting down when he noticed that there were 95 more people in the room. He looked sheepishly around at all the... University students? Why were they here? Were they going to watch them play? He slowly walked over to his seat, the conductor looking worryingly at Soren. Alara went over to her seat and sat down, flute in hand.

"You may have noticed that we have as many students here as we have orchestra members," he said, smiling. "The reason that we'll be staying here for a few months is that we are going to be training the brightest musical minds of the next generation at this university." Soren froze in his seat, stock-still over this new-found revelation. Alara's reaction, however, was the opposite. She looked around in glee at all the students, searching for which ones had a flute in hand. All the rest of the members of the LSO were staring at Soren. The thoughts running through their heads were all along the lines of how shy he was, or how he was going to do this, or if he was even going to try.

"Each student has been assigned to one orchestra member. You're going to teach them how to play their instruments, fundamentals of classical music, and so on. If Gordan Nikolitch could stand, please?" he asked, and Gordan stood. One of the students made their way to a chair right next to him. The conductor worriedly looked at Soren, and said, "If Soren Millern could stand, please?" Soren couldn't stand. "Carmine Lauri?" he continued. He went through the orchestra and reached Alara. "Alara--" Alara jumped up in her seat and many of the orchestra members chuckled lightly. The conductor finished all the orchestra members and noticed that one student had not found his teacher. "Soren Millern?" he asked again, and when Soren still did not stand, frozen since his name had first been called, the conductor told the student where Soren was and sat down.

Soren stared at the student as she sat beside him. "U- Um..." he stammered. "I-I'm Soren M-Millern..." The girl looked at Soren, waiting silently. The conductor had purposefully picked a girl that didn't have too much to say for Soren, but Soren didn't know this. "Wh-What's your name?"

"Elia!" the girl exclaimed. When she had something to say, she wasn't a very shy person at all. "I like your name. It's sweet," she said, and Soren froze again. 'No,' he thought. 'No, no, no. Is she flirting? Why had the conductor paired he up with her? Did he have it in for me? Why do I worry so much?' he asked himself, brushing all the worries he had just made up in his head away. 'I'm the teacher, she's the student. I only have to keep talking.' That was what he was going to do.

"Th-Thank you," he said, and without waiting for a reply, he said, "I'll be y-your teacher in th-the violin. Play the best s-song you can." He had stopped stammering as much! Only once in a sentence. The monologue was working. The girl started playing and Soren nodded. He pointed out her mistakes and showed her how to fix them. Then, that inevitable part of being a teacher came: A question. Soren froze. The monologue wasn't completely foolproof. He suddenly started stammering again. "U-Um, you h-have to d-do..." he continued, stammering almost every other word. The lesson continued on like this. Just as Soren was building confidence, another question came.

"At least the girl learned something," he said to Alara after the lesson was over. "That was terrible."

"Oh, don't worry, I'm sure you'll get better!" Alara exclaimed, trying to put some light in the conversation. "It just takes practise. Eventually, you and her could become best of friends." Soren harrumphed. "Oh, come on, Soren! It's not that bad. I mean, look at us! If she's as friendly as you say, I'm sure you'll eventually be better with her." Soren sighed.

"I guess I'll try," he said. "Also, her name was Elia."

Both Alara and Soren were thinking of the same thing. "That's the perfect name for the cat," they said in unison. Their pet in Worlds Collide was a black cat who could turn into a leopard. They'd been thinking hard about a name for the cat, and now they had it.
K a o r u N o r i


Kaoru felt himself running really fast. Almost as if he was running for his life. He panted consistently, and his chest felt like it was going to explode. All he could hear was his heart beating rapidly. He didn't even know where he was going, or what he was running from. He looked behind him, but before he could get a good glance at what was there, he tripped.

