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Fandom Winged


Senior Member
The role-play will start with the flock in their latest 'safe house' in Orlando, Florida. ~~~~~~~~~~Callie rolled over in the creaky, uncomfortable bed she had slept in the night before. She groaned as she blinked against the sun coming through the big windows. she grimaced as she sat up, her back and neck cracking. She checked the bedside clock, seeing it was just past ten in the morning. She frowned, throwing an empty water bottle across the room at Keanu, who was still sound asleep. "Keanu! Wake up!" She silently yelled, throwing her covers off. It had been three days since the last time they had to move, a new record. Keanu was sound asleep, or atleast he was until an empty water bottle hit him in the back of his head. He immediately sat up, throwing his covers off and looking around. "Huh what's wrong? Are we getting attacked?" he yelled nervously, springing out of his creaky bed and immediately getting ready to fight. Of course it was kind of awkward, seeing as how he was just standing their in his blue plaid boxers. When he noticed that Callie was still in her bed and not nervous or anything. He turned red, and relaxed. "Oh, um...awkward" He scratched the back of his head awkwardly and sat back down on the bed.
Blair burst through the door. She had been sleeping in the other room--granted she was a very light sleeper and such habits come with practice and a fear for one's own life on a day-to-day basis--when she heard Keanu's yelling. "There a problem?" she said urgenly, her wings raised slightly off her back in alarm. But immediately she knew it was a false alarm, she could feel there was nothing wrong. Callie was relaxed though Keanu was still slightly on edge, and the birds outside were chriping softly. Demitri was right on her tail, he peaked around the door and raised an eyebrow in mild suspision. He rubbed his eyes, they were still a little puffy from sleeping.
Blake was asleep but then he woke up to the sun beaming in his eyes. He was groggy. He was wear his grey boxer-briefs and his black pullover hoodie. His hair was a mess. He was tired and his wings felt crammed. Blake pulled on his skinny jeans but pulled off his hoodie. Blake stood up and stretched his wings.
Callie rolled her eyes at her brother, and then rubbed her eyes. "Nothings wrong. I was just trying to wake up Keanu, and he thought there was something wrong. Nerd." She joked, flashing her brother a smirk. She yawned for a second, before standing up and stretching. She fixed her oversized t-shirt that covered her black gym short. "You guys hungry?" She asked the flock, or at lest the ones that were awake. She quickly pulled her light blond hair up into a messy ponytail. Keanu shrugged, looking around for his shorts. "Sorry, you should know not to wake me up like that." He looked under his bed, finally finding his brown shorts and pulled them on. He didn't bother wearing a shirt. "I'm starving." He answered Callie, flipping his brown hair out of his eyes and stretching out his back and arms.
Blair loved that people cooked for her, she wasn't too good at it--survival cooking she could do--but when it came to the kitchen, she didn't know how to work a stove, that was Demitri's job anyways. Blair punch Keanu playful as he pasted her, "Thanks, dude, and I was actually remembering what i was dreaming about," She went back into the small room she shared. Her hair was about shoulder length, long enough she could pull back into a pony tail. Wiping the sweat off the back of her neck she said, "Jeeze, its hot! Its Flordia, you would think it would be instinctually to put in a air conditioning unit. Suddenly smirked, she saw a glass of water she had left on her bedside table. She gestured lightly with her hand and its contents floated out of it's container in a few orb droplets. She made it into a mask on her face. It clung to her skin instinctually while she dressed in a pair of gray and blue track shorts and a white tee-shirt for an animal rescue program. She left for the kitchen, her face mask still cooling her skin.

