Worlds Collide ♥ Reality & Fantasy! [Inactive]

Yui Sato


She pushed through the classroom door just seconds the bell rang, falling onto a pile on the floor. Yui quickly scrambled to get up, hoping that she didn't accidentally flash anyone. " I made it Ms Tachibana! I'm not late right? I mean, I hope I'm not. You see, I got off at the wrong station and I had to take another train, but it got delayed and-" Her teacher nodded and held up her hand, gesturing for her to go back to her seat. " Thank you!" Yui grinned gratefully and hurried to her seat. Taking her seat, she glanced up at the board, her eyes widening when she saw the words written on it. Written in big, bold letters in Ms Tachibana's impossibly neat hand-writing, was
Cultural Festival Ideas.

The rest of her classmates seemed to be in some sort of heated debate, hoping that their idea would win out. Almost everyone had their own opinion, and ideas were popping up left and right. Yui, on the other hand, was trying her best to keep up with the variety of choices. She wondered if anyone could pass out from confusion, if yes, she should probably head to the infirmary before she did. But of course, she doubted that Ms. Tachibana would really believe a student who claims to be on the verge of a black out because she's suffering from confusion. When she heard Kisaragi chime in about Strip Poker, she raised a brow but shook her head and grinned, amused. Aunt Miko would definitely enjoy that... Her aunt had a reputation for being a pretty wild party girl back in her school days. Of course, she still invites her friends over sometimes for a drink or two (by a drink or two I meant enough to get them severely wasted), and over the course of Yui's childhood, she had accidentally walked in on a decent amount of inappropriate scenes on party nights that she was sure would scar her for life.

"Haunted Houses are a little too overrated."

Yui looked up at the person who was speaking, whom she recognized as Yuuko. She listened as the girl explained why they shouldn't have a Haunted House. In her opinion, she thought Yuuko looked a bit like her, with her light brown hair and olive green eyes. Yui chuckled to herself, we could probably pass off as sisters if we wanted to. Sadly, she didn't know Yuuko that well. She thought Yuuko was a really nice person, and pondered briefly on why she never talked to Yuuko, probably because I never had the chance. Before she knew it, the class had already settled on a Cafe. " Eh, Yuuii~" Yui blinked at look up, only to find Asami standing beside her seat, her arms crossed, " You will be our designated costume designer." Asami jabbed a finger at Yui, a determined look on her face. Asami was more-or-less the class president, and she was pretty bossy when she wanted to be. " W-what? Uh... can you let me, um, think about that first?" The look Asami gave her was cold enough to make hell freeze over, but it definitely told her what she thought. Yui smiled nervously, " Y-yes, Asami." Instantly, Asami brightened up and hugged Yui, " I knew you'd agree! Oh, and remember that dress I ordered online? I better have it by tomorrow, or I'll kill you~" With that, she flounced off, leaving Yui in a slightly terrified state. " Eh, Yui. Make sure to make those costumes extremely revealing. Oh make the skirts extremely short, I'd like to see those legs~" Kisagari smirked. However, what he didn't notice was Rin heading towards him with an obviously unsettling plan in mind. One Yui didn't plan on sitting through. " I-I'll think about that, but, um, it'd seem that you have more imminent issues at hand."

Before he could fully comprehend what she meant, she had already shot off, her bento in hand. When she reached the cafeteria, she noticed in dismay, that the tables were full. Suddenly, an idea popped into her head.
The rooftop! She'd seen people in mangas having lunch on the rooftops all the time and it seemed pretty fun. She didn't know if the door was locked or not, but it wouldn't hurt to take a chance. Skipping up the stairs that led to the roof, she silently prayed that there weren't any thugs up there. When she pushed the door open, she was relieved to find that there were no thugs. Instead, she saw Yuuko and Masumi. She blushed in embarrassment, Yuuko and Masumi were pretty good friends, maybe best friends even, and it seemed that she had walked in on their private spot. " I-I'm sorry, I'll leave!" With that she slammed the door shut and sat down on the stairs in the dim lighting. " Okay, well!" She clapped her hands together, "...I guess I'll have lunch here!"
Joshua Wilson

"God damn it not again not again not again not again." Joshua yelled, running towards the University. He had slept in after grinding in Worlds Collide again, only to run into a PvP squad just before he was going to log off. Yeah, they died... Eventually. It took him way too long, according to himself.

But right now, he was almost late for class. Just as the bell ringed, he entered his classroom, causing a few people to look at him, then turn their heads away while rolling their eyes. As usual, Joshua was late. Nobody was surprised about it anymore.

The morning was spent learning about computer hardware, programming and more computer hardware. It was fairly boring, but it was useful. He could do without the mathematics involved, but he couldn't have everything.

As the bell rang for lunch, Joshua decided to take a slice of pizza with the usual grub. As he sat with the rest of his friends, he didn't say much, just listened to the general chitchat of who hooked up with whom, who they thought had a crush on whom. His name was said, once.
"Seriously, you think someone has a crush on me?" He said to the girl who thought a certain freshman might have a crush on Josh. "I am so obviously boyfriend material." He said, making bodybuilder's poses, while his friends chuckled as he fell off the chair doing the last one.

"You OK man?" The guy next to him - Lee, he realized - asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Got a hard head anyway." A few people chuckled, while Josh quickly went back to his food.
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Cathrine (Cat) Liletha

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/upload_2014-1-4_19-21-56.png.0886edb53619fc0b815c2661405c575d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11443" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/upload_2014-1-4_19-21-56.png.0886edb53619fc0b815c2661405c575d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

'Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!'

The noise kept blaring without mercy, droning on and on.

'Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!'

Sadly, the one who had to endure this agonizing torture was none other than Cat herself. She couldn't tell how long it had been going on, nor could she tell why, but she knew that it was finally time to put a stop to it. With that thought in mind she flung her hand in the direction of the noise and... was rewarded with something shattering on her floor. Well, at least the annoying sound had silenced.

Releasing a groan from deep within her throat Cat sat up from her cloud-like bed to look down at what she broke and saw that it was her alarm clock, the screen shattered to millions of different shards of glass that gleamed in the sunlight. By this point Cat was more than a little confused, and somewhat angered by the fact the she had once again broken her alarm clock, so she jumped out of bed in an ungraceful manner and padded over to the wall clock hanging up in the hallway.

Oh no... no no no no no! Her red eyes couldn't be deceiving her, could they? She somehow doubted it. With a few more passing seconds of looking at the clock as if the time would magically tick backwards it finally dawned on her that she was already late for school. Really late. As in way past first period late. Releasing a yelp that echoed around the empty hallway she rushed back into her room, shimmying out of her royal blue tank top and dark grey shorts in the process.

Cat could care less about her room at the moment, knowing that she'd have to clean up the area once she got home, and began raiding her closet for anything that would be semi-presentable. After violating the poor unsuspecting clothes she at last pulled out a maroon colored turtle neck with stripes adorning the fabric along with a slightly crumpled pair of dark washed blue jeans and hurriedly tugged them onto her body while also trying not to hurt herself in the process..

Once Cat was sure that nothing was on backwards or inside out she skidded across her bedroom floor, only falling on her face once which she deemed as an accomplishment, and combed through her knotted mass of dark red locks to get rid of the awful bedhead she had woken up in. Finally! Wait... where's my bag?

Letting out a groan once more, this time of annoyance, she ran back into her room and looked everywhere for it. Under her bed, in her closet, behind her desk, on top of her dresser and even in her drawers with no such luck. Knowing that it had to be somewhere in the house she went into the living room and with a touch of luck found it placed upon the oak table. After grabbing the strap of the smokey grey bag, she rushed out the door and ran through the front yard.

Knowing that there was no time to wait for a train to come and pick her up she ignored the station and sped along the passageway to school that she took many times before when she had missed her train. I really need to get a more effective alarm clock... or stop breaking them altogether. Cat mulled over in her thoughts, happy when the silhouette of the school had appeared in her line of sight. This only succeeded in making her run faster than she already was.

In all honesty this was the redhead's first time to be late, or at least this late, for school so she was a bit nervous as to what her parents would do when they found out about her tardiness. She would also have to tell them the reason why she had slept in so late and when they hear her say that she had spent most of the night playing World's Collide and looking up random facts about it they would no doubt be furious. Maybe she could just say that she was up finishing homework? Plus it wasn't necessarily lying because it did take her a while to finish the mounds that the teacher had placed on her shoulders.

Shaking her head, the red wisps of hair swaying with the movement, Cat pushed those thoughts out of her head and barged into the school doors. Relief seemed to flood her entire body as she took in the sights of students sitting around the tables for lunch. Now she wouldn't have to face an awkward confrontation with a teacher as she explained why she had ran into a class panting as if her life depended on it.

Going over to the lunch line and ignoring all of the strange looks she got from surrounding students Cat bought herself a water and fruit cup, not all that hungry, and helped herself to an empty table by a clear window where she happily munched on her food while enjoying the scenery that the glassy object before her provided.

(Alright, I am now no longer dead!)



