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Multiple Settings Wish Upon a Star (interest check)


Junior Member
The clock struck midnight high above the streets of Vera City, and as it did the world seemed to fall into darkness. Tall lamp posts flickered for a moment before dying, the stores dimmed until there was nothing left but utter blackness. And high above on the cities clock tower a figured cloaked in black opened a book. "So much to do in so little time. Thirteen strikes of the clock, thirteen voices to call their names, thirteen dreams to be remade, and thirteen-" the figure faltered in their speech, their free hand rising to their hidden face. "Not quite yet it seems, but still." he snapped his fingers and the darkness beside him took physical shape, a humanoid figure with bright flames for eyes, slowly filling in each detail with color until a man dressed in rich purples and blacks stood by his side.

"Judge Frollo, your story ended with your desires swallowed by flames. But you need not suffer any longer, all you must do is wish upon a star," the figure raised their hand to the sky, a blazing red light breaking through the utter darkness of the sky, drawing the mans eyes to it.

The mans face contorted into a black grin, a sword of flames appearing in one hand and a book in the other. Behind him the shadows danced and swirled, forming the figures of knights, their bodies formed of ash and flame under scorched armor. "Death to the heretics, in the name of god only I am worthy to judge this world." Frollo smiled over the city, his eyes filled with the fire of madness.

"Of course," the shadowed figure stepped back into the dark, blending in with it once more. "Your wish is granted."


The door between fiction and reality has been broken, and out from this break leaks the stories of old into the world once more. The Mysterious Figure summons up villains and monsters from these old tales to grant their wish with his vengeful star, and should their desire be meet before the sun shines down on the world once more the fragile wall holding the divide will be shattered forever, letting magic and madness spread back into the world.

But just as in old stories for every villain there exists heroes to counter them and bring peace to the world once more. The spirits of these heroes entered through to our reality, finding hosts who are willing to hold back the tide of evil spreading through the world. So long as they can hold until the sun rises the damage caused by the villains will be rendered void as reality takes hold again.

Take on your part, live as a hero by night and protect the world from the evil that waits. And discover the mystery behind what left the divide in the first place.
This sounds interesting. Though its very cryptic. Is it along the lines of this shadowy figure summoning villains from fairy tails and granting them wishes, those wishes generally being to bring about destruction?
This sounds interesting. Though its very cryptic. Is it along the lines of this shadowy figure summoning villains from fairy tails and granting them wishes, those wishes generally being to bring about destruction?

You are right in the money with this description. Seeing as there is quite a bit of interest I'll post a character sheet soon.

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