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Realistic or Modern wild ones ~ OPEN



Delta nodded, trying their best to seem friendly, though they couldn't help that their smile grew a smidgen when Aindrea scowled. What could they say, they had motives beyond simply chatting, and they were so far being succeeded.

Then they continued their conversation, and he shook his head, and though a part of them really, really appreciated that, another smaller part couldn’t help but feel… bad for him. They liked parties even as just a premise now, and the atmosphere of a party was enough to leave Delta feeling great, but it hadn’t always been like that. They remembered when they wouldn’t even go to parties unless a friend talked them into it because of how anxiety-ridden they were.

“Oh, I’m just crashing. I’ll get a drink eventually. Might go down to the beach a bit later.” They laughed.

The laughter faded as they realized that they had once again lost Aindrea’s attention, and they frowned. Eventually, his eyes stopped on something, and they couldn’t help but follow his gaze.

Lo and behold, it was a girl. A girl Delta had never seen before, which was a shock, considering Delta was pretty sure he’d seen everyone who lived in Newberry around their age group before. She was probably new… right? Or did he just not know the town as well as he thought he did?

She stood at the edges of the group, swaying, and Delta was stuck looking at her for a second. Then, he turned to Aindrea. “She’s pretty. In like. An angry goth way.”

Delta nodded, trying their best to seem friendly, though they couldn't help that their smile grew a smidgen when Aindrea scowled. What could they say, they had motives beyond simply chatting, and they were so far being succeeded.

Then they continued their conversation, and he shook his head, and though a part of them really, really appreciated that, another smaller part couldn’t help but feel… bad for him. They liked parties even as just a premise now, and the atmosphere of a party was enough to leave Delta feeling great, but it hadn’t always been like that. They remembered when they wouldn’t even go to parties unless a friend talked them into it because of how anxiety-ridden they were.

“Oh, I’m just crashing. I’ll get a drink eventually. Might go down to the beach a bit later.” They laughed.

The laughter faded as they realized that they had once again lost Aindrea’s attention, and they frowned. Eventually, his eyes stopped on something, and they couldn’t help but follow his gaze.

Lo and behold, it was a girl. A girl Delta had never seen before, which was a shock, considering Delta was pretty sure he’d seen everyone who lived in Newberry around their age group before. She was probably new… right? Or did he just not know the town as well as he thought he did?

She stood at the edges of the group, swaying, and Delta was stuck looking at her for a second. Then, he turned to Aindrea. “She’s pretty. In like. An angry goth way.”
"Crashing...seems a lot of our kind are doing that here," Aindrea said as he heard Delta's reasons for being at the party and that they planned on getting a drink and likely heading to the beach later. He swirled the cup of water around and tossed the rest of it back, momentarily frowning inside his cup that he didn't bother tossing away. While the others might be here for the numerous alcohol seeping the area, he hoped to find something that wasn't tainted with that stuff and wasn't water from the tap, maybe he should find a soda. "Mmm...well I'm sure you'll manage to find something to do with your time while you're here."

Aindrea snorted as Delta followed his gaze to the new girl dancing on the edges of the other groups of people within the living room and then commented that the girl was pretty in a goth sort of way. "I suppose she might be if you're into Goth," said Aindrea. The girl didn't seem to notice the pair looking in her direction, either she was lost in her own world or the music at least, she was being hard to get, or she was stuck up. Aindrea couldn't say just by looking at her if she was rich or poor, it was hard to make out without being right in the girl's face and that was likely to cause a situation that Aindrea didn't want, nor could he afford to occur. Getting to his feet, he began heading towards the kitchen to see if he could find something sugar-filled to drink. "Kitchen's this way," he called over his shoulder in Delta's direction, not sure if they had been to this house before. Interacting: Delta mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties Mentioned: Dani travelbypages travelbypages
Dani danced, her eyes closed. Everyone in America seemed to be assholes, but at least music wasn't stuck up. But as the song came to an end she opened her eyes and glanced around the room. She could feel it, someone watching her. Maybe cause she was new, or looked different, or whatever, but she could feel it. With one more sweep around the room she finally saw the one who had been looking at her, as well as his friend. Raising an eyebrow, she shook her head. Of course she was the hot gossip in the small town. Crushing her now empty cup in her hand, she made set it on a fireplace, watching the boy and his friend stand and go toward the kitchen.

