World Contrastive

Improvising is hard... he-heh.

We should probably talk about the currency of this world... never really thought of it until I made that recent post.

... Hey guys? I'm almost about to run into a wall here.

I know that the way I've been typing so far looks like I know what I'm doing and that I know where I'm leading this... but the truth is... I don't. I'm just improvising everything, and I can only do it for so long before I'm at a writer's block (especially for the second instance).

Just a reminder: everyone here has power to add change to the story. I'm not going to be the only "GM" here after all.
For the sake of the bounty. We'll say 1k copper is 1 silver and 1k silver is 1 gold. Unless we go back and change it. Or moving forward bring it to 100c=1s and 100s=1g. Which makes the most sense to me. And as far as the story goes we can all figure something out. Or whoever wants to add or change to it should post in ooc if it's something that's going to alter everything. Or just surprise us
BTW, if I accidentally say "he" when referring to the ghost spirit thingy, don't take it to heart; it's just my subconscious making a typo.

I changed the prices of the rewards of the quests, to match up to prime's idea for the currency. Now I removed the 0s, so instead of 100-500, it's 10-50, making it a lot more like most currency in games.
It's so cold in my house, that I can literally see my own breath. Not only that, but it's like 5 degrees warmer outside.
Wow, did you heater break? It snowed yesterday where I am, and our heater likes to just stop working in thhe middle of the day. I have a bunch of blankets that I snuggle into. Make sure to keep warm.
@Hales If she doesn't reply soon, then I might have to find someone else... we've gone too far into the context that there are 4 people to find the spirit thingy, that it just wouldn't make sense to just wing it right now.

what we could do though, is... since her character is "a lady in waiting" we could just have someone make a new character just for the context, and then add her later..

@andujarprime didn't you say earlier that you might want to make a second character? if so then... should she not object, you just might get that spot.

wait... then there would be 5 players... ugh, I'm not thinking straight.
In the first instance, everyone is basically meeting the wisp thing. He has already met Risetta the half demon child and Atticus the griffin and the prairie nymph who's name I can't remember. The wisp says we are waiting for one more... which would be you. Atticus hasn't been being very nice to anyone other than Risetta so far.
This RP exsists btw guys... just though I'd remind everyone.

As for the second instance... I'm kinda stumped on how to reply to it...
Sorry. Most of what I write is open to interpretation. So if u want to say that the cloth left some of the case uncovered, that's fine by me. If I want something to react specifically, I will usually hint at it. As for proceeding. We can say that covering the ring lifted the spell now the guards are awake and confused
I know it exists. I was hoping @animegirl20 would make a post because I am really lost at what to have Atticus and Risetta do at this point unless we start moving forward.
Wow, I've taken my time to finally reply to the second instance... sorry for that guys.

I'm just hoping @animegirl20 actually adds to the story... if not, I WILL search for more people, but... It'll hurt me more than it'll hurt her.

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