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Joshua Reckner

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Joshua.jpg.2a3ea26bfe6552edfcf9c3a080e84c83.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11477" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Joshua.jpg.2a3ea26bfe6552edfcf9c3a080e84c83.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Trudging through the uncomfortable hallways packed with students and teachers, Josh was lost in thought over his game. He only have one class this morning, so he was going to head straight back home and play for the first time! He didn't care if it doubled the train prices for the day, it was worth it to finally get to use his new equipment. He slipped into his class and took the seat closest to the door. Despite his poor interactions with his fellow students, he spoke fine enough with the teachers and they enjoyed having him in the front of the room. Josh enjoyed it mostly for the short walk inside and the lack of people crowding him. If he sat in the back, for instance, he'd have to walk past nearly everybody. They might speak to him or, even worse, make a face that he could see. He didn't quite care if he was made fun of in school as those that did were less popular than he was.

As the teacher wrote on the board and lectured to the university class, Josh simply wrote down everything that was mentioned. He filled two pages, back-side and front, with notes. Despite his thoroughness, he learned nothing from that day. His brain was thinking about Worlds Collide, and it absorbed all of his brain power besides that used to write what he heard and listened. If all else failed, he could review his notes later.

Before he knew what happened, the hour-long class was over and students were already filing out of the room. Waiting to stand, he looked up at the professor... who was looking back at him. "Joshua, could we have a word?" One of those less-popular nerds made an ooooh-ing noises as he strode past, but Josh ignored it. When he could at last stand, he grabbed his pack and headed towards the professor's desk. "Yes, sir?" "You seemed a bit out of it today. I tried asking you a question, and you didn't respond. Are you feeling okay?"

The red flushed to Josh's face as he realized that his day-dreaming was so severe that he couldn't even respond to his name being called! Had others tried to speak with him as well, then? "Oh.... d-did you? I'm so sorry, sir. I'm feeling alright, just a bit distracted." He nodded apologetically again before he turned and scampered out of the room. He didn't want to be asked if he should be sent to the Nurse or any of that nonsense. The fact hit him a bit hard, however, that this game absorbed so much of his life that he didn't even hear his own name. The haunting thought made him step slowly through the halls, accidentally bumping into a few students. This was ample time for people to talk to him, which he would have preferred against, but his mind was again caught on a single thought. Everyone that he hit, as it was, did actually get an intelligent response in return. It wasn't quite as bad as his space-out during class.


OOC: I left this ending vague in case anyone would like to converse with Josh before he scurries back home to get absorbed into WC!



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be96038dc_TheThreeSistersBanner(1).jpg.a4dadbf76b18203bb6a75d9900577543.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11520" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be96038dc_TheThreeSistersBanner(1).jpg.a4dadbf76b18203bb6a75d9900577543.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Masumi was casually reading and munching on her bread when, suddenly, she heard a familiar voice call out her name. "M-Masumi!" it shouted, startling her and making her sweet honey eyes dart around the place. W-What the? ... Is that Yuuko? She wondered, and then she appeared. She dropped her things beside her and neared her, her eyes darting around as though she was paranoid of something. Masumi just started at her, puzzled and confused as she began ranting about people unknown to her. "Where are they? Did they hurt you? Are you taken hostage? Are they hiding?" Yuuko questioned her, Masumi softly shaking her head to each question. Just then, Yuuko gasped and looked at Masumi with a sense of awe. "Did you... Defeat them?"

Masumi couldn't hold back a small smile at Yuuko's senseless worry. Flashing her pair of pearly whites for a split second, she just waved around her magazine and cream bread in the air, indicating that she was just reading and eating this whole time. Shaking her head 'no' to her question, she shrugged and continued munching on her bread. I wonder who she's taking about? ... Should I ask her? She questioned in her brain. Wondering if she could find her voice, she contemplated speaking, but decided against it. I just can't... I'll just write it down. Masumi concluded her thoughts, and began rummaging through her bag for her notebook. Putting her magazine and bread down, she began writing:

'Who are you talking about? Did something happen up here?'

She wrote, and just as she finished and held it up to Yuuko, another girl walked in and apologized for it. Masumi just tilted her head, confused at all the sudden interaction. She watched as the girl retreated from the scene, shutting the door to the roof behind her. Pursing her lips together, Masumi wrote another thing in the notebook.

'Should we go after her? Wasn't that Yui from class?'

Naomi sat quietly as everyone discussed during class. Due to everyone bursting about the Nutcracker performance, the class seemed to run on by. Soon, it was already time to release the students. With a smile, Naomi stood up and bid farewell to everyone from her classes. She never got any lunch due to her going straight to her theatre class, so she decided to drop by the cafeteria to see if anything tasty was left. I hate waiting in line though, she thought with a shrug. Well, it's better than not eating at all. She thought as she walked through the hall. Politely waving to everyone she knows, and winking back at the cute guys who checked her out as she walked, she laughed at how fake it all seemed. Gosh, I can't wait to get back home and play Worlds Collide. Though it's a virtual reality, it feels so much more real than this --- she thought, but was cut off by a sudden, unknown force knocking her off her feet and right unto her backside.

"O-Ow! What the--" she began, and looked up to see a guy with brown eyes and hair that was more on the brown side, but it could be able to pass for dirty blonde. Her stare turned apologetic, realizing that she didn't run into a wall, but a person. "I'm sorry," Naomi began as she got off her backside and unto her knees, beginning to gather her things together. "I wasn't really paying attention to where I was walking, I guess," Naomi let out an awkward laugh. She hooked her blonde hair behind her ear as she continued gathering her stuff, trying to keep it from falling in front of her face like it usually does. Her bangs still formed a half-veil, however. Her deep brown eyes looked up at the boy in front of her through the veil, wondering if she staggered him or hurt him.

I know my butt hurts right now, but did he hit anything, too? Gosh, since when am I a klutz? She couldn't help but think with a sigh. She began looking around for one of her notebooks, which contained a paper that Mr. Tanaka gave her for the Nutcracker. Crap, where did it go? She wondered as her brown eyes scanned the area surrounding her. Did it fly across the hall or something? Did someone step on it? Danggit, it had the audition details on it! She thought as she bit down on her lip.

Reina is still awaiting interaction or for her work day to end~ (Perhaps, if we're still in the real world by the time I post next, I'll just have her go home and enter WC~)

((I'm sorry if this post isn't top notch, guys~ I haven't posted in a bit and know I have to, so I kinda rushed it with tons of other things going on. xD Sorry!))



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(Time to try something fun I suppose)

Kuniri Akamine

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Kuniri.jpg.b50a6e8f280b060b0de4fbdd44dc6877.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11537" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Kuniri.jpg.b50a6e8f280b060b0de4fbdd44dc6877.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

'The winds are ever changing, as we, like leaves, are carried in an unknown direction.'

As the flow of time would continue to run it's course, Kuniri could be found resting her head on arms crossed. Eyes of dull violet gazing forward as if the individual before her ceased to exist. Her mind, once again visiting a world far unknown to many countless others. To explain her exact experience, would be like explaining the view of earth from space to one forever blind, it was near impossible. But, on a far lesser scale, one can say she is merely daydreaming. A dream of an open field, endless grass upon rolling hills where the winds could silently whisper. This was one of the few domains the girl would come to frequently visit throughout the days. A realm of warm solitude, that like a string, made her feel completely connected to those around.

"Kuniri?" A voice addressed her, forcefully pulling her gaze to the source. Pink was the dominant color, swirls of deep red floating within. After a short moment the colors would quickly fade away, leaving behind the girl named Andri. A soft smile came to meet the other girl, as Kuniri stared up at her. This girl was fighting through her own path. "Ah, there you are! Class has been over for a few minutes now."

Taking a small glimpse to the empty desk before her, she would release a small chuckle before returning her attention to the classmate. "I suppose it has. Thank you for telling me, Andri, sorry to inconvenience you once again."

The girl came to shake her head, brightly smiling in return, "No inconvenience at all." The smile was quickly replaced as another thought seemingly passed through her mind. Eyes opened widely, as she leaned in towards Kuniri, placing the palms of her hands on the desk. "Oh! Kuniri, join us for lunch today! You always sit in here alone."

Perhaps it was impossible for Andri to understand just why she was incapable of accepting that invitation. It was all too easy for Kuniri to see that she enjoyed eating alone with Riki, that boy from earlier. She might try to pass it off as a bother for a front, but it was all too evident. "A kitten must never break focus whilst on the hunt, otherwise a vixen may steal her prey." Coming to a stand, she would give a slight bow, "Sorry, Andri, I must decline." Before further negotiations could be made, Kuniri stepped away from the girl and left the classroom.

Walking the halls once more, she would gaze upon others on passing. Eyes so open, that one might think she would readily join every conversation she happened to over hear. But presence so strange, that perhaps none would directly approach her to initiate a new. It probably should not come off as a surprise, seeing as what Kuniri was openly accepting was not the presence of others conversing, but more the vibrations of each given group. This was what created the misleading and strange aura of both wanting to be apart of everything, and the simultaneous desire to remain just as she is.

