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World war 2 alternate world political/war RP

Should one not take a murderer to trial? What about a thief? Should they not be arrested and made to pay for their crimes?

The Monarchy steals from the people and kills those who would try to bring self-expression to all, they are no better than a common criminal and should be punished as such.

You mean taxes, and preventing radical speech?
Really though guys, out of character, 150 million people died in 7 years over a succession dispute.

You expect the survivors to not hate royals of all kinds? Especially revolutionary ones?
We're not denying it.

Imperialists must die.

Its just that if you aren't imperialist you can demonstrate and your opinion can get voiced in the local union meetings.

Imperialists, monarchists, royalists, nobles all of those scum though. They have opressed the people for too long, it is time for the bourgeoise scum to fall! NO EMPEROR IN AUSTRIA CAN STOP US... uhm wait wrong universe

No Labinian monarchists can stop us


Is this not an insult towards your, very respectable, emperor? They're calling him a petty criminal!
What the AAI fails to grasp is the legitimacy of Imperial Nation's intentions and motives. What they fail to understand is that Imperial nations bring progress to what would otherwise be a warrior society. Imperial nations bring peace of mind of security and an unmatched standard of living that is sought after by people like the AAI. The AAI looks upon us Imperial Nations as warmongers when they are so. They fail to recognizing the noble courageous sacrifices made by war fighters of Imperial Nations. While they stockpile and ready their whole nations for war, we introduce new inventions and innovations that propel us into the future of progress, not stagnat fear. 

And bs they call us warmongers. 
My place is somewhat democratic.

Granted only like 8 people are allowed to vote for the leader but hey, progress is progress
What the AAI fails to grasp is the legitimacy of Imperial Nation's intentions and motives. What they fail to understand is that Imperial nations bring progress to what would otherwise be a warrior society. Imperial nations bring peace of mind of security and an unmatched standard of living that is sought after by people like the AAI. The AAI looks upon us Imperial Nations as warmongers when they are so. They fail to recognizing the noble courageous sacrifices made by war fighters of Imperial Nations. While they stockpile and ready their whole nations for war, we introduce new inventions and innovations that propel us into the future of progress, not stagnat fear. 

.... are we literally talking to the fucking holy alliance or something.

Just remember how well that worked out for the Counter-Revolutionaries.......

Exactly! And they're wishing death upon him! This is not accaptable, will you join us in destroying these savages?

(If they say anything such as this in-game then of course)

A trade Deal, I thought that was obvious. You obviously like money, so if you pay for a port, you can pedal things to my country to sell them to other countries in the region.

Perhaps, although I'll have to recieve offers for trade with other nations before paying for a port.

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