Worlds Collide ♥ Reality & Fantasy! [Inactive]

Spirit (Should have wings)


Spirit and Selera continued to watch the Polar Bear intently, continuing the tactic they had used earlier to record his movements. Selera occasionally glanced around, waiting for Unorthodox members to arrive now that the notification was up. They had passed plans between each other, pointing out the flaws in each and changing accordingly. The bear's attack patterns were surprising at times, and they saw how each group tried and failed with many different plans.

Suddenly, something caught their attention. One group had been systematically attacking and avoiding the bear and they had removed his first health bar with minimal damage. They quickly started copying down their attack patterns. The group had clearly been studying the bear like they had. The second health bar was also slowly depleted. The members were starting to tire, but they had clearly planned for that timing too. Then, something happened. Every thirty seconds, the first health bar refilled much of its depleted health. Surprised, the group started backing away, as the members were becoming more tired. This had not been planned for, apparently, and they quickly left the scene.

Selera started to post this on the notification, but Spirit stopped her. "No," he said. "We have an advantage now." Selera nodded and deleted what she had written. They greeted the members of the group as they arrived and gave them copies of their observations, discussing plans with them.

"The regeneration is a huge problem," said Selera. "He seems to regenerate quite a bit of his health every 30 seconds, so we need to kill him quickly during that time."

"The plan that almost worked," mused Spirit. "The plan that almost worked dealt with killing the Polar Bear somewhat slowly so that they could keep their strength up and not waste it all from the beginning. But as we can see, slowly isn't going to work for the last bar." He threw around plans that could possibly get around the regeneration and simulated a few of them with text to see how they might work. Doing it using text would never end up with a perfect model, but it worked well enough for his purposes.
"So, you in charge of the event?" Jack asked the nearest squad leader. It was the easiest way to get directions to the leader, he had found.

"No, that'd be the guild leader. But I am one of the squad leaders. I take it you want in?"

"Yup. Guild tag kinda says it all, since people with guilds usually get bonuses in these kind of events."

"Well, not this one. Everyone gets an equal share of the loot, according to the developers." The squad leader said. Jack frowned. That meant this quest was either difficult or it was simply a quirk by the developers.

"Handy. So, let's see... Class is dwarven marksman as you might guess, level is 63, focused on range, damage and rate of fire. Got a skill that allows me to increasing amounts of damage on something, and something that removes debuffs." Jack rattled off the skillset like he had done many times before.

"Good enough, I guess.. Tell you what, I might be able to squeeze you in one of the ranged squads, but no promises. I'll be back in about five minutes. That okay?"

"Suits me just fine."

A few minutes later, Jack got in the second ranged squad, having the longest range. He got some info about the bear's capabilities, some potions enhancing his dexterity and giving him some cooldown reduction on his skills.
[[Holy crap I missed a lot. Yay for not getting notifications~]]


[[Might as well start now:]]

Daniel (Danny) Greys


Danny enters his room. He had spent the entire day as normal: trying to pay attention, but ultimately spacing out and thinking about either the book he was reading or Worlds Collide. He was able to pay attention for the more important parts of the day, but he almost got in trouble with the teacher once. He was pretty bored today, he wanted nothing more than to be at home. Then, his prayers were answered - a float caught on fire, and he was able to come home.

He closes the door behind him, then removes his jacket and belt. He didn't want to be uncomfortable when he was playing Worlds Collide, now did he? "I wonder if anything interesting will happen today..." He then lays down, and picks up the equipment. He considers putting it down and reading his book for a bit. It was in fact getting to a very interesting part ... He shakes his head at himself. Smiling, he closes his eyes and slips the headset over his head, and enters Worlds Collide.

Danny sees the gate to Worlds Collide, except he isn't Danny anymore. Now, he's Alistair Pax. He steps through the gate and enters the game. He is at West City now, where he had last logged off. Smiling, he goes to his favorite spot, and little place by the water. Then, he scolds himself. He almost forgot! He turns around and crouches down, seeing that his pet, Umbra, had been following him. "Did you miss me? I bet you did." He pats her head a few times, then sits and relaxes by the water. He opens the menu, and then begins experimenting with his equipment, but eventually decides his regular attire and sword would be the best until he actually decides to go questing. He stand up and pulls his sword Aevel out of its sheath and begins practicing his sword work in the air.

Even though he seems pretty content, he's really waiting for something to happen. He's not a very powerful player yet. He can't be - he's never really been in a party or guild, and that sort of limits where he can go in terms of the power of the nearby monsters. He sighs. "If only I could bring myself to find a party..." he says to himself.
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