Chewing her lip, Dani debated on following the strangers, maybe give them a piece of her mind... So she did. Pushing through the crowed she eventually made her way to the kitchen and stood in front of the two, placing a hand on her hip, "care to tell my why you two were talking about someone you've never met?" She asked, doing her best to hold back some of her accent, as that seemed to turn people off from her... Though her being high wasn't doing much to hide it. Letting herself study the two, she looked at the boy, analyzing him. He seemed to look older, but she wasn't sure why that was. And the other, well they weren't too different than people she knew in England. Crossing her arms, she tilted her head to the side a little while she swayed and waited for the duo's answer.

Mentions: Aindrea Z zninjsu and Delta mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties
Interactions: Dani travelbypages travelbypages
Location: Living Room→Kitchen
Mood: Curious boredom
Mentions: Delta mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties
Aindrea wasn't certain if Delta would end up following him to the kitchen or not. Should anyone make the assumption that the pair were together, both would likely squash that rumor fast before it got very far though in his experience that didn't always help, especially in a small town like Newberry where everbody knew everybody and by extension knew everybody else's business. The teenager found himself a few soda cans along with some coolers of what he figured were alcohol. Picking up a soda which was slightly warm, he pointed the coolers out to Delta and cracked the soda open before pouring it in his cup. There seemed to be less people in the kitchen, probably everyone was either in the living room or on the beach but as he didn't come to many of these things, he couldn't exactly say with confidence what others were doing or where they were.

As he stood there with his back pressing into the table's edge, Aindrea took to watching the other people as they entered and left the kitchen, some staying to converse with each other. He didn't expect for the girl he had noticed and spoken with Delta about would end up following to the kitchen and standing there, demanding to know why he and Delta had been talking about the girl in the first place He made the girl wait while he sipped at his soda, savoring the taste of caffeine and sugar hit his taste buds. Soda was a luxury he couldn't afford half the time, and when he could afford it, he didn't bring it home. It went against what he was attempting to teach his daughter about healthy eating habits even though she didn't get half of what he tried to teach her due to her young age. Lowering his cup from his mouth, he gave the stranger a once over before hopping up on the table. "When everybody knows pretty much everybody in this town, a new face tends to stick out until people grow used to your presence," spoke Aindrea.


“Well, a party’s a party.” Delta watched the other frown into his cup, momentarily wondering what he was thinking before deciding they didn’t care. They didn’t even like Aindrea. They were supposed to be antagonizing him, not having a decent, almost amicable conversation. As he continued to speak, they laughed lightly. “Oh, I’m not worried about that. I’m great at wasting time…”

As Aindrea commented on Delta’s observation, they rolled their eyes. “Well, I did say in an angry goth way. Not a fan of the look, personally.” As Aindrea stood, Delta considered not following. They didn’t like Aindrea, and frankly they’d already spent enough time around him for one day, but they had wanted a drink. So they followed him, though not without pointing out, “I’ve been in this house for a while. I know where the kitchen is.”

When Aindrea pointed towards the coolers, however, Delta begrudgingly went over to one, pulling out a beer and opening it. They took a moment to breathe, suddenly free to do so with the absence of people swarming them. Then, they took a sip of their drink, smiling to themself. Though Delta liked noise and people, they could appreciate its absence as well, and at this moment, they were, eyes shut lightly.

That was, up until they heard a girl speaking to them. Context clues told them it was the girl from earlier, and once they opened their eyes- yep, they were right. As she looked them over, they smiled, shifting their weight and adjusting their hold on their drink. If they were going to be analyzed, they were gonna look pretty while it was happening.

“He has a point.”