Kaoru jolted up so quickly, he moved his entire desk in the process.
What was that?, He thought. Everyone's eyes were suddenly on him, and he realized what happened. He was daydreaming. Kaoru smiled awkwardly, and sat back down in his desk, normally. Soon enough, everyone resumed what they were doing, and Kaoru actually did his work that was sitting on his desk.

"Hey, Kaoru!" A girly whisper was heard in front of him. He looked up to see two faces staring back at him, both of them were familiar female classmates. Kaoru gave them a dirty look, and paused before responding to them. "What do you want?" He said. The girls looked at each other and giggled for a second. Girls are so weird, He thought to himself. "What are you planning on doing for the Cultural Festival?" The same girl asked him. "Do you have a group yet?" The girl behind her asked.

"Cultural Festival?" Kaoru had a look of confusion on his face. He'd never heard of some 'Cultural Festival' before. The girls laughed again. It was as if his voice sounded funny. "Yeah, you know, where you have cute little stands of stuff, and there's games!" The girl's face and voice filled with excitement. "You can join our group if you want!" The other had said, seeming to be sticking to asking about grouping up with Kaoru. Kaoru seemed really confused, and stayed quiet. He didn't want them to think he was interested. He looked back down at his desk. "We have one every year," The girly voice stated.

"I'm not interested," Kaoru avoided eye contact with them. The girls were silent for a while, but Kaoru soon noticed a piece of paper being slid on his desk. "Call me if you change your mind," He heard the girl say. He looked up once more at the girls, one of which were winking at him. He'd never been more uncomfortable in his life. Kaoru then picked up the piece of folded paper, and ripped it in half while the girls were still staring, throwing away the pieces on the ground. Finishing with a fake smile, he went back to doing his work. The girls left him alone after that.

Before he knew it, it was lunch. Kaoru grabbed his bag as the bell rang, and headed out the door of his 2nd period class. Conversations of the Festival were heard in every direction as he walked down the hall.
What was the big deal about this dumb festival?, Kaoru wondered as he passed by several people crowding at their lockers. He was glad he never used his. It was a waste of energy when you could just carry a backpack with you to each class.

Kaoru finally made it to the cafeteria. He liked to sit at the end of a table, by the window. No one usually bothered him, other than the few irritating stares he would receive. Kaoru liked eating alone, as he thought it was weird to eat in front of your friends, or with them. Even though he didn't have any friends, he liked to think they were bothersome, and that he didn't need any.

Introduction: Part 2


Ashlei let out a loud sigh as she leaned back into one of four recliner chairs that surrounded a small coffee table where two hot drinks were resting untouched with their steam slowly attempting a journey toward the ceiling only to disappear promptly after its beginning. Resting her hands over her eyes whilst rubbing them, she began a process of relaxation that would surmount from the completion of the day’s major event, a dreadful art review. It was after a moments past in which she was about to reach forward and grab her drink; however, a random hug, enveloping the entirety of her head, startled her and led to a resulting squeak instead.

“Ashleeeeei, hoow diiiid iiit gooo?”

Were the drawn out words from a feminine voice that echoed around Ashlei’s head as the perpetrator loosened her grip and allowed her arms to lazily hang across Ashlei’s chest.

A smile came to Ashlei’s face as she laid her head back onto the newcomer’s right shoulder where she tilted her head to gaze out upon the spiky browned haired girl who had matched her gaze and was grinning literally from ear to ear.

“Jackie, I had the misfortune of Brabbs as my reviewer. There was no possible way I was going to get anything positive out of him, “ Ashlei replied with another sigh. “He told me my work was too mundane, had no potential for my future, and that I should go back to the first year courses to reevaluate my level of work.”

Bouncing to one of the nearby recliners, Jackie merely giggled as she quickly grabbed one of the two drinks and took a quick sip, before throwing it back onto the table and sticking her tongue out as a method to cool the light burn that the steamy liquid had brought forth.

“Hey, at least you only have to go back to first year courses, “ she began with a slightly slurred tone, resulting from her exposed tongue which she had now began to fan with one of her hands. “ I was told to drop out because I had a no chance of success in my future.”

