World Contrastive

Hmm... if others make 2 characters, then I might have to make more room... but then there'd be little point into splitting the group. I'm in high debate right now on what I should do...

but for now, I'll put the characters in their instances.
I'll wait to see if the others log on in time to place themselves. But if we need it I can make a second character
Whoopsies, I forgot one. Well, better late than never.

Okay, now we're waiting on 2 players to join whichever instance. Though, now that each instance has 3 players each, we only have room for one more player per instance... so it all comes down to @animegirl20 and @Blitzy to be first to debate who goes in which instance. They both have to reply within 24 hours to respond to each other. If one requests to be in one and the other doesn't reply, it will automatically be decided.

Don't argue you two; we're here to have fun.
@animegirl20 There are 2 instances... There's a lot of people, so I'm splitting the group in 2. We'll all eventually meet up, but until that time comes, there are those who will be following the unknown spirit ghost wisp thing, and those who will follow Tran (which I'll put the introduction to that in a bit). If you want to follow the wispy thing, say you want to go in instance 1. if you want to follow the dragon, say you want instance 2.
I can go first... I am working on typing up a post right now, but it really doesn't have to be the first one. It will just involve Atticus and Risetta...
Just thought I would throw a note in here... whenever Atticus talks it will be written in italics rather than as speech because his communication is telepathic.
I'm still kinda new to the whole "taking turns" aspect when it comes to dealing with multiple people. So I'm wondering... should turns be taken when your character becomes relevant? or should you wait until everyone posts, and then its back to you? Because... well, there are people here who have a patchy schedule... and the Characters don't HAVE to be immediately involved in a turn, so...
I think usually you do stuff when you character is relevant but also try to incluude other people so you dont leave them behind by three pages or something, its kinda a balancing act.
I am not usually one to make 2 posts really close together unless someone else posts something that warrants an immediate response from me.
Taking turns doesn't need to be set in stone just that people should wait for everyone to post before moving too far.

I can go whenever in the order
sorry!! I'm so freaking busy! xD ok so what I miss?

Sorry! Been so freaking busy!! xD ok so what I miss?

double post ignore that
Not much. We just started the rp but I don't think much substantial beyond introductions have occurred in either instance yet.

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