“Well, a party’s a party.” Delta watched the other frown into his cup, momentarily wondering what he was thinking before deciding they didn’t care. They didn’t even like Aindrea. They were supposed to be antagonizing him, not having a decent, almost amicable conversation. As he continued to speak, they laughed lightly. “Oh, I’m not worried about that. I’m great at wasting time…”

As Aindrea commented on Delta’s observation, they rolled their eyes. “Well, I did say in an angry goth way. Not a fan of the look, personally.” As Aindrea stood, Delta considered not following. They didn’t like Aindrea, and frankly they’d already spent enough time around him for one day, but they had wanted a drink. So they followed him, though not without pointing out, “I’ve been in this house for a while. I know where the kitchen is.”

When Aindrea pointed towards the coolers, however, Delta begrudgingly went over to one, pulling out a beer and opening it. They took a moment to breathe, suddenly free to do so with the absence of people swarming them. Then, they took a sip of their drink, smiling to themself. Though Delta liked noise and people, they could appreciate its absence as well, and at this moment, they were, eyes shut lightly.

That was, up until they heard a girl speaking to them. Context clues told them it was the girl from earlier, and once they opened their eyes- yep, they were right. As she looked them over, they smiled, shifting their weight and adjusting their hold on their drink. If they were going to be analyzed, they were gonna look pretty while it was happening.

“He has a point.”
Dani glanced between Delta and Aindrea, finally settling on Aindrea when he spoke. She knew that, she's been new to seven different places since her parents divorce. "I know that, but I think the difference is that Americans are kinda assholes. Even that people like me are pretty rude. Not very friendly..." She pointed out and glanced around "that pink haired guy sure knows how to be a prick doesn't he?" she raised an eyebrow. "Are you two assholes?" she tilted her head.

From what Dani could tell, the two definitely weren't friends. Their body language was tense, and the way Delta held them-self seemed pretty snide, but she didn't know whether that was to seem snide or just their personality. Aindrea, on the other hand, seemed relaxed but not in a "this is a party, let go" kind of way. It was hard to be able to tell how people were going to react though. She didn't want to be feeling like garbage, like the way Tate had treated her. But were all Americans really the same? Sure, there had been some awful people at the airport, in the stores, and in the trailer park... but were all of them really terrible? She didn't know. But she was new, and if she had to, she could deal with being alone.

Location: Kitchen
Interaction: Delta mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties and Aindrea Z zninjsu
Interactions: Dani travelbypages travelbypages
Location: Kitchen
Mood: Curious boredom
Mentions: Delta mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties
Aindrea sipped his coke again though choked as Delta seemed to agree with him on his point. Giving the other a glare, he coughed harshly, trying to get air into his lungs so he could breathe properly. The girl immediately began talking, mostly about her opinion concerning Americans. As Aindrea was half-American thanks to his mom, he wasn't all that happy to be referred to as an asshole given half his heritage. "There's assholes everywhere missy," Aindrea drawled. Aindrea felt he was out of place at the party, the only good thing was he had gotten his weed that he had stashed in one of his pockets. "You go around thinking everyone's an asshole, it's going to make people automatically judge you...then you won't be making any friends and a ton of enemies." As she asked if they were assholes, the teen tossed back the rest of his soda that was in his cup and replied as he poured himself another. "No, though it depends on who you ask around here most likely."

She then commented on a pink-haired guy named Tate and she'd had the displeasure of meeting him. Aindrea was somewhat neutral concerning Tate. The other kid hadn't bothered him a whole lot since his move here but of course it was bound that someone would find the pink-haired boy a nuisance of some kind. Reaching behind him, he grabbed another couple sodas off and pulled them closer to him across the granite surface of the counter. "You're not from here...by your accent I'd say you're from Britain." He knew the accent wasn't like his own Scottish and he didn't recognize Irish in the tone either. He could be wrong though.
Britta thought she felt their conversation get a little less tense, and she smiled at Kenny. It was nice, really, having someone to talk to who wasn't judging her based on the fact that she wasn't poor anymore. She wondered why she'd never been closer with him-- he seemed a bit awkward, but really, not a bad guy. She'd definitely been affiliated with worse in her time in this town, and even gotten into some trouble over the years, some on her own and some with others. She felt a little bad, looking back, but she didn't want to focus on that now.