Smiling at her best friend’s antics, Ashlei grabbed her own drink and took a much more careful sip to prevent a similar state of torment under which her friend was currently suffering. Upon setting her drink back onto the table, she opened her mouth to ask her friend a question; however, before any words could be produced, Jackie had already cut her off with a new overly enthused tone.

“Hey! Hey! Hey!” she yelled out, attracting the attention of the nearby students. Hanging her head low as if she were embarrassed from the attention she had brought upon herself, Jackie quickly lowered her tone to a loud whisper before continuing the previous statement she had begun. “You and I are both done for the day seeing we had our reviews. How about we hit up the dorm and play Worlds Collide for the rest of the day?”

Ashlei stared into space for a moment’s time as if pondering the question; however, she soon shook her head while placing a wrapped bento box onto the table.

“Perhaps later, but I have to deliver that lunch to our useless friend first.” she said while gathering the remainder of her stuff.

“Hmmmm, I’m jealous,” Jackie replied with a cheeky grin on her face and a taunting tone on her voice; however, a flick to the nose quickly changed her mood to a pout before changing once again to an outburst of laughter as she too sprung up and began to gather her belongings.

“I’ll catch ya later then!” she added with a maniacal wave before sprinting away to enjoy the remainder of her day off.

Kaivant’s store was situated within the near vicinity of the college campus; however, due to the frigid weather from winter’s arrival, it was still a walk too long for most to enjoy especially on a windy day such as the current. Nevertheless, delivering his lunch had become something of a tradition for Ashlei, and a few chills were not about to stop it. Bursting through the door of the game store, Ashlei walked over to the counter where she set the bento box, leaned forward, and loudly exclaimed at the owner who was fast asleep despite the handful of customers within the store.

“Your lunch is here!” she said only to begin laughing with the customers as Kaivant fell backwards out of his stool and began sheepishly rubbing his head with a dazed, startled look on his face.

“That was quite cruel, you know,” he replied shortly after gathering his senses and repositioning himself back onto his stool.

“Well you’re the one asleep on the job,” she teased with a chuckle. “For all you know people have been pocketing games left and right,” she finished whilst ignoring the glares from a couple customers who had ended their laughing fit and replaced it with a look of annoyance based on her false accusations, despite the joking nature. Steeping aside to allow a customer to check out, Ashlei rested her elbows on a side counter while lazily gazing upon the transaction that had begun to occur.

“I’ve always wondered Kaivs,” she began in a quizzical tone. “You have a part-time worker don’t you? How come I've never once seen him?”

“I do,” Kaivant began in reply, pausing to accept the customer’s form of payment and only returning to the conversation once the transaction had been completed, and the customer had been bid farewell. “He’s always in class or upstairs playing Worlds Collide around this time. Though he did agree to make dinner tonight, so if you wish to stick around…”

Kaivant cut himself off and began to ponder a thought for a quick moment before continuing with a new train of thought.

“Hell, you’re a Worlds Collide player. Use my second gear set upstairs and go deliver a message to him,” he said with new enthusiasm as if he were proud of the idea he had developed. “Tell him he can have the rest of the day off. You’ll probably find him at some flower field within the Enchanted Forest.” he concluded while tossing the key to his apartment in Ashlei’s direction.

The Enchanted Bed, Ashlei thought while snatching the key mid flight. She figured this was the only possible location Kaivant could be referring to. The Enchanted Bed was a rare zone within the Enchanted Forest, and it was the home to a wide variety of flowers which could be collected as materials. However, despite being a rare zone, it was widely known that the field was actually quite useless apart from an achievement for discovering it and the taking in the beauty that it held. Because of this fact, Ashlei couldn't help but wonder why any veteran Worlds Collide player, as she assumed he was, would spend ample time within that zone, yet with a shrug, she enthusiastically agreed to the request before departing from the store.

