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Fandom Winged

Liza, still sticking close to Lillie in the air, is solemn and silent as she flies, periodically looking over to where Alex carries Callie. Though she doesn't ask any more questions, she is very much concerned not only about Callie but the glimpses of what she is catching in the others' minds. She tries to block herself from seeing any of their thoughts or emotions, not wanting to worry, but she isn't experienced enough in her ability to fully manage to do so and remains bothered, her weariness from her long journey and the newness of the situation leaving her continually tearful without actually crying.
Blaire nudged Morgana in the ribs, "The guy who just paid for all of our tickets to fly out to California on a exclusive jet, not to mention the five-star palace we stayed at last night..." Blaire said just loud enough for her to hear over the crowd of babbling, "In short--He's the Deputy Director of the FBI,"
Heather landed with a less than simple land. Looking around, she was curious. She had never been in an air port. Why should she? She had wings. Heather giggled as Morgana whip the 'punck' was. She found Morgana funny and very leader like. She looked around oblivious to the conversation.
Alex landed smoothly with Callie still in his arms, he whipped his wings away and then entered the building, when they however reached the FBI agent he gently put Callie down but kept his arm around her back to keep her steady.

Lillie meanwhile had landed and looked around, she let go off Liza's hand and frowned as she spotted something over in the corner. It looked to be a lost teddy bear. She glanced at Alex and then ran over to the stuffed toy, squeezing past all the other bustling people and pretty much getting lost in the crowd. She picked it up in her hands as she looked it over. It looked lonely. She turned around and was about to go back to the others when a tall body blocked her vision of them, she looked up with big eyes to see a rather scary looking 'hench' man looming over her. She blinked up at him and he grinned as she didn't speak, she was used to Trackers...but Alex was usually right beside her. She took a step as if to move around him and he knelt down to her level, he had something gripped in his hand and she took a step back, "There you are sweetie. I've been looking for you everywhere." Everyone who was moving past them would have just assumed that he was a dad who had lost her in the busy area. He leant forward and gripped her, but as she opened her mouth to scream something sharp was jabbed into her neck and her mouth was pressed against his shoulder as he 'hugged' her, he whispered into her ear, "Mr. Chu will be pleased." She thrashed wildly for a moment but then her arms and legs started to get heavier and heavier, her eyelids dropping as she sent Alex a weak message, knowing that the man had moved area's by now. 'Alex....help me...scary man..got me! He said...Mr.Chu...' She lost her consciousness before she could say anymore, the world going black as she was carried away.

Alex was worrying about Callie and focusing on what she was saying back to the FBI man as he caught Lillie's message, 'Alex....help me...scary man..got me! He said...Mr. Chu...' His eyes widened and he looked around instantly, "Lillie?" His voice was panicked, he looked down to Callie, "Callie! Lillie's been taken!" His voice was quiet so the other mortals around them could not hear, besides the FBI man maybe, "She spoke of that Mr. Chu guy again." He removed his hand from her back - he knew Keanu was right beside her though - and moved slightly to get a better view, "S**t" He muttered angrily, his fists clenched as his eyes flew around the airport, he spoke lightly, but loud enough for the others to hear, "I promised her." He then moved through the crowd to the exit, trying to get past and get out. Although the man and Lillie were long gone.
Callie was standing with the rest of the flock and talking to Cross. She listened to him talk about their flight information and looking it all over with him, also not noticing Lillies disappearance. She did a quick 360, confirming her fear of Lillie missing. She mumbled a few curse words under her breath and looked at Alex. She knew how much this killed him. "Alex.." She started, but he was already gone. She knew he would be back soon enough. She turned back to Cross with worried filled eyes. "We should really get going now, before more trackers show up." She did another sweep if the area, looking to make sure that no one was starting to morph into wolf-like creatures.
Liza had been standing only about six to seven feet away as Lillie was taken and saw the entire thing; she stared, eyes wide, and started to scream, but found herself unable to make a sound. As Alex takes off after them, Liza stands alone, stricken. In her mind her emotions are mingling with Alex's, with Mr. Chu's, with Lillie's and Callie's until she doesn't know whose fear is whose, whose anger, whose panic, and she begins to cry, taking off in the direction Alex had as she tries to reach out with her thoughts to Lillie.