She asked what he'd been up to, and she thought she saw him grimace. There was a slight pause before he began speaking, but before he could even get a sentence out, someone almost bumped into her. They certainly got quite close, and Britta noticed their presence right away out of the corner of her eye. His pink hair was the first thing she noticed, the second was that he appeared to be intoxicated, though she wasn't sure. You could never really be sure at a party like this.

"Hey Princess, whatta' ya' supplyin'?"

Britta blinked at him, confused. She wrinkled her nose slightly in his direction. "Nothing you can afford." She told him curtly, realizing that he was approaching her because she had money and he expected drugs, or possibly even something else. Her face grew slightly warm. "I don't have anything."


Tags: Kenny ( Chimney Swift Chimney Swift ); Dani ( crossofjesus crossofjesus )

Code by apolla apolla

Britta thought she felt their conversation get a little less tense, and she smiled at Kenny. It was nice, really, having someone to talk to who wasn't judging her based on the fact that she wasn't poor anymore. She wondered why she'd never been closer with him-- he seemed a bit awkward, but really, not a bad guy. She'd definitely been affiliated with worse in her time in this town, and even gotten into some trouble over the years, some on her own and some with others. She felt a little bad, looking back, but she didn't want to focus on that now.

She asked what he'd been up to, and she thought she saw him grimace. There was a slight pause before he began speaking, but before he could even get a sentence out, someone almost bumped into her. They certainly got quite close, and Britta noticed their presence right away out of the corner of her eye. His pink hair was the first thing she noticed, the second was that he appeared to be intoxicated, though she wasn't sure. You could never really be sure at a party like this.

"Hey Princess, whatta' ya' supplyin'?"

Britta blinked at him, confused. She wrinkled her nose slightly in his direction. "Nothing you can afford." She told him curtly, realizing that he was approaching her because she had money and he expected drugs, or possibly even something else. Her face grew slightly warm. "I don't have anything."


Tags: Kenny ( Chimney Swift Chimney Swift ); Dani ( crossofjesus crossofjesus )

Screen Shot 2018-03-04 at 5.28.00 PM.png
Past eight


Britta, Kenny

apolla apolla , Chimney Swift Chimney Swift
He snorted at her response.
"Dude- you fuckin' realise how much of a bitch you sound righ' now?" He smirked, pursing his lips together to stifle a laugh.

"M'dad 's a cop, so I'm like-like- basically God." He rambled, if he weren't drunk at this point, he would've slapped himself in the face for saying something so very unrelated to the conversation. He acted like such a damn idiot when he was drunk. And he was even more of an idiot when he was high off his face from some form of pills or whatever.

He looked over to the other guy who was standing opposite Britta. He squinted his eyes for a moment, first recognising his face, then matching a name with his face. "Kenny," he began, looking to him, then Britta, then back to him. Their expressions showed something familiar, perhaps it was awkwardness mixed with discomfort. From those slight glances he pieced together in his fuddled mind that these two were together. Despite the fact that prior to this encounter he'd never once seen these two hold hands, hug, kiss and the lot.

"Oh-oh shit!" He grins, moving away from Britta slightly.

"Listen- I- I don't want to fuck your girlfriend like- shit, she seems sorta like one of those girls who thinks that receiving oral or taking it through the backdoor still makes you a virgin, so, not exactly my type." It wasn't the alcohol that was encouraging this foot-in-mouth behaviour, though some might say otherwise.

Sure, he was extremely dumb when he was drunk or high, but the characteristic of him being a massive dickhead never changed for him, even when he wasn't drunk or high. The only difference was that, when he was sober he had a little more filter. But barely any if that. He had lots of filter for his language however when he took his medication. Which used to be once in a blue moon, but his sister had been watching crime documentaries, and insisted he'd turn into Jeffery Dahmer if he didn't take his meds. So she practically forced him to do so by standing by his bed and watching him swallow the pill. Even making him open his mouth afterwards to make sure he'd swallowed it, which was kinda dumb considering it was a dissolvable, and no matter what it'd somehow enter his bloodstream. But she still persisted. She'd make a good nurse as some psychiatric ward one day, he thought.
rsz_1rsz_1d424d3dc-966c-4d12-95e5-2c62db086a9a.jpg Kenny Morgenstern
Location: Alyssia's party
Mentions: Britta Zabielski ( apolla apolla crossofjesus crossofjesus

Kenny's eyes widened as the inebriated gent correctly guessed his name... sometimes his own mother couldn't do that. The poor guy was slurring so much that Kenny could only catch every few words of what he said... until he called Britta his girlfriend. Awkward. His face reddened, first with embarrassment, but the just kept going and going, making some rather vulgar implications about Britta's sex life.