Demitri didn't bother changing, he had a pair of shorts on and it was too hot to wear a shirt because his darker coloured wings absorbed more heat. He flexed them out, carefully blowing a gust of wind over himself before he sat down at the kitchen's table.
Blake yawned and rubbed his eyes. Then his stomach let out a big roar.He looked around at everyone embarrassed. "I'm hungry," He said about to laugh.
Callie snapped her wings out in the big room, careful not to hit anyone with them. She flapped them slightly for a few seconds making a gust of wind, and then tucked them back in. She moved around Keanu and Dimitri, and walked into the kitchen. She opened the fridge, and frowned. The only thing that where inside was a few bottles of water, apples, and a container of past. She closed the fridge, and opened the freezer. She pulled out a box of microwave pancakes, and opened them. "Looks like it's pancakes again." She mumbled, throwing all of the pancakes in the microwave. She knew the flock, and knew their appetite. And it wasn't small. Keanu smirked at Blair, and stretched out his wings that had become stiff. He ran down the stairs, and into the kitchen. He peered into the microwave and groaned. "Pancakes again?"He asked, walking over to the kitchen table and sitting down. He leaned back in his chair and yawned again. He didn't get a lot of sleep, since the beds were so uncomfortable and old.
Blair frown, "Pancakes...I rather eat dir--" she shut herself up then, she wouldn't put it past Callie to go get a plate of dirt from the back yard and set it on the table if they griped about food. She rolled her eyes intead, "Mmmm, nummy," she reached in the fridge pulled out two apples, tossed one to Demitri, and took a huge bite from her own.
Callie was about to go get a plate of dirt for Blaire, until she shut up. "I swear to god, if I keep eating pancakes I'm gunna turn into one." She mumbled, taking two of them and putting them on a paper plate.she got two more, and put them infront of Keanu. She picked up one of the pancakes and ate it, not bothering to use a fork or anything. "We made pancakes." She said to Blake, her mouth full.Keanu attacked his plate of pancakes, finishing his first one in two bites. Unlike everyone in the flock, he would anything. "What are we doing today?" He asked, already on his second plate of pancakes. He got up from the table and grabbed a water.
Blake sat at the table started to eat his pancakes. He took small, no microscopic bites. His mind was filled with his worries. What is they were caught o the move? Would he ever meet the boy in his dreams?
Demitri got another apple, he looked around at the sweaty flock and spoke up, "I think we could all use a break, we're all hot, why don't we find a park with a waterfall or some water outlet thats secluded and out of the public eye, so we can cool down with no worries?" he suggested.
Callie finished her pancakes and threw her plate away. She nodded at dimitri, and leaned against the counter. "Thats a good idea. We should look for a lake or somewhere. Somewhere where a lot of people won't be at." She played with a bracket on her wrist, waiting for the rest of the flocks input. Personally, it sounded like a good idea to her. Keanu nodded, finishing his ninth pancake. Finally finishing it, he threw his plate away. "Well it's hot as balls out, so I think it's a good idea." He took a sip of his water, and then playfully threw the half full bottle at Blaire.
"I think it's an excellent idea, personally," Blair stated matter-of-factly, a smirk on her face. Blair caught the bottle, unskrewed the lid, took a drink, then threw what was left of the water at Keanu from across the room with a flick of her finger. It splashed him in the face and chest. Blair laughed and Demitri broke into a smile.

>>its Demitri, with an 'e' by the way :) <<
Derik sensed the Flock in the house they were staying at and he motioned his group of trackers to find them and bring them back alive.


Blake finished his pancakes and finished getting his things together.
I feel stupid now. XDCallie rolled her eyes at her brother and Blaire. "Grow up." She grumbled, uncrossing her arms and pushing herself off of the counter. "Everyone go get your bathing suits." She called over her shoulder, as she walked p the stairs to her room to get on her bikini. "Oh, and bring your bags in case of an emergency!" Everyone in the flock had a backpack that had a few changes of clothes and small food items, in case they had to leave quickly for whatever reason. Keanu frowned, whipping the water off of his chest and face. He glared at Blaire, and then listened to Callie. He walked up to their room, making sure his backpack was all packed up before changing into his bathing suit. He slipped a shirt on, and then walked back downstairs waiting for everyone else.
Blake put on his bathing suit and then a black and blue swim shirt to keep his wings from getting so wet he wouldn't be able to fly. Blake came downstairs with his bag.


Derik was leading his group of tracker to the Flock. He was getting closer by the minute.
Blair stuck her tongue out at Keanu, then she and Demitri went to pack up their stuff. "You still hungry?" he asked her, she nodded. "Damn these infernal metabolisms." she slumped her shoulders and went into a to daydream of sorts, "If I have fifty bucks right now...I would get a gourmet burger, a malt shake, some spagetti, brownies--"

"Stop," Demitri interupted, "Your making me hungy."

"But you're already hungy."

"Fine," he sighed, "Hungrier. Lets just hope, maybe, we can get something on the way there,"

Blain nodded, picking up a pair of pants she had tossed a few days ago because they were so hot. "You ready?"

"Always. You take too long."

"You nag too much," she countered.

"Touche," he murmmered.

She swung her pack over her shoulder after stuffing her bed roll. Without a word they walked back down to the small parlor.
Callie quickly changed into her bikini, slipping on a pair of Jean shorts and a t-shirt. She quickly pulled her backpack on, and ran down the stairs. She hadn't even sensed the trackers, even though she was a tracker herself. She dida head count, making sure everyone was done and ready. "Ready to go?" She asked, adjusting her backpack straps and looking everyone over. Keanu nodded, fixing his hair.
Blair and Demitri had changed quickly, Blair into surfer's wear with short shorts and a zip up tank-top with a bikini top underneath; and Demitri had a pair of trunks with teeshirt thrown over it. Both of them nodded.