"Lillie! Lillie!"

Even as she calls out to her, she has a new thought, and stopping short, closes her eyes, tears linking from beneath her lids as she brings her thumb to her mouth, concentrating very hard on speaking into the mind of Mr. Chu. She isn't sure her thoughts reach him, but she tries with all her effort.

"You don't wanna do this mister. This is bad. You should put her down and just let her go, that's what you should do."
Alex makes it outside, but as he looks around in a panic, he sees no Lillie, no suspicious looking man. Nothing. Not even a car taking off. He lost her. His eyes widen and his knees buck underneath him, he falls to the ground and slams his fist against it, "God dammit!" He growls and looks back up, it begins to pour with hard pelting rain and he gets up slowly, watching the normal humans around him scream and scramble for umbrellas, some trying to find shelter, others complaining about their hair. He shakes his now soaking wet hair and his fists are clenched tightly, "What the hell do I do?" He mutters to himself, "Try and find a way after her and act like a blind idiot? Or go back to the others and just let them take her." He feels something thicker than rain water trickling down his knuckles and he looks at them to see blood. Great, go smashing your hand against the floor so hard that it breaks the skin, that's going to help isn't it? He sifts through minds, then finds the one he is looking for. He listens intently to their thoughts - he knows it is them because they have mentioned Lillie in their mind - and with no luck of finding their location, Mr. Chu must have told them of their powers. He settles for a little message instead, a very violent one, 'You fu**ing bas**rd. You've made the biggest mistake of your pathetic life. I know you won't bring the little girl back, you should, but I reckon you won't. But I want you to know, I will find you. And I will fu**ing drown you from the inside out for taking her and hurting her. You stupid c**t' He then walked back to the others, his hair was dripping wet and it was still pouring down with furious rain outside, his knuckles on one hand had blood over them and his hard eyes grazed over the others, the anger of course wasn't directed at them, but it was still there. He didn't say anything but he looked at the FBI man, his eyes looking like he was saying, 'Let's go.'
Though Liza doesn't know Alex well, she goes to him and grabs his leg, putting her face against him and hugging it tightly, her shoulders shaking. Though she had only just joined the group, she has known of their existence for quite some time now and been tuning in and out of their thoughts as her abilities developed, and feels that she knows and is part of them all. Lillie in particular, being her own age, she felt an infinity towards, and now she cries silently, not letting go of him.

"We gotta get her back. We can fly and get her back, please?"
Callie heard the rain start pouring against the airport ceiling, and she looked out the window. She knew it was from Alex being angry, the weather was supposed to be sunny today. She looked over at Liza, seeing how upset she was. She smoothed down the young girls hair. "She's going to be ok, we'll get her back." She said to everyone in the flock who was now starting to panic. This was not how she hoped today would go. She looked up to see Alex coming back in, drenched from the rain. She saw that his knuckles were bleeding, and she didn't even need to ask what had happened. She reached out and took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. She knew how torn up Alex was without Lillie, especially if the School had her.
Alex's fists unclench as he looks down at the girl, the same age as Lillie. His eyes soften as she shakes and begs for them to get Lillie back. He kneels down and the gentle manner he had with Lillie comes back to him, you could easily see that it wasn't just Lillie he was extra kind to, it was the younger ones. The one's he felt were too young to be dragged into this life, this world. He hugs her so that she can cry on his shoulder instead, his voice soft, "It's alright Liza, we're gonna get her back. We will get her back." He spoke with determination and his eyes flicked to look at Blaire, "Both of them." He paused and picked her up the way he did with Lillie, of course she could jump down if she wished. "But we have to get on the plane first, we can't just fly after them." He paused, "Just follow me alright?"
Liza loops her arm around his neck, sniffling, and nods, wrapping her legs around his waist to make it easier for him to carry her. She sticks her other thumb in her mouth,though in her mind she can vaguely hear the Bad Guys telling her to stop it, that she's too old for that and it will ruin her thumb and maybe affect how she can fly if it "mars the nature of her hand," but she doesn't care about what the Bad Guys had said. She keeps her thumb in her mouth and lets Alex carry her, looking over to the others.
Blaire wasn't paying any attention as Lillie slipped away, she was focused on what the FBI guy was saying. When news of Lillie's kidnapping, she became outraged, her eyes wild with fury. Like taking Demitri wasn't enough, they had to go an abduct a mere child. Blaire hated to think what Lillie was feeling at that moment, exposing her again to the horrors that no person should ever have experienced. Her fists clenched, there was nothing the Flock could do now, as Alex came back empty-handed. When he spoke to her, she nodded stiffly.