For those who happened to know her a little bit, like Andri, or perhaps a few who overhear the random rumors, one might notice a single oddity. Kuniri, though frequenting the halls in this same manner, was generally never really present around lunch time. Often times she would sit within the classrooms without food. No, she was not partaking in some serious diet, nor was she completely poor as some others would like to believe. Though, it was true that she failed to carry spare change. However, her choice to avoid eating lunch was due to the fact that some one else may be incapable of eating on that given day.

Singra Nine

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be965cb90_SinaFrei.png.cccbd9aeb534fdbd87cfb3ff7cdfb10c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11536" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be965cb90_SinaFrei.png.cccbd9aeb534fdbd87cfb3ff7cdfb10c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

'Frei..... Does she feel alone?.. I fear the day she finds out... No, I can't bother myself with others.'

Schedule untouched, Sina had already managed to navigate her way through cafeteria as well escape to the school courtyard. Few others would be spread about, but she always managed to claim a bench for herself. Of course the occasional person would pass by, staring at her for a few seconds before passing on. But, for once this was never really about her eye patch. No, during lunch it was always the stack of seven lemon puddings sitting next to her that sparked other's attention. No meats, no vegetables, and no drinks to go along with it. Every last bit of daily allowance would go towards these delicious yellow treats.

A young girl, with near violet hair sitting on a lone bench within a courtyard. Such a lonely shape as she would be quietly eating away her favorite treat for the slightest of comforts. The day around her seemingly passing on without a moment of hesitation. If one were to cross paths with this sight, would they feel the melancholy? Completely blind to those darker emotions that flowed throughout her entirety? To such a girl, the rose colored life around was meaningless. No matter what moments would come to pass, it would all fade into nothingness by the end. What was the point in making memories when they would simply disappear by the end of a single life? Was it not childish to cling on to things, such as the belief that all is eternal? A moment is a moment, that and nothing more. Why was it that all were capable of fighting something absolute? What was the point to live by the moment if there was no goal that could justify it?

Sina was one who came to hate this time of year. Everyone would come to smile, completely blind to the ultimate end they would all face, achieving absolutely nothing. Was this unchanging fate, no, was this world even worth fighting against?
'I can't fight it..', it was impossible. For every light one meets in the world, darkness always sits at the end. Content leads to dismay, happiness leads to sadness, love can lead to loss. Everyone, everything will sink into that hole, so why fight it? 'It's not fair! It's not fair.....' Why can no one else see the unavoidable end? 'Why am I alone... Why are you people fighting for that light? Why aren't you being thrown into the darkness?' Perhaps, it is because she is within that darkness, that no one else visits. Is she alone being left to suffer through it all? 'Am I that hated?'

Perhaps it was so, perhaps everyone did completely despise her. Perhaps the world knew the truth behind the end, and hid it away from her so she alone would fall into it.
'Frei..', that's right. One other had to know of the darkness, one other had to know the cruelty of it all. Did that explain the occurrence of this morning? '..thank you.'

(Most of Sina's main posts will be related to home, or WC for a little while. Otherwise, they will be lacking seeing as most of my plans for her are a little later. So for now, enjoy this random personality insight!)

Valien Seong

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9668f58_ValienSeong.jpg.ba244a7bfd8f0bd28386c25f208b6b7e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11538" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9668f58_ValienSeong.jpg.ba244a7bfd8f0bd28386c25f208b6b7e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

'Some things that are lost can never return. You can cry, beg, or get angry, but being weak gains you nothing.'

The room was dimly lit, the illumination from the source dancing along the wall as colors changed. The low chatter coming from the box on the opposing wall as scenes changed on the moving pictures to a wall of text. Sunlight was deprived the chance of entering the apartment room by a simple black curtain. Slight rays were managed to seep through the sides, warmly hugging what they could manage. Though the appearance of the room may be considered dreary, it was merely for moment.

Following a few heavy footsteps, light immediately flourished withing the room. The white haired individual quickly shading his eyes from the drastic change with his right hand, whilst the left continued to pull open the curtain. "That was a complete waste of time.." the boy came to yawn, stretching out his limbs whilst turning his back to the intruding sun. "Next time that kid suggests a movie, I really will avoid it completely." After finishing his stretches, he would once again return to the couch sitting before the television set. Upon resting back into his seat, he would even tilt his head backwards, and with the cushion meeting the back of his head, his sapphire eyes would meet the ceiling. "Really... That was a terrible movie.." However, despite the boy's words, no feelings of disdain would come to his features, instead it was a small grin.

This odd guy on the couch? His name is Valien, he works part time at a local supermarket/superstore as part of the floor staff. Contrary to most peoples beliefs, he has recently become quite the laid back individual. Well, at least when he is alone with no one else in sight. During business hours one can probably find him quite serious, and perhaps even yelling at fellow employees for their lax nature. As one can see, he expresses opinions quite easily, issue being, their not exactly in line with his own thoughts.

A hand soon met Valien's forehead, as his fingers lightly scratched away at his scalp in mindless thought. As fate would have it, today was one of his few days off from work leaving him at the mercy of boredom. 'Completely opposite of how it used to be, huh?' Taking only a moment more to reminisce past experiences, Valien would force himself up. 'I suppose I have a bit of time to kill then.'



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Soren and Alara walked out of the music room after the end of the practise. They'd run out of things to chatter about, and walked quietly back to the auto. Soren almost made the same mistake with the doors again but quickly corrected himself, and they drove back to their hotel. They hadn't unpacked everything, since the hotel was only temporary until they had secured a flat. They brought down all the luggage that was not already in the flat and put it in, driving to where their new flat was. After unpacking, they set up their computers and began playing WC.

Spirit (imagine him with wings):

Soren and Alara logged on to WC onto their accounts, Spirit, and Selera. Spirit and Selera were of the Fae, and enchanters, and they each had a musical instrument that connected them with their powers. Spirit's flute connected him with the more graceful elements, like Air, or Shadow, while Selera's violin did the opposite. When they logged on, they looked at the news for the day and noticed that there was a new boss battle, a... Polar Bear? They knew that Unorthodox would jump at this and so quickly entered the game.

"Scout it out?" Spirit asked Selera. 'Yes' was the obvious answer, and they flew off to where the area where the Polar Bear was supposed to be. They set down silently and Soren looked at Selera with a question in his eyes. Selera nodded and they started quietly playing their instruments. A wall of Light surrounded them as tendrils of Shadow began dancing inside the Light. After a few seconds, it suddenly flickered out of existence. Really, what was happening was the Light and Shadow were working together to create an illusion of nothingness where they were.

They walked along the field, their wings keeping them light on their feet and nearly inaudible as they moved. They noticed that a group of about three average players were attacking the beast. As they moved closer, they found not one, not two, but three health bars, each with more than twice the health of an Unorthodox member. Selera frowned, and pulled up the bear's defence. Not as good as an Unorthodox member, which was nice.

They watched how the bear attacked now. It seemed to prefer to use brute force, and when one player started to get nearer to it, the bear roared, releasing a stream of ice that froze the player. Noticing this, the two other player quickly pulled the frozen player away and left the area. Spirit and Selera took note of all this and went back to where the group would gather with the information. They waited for the others to join and relayed the info to any of the members who did.

((All of this was determined by @Crystalline?))
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Joshua Reckner


No matter how many people he accidentally nudged, Josh's sense of balance was never off enough to send him sprawling. It was either that, or the weight was off enough to essentially make him a wall in the collision. Nobody but a towering football player would be perfectly unmoved, however, so he did back-peddle when they hit.

However, when he saw Naomi collapsed on the ground, his heart sank just a bit. She was very pretty, and the realization that he just knocked her over put a bit of red on his cheeks. "Ah, oh... I'm so sorry, too. I was, uh..." She practically mirrored his intended words. Not wanting to sound like a broken record, he tried changing it up. "My mind was elsewhere, I was just..." Gosh, what is he doing? Standing around like a dork, trying to talk with this woman. Get down and help her up.

And so, Josh bent low to the ground and assisted in grabbing her stuff. "Just... thinking about a new game I got. I don't have another class until later tonight, so I've been so eager to get home and play it..." Seriously, what are you doing? You think this girl is at all interested in your silly game? "I, uh-- yeah, v-very sorry." Once the majority of her papers, notebooks, and other items had been picked up, Josh handed her the items he had gathered and rubbed the back of his neck with his other hand. He did notice her still looking, though, so he did the same to check if there was anything missing.
Katsuo Yuuto

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Katsuo had one of his independent study periods first period so it was unnecessary to go to class. Another boring day... Another boring textbook he would skim... As a matter of fact, teachers were running out of books to give him as he had just recently been finishing college level textbooks for each of his classes. For Katsuo, everything was about speed and efficiency. It gave him more time to slack off and more time to himself while allowing him to finish important material in record timing. It wasn't long after he finished his in depth study of occult religions (his personal favorite subject of the day) that the bell for homeroom rung. Orderly lines of students flooded out of the library conversing with one another in very controlled volumes about nothing particular at all. "Oh, yeah, that new game I got, World's Collide? Yeah it's stupid. I remember being turned off from the game as soon as I saw some pixies in the Enhanced Forest or something like that. Besides, the game was way too easy. All you do is swing around a sword and get experience," One heavily masculine voice chuckled from behind him. "Oh my god, I'm so glad I didn't get that game. It's for kids anyway. It's all cartoony and gross," the girl next to him scoffed even at the thought of playing the game. "Judgmental bastards, all of you..." Katsuo whispered under his breath. Unfortunately, a teacher nearby heard him. "Mr. Yuuto, see me in my office immediately," the man sighed beckoning for the boy to follow him. Katsuo never got in trouble...He wondered what his parents would say.

