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Screen Shot 2018-03-04 at 5.28.00 PM.png

Kitchen -> Bonfire

Dani, Aindera, Ember (sorta)

travelbypages travelbypages , Z zninjsu , xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx
He groaned, rolling his eyes. She did have a point though, while the pill certainly wasn't poison, it made him feel like shit more often then not. Which was odd to him, because weren't antidepressants supposed to cure you? That being said, he didn't have depression.

He huffed, before looking over to Aindera, who seemed to have spilt his drink from squeezing it too tightly, which was odd to Tate, as Aindera had seemed somewhat... Non violent? At least careful enough not to spill his drink everywhere. He raised an eyebrow slightly at Aindera, almost as if to ask him if everything was alright. His attention however, was directed away when he saw a quarter full bottle of fireball not to far from where he was. He assumed nobody he was talking to cared about his presence, so he walked off, grabbing the whiskey and making his way out of the kitchen and outside, to where the bonfire would be.

Outside was much cooler, and the feeling of the hot whiskey going down his throat nicely contrasted with the breeze coming in his direction. He sat himself down on the sand, taking small swigs from the bottle as he watched around him. He had a small idea of who was at this party, what he really hoped though is he'd find some slut he fucked at the last party to hopefully get laid tonight. Or else, the condom in his wallet was a complete waste.

He turned around and looked up at the deck, the only thing thast really surprised him was someone brought a damn diary or whatever to the party. His first question was, weren't those supposed to be private? Prolly, this girl obviously didn't care though as she had brought it to the party. It'd be pretty funny if she had some dirty secrets in there though. Call him sadistic but he needed some form of entertainment other than booze that was no doubt stolen from a family members cupboard.
Britta groaned loudly, mostly for show, at the pink haired guy's last comment. Thankfully, he walked away then, and she felt the sudden anxiety that had struck her lift off her shoulders. That had been... interesting, to say the least. Uncomfortable, too. Grateful that he'd left them alone, she smiled at Kenny, though another male figure joined them before she could say anything to him.

Glancing over, almost worried for a second, she couldn't stop herself from grinning when her eyes landed on Jackson. She also noticed Koba, and practically squealed as she knelt down to extend her arm to the precious animal. Looking up from her spot near Koba, she rolled her eyes. "Kenny and I were talking, catching up, and some idiot came over here to try and ruin the fun." Koba stepped closer to her then, and she reached out to scratch him behind the ears.

"Didn't work though, did it?" She looked over at Kenny. "I hadn't had much interaction with him before tonight. Have you guys?" She straightened then, dusting her hands off and placing them on her hips.


Tags: Kenny ( Chimney Swift Chimney Swift ); Jackson ( Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving )

Code by apolla apolla

Britta groaned loudly, mostly for show, at the pink haired guy's last comment. Thankfully, he walked away then, and she felt the sudden anxiety that had struck her lift off her shoulders. That had been... interesting, to say the least. Uncomfortable, too. Grateful that he'd left them alone, she smiled at Kenny, though another male figure joined them before she could say anything to him.

Glancing over, almost worried for a second, she couldn't stop herself from grinning when her eyes landed on Jackson. She also noticed Koba, and practically squealed as she knelt down to extend her arm to the precious animal. Looking up from her spot near Koba, she rolled her eyes. "Kenny and I were talking, catching up, and some idiot came over here to try and ruin the fun." Koba stepped closer to her then, and she reached out to scratch him behind the ears.

"Didn't work though, did it?" She looked over at Kenny. "I hadn't had much interaction with him before tonight. Have you guys?" She straightened then, dusting her hands off and placing them on her hips.


Tags: Kenny ( Chimney Swift Chimney Swift ); Jackson ( Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving )


Aindrea’s smirk did not go unnoticed, as Delta caught it as they rolled their eyes. They… didn’t really care. They were having a good time, and no one they cared about was being bothered, so it didn’t really matter.

What they did care about was that they were getting high for free, as confirmed by Dani herself- and she called them the closest thing she had to a friend there. Well, and Aindrea, but who cared about him? They put their hand to their heart as Dani passed them the joint, taking it thankfully. To be honest, they zoned out on the conversation as they took a hit. Were they supposed to care? Quite possibly. Did they? Nope.

They handed it back gracefully, watching Dani take a hit before offering it to Aindrea.

The bottom of the cup broke, and Delta’s eyebrows shot up. “Someone’s in a mood…” They sipped their drink, crossing their free arm across their body as one ankle crossed over the other.

They didn’t pay Tate’s exit any mind.

Aindrea’s smirk did not go unnoticed, as Delta caught it as they rolled their eyes. They… didn’t really care. They were having a good time, and no one they cared about was being bothered, so it didn’t really matter.

What they did care about was that they were getting high for free, as confirmed by Dani herself- and she called them the closest thing she had to a friend there. Well, and Aindrea, but who cared about him? They put their hand to their heart as Dani passed them the joint, taking it thankfully. To be honest, they zoned out on the conversation as they took a hit. Were they supposed to care? Quite possibly. Did they? Nope.

They handed it back gracefully, watching Dani take a hit before offering it to Aindrea.

The bottom of the cup broke, and Delta’s eyebrows shot up. “Someone’s in a mood…” They sipped their drink, crossing their free arm across their body as one ankle crossed over the other.

They didn’t pay Tate’s exit any mind.

Jackson Smiled as Koba's tail wagged happily and he went to Britta's side and sat down giving her a happy look as she pet him. "What he asking you to fuck?" Jackson asked Britta in a joking tone as he looked back twoards the way the druggie had gone before looking back to Britta and Koba who was had rolled onto his back to get Britta to pet his tummy. Looking back to where the druggie had gone off Jackson merely shrugged. "Never seen him before. Honestly hope I don't see him again." Jackson said as he looked back to Britta and Koba. Koba having taken a sitting position between Britta's legs facing Jackson. There he pant gently and watched the party people calmly. "Well besides the druggie how have you two been?" Jackson asked figuring a change of topic would be good for the two after whatever the hell just happened there
apolla apolla Chimney Swift Chimney Swift
she looked at her smileing softly but even that was kind of weak. Despite living where she does, she rarely drinks so alcohol has a bigger effect on her, makeing her dizzy and weak. "a glass of water may help"she says as she sits down and rests her head on her knees. then closed her eyes and she silently took deep breaths.

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Tate had rested back into the sand,
staring at the starry night that showed in front of him. At least now, he'd make a note for next time to get drugs then get drunk, so maybe he'd have some control over what he would say to the person willing to provide said drugs. He could always apologise, but with how Dani reacted, it seemed hopeless to him. So he just laid in the sand, sticking to the wiskey that was being poured down his throat. He knew he'd have a terrible hangover in the morning, and his sister would be able to have her triumphant and infamous 'I told you so' moments.He always had his meds though, that he would for once voluntarily take just so he wouldn't cause harm to his sister.

He eventually sat up from his position, sand crumbling down his back from his hair, sand that would probably stay in his hair no matter how many times he'd wash his hair. He walked back up to the house, stumbling over his feet every so often to try and find someone willing to talk to him or make sure he didn't do or say anything stupid. He ruffled his hand through his hair to get the sand out before walking back inside and slumping down on the couch, taking his usual sips from the bottle of wiskey. He was getting bored quickly though, he wanted something to do. Or rather, someone to do, because at this moment he felt like some kid who'd had too much sugar while sitting in a long car drive. He tapped his foot on the wooden floor to keep him occupied for the time being.

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