World Contrastive

Reve the Third

The King of Slavadia
Hello, and welcome to World Contrastive. If you want to say anything about this RP, feel free to talk about it here.

Instance Rollcall:

Instance 1:

Unknown entity



Risetta Lanis


Instance 2:



Tsukiko Kosetsu


Note: everything in blue Is a new update, and will remain blue for roughly 24 hours.


In order to keep organization when it comes to dealing with multiple characters, I've decided to make instances. Instances 1 and 2 will have separate parties, while instance 3 will have everyone all in the same party at once.

The Fantaseries II

Ladies and gentlemen, it's about time I told you what the next instalment in The Fantaseries is going to be. However, because this one is still very active, I'm not quite ready to reveal the name of it. All I'll tell you is that I've learned so much by roleplaying with you all, that I believe I have enough experience to launch the missile... even though it'll remain unlaunched until it's ready.

Unlike this instalment, I know EXACTLY what this one is going to be. It's of a world that I've been creating for 8 years. Also unlike this instalment (and this might make a few of you uninterested) It has a very strict atmosphere to it, having actual rules and laws of magic, physics, and other such things that you would have to study upon to see if your character is valid to join it, and if they can do this, or cast that.

I'll make it in maybe a month or few, depending on how well this one goes. It's going to be an awesome RP... if you think my improvising skills are good, wait until you see how well I Roleplay when I actually know what I'm doing.

The Overview

From here on out, I'll be regularly updating the overview, which is just going to be a TL;DR version of our adventures. If you're interested in reading them, go ahead and check in on it often.

@Blitzy and @animegirl20

Both Blitzy and animegirl20 have been removed from the RP due to their inactivity for this RP. I'm currently searching for New Recruits to replace them. Hopefully, these ones will be more active than they are.

@Jaded Conformity

We now have a new member joining us, so give a round of applause as they make their way into our RP.

Closing Shop

This RPn is no longer active... And so I'm forever closing this RP, so that I can move on to other things.
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Everyone, I want to start organizing,

I want to make this an active RP, so I want everyone who's willing to devote their time to this RP to Post their schedule of when they'll be able to post their part to this RP.

How do you do that? Simple:

Name: (insert your username here)

Days I'm available: (Monday-friday) (Monday, tuesday, thursday,~~~) (every other Monday) (etc)

Time I'm available: (Mondays: from "Time" to "time". Tuesdays: etc)

Timezone: (Your Timezone Here) (Optional: your state/province, country)

Name: Reve the Third

Days I'm available: Monday-saturday

Time I'm available, Mondays-tuesdays: from 08:00 to 09:00, then from 14:00 to 22:00. Wednesdays-Saturdays: from 08:00 to 22:00.

Timezone: Western Pacific (California, US)

Name: myk9ma

Days I'm Available: All days, if something comes up and I'm not able to post I'll tell everybody

Times I'm Available: Off and on from about 7:30 to 21:00, sometimes as late as 24:00

Timezone: Mountian Time Zone UTC -7:00 Montana US

Name: Varie

Days I'm available: All

Time I'm available: Random, but throughout the day.

Timezone: EST -5

Name: Prime

Days I'm Available: All days,

Times I'm Available: Off and on most of the day

Timezone: Eastern time, US-NJ
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Name: myk9ma

Days I'm Available: All days, if something comes up and I'm not able to post I'll tell everybody

Times I'm Available: Off and on from about 7:30 to 21:00, sometimes as late as 24:00

Timezone: Mountian Time Zone UTC -7:00 Montana US
Name: Varie

Days I'm available: All

Time I'm available: Random, but throughout the day.

Timezone: EST -5
Name: Hales

Days/Times I am available: I will be able to make a post at least once a week, but I am also a college student so specific days and times really depend on when I have classes and homework. I do check this site at least once a day.

Timezone: United States Central Timezone
I'm waiting for one other person. If it takes too long for him to enter the RP, I'll tag him, which afterwards, we'll wait 24 hours for him to respond. Should he or should he not respond, will we start the RP.

Also, I'm waiting for other people who have already put up their character, to put up their schedule. We might have to wait for this instead, unless it takes too long.
Name: Prime

Days I'm Available: All days,

Times I'm Available: Off and on most of the day

Timezone: Eastern time, US-NJ
@andujarprime Once you make a character for the sign-up, we'll be able to start the RP. If you don't have a character yet, Don't worry; you can stay in until you make one, but you're gonna have to tell me this ahead of time so that we know when we can start.
@andujarprime Okay, thanks for letting me know.

Well, now that we (almost) have everyone with their times and their characters, it's now time we decide on order... and this is where my lack of skill shows. (and partially why my RP failed last time... PARTIALLY)

I need us all to agree upon an order of when and how we appear in the story. I'm kinda new to this, so I kinda need all of you guys and girls to help me out by deciding when you take your turn... unless you want to all post in an unorderly fashion, then in that case, by all means, tell me. otherwise, I need you guys to give me an opinion, which in afterwards we shall come to some kind of compromise.

@animegirl20 and @Blitzy Please post your time references so that we can know when you're available.
Name: Blitzy

Days I'm available: All days. There are exceptions though, as with all things something unexpected could come up (family emergency, etc.) and I'd be unable to be here.

Times when I'm available: No set times. But I will be available for most of the day, and if I've got known obligations for a certain day I'll tell you in advance.

Timezone: UTC+09
Maybe have everyone wait for everyone else to post before taking another turn and then in cases where its a more private interaction between characters they can post back and forth twice before waiting for everyone else.
In 24 hours (or less) I want to start this RP. So why don't we decide the order by... uh... well... how do you guys want to do this?
Maybe order should not be a thing, since there's a lot of us, and some are on more often than others.

So how about we do it this way: we have sequences where some people enter the story at a later time than others... but that's just my idea. I honestly have no clue what I'm doing.
We can try that. I'm used to just reading back a few posts to get an idea of the setting and make my entrance with whatever is going on. Idk how that would work here but we would def. Have to have a limit with entrances and how late they can be. Or have diff. Groups meet each other and eventually everyone will meet depending on how people will be on and such just arrange for who meets who first then eventually a time when all meet together.
Deff. An interesting way to do it. Now will there be separated in chats for when the big group separates into smaller groups and then a main in for when everyone is together? If that's the case then making a third in chat might help if we're splitting into 2 diff. Groups and so forth so that the main in chat isn't cluttered with random chatter
@myk9ma @Varie @Hales @andujarprime @animegirl20 @Blitzy

It's time to make a decision.

Do you want to follow the wisp spirit thingy? say "Number 1"

If you want to follow the Dragon, say "Number 2"

If you have more than one character, and would like to follow through both, say "Split" and then announce which character(s) will go in which instance.

Note: 4 is the max amount of players for each instance. (including myself)
Lol I was about to say wtf there's a dragon??!!! Then I looked back and saw that's you hahaha. In either case number 2

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