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The young teacher in front of him was not much older than Katsuo, maybe 8-10 years older. Mr. Patterson was his name, and just about anyone in the school would agree that he was the epitome of a dashing young man. No one really disliked Mr. Patterson and many girls chased after him. He was too ignorant and lazy however to do anything about it. Katsuo was thankful it was Mr. Patterson who had pulled him over because he was the one teacher that Katsuo felt he could work his way around. He had hope for weaseling his way out of this one yet.
"C'mon, bud. let's sit down. I'll try to make it long so you can skip homeroom," he smiled as Katsuo stubbornly tried to avoid his gaze. Katsuo slowly took a seat divising a plan in his head to avoid trouble. He couldn't run...maybe he could say he said a different word like 'mustard...or mastered...hmmm...Katsuo's thoughts were interrupted by his teacher's calming voice, "Look, man I'm not mad at you or going to get you in trouble or anything for saying a potty word...we are in a more mature environment than that. There was actually something I wanted to talk to you about," Mr. Patterson sighed leaning forward in his chair, "I want you to volunteer for this year's cultural festival down at the school next door. I know you just finished your independent study class but during lunch I'd like to ride you over there for a visit," he sincerely looked Katsuo in the eye. "R-ridiculous! I'd never do that! I have better things to do than go jerk around at another school," Katsuo looked firmly back at his teacher's eyes. In all honesty, he was mostly just sad that he would not be able to play Worlds Collide immediately after lunch. Mr. Patterson then raised a brow at Katsuo: "You sure? It's an excuse to get out of your last classes that bore you so much. Also there are some pretty girls down at that school," Mr. Patterson lowered his voice to a whisper, "definitely better than your choices here I would say." "In all due respect sir, I don't really care about women," Katsuo retorted hoping his blunt response might get his teacher off his case. "Sigh...Look, Katsuo. I realize you don't have many friends at this school and that fine, I get it. I was like you once. No one really liked me any everyone thought I was the scariest thing that ever existed. But thst Cultural Festival over there: it changed everything for me," the teacher sighed reminiscing memories of the past. Katsuo was shocked and wondered if it was true. Had anyone ever felt like he had? It seemed impossible but... "All I ask is that you give it a shot. Just one day." Katsuo pondered his words for a bit and finally said, "...Okay, I'll volunteer. I'll go visit today but if I don't like it, don't expect me to go bad," he proceeded to walk out of his teachers office. Mr Patterson then sat down sighing a sigh of relief saying, "Wow, I can't believe I actually got him to do that..."

Immediately after he ate, he walked over to the other campus and down the hallways. "It looks like prison i here...Nothing is as pristine as my be expected I suppose." He checked the lunch room to see that the students were about to start their lunch period. The hallways were frantic during this passing period. Clutter in the hallways was not something his frail body was used to so navigating the hallways was an extreme task for him. After the crowd died down a tiny bit Katsuo gave himself a tour of the school. Luckily, no one noticed him while he was doing so and after he felt well acquainted with the school grounds, he decided the tuck himself away on the staircase near the roof. "Hope there aren't any lovers getting it on up there..." he plopped himself down in the staircase trying to remain out of sight. "He told me to meet with the principal or some sort of faculty about joining the festival. I guess I should wait till passing period as I've seen consistantly more teachers leaving their classrooms at this point.." he thought. fpcusing on nothing but keeping himself hidden near the roof until the period ended. "Maybe the teachers would understand but...I managed to bypass the guest stand without realizing it and going back for the guest badge now might look suspicious...I'll just lay low for now."



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Mayla Logan

Mayla awoke suddenly, and looked around. Had she slept too long? No, as usual she had maybe five minutes to spare. She smiled, this gave her time to get herself ready again. Walking into a classroom immediately after sleeping was pretty obvious. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, wondering what she had dreamed about. Mayla didn't usually remember any of her dreams, but she could usually tell if they were good or bad based on the emotions she felt upon waking. She couldn't remember what she had felt this time. Mayla let out a sigh, if she wanted to get ahead of the massive crowd of imbeciles and get to her locker early, she'd have to leave now. Reluctantly, she stood herself up and walked out the door.

She walked through the hallways, trying to rid the aches in her body by stretching. Sleeping in a supply closet can really mess up your neck. Now, where was her locker again? This was bad, how could she forget where her locker was? She shook her head. Now she had to find it somehow. Mayla decided the best way would be to walk around campus and see if any of the lockers were familiar. She had the time.

She began to speed walk through the halls, glancing at each and every locker she passed. She closed her eyes, You idiot, how can you forget where your locker is. Three minutes and two floors later, she still hadn't found anything. She ventured up the staircase to the third floor, cursing herself for being such an idiot. "Game, this is a game" She muttered, hoping it would motivate herself. To her surprise, no sooner had the words left her mouth she saw the numbers 999 and ran toward them. Ah, now she could remember, her locker was 999. She liked it because it was 666 upside down, and well the reasoning is pretty self explanatory. She smiled, her locker was also the last locker in the entire school.

Mayla opened her locker and hastily grabbed the books she needed for her next couple periods. She threw them in her book bag that she was forever carrying around and began to speed walk again. She decided to go a different way this time, in hopes it was faster. For a second, she wondered of she should just make her way up to the roof of the school and ditch, but decided against it. New objective, make it to class early. She started to run down the stairs to the second floor. She had no time to waste. Apparently, she also had no time to check if the floor was wet either, because on the second step she tripped and fell.


Game over. Wait no, she had landed on her butt, this wan't too bad. She still had time. She had to get up, though, now. Get your stupid ass up Mayla. Well, insulting herself wasn't working and her leg hurt a bit too much to stand. She gave up on trying. She instead layed down, and started to do something strange. She began to laugh. Quietly, at first, but it grew into a belly laugh before she knew it. Was she hysterical? She couldn't tell.



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Sugi woke up. He fell asleep in the middle of class. As always. Thank god the teacher hadn't noticed him yet. He sighed. He took a glance out the window. Clouds, blue sky. A normal day. He wished to go home, sleep and play Worlds Collide. He was pretty sure no one in this class played that game. He glanced at the whole class. Note passing, while the teacher was speaking. He put his head into his hands. "When will class be over..." Sugi took a look at the clock. 5 minutes.

Finally. Next period. Science. Sugi walked down the hall to his locker. Luckily it was close. He unlocked the locker, and grabbed his laptop, mechanical tools, science materials, and walked down to the science room. Thoughts swirled his mind. Worlds Collide. He wondered again if any kids here played that game. His character looked awesome. Gray Hair, Sorcerer class. Unfortunately, he wasn't looking where he was going, until he had passed the science room. Stupid Sugi... Pay Attention! He turned around and headed for the science room.

Spirit and Selera had come to the gathering point and as of yet, no one had arrived. "Are you sure there was a notification posted?" Selera asked. Neither of them had any idea. "We forgot to look at the board, didn't we?" asked Soren, sighing. "Let's go." They flew back to the guild hall and looked at the notification board. Lo and behold, there was no notification about it. "I guess they missed it?" Selera opened up the main notification board and saw that the Polar Bear had only been introduced a few hours ago. "Definitely."

Soren posted a notification about the Polar Bear, giving its stats and as much other info about it that they could glean. He almost posted it, and then remembered to mark a meeting place. "There we go." They flew back to the meeting place and waited, watching the Polar Bear from a distance, watching what went wrong and what worked to get an idea of what would work well against the Bear. They updated the notification from time to time as they watched with all the new information.
Sugi was bored, so he had unlocked his bike from the rack and pedaled home. The wind blew in his face, and the weather was nice.

He arrived home, and set his bike by the door. He took his keys out and unlocked the door.

He climbed the round spiral stairs to his room, and went into Worlds Collide.

Sugi, in game known as Adder, was in a town. He had heard about a Polar Bear event, and there was this Unorthodox place or something. Adder walked into the Grand Hall. There was a notification board, and it said something about the guild Unorthodox. "Hello? Is there anyway to join this guild? Hello?"
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"That's good to know..." Yuuko said, nodding at the paper that Masumi had just written on. "Sorry if I scared you." She started, bowing slightly in apology. "I just know a lot of those ganging-up and thuggy students that skip class all the way to the breaks and hide here, so when I come, it would mean to them that I came to ruin their parade." She sighed, ruffling her long, brown hair out of relief from worry. "I guess it's okay now. Sorry again, Masumi." She sighed once more, and quickly took one of those melon breads she just bought earlier, unwrapping one as swift as earlier, and took an average-sized bite in a very obviously happy way.