That was it. Kenny had enough of drunk people.

He stepped away from the wall, still maintaining a distance between himself and Tate. "Dude... what the fuck?" He offered an icy stare, standing up a bit straighter despite feeling sickened by anxiety. He honestly had no idea what he was doing at this point, but stress and alcohol was a deadly combination. If he ended up getting decked, he didn't really care right now. He'd care later, for sure, but not now. "Go cool your head, will you? Leave her alone, seriously. Back off." Even though he couldn’t exactly be smooth or even terribly intimidating, Kenny was kind of surprised at himself for being slightly assertive. Maybe alcohol made him more than just nauseous... he turned back to Britta, and in an instant he was back to his usual soft-spoken self, offering a shaky smile. "I'm so sorry... y-y'know, he probably won't remember he said that once he sobers up..."


When Aindrea choked, Delta turned to him, frowning. They found the other glaring at them, so they glared right on back. Why were they getting glared at? They hadn’t even done anything. When Dani said that Americans are kinda assholes, Delta didn’t argue. After all, she was right. Everyone was an asshole. It was just varying degrees, right? Of course, Aindrea felt the need to comment, and honestly Delta just couldn’t agree with what he said. They gave him a side-eye, sipping their beer before turning to look forward again.

They didn’t know how to respond to Tate being called an asshole. After all, they weren’t close enough to the guy to know whether or not he was a prick, so defense or agreement were out of the question. So instead, they ignored it. Then she asked her question, and that was something they could respond to.

“Aren’t we all?” they said at the same time Aindrea spoke. They glared at Aindrea for that, watching him grab a couple of sodas. They listened to him keep talking, frowning, and turned back to the girl, waiting for her answer as they debated ditching out on this conversation for the beach.

When Aindrea choked, Delta turned to him, frowning. They found the other glaring at them, so they glared right on back. Why were they getting glared at? They hadn’t even done anything. When Dani said that Americans are kinda assholes, Delta didn’t argue. After all, she was right. Everyone was an asshole. It was just varying degrees, right? Of course, Aindrea felt the need to comment, and honestly Delta just couldn’t agree with what he said. They gave him a side-eye, sipping their beer before turning to look forward again.

They didn’t know how to respond to Tate being called an asshole. After all, they weren’t close enough to the guy to know whether or not he was a prick, so defense or agreement were out of the question. So instead, they ignored it. Then she asked her question, and that was something they could respond to.

“Aren’t we all?” they said at the same time Aindrea spoke. They glared at Aindrea for that, watching him grab a couple of sodas. They listened to him keep talking, frowning, and turned back to the girl, waiting for her answer as they debated ditching out on this conversation for the beach.

Screen Shot 2018-03-04 at 5.28.00 PM.png


Kenny, Britta

Chimney Swift Chimney Swift , apolla apolla
He tilted his head to the side.
"Cool off? But I'm not even angry." He spoke, looking to Kenny with a less-intimidating demeanour, or at least a look that didn't make his eyebrows feel so tight together, which he seemed to subconsciously do a lot. It constantly felt like when you're trying to fall asleep, but your eyelids hurt because you forget to relax them. It felt like that more often than not for Tate.

"Do you know who has drugs? Or do you know where the parents of this household keep their medicine cabinet?" He hummed to the two of them, he knew for a fact that every rich parent was on some kind of sedative. Sure, he'd gained this knowledge from watching too many horror movies, but it made sense. It would stress out a person with how much money they were spending per month, like he remembered watching this TV series where a rich family spent almost $300 on groceries per week. If Tate's family did that, they'd be in debt for years.
Dani let her eyes move back and forth between Delta and Aindrea, a smirk touching her lips and their very different answers "well I can tell you two aren't friends" she pointed out. But as Aindrea explained his answer, she nodded "yes, but I don't go behind peoples back and talk about them just because they're different. You could have come talk to me." She told them both and dropped her arms, moving over to one of the many coolers laying around and took out a bottle of vodka, moving to the counter to mix herself a drink. "I'm Dani, anyway. What are you two called?" she raised an eyebrow before looking down to concentrate on her task.

