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Fantasy Wolf Pack


The Forgotten Shadow
Shadow sniffs the ground before padding forward to the lake. She leans her head down to drink water. Her ears perk up listening for any sounds that would be a threat.
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Akira sniffs the ground, to see if a packs territory is anywhere nearby but she has no good luck and decides to go hunting... She sniffed out a fawn and it's mother that were alone, she jumped for the mother whom looked sick and has an injured back leg. She aimed for her throat, and as soon as she grabs her throat blood squirts a foot away soaking the leaves and her own face... She then notices the fawn disappear and she didn't really care, as she was starved, an she started eating the dead doe.
Shadow trots on the ground looking around at her surroundings. She turns right and heads for the mountain. She transforms into human form and she walks to a waterfall and swims under it. She gets up onto a shallow bank and clears some vines that reveal a hidden cave. She walks over to a pile of leaves and sits down. She grabs the paper and pen next to her and starts to write.
Am2aM said:
Akira sniffs the ground, to see if a packs territory is anywhere nearby but she has no good luck and decides to go hunting... She sniffed out a fawn and it's mother that were alone, she jumped for the mother whom looked sick and has an injured back leg. She aimed for her throat, and as soon as she grabs her throat blood squirts a foot away soaking the leaves and her own face... She then notices the fawn disappear and she didn't really care, as she was starved, an she started eating the dead doe.
Laikas had followed his nose to the deer, padding quickly through the forest, his stomach grumbling often. He didn't care if he was in a pack's territory; he was hungry, he hadn't had a good meal in three days. When he finally saw the deer, he'd noticed another wolf had beaten him to it and he cursed beneath his breath. Maybe they'll be charitanle, he thought. He padded forward into visibility of the wolf and bowed his head submissively, "Hello."
Snow walks around thinking to him self "well that's about 7 times i have been kicked out in the last week now what should i do" he looks around and started to walk off seeing what he was able to fine for him self
Akira jumped as she heard the wolf talk, she was so occupied in eating she didn't notice him coming. She stopped eating and wolfishly smiled, while licking all the blood of her muzzle. Then when she noticed he was acting submissive she said "oh, hello! R you hungry? I can share if you want?" She says gesturing toward the partially eaten doe.

Am2aM said:
Akira jumped as she heard the wolf talk, she was so occupied in eating she didn't notice him coming. She stopped eating and wolfishly smiled, while licking all the blood of her muzzle. Then when she noticed he was acting submissive she said "oh, hello! R you hungry? I can share if you want?" She says gesturing toward the partially eaten doe.
Laikas was almost taken aback by her willingness to share her food and rose his head and nodded, "I would appreciate that." He padded forward, slowly, cautiously, watching for any sign of sudden aggression. Once he reached the doe, he lowered his head and tore out a piece of the deer.
Snow walks around and noticed a waterfall "well it looks like its time to clime he turn human and jumped around and starts to clime up till he gets to the top and looks around and noticed oh someones been here?"
Shadow sets her notebook down and gets up. She stretches and yawns. Her stomach growls and she frowns. It has been a few days since she caught any food. Frustrated, she dives back in to the waterfall and swims out of under it. She gets back on land and shreds her cloths. It's so much easier to transform without having to get the torn clothes off your fur later.... She runs off into the woods sniffing for any sign of food.
Akira watched him eat, she then took one more filling bite and was full. She was glad not to be alone, so she walked up to a huge rock that was a couple feet away and layed down, after a while the wind picked up and she smelled two wolves that were semi far away.
he looks down and noticed the wolf "well i was right" he then jumped in the water and got back on the land and followed the wolf to were ever she was going
Am2aM said:
Akira watched him eat, she then took one more filling bite and was full. She was glad not to be alone, so she walked up to a huge rock that was a couple feet away and layed down, after a while the wind picked up and he smelled another wolf.
Laikas kept his eyes on the wolf as he continued to eat, blood staining his normally white maw a slight red hew. After a couple of bites he stepped away from the deer not entirely trusting the meat the other wolf had abandoned.
Shadow stops in a clearing and sniffs the air. The wind is coming towards her so she can't smell anything from behind her. She decides to trust her hearing and listens. She hears twigs breaking about ten feet up ahead. She crouches in the low grass and stalks towards the prey. About a few feet away she stops and sees a white rabbit. She bares her teeth getting ready to pounce.
Akira noticed the wolf back away from her kill, she stared at him curiously and asks "are you not hungry anymore?" She stretches as her dark colored pelt shines with the warm sun.
Am2aM said:
Akira noticed the wolf back away from her kill, she stared at him curiously and asks "are you not hungry anymore?" She stretches as her dark colored pelt shines with the warm sun.
Laikas shook his head, though he really was. He sighed and glanced up at her, "Thanks for the meal." He glanced around, "You're alone?" He padded towards her slowly, his white coat almost glowing in the light.
Snow looks around seeing the wolf laying down so he stops and looks around the sees a bear walking to the wolf "i'm going to hate my self if i don't do something " he looks at her and gets lower to see if he can get closer with out her or the bear seeing him
Akira frowned after he said she as alone..."ya.... I have been looking for a pack to join, but I don't know I can't find any, but I did find a couple but they said I was weak and chased me off their territory.." She then smile and rolls onto her back.
Victor slowly opened his eyes to meet the brightness of the sun, he had skipped training to go and take a nap in the woods where he could rest in peace and not be bothered. A few wolves would appear here and there but none were considered enemies since his pack is allies with all the surrounding packs. He stretched his body and took a deep sniff only to realize something strange. There were several scents he didn't recognize, and none of them matched the usual scents of the hunters that come out here from the other packs. This made him more curious then anything else, and to meet wolves outside of their allies could mean big trouble. He would undoubtedly need to confirm them friend or for before doing anything else. He quickly got up and made a quick dash towards the scent, hoping that these new scents were friendly.
Shadow springs and pounces on the rabbit catching it by the neck and killing it with one squeeze of the jaw. She shook it just to make sure it was dead. She dropped it and bent down to pick it up by the back of the neck so it was easier to carry to her den.
Am2aM said:
Akira frowned after he said she as alone..."ya.... I have been looking for a pack to join, but I don't know I can't find any, but I did find a couple but they said I was weak and chased me off their territory.." She then smile and rolls onto her back.
Laikas stopped in his stride and tilted his head, studying her movement, "What are you doing?" He started taking careful steps towards her, half expecting a pack to burst out of the bushes and attack him. He glanced around, almost nervously because of this.
Akira stared at him awkwardly as she raised her ears… "um I'm rolling over... Whats wrong?" She says as she watches him, and puts her hearing on alert, as she jumps onto all fours.
Snow lays there looking at the wolf then back at the bear "humm well maybe it wont see her?" he stays hidden from anyone who my come by him
Am2aM said:
Akira stared at him awkwardly as she raised her ears… "um I'm rolling over... Whats wrong?" She says as she watches him, and puts her hearing on alert, as she jumps onto all fours.
Laikas stopped moving, "Nothing, nothing. Just normally don't see many wolves do that if any. Unless they're playing, which we aren't." He tilted his head and he sighed, "If you are a lone wolf I might as well introduce myself." He lowered his head in a slight bow, "My name is Laikas."
Akira watched the male introduce himself, after he was done she copied his movements, "I'm Akira.. Nice to meet you Laikas!" She says as she raises her head. She then hears a twig shall bring her and she turns around, and looks into the first quizzically... 'I could have sworn I... heard something' she thinks, then looks at Laikas again and sits.

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