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Realistic or Modern Wolf Now and Forever

Skyler smiled, nudged Shade. "im alright i was worried i heard a howl. you sounded afraid.'' she looked over him carefully and wagged her tail making sure nothing was wrong.
"I'm wasn't too afraid, the hunter couldn't have caused me any pain." I said sitting on my haunches. "If you don't mind me asking who is the spirit next to you?" I asked
"Oh this is Shade." she nudged shade once more waiting on him to zone in and say anything. " come back to the cave lets get you rested and fueled." she said not taking no for an answer
"Thankyou and if you have a healer can you have him or her look over me? I wasn't lying about the pain thing I broke my leg once and did't feel a thing." I replied
"you are welcome, its just over here." Skyler said as she followed the scent of her home which is hard to describe but she knew that was home since she was a pup and her pack disappeared, that smell was her home.
Skyler walked back to the cave slowly awaiting the other. she began thinking ' Wonder if he is a lone wolf aswell.. trust and help first then ask.' she lowered her head to maneuver through the wooded area with out getting hit by branches
skyler stopped upon reaching the Cave and sat waiting for them to catch up. "Ready for me to take a look?" she said upon his approach
Fenris was walking alone in the forest, still embarrassed of what had happened. It was the only thing at his mind as the pain had now subsided. Well it was not only the embarrassment, Fenris had his pride hurt too. He was not able to think much as he walked slowly, on paw after another, he wont even look at the artistry the paws formed on the snow. ' would she even laugh at me?' was the question he kept asking himself over and over. Soon his neck rose, his nose pointed to the gigantic moon. Soon a howl could be heard, a rather confused one.
Skyler hears the howl and run out of the cave under the moon on her little cliff and let out a howl, a worried and alone one. 'Wonder if -...' she thought for a moment and curled up ontop of the cave out of sight of shade and laid down with a low whimper. Her head spinning from everything that was happening the confusion the thoughts. she looked around waiting on a response and used her paws to cover her eyes
' Well, I should have stayed away from the start ' he thought as he tried to ignore the howl and to not think about it. It was a futile attempt, cause the thought of replying or not was the only thing he could think about. His gaze peering around, unknowingly forming a dome of ice all around him, " well freaks deserve a life that is lone and solitary" he said with a sigh. He sat down on the icy ground, tired his breathing heavy. a puff of white smock formed whenever he exhaled.
Skyler let out a desperate howl worried no hearing a reply she ran into the woods looking around. "odd its getting colder." she spoke soflty pressing on sliding across the ice she twisted her paw unable to move she whined and closed her eyes. "i wont worry them ill just wait the pain out." she lowly whined again trying to walk on it, unable to heal herself (her only flaw in her powers) she laid there trying to keep warm.
Fenris's senses were keen from the start, he was able to hear skyler's cry but was conflicted on the thought that he wanted to socialize with others again. After all a wolf that can bring cold and pain to others of no good. ' Would she be okay, after all she can heal herself ' he thought unknowing of thee real situation. He was tempted to howl asking of her well being.
Skyler continued trying to walk still unable she just laid there her tail cushioning the paw and her head helping keep it warm she whined again this time abit more desprate. "i cant heal myself.. i need to go back but how?" she lowly spoke as she thought for a moment. 'what happens if i i cant get back they may need me i have to try' she forced herself to walk though it got worse she made it about a foot or two closer and collapsed with a whimper.

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