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Fandom Winged

Kai: *eyes narrowed he murmered: " Bullet for my Valentine." He reached into his bag and pulled out some chocolate chips and downed half the bag.

Morgana laughed. You do realize if this thing blows up we'll all be survivors?" She laughed. I can see it now. " Strange children walk away from freak accident."
Alex followed the Flock onto the plane, still sticking close to Liza as naturally as he did Lillie. But his eyes were dark and clouded over as his mind was filled with dark thoughts. He payed no attention to the fake, orange hostess besides the comment that Liza made, although he seemed to give no response. He placed himself beside Liza and at Lillie's name he snapped from his dark thoughts of how he had failed her, "We're going a long way Liza, it would take longer to get there if we flew ourselves and we would get tired." His voice is immediently soft when he speaks to Liza, he looks at her slightly weary, his emotions messed up. "Are you tired?" He asks nicely, "If you are, I can make you a bed?" His eyes flicker to the window as he briefly thinks of what could be happening to Lillie right now, then he looks back at Liza.
Callie smiled at Morganas comment. It was true though, they would be the survivors of something like this. She sighed boredly and plopped down in a window seat. She looked over at Alex taking car of Liza, and smiled. He had always been good with the younger kids, especially Lillie. She heard Brinley come sit next to her.

"Callie I'm bored. Is there anything to do on this airplane? Like I know it's small and all, but can we play a game or something?" Brinley bounced a little in her seat. "How long does it take to get to California? Oh hey, that's your name to, Callie!"

Callie sighed again and closed her eyes. "I don't know Brinley, you'll have to think of something to do. And I dunno, probably a few hours?" She guessed. This was going to be a long ride. At least her headache was gone, for now.
Liza nods, leaning her forehead against the window, and closing her eyes, letting her thumb return to her mouth. In her mind she can again hear the other personalities in her mother's mind, back when Liza too was not yet given a human body, taunting her for being a "baby," but she doesn't care at the moment...anyway, Alex and all the others hadn't mentioned anything about it yet. She waits for him to make her a bed, not sure how he'll manage that in their seats.
Heather nodded slowly as Kai responded. She looked around bored. She wanted to at least talk to someone. She knew Kai didn't want to talk. She just met him and he already hated her. Just like with the others. Instead she looked for her bag again. She found it in one of the over head compartments and pulled out a pair of short shorts and a simple white tang top. She didn't care how the weather was like. One of her powers was to make things colder so cold didn't affect her. It didn't really matter though. It wasn't cold out. She sat back in her seat curled her legs up and looked out the window, brushing her long hair over her shoulder.
Alex smiles at her and reaches to the overboard bit above them, pulling out his backpack. He sees Lillie's own one and his fists clench for a moment before he carries on. He tugs out the new hoodie he hasn't yet worn and also his other t-shirt. He folds up the t-shirt so that it is a square shape and lays it down at the end of one of the two chairs, he then motions for her to lay down across both seats and put her head on it like a pillow. Once she has done that he grabs the hoodie - which covers Liza nicely - and lays it over her like a blanket, "There you go" He smiles lightly at her and then sits on one of the two seats infront of her, turning around so that he is facing her. He isn't at all bothered by being on the plane, properly because he had been on one before and because he had spent a decade inside the same small room, day after day. Alex looked at Brinley as she spoke, but did not offer a solution. He only had the patience and will power to speak to Liza. Just like how it had been with Lillie back when the Flock were constantly moving around, before the whole dance club and FBI thing.
Liza smiles at him very briefly. "Thank you...you're nice."

Lying down on the bed he's made for her, she curls onto her side, drawing her knees to her chest and keeping her thumb in her mouth as she closes her eyes. She can feel Alex's eyes watching her and is glad for it, comforted by his presence. As she drifts off into sleep, she only hopes that she won't have any bad dreams. It would be embarrassing if she wet the bed when it was Alex's clothes and she was too big for that, anyway. The Bad People always got so mad when she did that sometimes.
Blaire dozing, stretched out across a whole couch, she was in a very light sleep where she was half asleep and half aware of the things around her. When the plane slowly dipped slightly to land, Blaire noticed the difference and jolted awake, sitting forward. She sighed as she realized they were just landing and she held a palm to her forehead and closed her eyes momentarily to calm herself down. "I can't believe I fell asleep," she murmured, irritated she let her guard down. The plane touched down at the San Diego Naval Base, on the runway strip they had. Cross explained how they would be going strait into a conference with some people who might have some intelligence for them, and not to blow anything because they were very important and all. Blaire nodded. The door to the cabin opened and a navy soldier/officer - Blaire didn't really know the technical term - showed them across the tarmac, onto a little shuttle car like an extra long golf cart with four extra rows of seats attached, then drove them through the massive grounds.
Callie, like most of the others, had fallen asleep on the long plane ride. She was a very light sleeper, and when the plane started to dip just slight she opened her eyes. She yawned, stretching out on her seat as much as she could. She listened to Cross go over the instructions and plans, listening carefully. She would have to remember to talk to Brinley about not talking everyone's ear off here, they actually seemed pretty important. She followed the soldier/officer to the shuttle car along with the others.
Rubbing her eyes sleepily once she's awakened, Liza takes Alex's hand as she follows him, pressing close against him and looking up at Cross as he speaks. She's not really listening to him as she trails behind them, her soft words worried.