For a few seconds, believe it or not, Yuuko Inoue was already finished eating her melon bread. And she was about to crouch down to grab a juice box from the plastic bag she brought here, when she heard a voice from behind her. Yuuko looked behind at the familiar student before she apologized to both of them and closed the rooftop door.

"Ah, no! It's ooka--" Yuuko was about to assure Yui, one of their classmates, but the loud thump of the door closing interrupted it. Yuuko looked again at Masumi, reading what she wrote and responded, "Yeah, it's her." Yuuko smiled sheepishly, leaving her bags behind, but waiting for Masumi to go with her. "And yes, we should go after her. Another good friend wouldn't hurt."

Yuuko walked up to the rooftop door, and had to push it a little hard before it could open. Upon twisting the doorknob and looking out, Yuuko saw Yui from a small distance.
"Hey, Yui~" She said gladly, waving and continuing. "You should come and eat with us!" Excitedly, Yuuko added, nodding to her own suggestion. "Right, Masumi?" Yuuko backed away only a little from the doorway, so their fellow classmate could get to the rooftop. And so, she thought of an amazing idea--Or at least, only she thought it was amazing. "We should protect this rooftop from those thuggy peeps!" She said informally, almost jumping up and down. It simply reminded her of protecting a very important fortress. It also, reminded her of defeating bad people, players and monsters on Worlds Collide, her one and only favorite VRMMORPG.


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Masumi smiled at Yuuko, and shook her head kindly each time she apologized. She's really nice - I knew she was a good person, Masumi couldn't help but think as she spoke. Masumi listened as she responded to the things she wrote, and she followed behind her as she agreed to go after Yui. She watched as Yuuko conversed with her, and smiled and nodded when Yuuko gestured to her. Masumi wanted to echo the words, "Right!", but she just couldn't find her voice. With sad eyes, she arched her body half-ways away, and lightly pressed her tiny fingers against her throat. I wish I could speak to them.. I really hope I'm not making them feel ignored purposely.. She thought, and let out a sigh through her nostrils.

As she was looking away, Yui and Yuuko conversing at her side, Masumi looked around at the scenery of the school. Masumi smiled at the birds flying past the gates, but then she noticed more and more birds flying away.
W-What.. What's going on? Masumi wondered. She began walking towards the gates, interlocking her tiny fingers with the links of it. She looked down below, and she saw a group of students running about a large, burning ball of flames. Masumi's pale pink lips dropped open, and her honey eyes widened like a meadow. O-One of the floats is on fire! How did that happen? Masumi screamed in her thoughts. Wanting to make some sort of noise, she shook the gate and created a rattle, trying to get Yui and Yuuko's attention.

"We were just experimenting with sparks! We just wanted to create a dramatic effect! We're sorry!" One of the students tried explaining to the teachers on the phone with the fire department. The fire from the float was spreading slowly, and students were being sent home. This created a small burst of panic in Masumi, although, weirdly enough, it was also inspiring. I have GOT to try drawing this scene later.. She couldn't help but think, but quickly brushed the thought away. After gathering her wits, she rushed over to the stairs, grabbing both Yuuko and Yui by their arms. Immediately rummaging through her bag for her notebook, she wrote down on it quickly:

'There's a fire in the courtyard! Some float - we need to go! I saw students heading home. We should, too!'

Masumi wrote, and held it long enough for them to read. Afterwards, she shoved all her things back in her bag and began walking down the stairs. She looked back at Yuuko and Yui, making sure they were alright and following as she made her way back down.

Naomi listened as the boy in front of her practically echoed the same exact words she said. She couldn't help but let out a giggle at the pleasant irony - he was probably thinking the same things, as well. "It's alright, really - I get it," Naomi replied, and for the first time in a long time, she smiled over at him genuinely. What a goof ball. She couldn't help but think, and laughed to herself silently as she took the things he helped her gather. Within the books he grabbed, she saw the notebook she was looking for, so she smiled. "Thank you!" She spoke kindly, placing it all back in her bag and getting back up. She dusted herself off as he mentioned something about a video game he was eager to get home and play.

"Oh, I was just thinking about the same thing--" she began, but then caught herself. Whoa, hold up, girlfriend! What the hell are you saying? Shut your trap and walk away! She thought, straightening herself up and hooking her hair behind her ears awkwardly. She watched him rub the back of his neck awkwardly, as well, and she couldn't help but smile. "I'm Naomi, by the way," she spoke, flashing him a smile. "Thank you for helping me with my things, and I'm sorry again for running into you. I was - well, distracted, as well." She stated, her enchanting brown eyes turning towards the ground before looking into his own. She let her gaze linger for a few moments before finally clearing her throat, trying to evade anymore awkwardness.

"Well, I'm off back home as well, so.. I guess I'll see you around?" she stated, smiling at him kindly before turning around. She began walking to the train station, and as she did so, she couldn't help but wonder if the boy took the same train she did. With a shrug, she walked off campus and began making her way to the train station, attempting to catch the noon train.

Reina is going to be heading home soon~ I'll write more with her in the following post. <3



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Crystalline♥ updated Worlds Collide ♥ Reality & Fantasy! with a new update entry:

Worlds Collide Events & Occupations~ ♥

Alright! As you all know, we're all nearing the time when we're all going to be meeting up in the wondrous Worlds Collide. ♥ I just proposed a time skip in my last post. College hours are ending, unless your character plans on staying for more courses or practice or something, and I made a float catch fire so the students at high school could go home early. c: To all those who are working, perhaps their shifts could be ending, so we all can meet up and play. c: As for...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Yui Sato


She squinted in the darkness, and was trying to peel the cover of her bento when the door swung open again Bright sunlight flooded in, and illuminated the stairs. From the entrance, she could see Yuuko silhouetted against the blue sky in the back, her cheery voice echoed through the empty stairway. When Yuuko and Masumi assured her that it was okay to eat with them, Yui smiled sheepishly and got up, brushing the dust off her skirt as she did. " Thanks, I really didn't want to eat alone at all... But I'm sorry if I'm intruding." She gave them a short bow and scurried up the steps, closing the door behind her.

" Wow, it's amazing out here!" Yui gasped, her eyes sparkling. The open sky was a great escape from all the hustle and bustle in the cities, within the grasps of the unfriendly concrete mazes and faceless pedestrians. " You know, I've never really seen the sky like this before..." Yui sighed, enjoying the view. When Yuuko spoke about protecting the rooftop from thugs, Yui giggled, the way Yuuko spoke so passionately about protecting and defending something reminded her of something, " The only time I ever feel so fiercely protective about something is when I'm playing my favourite online game. But of course, you're right! I mean look at this, we can't let them hog all of it!" She twirled around and swept her hand across the sunny morning sky, " The way the light shines through those cotton-white clouds, the wind blowing in our hair and billows of black smoke rising up into- wait, what?!" She did a double-take, noticing that clouds of dark smoke were slowly swirling up from the courtyard like a smoky column. Before she could fully figure out what was going on, Masumi had quickly provided them with an answer. Yui's eyes scanned the notebook in her hands, her mouth forming into a tiny 'o'.

Almost as quickly as she brought it out, Masumi shoved all her things into her bag. Yui followed after Masumi as she made her way hurriedly down the stairs, her bento was still full, and tucked under her arm. " Oh wait!" Before Yuuko or Masumi could stop her, she rushed back to her empty classroom, grabbed her bag and shot back to where they were. " Okay, let's go!" Once they were safely outside of school grounds, Yui turned to them. " So, where are you guys headed to? I'll be taking the 11 o'clock train home, I guess." She smiled, checking her watch. That was when she realized that her watch had stopped working, she chuckled and shrugged, " Or the 12 o'clock one. Or maybe it's the one o'clock one?"

Joshua Reckner


The hesitance that followed Naomi's words about thinking the same thing almost made it seem like he was just staring at her. This girl likes video games? Well, he couldn't be sure if it was video games or not, as he hadn't actually specified before... but his mind immediately tagged her with the description regardless. He let off a slight chuckle, lips curling into a smile. "Uhm... J-Josh, I'm... I'm Josh."

He slowly nodded his head to her thanks. "We both sort of... hit each other. It was, y'know, like... I should've...." He looks towards the ground, just like she had, and gulped. "You're welcome."

He watched her walk off, just standing still for a moment. Senses beginning to kick back in, he realized she was heading the same way he was. "Uh, y-yeah...! When, uh... " He tried to give that a bit of emphasis so she could hear, but shied down after his initial exclamation. "...whenever..." Maybe if she didn't hear him, and didn't turn around to look, she wouldn't be creeped out that he walked off after her. Naomi, he thought, that's such a nice name.

Somewhere along the way, he lost sight of her in the crowds. Saddened just a bit, but not enough to really make anything of it, he just carried on towards his train. Slipping in and trying to take a seat near the door, he rubbed his hands together and looked down at his lap. He was hoping that he would see her around and, at the very least, they could have an actual conversation about... Wait.