Deputy Director Cross heard of Lillie's disappearance and reported it urgently into his comms, "The Dove has fallen from the nest," he spoke quickly and softly, he looked around for his agents as they moved from their posts and started scanning the scene. Cross turned his attention back to Callie as he saw they were giving up the search, suddenly a pleasant woman's voice spoke over the PA informing everyone that the flights had not been canceled due to the rain and that the three o' clock private flight for southern California would close boarding in approximately ten minutes. Cross's head filled with quick and careful calculation as he ran through their options. He whipped out his phone and made a couple of urgent phone calls when he had made up his mind. Cross slide the device into an inner pocket of his blazer and address the Flock once more, "We have to get on the flight now. My men will continue the search in our absence, and I've already called for an investigation team to go through the security footage and see if we can't learn anything more about Mr. Chu's organization and how they operate. Any intelligence we can gather will further help us get closer to answers as well as evade anymore attacks, should they arise. For now, we have to get on that plane, the FBI pulled a lot of favours, so we're running on a tight schedule,"
Heather's eyes became slits as Alex looked for lilie. What's going on she thought. Her eyes widened as he came back. She looked at his hands. 'Oh this is just great! I finally meet some of the nicest people ever and one of them gets kid naped!', she thought to her self. She wanted to say something to Alex but realized there was nothing to say. She heard Cross and she got a little nervous. "Lets do this..." she cracked her neck and got her game face on. She waited for the others to get going.
Callie listened to Cross explain about the FBI's plans, but at the same time was silently yelling at herself. How could she let this happen? Twice? Taking Demitri was enough in it's own, but taking an innocent five year old was a new low. She actually wished they had taken her instead of Demitri and Lillie, it was her fault they were in this mess. But she took a deep breathe, getting angry wouldn't help anything. She had to keep her anger for when she actually got her hands on this Mr. Chu. "Let's go." She said simply, and started walking in the direction Cross was leading them.
Cross weaved his way expertly through the crowd, glancing constantly over his shoulder to make sure all of the Flock was behind him and none just disappeared. He met with an attendent at the doorway to the walkway that would take them out and down a staircase down onto the tarmac. Cross handed her their tickets, she shuffled through them, checking their validity before leading them out. The plane was about half the size of an airliner, it was sleek silver and black with that fresh out-of-the-box shine. The attendent ushered them onto the plane with a flashy smile and a generic, "Enjoy your flight!"