Bringing the cup to her lips, Dani glanced back up at Delta, but let her eyes settle on Aindrea as he guessed where she was from "yeah... This week has been an eventful move" she shrugged a little. She didn't much wanna talk about where she came from. She hated the fact that her mom had dragged her out of Britain. The girl took a long sip from the drink then placed her cup on the counter. "You two don't seem to fit in with all the gold and diamonds... so what brings you to the party? Why wouldn't people like us just throw our own or something?" she asked. She could see Delta getting bored with the conversation, but she didn't know whether or not that was just their personality. Looking down, she tapped her fingers on the counter, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable.

Location: Kitchen
Interacting: Delta mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties and Aindrea Z zninjsu
Britta turned to face the newcomer, placing a hand on her hip and narrowing her eyes at him. "Dude," She mocked, unable to hide her anger. "Do you realize how much of an idiot you sound right now?" She scoffed. The guy went on to say that his dad was a cop so that made him god, and Britta couldn't stop herself from laughing. Maybe laughing in his face wasn't a great thing to do, but she couldn't help it. "If you're god then I'm a virgin." She snorted, turning away from him, wanting to continue her conversation with Kenny.

But he kept talking. As if having a sudden realization, his eyes got wide and he started on about how he didn't want to-- what? Britta's own eyes got wide and her jaw dropped slightly, a sudden heat filling her face. The more he spoke, the more Britta just wanted to slap him. She whirled around to face him again. "You are an ignorant piece of shit." She told him, her face still burning. "My sex life isn't any of your fucking business, freak." It was obvious that his words had upset her, but moreso in the manner that she could really start swinging if he wasn't careful.

Kenny spoke up, and she was grateful for him and his words. The guy seemed confused, and Britta scowled at him. "Dude, get lost. Neither of us have drugs for you, and I highly doubt you're gonna find any before someone beats the living daylights out of you if you keep on. So bye." She turned away from him again, facing Kenny, her lips set into a tight line.


Tags: Kenny ( Chimney Swift Chimney Swift ); Dani ( crossofjesus crossofjesus )

Code by apolla apolla

Britta turned to face the newcomer, placing a hand on her hip and narrowing her eyes at him. "Dude," She mocked, unable to hide her anger. "Do you realize how much of an idiot you sound right now?" She scoffed. The guy went on to say that his dad was a cop so that made him god, and Britta couldn't stop herself from laughing. Maybe laughing in his face wasn't a great thing to do, but she couldn't help it. "If you're god then I'm a virgin." She snorted, turning away from him, wanting to continue her conversation with Kenny.

But he kept talking. As if having a sudden realization, his eyes got wide and he started on about how he didn't want to-- what? Britta's own eyes got wide and her jaw dropped slightly, a sudden heat filling her face. The more he spoke, the more Britta just wanted to slap him. She whirled around to face him again. "You are an ignorant piece of shit." She told him, her face still burning. "My sex life isn't any of your fucking business, freak." It was obvious that his words had upset her, but moreso in the manner that she could really start swinging if he wasn't careful.

Kenny spoke up, and she was grateful for him and his words. The guy seemed confused, and Britta scowled at him. "Dude, get lost. Neither of us have drugs for you, and I highly doubt you're gonna find any before someone beats the living daylights out of you if you keep on. So bye." She turned away from him again, facing Kenny, her lips set into a tight line.