>>i got to cut it off here, i can stay up late, but i gotta go to sleep sometime :D <<
Callie nodded. "Ok, let's go." She ushered everyone out of the house, and locked the door behind them. Not that that would help if trackers came, since they would just destroy the whole house. "Ok, let's fly around and look for a lake or something." She looked from side to side before snapping her wings out. Keanu stepped out of the door behind Callie, and snapped his huge black wings out. He shook them, and waited for the rest of the flock. Ok, see ya later!
"I'm ready," Blake said. Blake stated walking down the stairs when a group of trackers flew threw the window. Blake looked at there leader it was the boy in his dreams.
(Woh Guys! Hold on there, I haven't even got one post in yet xD )

Alexius had been just about to leave with the rest of the group when his eyes widened; Lillie! He shook his head at himself; why wasn't she awake yet anyway? She was usually up and about by this hour. He sprinted back to her room and saw her curled up under the duvet, her long chocolate brown hair spilled out around the bed as she snored contently. He sighed and dropped his backpack, walking over to her bed and shaking her gently, "Hey Lillie, wake up!" She blinked open her eyes and yawned, looking up at him as she frowned, "Go to sleep Alex! It's bed time!" She rolled back over as her eyes closed; he sighed, what was wrong with her, why was she so tired? "No Lils, it's defiantly morning time. You gotta hurry up and throw some clothes on; we're all going to a park." Lillie bounded out of the bed as if you had just yelled 'Fire' into her ear; folding her small arms as she raised an eyebrow at Alex, "Turn around Alex!" He chuckled and spun around; he found it so funny when she did that. He was practically her brother anyway. After a few moments she was dressed in a light blue summery dress and had her small backpack on. They were just about to leave the room when they heard a loud crash, Lillie's big blue eyes widened as she looked up at Alex, "Alex? What was that?" He frowned and grabbed her hand; a protective instinct already kicking in, "I'm not sure Cuddles..."
Marcus tapped his foot impatiently. He had pretended to be asleep when everybody had been moving around he was in reality simply waiting for Rosa to get back. Last night she had slipped out claiming a panic attack from the enclosed space. But he knew the real problem was that she wanted to explore on her own. Rosa really was a loner and she could have a bit of bite hence people calling her Thorn.

Rosa wasn't really part of the original group, she had been kept away from the others because they wanted to see how solitaire confinement would affect someone who contained DNA from two social creatures. They also used forms of negative training where every time she saw someone new their was a negative consequence. Either she would have to fight that person or the minute she started to like them that person would be taken away. The girl had learned to kind of stay away from relationships.

Finally Rosa swooped in the back window a wild eyed look on her face. She was carrying multiple shopping bags all containing different amounts of food or clothing, "I didn't steal it. There was a screwed up Walmart freezer truck and I temporarily fixed it before I raided a store but we have bigger problems. We have a hoard of not so friendly trackers outside and where is everybody," she said dropping all of the plastic bags in a pile. It was so hot here and Rosa didn't do hot, she was more of cold kinda chick. With a flick of her hands icicles lined the walls but they were only on the edges so if they fell most likely nobody would get hurt.
(Sorry xD )

Callie was about to jump into the air, when the sound of shattering glass echoed through the air. She sighed, and tucked her wings back in. "Seriously?! I can't even have one day to go swimming?" She complained, before immediatly going into action. She knew Alex, Lillie, Rosa, and Marcus were still inside. She motioned to Keanu, and then to the door. It would take to long to unlock. Keanu knew exactly what to do, as he took a step back and then kicked the whole door in on one shot. He wasn't concerned about the door, they clearly needed to leave this place now anyways. Callie stepped into the house and looked around, not seeing anyone on the first floor, which meant the trackers and the rest of the flock were on the second. "Split up!" She called, heading to the stairs.
Alexius and Lillie had made it to the area where the trackers were by this point; Lillie's eyes widened as she saw them and all the awful memories they brought back. "Stay back Lillie." Alexius immediately pushed Lillie behind him as he quickly and calmly took in each tracker; sizing them up while silently figuring out their weakness and strengths. Lillie peeked her head around Alex's leg with wide blue eyes as one of the tracker's attention switched to her. He smirked and she read the thought that instantly popped into his head: 'Easy target.' Alex also heard the thought and his fist clenched, "Idiot." He spoke as the man stupidly ran at them, of course in his eyes he saw a 'shy' boy and a tiny child. As the man was a fist punch away Alex grabbed his fist, spun his arm around so that his back was to him and jerked upwards quickly on his arm, making a horrible snapping sound occur as the man's arm shattered in two. He made a growling noise as he clenched the man's arm tighter and his other hand slammed onto the man's cheek as he pulled the water out of his mouth and throat, de-hydrating him completely as he fiercely whispered at the man, "She is NOT an easy target." He threw him away from him and because of the lack of hydration the man collapsed onto the ground, gasping like a fish.

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