Blaire folded her arms and grimaced at the woman's fakeness. Everything about the attendant screamed, 'I'm doing this because I'm paid to!' The woman's hair was blown out and sprayed with at least half a can of hairspray, making it look like styrofoam, her face was obviously botoxed, she had a cheap orange spray tan, and she was wearing way too much makeup. People who had that much time to apply their mask of an appearance had no life. Demitri was probably being tortured and experimented on and all this woman cared about was if she had lipstick on her teeth. Nothing disgusted Blaire more than a tacky show. She boarded the plane behind Cross and Callie, she was still angry and wanted nothing more than to project--those bastards were nothing more than weak minded hired muscle, too callous to show their faces. Blaire tossed her pack into a corner and paced silently waiting for the others so the plane could take off.
Walking down the aisle of the plane, Liza looks up at Alex again, reaching for his hand. With Lillie absent, she is latching onto him as her companion and comfort, as she had noticed Lillie seeming very at ease with him. She looks up at the Botoxed woman with wary fascination, saying out loud to her solemnly with her fingers in her mouth, "I didn't know people could be orange."
Heather almost fell on the floor laughing when Liza said her 'orange's comment. She took a seat on the plane and looked for her luggage. "I wonder where are bags are. I need to change." She took a seat and looked around the plane for her luggage. She soon stopped and just sat quietly, with her seat reclined. She rolled on to her belly and closed her eyes. Maybe she could get some sleep before they land again.
Morgana hesitantly sat next to Blaire. Flying in big meal contractions are" she shrudderd not able to finish her sentence.

Kai looked around for a seat and unable to find one he flopped next to heather.

He took his iPod out and blasted his ears. " agh better" he muttered
There was no way heather could sleep with Kai next to her. Instead of going off on him like usual, she tried a different approach. She turned back around and put her seat back up. She crossed her legs like pretzel and turned in her seat so she was facing him. "What are you listening to?" she said with interest. It felt like the only time she WASN'T sarcastic with anyone.
Blaire nodded, still frowning, "Yeah, I know what you mean," she glanced around, it was decent sized, but for a space they would all have to share for a seven hour flight, it was way too small, "Stupid tin can," she muttered, continuing pacing across the light beige carpet. She needed something to do, it was one thing to be in the air and fly - there wasn't much you could do when you're horizontal, speeding along at nearly one hundred and fifty miles per hour. Now that she was at a stand-still, with a machine flying for her, she realized how boring it was...


The attendant lady looked at Liza offened. There were a lot of things she would like to say, she didn't want to be there, especially while serving a bunch of kids. She flustered at the laughter and retreated to the kitchen in the back. The woman didn't know what exactly was going on, they were in Albuquerque en route for Vancouver when they got a call from the plane's owner, the current richest man in the world, Nino Pierpont, demanding they turn around and rush to New York for some important thing. She huffed to herself, she saw nothing special about a bunch of kids. She read all the magazines, it wasn't like they were celebrities or something - they didn't even look the part. She concluded they must be the kids of some big shots. Just another bunch of moody brats in her opinion, like all the rest they chauffered around.
Callie followed Cross into the small airplane. It was pretty fancy, but she didn't care about that. It was one thing to be stuck in a small enclosed space, but to be stuck in a small place thousands of feet in the air that she couldn't leave voluntarily was another. She huffed and looked out of the small window. She heard Dally come up next her. "Callie, what happens if we crash?" He asked in his sweet nine year old voice. Callie actually cracked a smile. "I dint think we have to worry about that, Dal. We kinda have wings." She moved her wings a little under her sweatshirt to prove her point, the back if her sweatshirt moving as her wings brushed against them.

Keanu followed everyone else onto the plane. He didn't like it anymore then everyone else, but he wasn't going to complain if it helped them get their flock together again. He sighed and paced the plane boredly, looking for something to do. "When do we get food?" He said asking no one in particular. Even though they had eaten not even two hours ago, he was starting to get hungry again. All of them ate a ton, but they were still unnaturally tall and skinny. So he didn't complain.
Sliding into a seat near a window,Liza immediately turns and looks outside, whispering loudly. "I don't know how come we can't just fly. It would be better I think. That orange lady looks like she's mean." She points, biting her lip. "How come we can't fly? I think we could get Lillie way faster if we flyed."

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