However, Ashlei’s departure from the store was met with broken enthusiasm replaced with a dreadful anxiety that was very much unlike the positive personality which governed her life. From her viewpoint, the world was operating at half speed as she walked along the path which would lead her to the apartment upstairs. Coincidence, she continually muttered under her breath while unlocking the door to Kaivant’s apartment, Nothing more than a coincidence. Alfie was the name Kaivant mentioned as she had walked out of the store, and it was a name that was far too similar to the one she had expelled from her memory several years past. Pausing in front of the half shut door to Kaivant’s game room, Ashlei took several deep breaths before mustering enough courage to push open the door and step into the dimmed room. Shrouded by the WC headgear and the darkness of the room, the identity of “Alfie” was unable to be determined through a simple gaze which brought about a sigh of relief as the identity would remain a mystery for some time longer. Sitting on the open bed across from the occupied, she continued to gaze upon his lifeless body and ponder the chance it belonged to whom her inner self wished her to believe.

“Who am I kidding,” Ashlei said with a chuckle and as shook her head once before grabbing the nearby WC gear and placing it on her own head. “No point in killing myself with anxiety,” she added with another deep breath in an attempt to calm the nerves which had been hyperactive for far too long. Once the preparations to enter Worlds Collide were complete, Ashlei laid back onto the bed, closed her eyes, and allowed Worlds Collide to overtake her conscious. It wasn’t until she felt the soothing caress of the Underwater Realm’s gentle current, that Ashlei reopened her eyes to take in the vibrant colors of coral that stretched the ocean floor within the realm of the mermaids. While stretching her limbs in preparation for swimming, she noticed that a smile had returned to her face upon her arrival within the world, and the anxiety that had been tormenting her back in the real world seemed to have reduced to a minimum. It was during her swim toward the Underwater Realm’s portal that she realized a genuine curiosity, desiring to uncover the true identity of the soul named “Alfie,” had replaced her negative emotions, and had given her a new strength back by the illusion of character which would protect her identity.

“A quest to uncover a mystery and a journey to the Enchanted Forest,” she muttered with a grin, “What could be a better way to start an adventure.”

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be924084b_TheThreeSistersBanner(1).jpg.eba503182fc522d38174150dc1b0cabf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11381" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be924084b_TheThreeSistersBanner(1).jpg.eba503182fc522d38174150dc1b0cabf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Masumi could hear the sound of people conversing among themselves as she scanned the manga book's pages with her honey glazed eyes. Within the variety of voices, Masumi recognized a semi-familiar one. Her glistening eyes slowly looked away from her book and into the eyes of the girl sitting in front of her: Yuuko Inoue. Even though she and Masumi never really had an actual conversation, being that Masumi doesn't quite talk to anyone, it always seemed like Yuuko was determined to be friendly with her anyways. Masumi's pale pink lips parted slightly as she was greeted by Yuuko, and also offered some candy. Her eyes glanced between the candy and Yuuko's face, and after a moment, Masumi finally decided to take one of them. She spotted a strawberry flavored one, which just so happens to be Masumi's favorite flavor.

Forcing a smile Yuuko's way, as if silently thanking her, she slowly opened the candy and popped it into her mouth. The taste made Masumi's lips form a true smile, being glad to have something sweet. Yuuko is so nice... I wonder why she's so kind to me, though. We never really speak or anything... Perhaps I should try one of these days, Masumi couldn't help but think. After that, she heard the bell ring to start class, so she put away her manga book and took out her text book and notebook. Their homeroom teacher didn't seem to have a educational subject on mind, however. On the board, Ms. Tachibana began to write in large letters "Cultural Festival Ideas." Masumi immediately let out a sigh. Immediately, the room burst out with ideas. "Cosplay Cafe!" "Art Gallery!" "Butler Cafe!" "Maid Cafe!" "Haunted House!" and then, of course, the ecchi class clown, "Strip Poker!" Ms. Tachibana shot him a look, which immediately silenced him.