Wait, why was he suddenly caring about this chick? He just accidentally bumped her in the hall, what was so special about that? It's not like he ever tried to talk with a girl before, but now he wanted to. It's not like it'll ever happen, he thought with a sigh, but.. I wouldn't be upset if it did.

Content with how his thoughts now, he didn't look up at anyone that was around. He just waited for the train to leave.

Cathrine (Cat) Liletha


Just as Cat finished up her lunch, if you could call it that, she saw other students darting over to the entrance doors in a slight hurry. Curious and beyond confused the female got up, threw away her empty food and water, then walked out the entrance of the school to be greeted with the sight of a float... on fire. Her curiosity and confusion melted away into bewilderment and finally settled on excitement. No she wasn't a pyromaniac... okay she wasn't a complete pyromaniac but she was excited to be able to have an excuse to go home and play WC.

Letting a small smile break through her stoic features she took one glance at the flaming float, the red and orange swirling flames licking at the next ones over and anything else near it, before ripping her eyes from the scene and making her way back home. Ah, what time is it? Cat questioned herself as she took out her watch, seeing that it was a little before twelve, and decided to take the 12 o'clock train home. It was a quicker and progressively easier way to arrive to her own house.

After about two minutes of her struggling to get out of the mass of frantic students and teachers she finally broke away, engulfing the fresh air that blasted into her lungs, and strolled along the nearby sidewalk that lead over to the train station while admiring the calm breeze and swaying trees that loomed about the acres of land. nature always did seem to capture her attention at any time with its immense amount of details and soothing rhythm that most wouldn't notice or care to look for.

As the station could finally be seen in her line of vision Cat sped up and was close, oh so close, to the entrance when she fell over the surrounding air. Right onto her face. What a nice way to ruin a happy mood don't you think? Staying as still as she could possibly be, her red tangles of hair splayed across her hunched over back and face along with her scattered items, she let out one long sigh with a groan mixed in there somewhere.

I really do have a problem with tripping over
absolutely nothing...' The fallen girl commented, the tone sounding annoyed even in her own thoughts. Well, I might as well get up and pick up my things because if one more person steps on my hair I'll lose it. And with that thought in mind Cat got to work picking up whatever fell out of her arms, sigh after aggravating sigh escaping under her breath with each foot that landed on the clump of papers as if they didn't know she or they were there. How inconsiderate can people really be?



"And it is settled... We're going to protect this place!" Yuuko announced, and heard a rattling noise from the metal gate. As she turned around, she saw a partly startled Masumi, who was once looking at the whole place with them peacefully, but it seemed that something was a little off. Just in time, the brown haired girl stared at the situation from above with her olive green eyes, and took her bags long enough before they all exited the rooftop with Masumi holding them together. Yuuko read what Masumi wrote neatly on her notebook, and looked at her friends before nodding.

They waited for a very short while when Yui retreated to their classroom to get her bag, and as soon as they exited the building they were once in, Yuuko caught her breath a little. She managed to dodge students either worried or excited about the current situation at their school, which took her lots of times bumping against other people and students. She almost tripped on one of those feet rushing towards their homes and means of travel, and observed that the others were on their phones asking for their vehicles to come and fetch them. She noticed a few familiar students by the fire department and burning float, and thought that they were probably the ones at fault for this fortunate event.

"I never really bring watches." Yuuko said admittedly, latching her backpack onto place, "But I'm pretty sure there's some train for us at the station." She continued in instinct. Out of the blue and curiously, Yuuko looked over to Masumi and Yui and asked, "Do you guys know about Worlds Collide? It took me so long to ask this, but I've never really asked anyone about their characters. It's all right if you don't know that, but it's pretty famous. I heard about this Polar Bear that we could defeat, and I was figuring maybe we could form some party--And there's this guild called Unorthodox. I've never thought about joining it, but my aunt recently gave me a letter almost forcing me to join it!" She almost daydreamed about going back in-game and shoved it out of her thoughts for now. "She was saying things to me like continue the legacy or something like that," she chuckled lightly. "She kind of warned me to stay away from some kind of paperwork, too. And oh yeah! Is it all right if I get your phone numbers?" She added gladly, taking her phone from her backpack and showing it to them. "This way, we'd be more connected!"

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Masumi watched in horror as Yui darted away to the classroom. For some reason, she felt afraid that something was going to happen to her. However, she reappeared just as quickly as she vanished, so Masumi was left with a sigh of relief. Is that girl in Track? She's so fast! Masumi couldn't help but think. She smiled, and she almost even laughed. For the first time in a long time, she actually felt a sense of bliss. Having.. "Friends," She supposed she could call them, was quite refreshing indeed. She usually spent her time alone in her own little world - coming out for a bit was quite the feat, and she was beginning to really enjoy it. She smiled over at them, listening as they conversed over which train to take. Masumi took out her phone, which had a screenshot of Worlds Collide as a wallpaper. The time read 11:45, so they should have enough time to make it for the noon train. Upon looking, she took back out her notebook and began writing to the two of them.

'It's 11:45. We should be able to make the 12 o'clock train if we hurry.'

She wrote, and then watched as a girl with vibrant red hair in front of them fell right on her face. Masumi's mouth dropped, and she quickly rushed over to her. She watched as people rushed by her, stepping on her papers and making them fly about. People like that almost disgusted Masumi, and she shook her head at all of them. Going unto the ground to try and help the girl with her papers, she gathered all the ones that scattered about too far for her to reach, and she handed them to her in an orderly manner. Smiling, her expression seeming to speak for her, it was like she was welcoming her with the papers she gave to her. I have my clumsy moments too, so I know how it feels, she thought to herself, and then looked back at Yui and Yuuko as they conversed.

Masumi's honey colored eyes lit up as soon as she heard the words, "Worlds Collide." Masumi immediately hopped unto her feet and retrieved her notebook.

'You know of that game?! Isn't it amazing?! It's one of my favorite things in this whole world. I thought I was the only student here who really liked VRMMOs!'

She wrote, her smile more vibrant than ever before. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as she continued writing, responding to Yuuko's questioning.

'I know, it must be a little weird to ask about characters. Although, I don't mind talking about it. My name on there is Su Starlight, and I've heard about the event. I was going to check it out with everyone as soon as I got home. Do you guys.. Know Su?'

Masumi wondered. It would be so weird, yet so amazing, so figure out that she actually knew these girls in the game as well. She heard Yui mention a game she wanted to play earlier - was she talking about Worlds Collide, too?
Oh, how wonderful! Masumi rejoiced in her thoughts. For once, she didn't feel alone. Knowing that there were people here who enjoyed Worlds Collide as much as she did was so refreshing. Maybe, just maybe, she could actually form real bonds with these people. She began walking towards the train station, having to make it there as soon as possible to make it on the noon train.

'Walk and talk?' She smiled as she wrote.

Naomi walked over and boarded the noon train, which was announcing that they would depart in fifteen minutes. Letting out a sigh, she stood by the doors like she always did, which would make it easier for her to get off the train and avoid the huge crowds. However, the train wasn't as packed as it was in the morning. Not all college students leave at the same time she does, and most people are still at work or in school, so it was actually pretty quiet. Sighing to herself, she looked out the window, and she could see the slight reflection of herself. Though she flaunts every beautiful quality she has, she actually doesn't have genuine confidence in herself. She's good - no, great - at acting like she does, but in all reality, she feels a little broken sometimes.

Her face softened, and as she looked at the reflection, she began to notice a familiar face in it.
Wait, is that.. Josh? From earlier? Naomi wondered, and then she abruptly turned around. "Josh?" she called out, wondering if it was actually him. He was just staring out into space, sitting down by the door on the opposite side of the train, and minding his own business in La La Land. Naomi couldn't help but see a little bit of herself as she looked at him - that's how she acts when she's alone. Although, at school, she has a front she has to keep up at all times. People look up to her constantly due to her "popularity", "status", and whatnot. Being in the 'in-crowd' isn't as easygoing as people may believe. In fact, it's tiring. As Naomi realized this, she couldn't help but think about Masumi and how she doesn't care to be isolated and different. Reina was the same way - they were both true to themselves.

Was Naomi?

She shook the thought away and turned her brilliant brown eyes to the boy in front of her.
I wonder what game he was talking about earlier? Were we thinking about the same one? ... Nah, the odds of that are way off. She thought to herself as she awaited the boy to respond. She simply looked over at him and hooked her blonde hair behind her ear - one of her nervous ticks, though it comes off like any other charming gesture. "You take this train, too?"

Reina continued to play her guitar, going from song to song as the hours passed. The garage wasn't all that busy today, so she relaxed for most of the time she was there. Ren came in after a while, cleaning his hands with the same rag from earlier. "You know, you can head home now, Reina. The garage isn't really all that busy on Mondays, anyways. I should have just given you the day off," he chuckled, and Reina rolled her eyes. "You could have told me that an hour ago, or when I first came in," she teased, and walked over to her guitar case, putting her precious instrument back inside. "Well, you did have a job this morning. You just finish them too quickly," Ren added, resulting in Reina rolling her eyes again. "You're welcome," she spoke sarcastically, throwing her guitar strap over her slender shoulder. "See you around, Ren," she called out as she walked over to her car. Ren simply waved and grinned her way, afterwards returned to his work.