"That looks like a grown up. Aren't grown ups bad?"
Alex hadn't fallen asleep like most of the others, he instead had been stuck in his own depressing thoughts. He thought of what could be happening to Lillie right now, how much fear she could be in. Every minute he would try and find her mind throughout the rest of the people in the world, it was easy to find her mind when he knew it so well, but he was unable to access it, and with every passing second that they flew further away, his grip on her unconscious mind would loosen until he was too far away to reach it. His telepathy could only stretch a certain distance until it no longer worked or became too weak.

When they got off Alex made sure Liza was with them - not wanting to make the same mistake twice - and almost smiled at her comment, almost. His voice did sound slightly amused though, "Most of them are Liza, but some are alright." He shrugs, "You just got to know which ones are bad." He leaned a little closer and whispered lightly, "Reading their mind helps." He managed to grin at her, when they mentioned important people being there, Alex whispered lightly to Liza, remembering she was a bit like Brinley with the talking, "Just remember not to speak too much Liza, these grown-ups don't really have time for extra things." He said it gently, not at all in a rude or mocking way.
Liza nods her understanding, and remains silent as she follows Alex, looking up at Cross continually. As she walks she tries to reach out first to Lillie's mind.

"Lillie...Lillie it's Liza...are you okay? Lillie? Is the bad man hurting you? Where are you?"

Then she tries Chun, her tone inside her mind scolding.

"You are so so bad to do that to Lillie. You should let her go. You should let her go right now."
The Man in the crisp whites saw us as soon as he came in the door. The Flock was in some building smack-dab in the middle of the biggest naval base on the West Coast. They were currently in a conference room, ready to meet with some grown-ups, naval bigwigs that had managed to corral them into the room for the debriefing. This guy had come in, and everyone turned to him as if now the party could get started. Tucking a sheaf of papers under one arm, he frowned and looked at the woamn in the blazer with all the stars on the shoulders. We'd met her. She was Admiral Bracksworth.

"Why are these children here?" he asked brusquely.

"Thank you for joining us, Commander," said Admiral Bracksworth. She had short tidy gray hair and seemed extremely no-nonsense. "These children are integral to our investigation. For one thing, this girl and boy, Blaire and Alex, are family of the two captured, Demitri Todd and the small girl, Lillie."

"All the more reason this conference is inappropriate for children," the commander said pointedly.

"We're very sensitive, you know," Blaire said, leaning back and folding her arms.

The admiral shot her a sharp glance, then went back to saying, "These children are different," she told the commander. "Please come in and share your findings Commander. Time is of the essence." Blaire decided she kind of liked her.

The commander paused as if trying to think of a new way to win the argument. Blaire sighed, "Its okay, commander," she said in the deafening silence. "LIke the admiral said, we're different." She shrugged out of her jacket, seeing the was no other way the commander would take them seriously. She extended her long, 15-ft white with dark speckled wings. They were stunning, she had to admit herself. Everyone in the room was mesmerized. The commander's mouth actually dropped open a bit, and she ruffled her primary feathers a little. "So how 'bout we just get on with the show, eh? We're talking about my brother and Lillie here."

Wordlessly he gave a DVD to a navy guy working a computer, and the lights were dimmed. A PowerPoint presentation began on the white wall opposite the table.

The first slide said: THE BIRDS ARE WORKING.
Callie stood awkwardly in the conference room. They were with a bunch of adults, and they all looked important looking. Callie figured it probably wouldn't be good to smart mouth these guys, no matter what they said. It was too important that they got Demitri and Lillie back. But Callie had a natural attitude towards most adults, so she had a feeling she would have to bite her tongue through most of this. She watched Blaire extend her wings. She only extended her wings half-way, and sighed at the feeling. She had had them tucked in for six hours or so during the flight, and during that time they had become very stiff. She turned her head to the white wall when the lights were dimmed, and read the slide. What kind of show were they in for now?
Looking up at all the adults before them, Liza smiles faintly when Blaire shows her wings. Tugging on Alex, she asks, "Do they wanna see mine too? Mine are pretty."

As the slideshow begins, she frowns, speaking up again. "I don't know how to read much. Only easy words....are you sure these aren't bad guys? 'Cause...that guy looked kinda mean at Blaire."
Heather's eyes narrowed at it all. The golf cart to the grey hair lady. It was all akward and uncomfortable for her. She just sayer to the side of the group and looked around. As the slide show played her eyes widened. 'I wonder what this is?' She thought to her self.
"The birds are working," What the heck did that mean? And what did it have to do with my mom? The thought of her brother and even Lillie going through captivity and being tortured was making her go nuts.