Some of those actually sound nice... Perhaps some sort of cafe - so long as I'm not a waitress - I don't like talking to these people; I do enjoy cooking, though, Masumi thought to herself, being that when Reina's working and Naomi isn't around, she usually has to cook for herself. She was quite the cook in Worlds Collide, as well - and, at that thought, her shy smile widened. She couldn't wait to get back home and start playing. Not being able to help it, as the students began taking their votes, she took out one of her VRMMO Game Review magazines, featuring Worlds Collide. She smiled down at the cover and began flipping through the pages, reading about it and the upcoming events they were featuring for the holidays. Oh? In the Everwinter Mountains lies some sort of Polar Bear beast? That's classic. Apparently it drops some sort of rare item to whoever kills it, or whichever party kills it. Nice. She thought with her brows raised thoughtfully.

Soon enough, it was already time for lunch. Time really flies when everyone's talking about one subject ruthlessly. Eventually, it was decided that they were doing a cafe like theme - they just couldn't decide whether it was a Cosplay Cafe, Maid Cafe, or a Butler Cafe. Some people were suggesting combining the Maid and Butler Cafes into one, though that idea is still competing with the Cosplay Cafe idea. Either way, Masumi actually didn't have any objections. So far, it didn't sound like any of the Sophomore classes were doing a cafe, so there wasn't any competition. As the bell rang to release the students for lunch, Masumi stood up with her magazine in hand and threw her bag strap over her shoulder. Adjusting it and tucking her magazine under her arm, she began walking out of the room, but not before shooting Yuuko a glance. Smiling at her, she made her way towards the cafeteria, where all the students from all the grades were eating.

Masumi made her way over to the lines, ready to buy her usual lunch. She liked the cream filled breads the most, though most wouldn't call that a meal. Masumi wasn't one to care - they were her favorite, and sweet or not, she was going to eat them for lunch. Buying one, and ignoring the weird looks she got from people, she made her way towards the end of one of the back tables, close to the window. However, when she arrived there, she noticed a boy already sitting there alone. Biting down on her bottom lip, she wondered whether she should go and sit there still, ignoring his presence.
No, I shouldn't.. He doesn't really seem like the social type, either - probably sits there for the same reasons I usually do. She decided, so she made her way out of the cafeteria, opening one of the doors that lead to a staircase, leading to the roof of the school. If her spot was taken in the cafeteria already, this was where she would usually sit and eat lunch at.

Opening her magazine and munching on her cream filled bread, she enjoyed the silence and solitude. The view from up here was wonderful, as well - perhaps, after finishing her meal, she'd sketch a bit.

Naomi walked into her first class, which mainly taught the basic core subjects. Smiling towards Kai, just to keep him carrying her books, she took her seat and watched as he placed them beside her. "So, I was wondering--" he began, but Naomi quickly put her finger over his lips to shush him. "I don't think so, Kai. What we had was a one time thing. Thank you for carrying my books, though," Naomi stated ruthlessly, her words not even seeming bitter when said with such an angelic smile planted upon her face. Still, Kai took it rough. He was known to be a player on campus, but he followed Naomi around like a puppy. As he walked away, one of Naomi's "friends/followers" came up to her and let out an amused breath. "Wow, you've really tamed that dog, haven't you?" the girl, Mika, joked in a teasing tone.

Naomi just rolled her eyes in response. After getting judged a few times by Mika as she took the seat next to her, Naomi decided to let her in on a few details.
"It was just one night - one date, one moment, that's it. I didn't mean for him to become so smitten. But, hey, at least he holds my books for me, right?" Naomi stated, getting a laugh out of the both of them. "Gosh, are guys always like this with you? What's your secret? You've seriously got to let the other girls in on it," Mika stated, but she only got a shrug out of Naomi. "What can I say? Natural charm, I suppose," she stated, a both direct and indirect answer. In all reality, Naomi just knows how to flaunt her features and use them to her advantage. All it takes is a little confidence, really - whether you're faking it or not. It's amazing how gullible guys can be. As soon as the girls realize that guys are idiots, manipulating them will come to them as easily as breathing, Naomi thought to herself, shrugging simply.