Reina started up her engine, always getting that sense of bliss rushing over her as she heard it hum. Her Fastback is like her baby - she loves and nurtures it to the best of her ability. Putting on some music, she pulled out of the parking lot and got on the highway, heading back to the apartment she and her sisters shared. It was large enough for the three of them, but Reina couldn't help but feel a little bad for not being able to afford a real house.
I wonder if they're okay with just that apartment - do they want to try moving into a house? She thought as she drove down the street in silence. Maybe we can all talk about it sometime - for now, I think I'll just go home, relax, and get into Worlds Collide. Unorthodox was talking about the Polar Bear Blast event - sounds like fun. I'm sure they're already scoping the place out, Reina assumed. She's apart of the Unorthodox guild, and contributes to it highly. She already knows many players in the game, being a well known blacksmith and front line fighter.

Soon enough, she reached the apartment complex and parked her car in its usual spot. Her engine hummed down to nothing as she took her keys out of the ignition, and she stepped out of the car, shutting the door behind her. Going to her trunk, she retrieved her guitar and threw it over her shoulder, and then began walking up the stairs to her room. Taking her keys out of her pocket, the unlocked the door, walked in, and shut and locked the door once more behind her. She walked into her bedroom and shut the door, allowing her guitar to lean up against the wall as she placed it in its usual corner. Laying down on her bed, she grabbed the helmet-like equipment she needed to enter the wondrous WC.

Soon enough, she'd be back in the world she loves, and she'll make sure to kick some ass while she's there.

((I'll reply with Reina again once the others get home from the noon train. c: ?))



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Cathrine (Cat) Liletha


Cat let out a frustrated sigh as she looked at the papers that had become even more scattered about, her hands sore from the few paper cuts she had just gotten. Well, every paper cut is a trees way of revenge. She thought to herself as she shook her head to and fro. And if that's true then the trees must really have some sort of vendetta against me.

Just as Cat was about to get up to go and pick up all of her other papers someone stepped into her line of sight, the papers inside the stranger's hand. Taking and stuffing them into her binder with one smooth motion she finally got up off the hard stone floor and looked at the person before her. Oh, doesn't she go to my school? Looking at the soft blonde hair and seemingly genuine honey eyes, along with the girl's attire, Cat was sure she had seen her before. And just as she was about to thank her, the female left along with two other people.

Cat's red eyes followed their movements with a curious glance before she snapped out of her daze, rushing over to them mainly to thank the one who helped her. Once there she awkwardly placed the palm of her hand against the back of her neck, her face flushing with a rosy pink blush that decorated her cheeks.

"Ah, I didn't seem to have enough time to thank you for helping me pick up those papers." She stated as her eyes took a glance at the two girls behind her before settling upon Masumi. "And I don't mean to be intruding or anything but were you three just chatting about World's Collide? Because there is this polar bear challenge I have been wanting to try ever since it came out but, obviously, no one can defeat it on their own. It'd be pointless to even try." Cat said and by the time she was done talking a soft smile had placed itself upon her lips, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

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Joshua Reckner


The boy certainly was in "La La Land." His fascinating trip inside the mind was cut off, however, as his name was called. Startled that anyone would call out to him, he tried to re-focus his eyes on... on... oh. It was Naomi.

Suddenly, he got really nervous. Why was she calling to him? This could go two very different ways, and he was certainly hoping it wasn't going the down-the-drain way. He forced a smile to his lips when she asked him about the train and nodded his head. Still unclear how this was going to go, at least responding wouldn't make it tip downwards. "Uh, h-hey Naomi. Uhm... y-yeah, I take the train."

He watched her play with her hair, like she had done before. It actually eased his senses for half a moment before a thought came to head. Oh god, is she flirting with me like that? Don't girls move their hair away when they're trying to show off...? Things just got a bit more uncomfortable for him as the thought rotated through his mind as he waited her reply. He wondered, actually, if she was going to come sit by him. He wouldn't expect her to, but if she did... well, he'd definitely clam up a bit more.

Singra Nine

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9c3a066_SinaFrei.png.2ece44d4560090b1cc0b0ab0ceacf78a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11813" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9c3a066_SinaFrei.png.2ece44d4560090b1cc0b0ab0ceacf78a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

'Crawling, bleeding, suffering before everything. What could be more degrading.'

Sina walked home quietly by herself, one of the first few to leave the school. Her mind, still fresh with the previous scene.

Despite being in the courtyard as the fire spread, she didn't even notice it. It took a teacher running over to her, forcefully pulling her away from the bench before she would even begin to become aware of the events taking place. Something about one of the floats, and a couple of troublesome students wanting to experiment with things. "Okay", was all she managed to say throughout the entire situation. The teacher far more anxious than herself as he tried to explain that everything would be fine, and that she should simply go home for the day.

It was bound to happen really, even she understood and accepted this. When an error takes place in her schedule, unplanned events seem to occur one after another. Perhaps that is just how karma runs within the world of reality, nice events are scattered about evenly, as everything bad just rushes in all at once. And if that was true, what else could one do but accept that harsh pattern? It was thoughts like this that lead Sina to believe there was no point fighting against the flow of things. After all, what was the point in fighting it if there was no end to it?

Upon reaching the door, Sina instinctively pushed against it attempting to force open door. However, this time the door simply would not obey, seeing as it had been locked. She was used to her mother returning home before school let out, generally meaning that the house would be open. Shifting through her available pockets, she would recover a small house key to unlock the door. Without hesitation, upon entering the home, Sina would remove her patch. Carrying it in hand, she would rub at her eye with the back of her wrist in a casual manner.

Walking down the hall towards her own room, her left eye would gaze upon the door slightly ahead of her and to the right. Altering her course, she approached the door, removing the hand from her eye and using it to slowly push herself against the door. Ear pressed, both eyes seemingly watched the door as if sight might help aid in the search. Inside there were no movements, nothing that signaled life beyond the door. Perhaps Frei had fallen asleep to pass her time during these hours, seeing as she wasn't exactly the type to go out alone. Quietly peeling herself away from the door, Sina left the entrance of her sister's room.

Upon entering her room, Sina would make a single quick movement as if to toss the patch towards her desk. However, her arm would fall beside her, still clinging on to the piece of cloth. She knew that her aim was off, and the result would probably result in her having to walk over and pick it up anyways, so what was the point really? Almost hurriedly walking across the room, the girl dropped her patch whilst scooping up a visor from the same area on the desk.

Time could flow as it wanted, it really could. After all, one of the few things that makes her accepting towards even these severe changes in schedule, was the fact that another world waited for her in times of leniency. Somewhere so enjoyable, that it could even leak into the real world's personality for even a few moments before. The girl could tuck her precious visor to her chest, quickly dropping into a roll as she would make for the center of her bed. The visor was an accessory she could enjoy, one that was not required, nor did it seem to irritate her skin afterwards. Only a moment would be taken to brush away any hair from her face before rushing the device on. Both eyes shimmering with anticipation despite one being incapable of seeing the world ahead.


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'How does it feel to be so weak and helpless?'

The world quickly rebuilt around her, upon entry to this world she would first gaze upon the Gateway. And past that, the lively City of the North. Players were already quite numerous within the city seeing as an event was taking place within the northern territories of Worlds Collide, and it might a decent meeting point in order to collect a few stray members for a party. And Kurai, even in the middle of a populated city could not be more pleased.

Instinctive whines broke from the girl as she began to stretch out her virtual form. She believed it to be important to become completely synchronized, as there could be issues with the sudden changes. Whether they are due to height, weight, or even speed changes depending on the level of agility. Kurai even took the time to reach towards her toes in her routine, only pausing to peer at the blonde hair she could see falling behind her. Standing straight she would continue to stare toward her hair, quickly continuing into a spinning motion. This was yet another habit upon entering the world. She enjoyed how her level of agility allowed that perfect hair flow that would seemingly allow it to wrap around her. And even more so, she loved having long curly hair. It was hard to manage hair even as long as hers within the real world, so this was simply out of the question. But the fact that she could even have curls..

After her habitual entry to Worlds Collide had long been over, the girl quickly burst out into a sprint. No, she was not one to completely enjoy bursts of speed, nor was she the fastest within the game. She really never bothered too terribly much with her agility stats seeing as it was more amusing to cripple others. Perhaps it was rather cruel, but she did not want to surpass others with base stats, but instead wanted to cripple them far below her lesser ones. The objective of her running was simply to play within this world as quickly as possible. The Northern City floated above the world meaning it would be a rather poor choice to run out of it willy nilly like and fall off.

She would come to quickly reach the airports, where those who did not have a flying mount could use in-game currency to purchase a ride down from the city. The same means could be used to allow access to the city as well, which made it rather helpful. But of course, like every ferry system, there was always a wait. Standing on the platform, the girl who within reality was a closed shell, would quietly hum. Slightly rocking forward and back in impatience, it was easy to tell she enjoyed this world far more. It was simply.. Bright.