The slide was followed by a grainy movie. "This was filmed yesterday evening at nineteen hundred hours, at twenty-one degress, thirty minutes north, one hundred fifty-seven degrees, forty minutes west," said Commander.

"In the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Hawaii," the admiral clarified for the Flock. The movie started off with an aerial view, like from a plane, then focused lower and lower over the water. Lots of fuzzy action tightened up to reveal...major bird-o-rama. Hundreds, no, thousands of seabirds. Gulls, albatrosses cormorants, and a bunch Blaire didn't even recognize. They hovered just a few feet above the water, covering it thickly, and they seemed to be - feeding or attacking in a frenzy or something.

"What are they doing?" Blaire asked, impatient to get to the part about her brother.

"We don't know. But wait," said Commander. The camera pulled back to reveal a small fishing boat, maybe a couple hundred yards away from the bird frenzy. Everyone could see the crew, all watching the birds from on deck, gesturing and looking amazed. Some looked scared. Blaire read the name on the side: Nani Moku.

All of a sudden, something from beneath the water smashed up through the fishing boat, capsizing it. the boat was literally broken in half. The crew flailed about in the water, trying to cling to debris. What as left of the boat sank withing moments. We saw some of the fishermen trying to save their comrades, saw one guy realize his friend was dead in the water.

"Was that a whale, Commander?" the admiral asked.

"Unknown. It could have been a wale or a submarine. We've gone over this footage a hundred times with no success. But now, look at this." The film ended, and a greenish, dim, very grainy picture flashed up on the screen. Blaire almost yelped: it was Demitri. He was looking straight ahead, his light brown eyes defiant and real. It looked like his arms were tied in front of him by a long, thick, wide band that covered across all of his forearm so there would be less chance he escape. Despite the swelling on one side of his face and the nasty gash across his cheekbone, he still looked strong and confident as ever. Next to him was a man, whose face was off camera, holding a newspaper showing today's date and the barrel of a 9Mm to Demitri's head. Blaire's stomach contorted in fury and she wished the screen was a window so she could burst through it and tear off the guy's head.

"The camera focused tightly on Mr. Todd, as you can see," said the Commander. "You can hardly make out any background. Except--" He nodded to the technician and the picture zoomed in until it was hardly recognizable. The big white blob in one corner was part of her brother's elbow. The Commander moved a red laser pointer over the blurred picture. "Except here. To us, this looks like a window frame." He moved over an unrecognizable lightish thing. "Or, more accurately, a porthole. And look back here." He moved the pointer. Through the thick, wavy porthole glass, there was another jellylike blob. The commander ran is laser along a slightly darker blob. "Please enhance the sharpness by three hundred percent," he told the technician. The next second, the conference room went still and silent. Though still way blurry, we could now make out that the darker blobs on the lighter blob through the blobby window were words. They were words on a piece of wood: Nani Moku.

The Commander stood up, and the room lights were turned on. "We believe this picture was taken on a submarine," he announced. "We think the submarine was in the area, and probably capsized the boat, though we're not certain. But that's a piece of wreckage from that fishing boat, and it's under water. And since we know that boat was capsized in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Hawaii, we belive that Mr. Todd and Ms. Lillie are somewhere around there."

Blaire was ready to leap up and fly to Hawaii. From San Diego, it would take her about six or seven hours, she figured.

"What does 'The birds are working' mean?" the admiral asked.

The Commander looked at her. "Again, unknown. But there was an audio clip with the bird film, and when we sped up the sound by five hundred percent, that was the phrase we heard."

"Blaire," said Cross quietly, who have been silent the whole time, "Please sit down," She realized she was halfway out of her chair and slowly she sank back down into it, gripping the armrests, her face heavyset in grim seriousness.

[[Omg...that was sooo not a quick reply... =o="]]
As the movie begins, Liza quiets, watching intently; it is the first movie she's ever seen in her life, and she is fascinated, not sure whether it is real or fake. As the film progresses and Liza sees the boat break, the dead in the water, her eyes widen, and she makes a almost inaudible gasp, her throat choking. She stares almost without blinking at the screen, horror hollowing her stomach and tightening around her heart, and when she sees the gun held to Dimitri's head and hears Lillie's name mentioned, thinking of her in the same situation, her face drains of color. She sits in silence, her mouth slightly open, eyes overly wide, and doesn't move.
Morgana looked up at the Screen. She then, looked at Blaire. "Birds are working?" She mouthed to her.

She sighed then anxiously scanned the room.

Kai was deep in thought. He eyed the presentation curiosuly. "Why does that sound familiar?" He mumered to himself.

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