Before Naomi even knew it, her basic classes were over, and it was time to head out to her enjoyable major - Theatre! Smiling to herself, and getting another one of her late dates to carry her books - this one is the sweet and innocent Haru who majors in Photography - she arrived at the Fine Arts section of the college in no time.
"Thanks, sweetie," Naomi smiled, giving Haru a small kiss on the cheek. Innocent enough to not be misunderstood, right? He grinned back at her shyly, running his fingers over his cheek before turning way and heading to his own class. Noticing the blush on his cheeks, Naomi knew he took that gesture to heart. Another smitten boy - just my luck, Naomi shrugged. It wasn't really a burden, unless they actually start liking her. She may break hearts often, but that doesn't mean she really enjoys doing it - unless they're guys like Kai who are known for using women.

Just like her father used her mother.

Shaking that thought away, Naomi held herself high as she walked into her acting class. Everyone greeted her, for she was practically the queen bee in this room. She greeted them back warmly, smiling and hugging her fellow peers as she walked along the room. Mr. Tanaka even greeted her with a warm hug before gesturing for everyone to return to their seats.
"Now, class - I'm sure you've all heard about LSO being on campus. They're here giving out lessons and training brilliant, musical minds - however, they're also going to be featuring in our upcoming Dance and Play, The Nutcracker!" He stated, and immediately, the classroom burst into life. "The Nutcracker? So, it's official? That's the main performance we're putting on for the holidays?" Everyone turned to each other and began confirming suspicions. Naomi simply smiled and awaited the audition details.

"We're holding public auditions for this play, and we're going to be working close with the Dance Majors, as well. To be given a role in this performance, you're going to have to possess great acting and dancing skills. All those who are up for the challenge - we're hosting auditions in the Campus Theatre all week long. The cast list will be posted on Friday." Naomi couldn't help but grin. While some of her fellow peers were worried, being that they don't believe they're all that great at dancing, Naomi knew she was going to do great. She became a Dance minor after becoming a Dancer in Worlds Collide. For some reason, it just called to her, and it was so much fun both in WC and in the real world. Feeling as confident as ever, Naomi knew she was going to do great in auditions. I'll practice today and tomorrow, and try out on Wednesday. She decided, and she just sat back and relaxed as the class went on, everyone questioning and discussing details.

Reina is just doing what she's doing. xD Don't really have anything to write for her until someone shows up at the garage, or until her work day is over - which won't be until a little after everyone's home from school. x)



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K a o r u N o r i


Kaoru was casually eating his sandwhich, when he locked eyes with a mysterious girl across the room. His face turned red instantly, and he looked away. He quickly looked back once the girl had started walking away. It looked like she was headed for his table, but turned around once she'd noticed him. That really made him feel like an outcast. That was rude... I should talk to her, Kaoru told himself. Though, he was really just making up an excuse to approach her because he thought she was beautiful. Kaoru really was emotionless, so it was odd for him to... feel something towards a person. That meant he had to talk to her. She was special.

Once Kaoru finished his lunch, he threw out his paper bag he carried it in. No use for that anymore. He exited the cafeteria, and entered the hallway. It was actually fairly empty due to the crowded cafeteria. He'd stopped in the middle of the hallway once he realized he had no idea where the girl went off to. He felt so stupid for thinking he could talk to a girl. It would have been a waste of energy. What was he thinking? Kaoru sighed, and made his way to the science room for his next class. He decided to wait there, since he had nothing better to do. Kaoru leaned on the wall, and slid down until he was cross legged. He worked on the science homework he should have done the previous night, outside of the classroom.