Kuniri Akamine

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Kuniri.jpg.3493d8d0959534f53cab7b5c98000a1d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11811" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/Kuniri.jpg.3493d8d0959534f53cab7b5c98000a1d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

' A smile, a tear, even a blush. They are nice to see, but it is the pure vibration from honest emotions that I enjoy.'

Kuniri continued to walk the halls, turning each corner without any attention as to where it might lead. Silently feeding off the emotions of others, as she attempted to watch each individual enjoy their current school life. But for some unknown reason to her, she noticed the halls becoming slowly more empty. Perhaps time was flowing at a rate that she was not noticing, could it be that the next period was drawing near? She turned another corner, aiming to cut through the courtyard in hopes that she would be able to reach her class quicker.

Fear, it came in such a tremendous force that it shook Kuniri entirely if even for a second. But amongst that wave were a few that carried bravery, a minor few whose pure vibration could make that force falter. Stabilizing herself once again, she approached the source of the unpleasant emotion. Looking upon the burning float she could only smile lightly. It was a relief to see that behind it all was a simple accident, and she could feel the curiosity that may have led to this event. "Someone has much work ahead it would seem. How inconvenient.."

Taking notice that more than a few students were leaving through the gates, Kuniri chose to follow along. Only turning to face the teachers who rushed about the fire, giving a small bow that would go unnoticed. 'Thank you for your efforts.' She spoke quietly before making her slow escape. Within that short amount of time the overwhelming force subsided into countless categories. Some were excited to be released early, others would freely express their happiness for the delay in homework, whilst a couple select others were confused as to what they should do next.

She herself could probably take the 12 o'clock train in order to get home. If the time flowed correctly she may even be able to make lunch for the others. As such, she slightly picked up her pace, observing as the students from her school would thin out as they went their separate ways. Andri lived the opposite direction, so often times she would find herself completely alone when it came to returning hom. Not like it really mattered seeing as there were many enjoyable moments along the way despite her lack of accompaniment.

Time silently passed as Kuniri phased to her other world even as she walked. One way or another she would find herself on the platform waiting for the train just like always. Silently waiting, only on occasion would she look back into the world to view the interesting people around her. Just as today, she would come to lean against a pillar, hands tied only to each other as they remained in front of her. Gaze so mysteriously looking out towards the sky waiting for her sight to be blocked by the approaching train.

Valien Seong

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9c2fd11_ValienSeong.jpg.461fb55c95c979827e765537cbd14c27.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11812" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be9c2fd11_ValienSeong.jpg.461fb55c95c979827e765537cbd14c27.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

'Taco taco... Tacotacotaco.. What is with this stupid tongue twister?... TacoPaco'

A brighter light entered the entry as the door opened, only darkening once more as the door would come to a close. A pair of grocery bags rustled, dangling from his arms would dance even by the slight turn of locking the door. Muffled beats could be heard originating from the ear pieces held only by his lobes, one of which he would casually knock off with a simple movement of his free hand. And upon placing the bags on the empty counters, he would retrieve only a single canned coffee before returning to the main portion of the apartment room.

"Even with that damned old man's antics it is still this early, huh?" Valien spoke as his eyes passed over the clock on the wall. The 'old man', was actually the owner of the convenience store down the street. He was well known for telling some rather tall tales, glorifying himself to the point it was easy to catch his lies. However whenever somebody, like Valien, caught him on it, the man would simply spread a wide grin and respond with 'but wouldn't isn't that more interesting?'. It was never really burdening seeing as he mainly did it for the amusement of others, but knowing this young lad, he always had to have the last comment.

Walking straight behind the sofa, Valien entered the smaller room that was treated as his bedroom. Sharing the same wall as the other room, was a screen door that allowed access to the outside balcony. However, the light was only blocked part way with a rather thin curtain spreading it's length. Within the center of the room was a simple mattress on the floor. If any other saw this, they might very well think he was scrapping by with little cash, but that was not really true in this case. Valien always felt more comfortable the closer he slept to the ground, as well he didn't particularly enjoy having a wall block him in. Besides, from the center of the room he could stare out the windowed surface and see the stars on clear nights.

The muffled beats would come to a sudden pause as Valien removed the plugged wire from his phone. Playlist automatically set to pause whilst the audio settings registered a change. After coiling up the wire and setting both earphones and phone on his desk he made way for the mattress. Slowly lowering himself down before grabbing for the virtual gaming piece. Even after putting it on, he took a brief moment to make himself comfortable on the mattress before allowing it to power on.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/sample_5009bd726b8fe20efd5c8d3440aba0c4ddb015d5.jpg.88ae1eb8f3b302bcd8354c605208cd36.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11876" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/sample_5009bd726b8fe20efd5c8d3440aba0c4ddb015d5.jpg.88ae1eb8f3b302bcd8354c605208cd36.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

'Like a void, nothing can stand against me. Even your energy shall be mine.'

Through the gateway, a flurry of snow would meet his vision. The sound of his scarf could be heard on the wind, whipping out behind his head as it wished. "Even now, I am caught in surprise by the detail given by these people.." Vlad spoke near silently, walking forward in a somewhat unsure manner. It was said that the event would take place here within the Northern Mountains, but he was unsure as to the exact location.

'Welcome back.' A small beep would sound as the message was displayed in his view. 'I found it,' the messages appeared as they pleased, incoming like some barrage. There was no pause, nor did they seem interested in sending it in bulk. 'I even found a nice spot.' The last message came, soon followed by the party invite window. Raising his hand to push the accept button, he immediately heard the click in his ear with the activation to party voice chat. Only taking a short moment to reference the map as to his comrade's locations, he would change direction and continue his forward movements.

Raising one hand to his ear, a small window displayed, allowing the party chat to commence. "Your manner of messaging still annoys me." He spoke aloud, showing that he was displeased with the prior notifications. But, as to be expected no response would come. "That silent treatment will make people hate you, you know." Again, no response would come, nor would he push any further.

It was upon nearing the edge of a mountain that their form would come into view. Long crimson hair, carelessly dancing within the wind as she sat at cliffs edge overlooking the battlefield. Such a surreal sight, seeing as if this had not been a game one with such light clothes would surely fall victim to the temperature. A play of red white and black, one would not expect what this cloth user was capable of. "Your going to succumb to a debilitation if you wear such light clothing in a winter zone." Of course, it was possible that the information of a coldness debilitation was merely a rumor to make the game seem more realistic.

"Sorry.." Her voice reached out, so quiet it could almost be mistaken as the wind. Though Vlad rarely made contact with this female, he knew her a moderate amount. The fact that she spoke, meant that it was completely serious it could carry her honest feelings of the time. Always so light on words, it was rare to hear much from that frail figure. Perhaps she was still clinging onto what he said earlier like it really mattered. "If you seek everyone's acceptance, you will be hurt." Shifting through his inventory he pulled out a green vial, tossing it in her direction, making sure she would notice prior to his movements. "Since you held your side of the deal, I will hold mine, simply don't get in the way.."

Overlooking the field, he could see the polar bear waiting far below. "Though I must wonder why you chose such a position that would further hinder yourself." He paused, looking over to notice that she was drinking the small experience boost vial. That's right, he drug her out here as she desired to gain a substantial amount of exp. So long as she located the boss and proceeded with the planning, she would even keep the gold. Vlad just desired to gain whatever item may drop. "Artillery.." It was true that his magics allowed him to act as some artillery role, striking at a range that could compete with even the marksmen.

"So in the end, you still wish for me to carry your weight." Perhaps it was to be expected, after all this female was far too low level to even consider being a part of this combat. "Should you not wear your mask, Abraxas?"



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Joshua Wilson

Joshua walked out of school after lunch, as the afternoon lessons weren't as useful. He wasn't going to become a software specialist anytime soon, and next year he was planning on studying to become a hardware specialist anyway, so he didn't really need to know everything about software. As he got home, he puts on the equipment needed to start the game.

Jack Bash

Joshua woke up as Jack, in the inn he usually spent his time offline in, as he had rented the room for a month or two, if he recalled correctly. He pulled up his menu to check. It seemed he had at least a few weeks left on it, fortunately. He made his way towards the nearby town, where Unorthodox members were gathering. He wasn't a part of the guild itself, but it wasn't unknown for a bunch of freeloaders, or in his case a Freeloader, as his guild was called "the Freeloaders", to help whenever a guild wanted to do some sort of event.

In fact, the only reason that the Freeloaders existed was because of a few people getting tired of those with guilds getting more benefits than they did. As it was raised, it gained a ton of members, with levels ranging from complete newbies to war-scarred veterans. After a few of these "mass joining events", the leader decided that a certain level had to be met.

Most of this, however, is unrelated to Joshua's current ventures, and only meant as a way for him to pass the time. He had arrived in the town where the Unorthodox guild had set up camp, presumably waiting for a few more players. He decided to have a chat with some sort of recruiter, to see whether or not he was accepted into the event. It didn't occur often that a freeloader, capitalized or not, was denied entry, but it happened. He just hoped it didn't this time.
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