"Good to know that you like it." Yuuko told Masumi with a smile, and only observed the one same thing that she knew in her friend every day. She still doesn't talk that much... She thought, a little disappointed--in her self--for some reason. Immediately, she shifted back to her sitting position once she heard their homeroom teacher's voice. It was once again, that time of the year, when Ms. Tachibana would simply write a sentence. No, just a phrase, even.

Cultural Festival Ideas

And the crowd would go wild! Or in this case, the class would go--Oh, whatever. Yuuko Inoue thought, frowning a bit at her joke that she deemed horrible. She laid her elbows on the small table in front of her, at the space free of notebooks and homework, and settled her chin at the palm of her hands. Her classmates would raise their hands, say things and ideas randomly, or even, scream their ideas with enthusiasm. Yuuko didn't really need to do any of those. She just needed to raise her voice a bit, and her class mates would listen, or their teacher would silence them. That's how our class works, I guess. She thought to herself.

"Haunted Houses are a little too overrated." Yuuko said with a disapproving face, and started explaining about all those other classes who planned on setting up Horror Booths and Haunted Houses too. "It'll be redundant to our visitors, and we have to make sure that ours is better than all of them." She winked, and a few nodded, disapproved of her idea, or seemed to not listen at all.

Several minutes and conversations passed, and it was decided that they would do a Cafe.
"I approve of the Cosplay one!" She'd say to the group of classmates talking about the Cultural Festival with her. "But pretty much, Maids and Butlers are nice too..."

"We totally can't let Kisaragi join in." One of the female classmates pointed towards the one and only perverted class clown, who was now peeking at some random female's dress's skirt. "I can just keep him held up for now." She said, and a few other classmate's eyes glistened at their new goal. As lunch went by, that certain group of students slowly walked to Junpei Kisaragi. "You'll be in our custody... Rin, who seemed to be the leader of the group who planned on ambushing the class clown, said with a grin, her hands in an action that most would call 'groping'.

"Woah." Yuuko mumbled to herself before leaving the classroom with her bag, and onto the cafeteria. "Better not see what'll happen next." She chuckled, and went in line just to buy some juice and melon bread. For some reason, the delicacy just reminded her of her aunt, who once played lots of virtual reality games like her, and totally loved cream-filled bread and melon bread as much as her. "I'm pretty sure aunt Scarlettia moved back to London..." She muttered sadly, and just the mention of her favorite aunt's name made her remember all the things they've done together, and the great influence that her aunt got her into gaming.

(I just missed my SAO character so much... So I mentioned her! cx)

After buying four melon breads, a cream-filled bread and two juice boxes--grape and orange--she happily skipped to one of the tables that she had always wanted to sit at, whilst deflecting the stares of students with her cluelessness. But unfortunately, it wasn't Masumi whom she saw by one of the tables close to the window. Where her friend always sat, another student was.
"Hm..?" Her head was tilted to a side, out of wonder. "Oh, sorry." Yuuko said with her usual smiles at the male sitting at that table. "I thought you were someone else.. sorry." She apologized once more, and bowed slightly, and skipped happily again, to a place which was always her second option--the rooftop.

It took her quite a while to get there, but she knew that despite all the noise and life going on at the lower floors, where she was going was enough of a reward because of its peace. She was about to take her lock-picking tools, being that the rooftop was rarely used, resulting to its lockdown, and was quite surprised when it was unlocked. With her bag and newly-bought food at her grip, she kicked open the door, expecting to see those thugs that she had to fight off before eating in peace. But she was more in surprised when she saw Masumi instead.
"M-Masumi!" She ran, a little worried, and back to her super clueless self. She looked Masumi up and down, let her bags fall down beside her friend, and looked around with a fighting stance. "Where are they? Did they hurt you? Are you taken hostage? Are they hiding?" She kept on searching, but those bad students weren't there. She gasped, and looked at Masumi, almost with cluelessness and awe. "Did you... defeat them?"

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