Tags: Kenny ( Chimney Swift Chimney Swift ); Dani ( crossofjesus crossofjesus )

Screen Shot 2018-03-04 at 5.28.00 PM.png


Dani, Delta, Aindera, Kenny, Britta

mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties
travelbypages travelbypages
Z zninjsu
Chimney Swift Chimney Swift
apolla apolla
He rolled his eyes to practically the back of his head, tilting his head up to the ceiling. “Y’know, the fact you got mad at the sex life comments just proves it’s true, it also proves you’re embarrassed about it.” He spoke upwards, letting out an empty laugh before jolting his head back down, patting Kenny on the shoulder, then walking back out to the life of the party.

He really wished he hadnt been such a dickhead towards that Dani girl earlier. She was offering free drugs for fucks sake, and he dumbly didn’t use that to his advantage. He ran his fingers through his curly hair, before bunching it up, then releasing it gently, before dropping his hand down to his side. He decided that before he would search upstairs, he’d search his truck for any drugs that were stored away in in the glovebox or on the floor of the pickup.

He made his way through the sweaty bodies and out to where his car was parked, pushing his keys through the side of the truck and opening it up, first searching the floor for any sign of pills or weed. His pupils dialating as they adjusted to the darkness so he could see clearer.

With luck putting him in favour tonight, he didn’t find a single trace of anything. Sure, he found some flakes of tobacco here and there, but he hated smoking, and it wasn’t even enough to roll himself a cigarette with. So he gave up on that plan and searched through his glovebox, which is where he found a single full tablet of Seroquel.

He thought at first that maybe it was Xanax or something, luckily he wasn’t dumb enough to take it without taking a glance at the number carved into the chalk-like tablet. To which he discovered that he wouldn’t get any high from taking it, just grogginess and slight dissociation. He did have an idea however, so he put the tablet into the coin pocket of his wallet and made his way back to the inside of the house.

His plan was to find that girl again, and convince her to trade with him. His Seroquel for her E. He may not favour the antipsychotic, antidepressant. But it did make him feel high, just not in a good way at all. Like in a way that made him want to fucking off himself. That being said, perhaps not everyone would react the same way he did. Perhaps Dani wouldn’t react the same way he did, she hopefully wouldn’t. But with his luck at this rate it was uncertain.

His eyes darted their way lazily around the party, trying to find the British girl he’d talked to, and offended. He think he saw the back of her, talking to two people who he knew as Delta and Aindera. He didn’t know much about the two, but he knew that Aindera was a dad or something, the gossip had basically spread around like wildfire when someone found out Aindera had knocked someone up. To Tate, Aindera was an idiot for two reasons- one, he didn’t use protection, and two, he was at a party when he had like, what, three kids to raise? But that was more so him being a shit parent. Of course he didn’t know the full story, and part of him wouldn’t care to hear it either way.

Next was Delta. Tate didn’t know to much about Delta if he was honest, all he knew about them is that they weren’t a boy or a girl – which he figured out himself, as upon seeing them for the first time, he couldn’t even tell. He also knew that his sister followed them on some sort of social media.

Tate made his way over to the trio, seeing the side of Dani’s face confirmed that his predictions on it being her were correct, and that he could offer his trade with ease. “If it isn’t my favourite Queen Elizabeth, I’ve got something you want.” He spoke, a slight smirk making its way to his face
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Jackson was eager to get out of the house. Finishing his hair how it normally was before we went. Quickly getting dressed in a nice outfit. Honestly tonight was gonna be fun, Him not having had much time for party's with sports, school and working with his parents at the shop. After checking himself one more in the mirror to make sure he looked good he grabbed his phone and keys. Slipping the phone into his inner jacket pocket as he walked out of his room. "Bye mom, Bye mom!" He called as he headed for the door. Hearing both his mothers call out to him. "Be safe jack! don't drive to fast yet! That new spider injections brand new and needs to be broken in!" Sammy called to him as he left the house. Tossing his keys up into the air a little as he crossed the drive way to his old Dodge charger. Opening the door he hopped in before he heard a very distinct barking none other than Koba's from the gate to the back yard. Unable to hold back his smile Jack leaned his head out the window and let out a sharp whistle before calling out. "Lets go!"

A few seconds later Koba came leaping over the small gate. Barking happily as he ran around to the passenger side and jumped into the car via its open passenger window before taking a place in the passenger seat. Smiling brightly Jackson reached over and patted Kobas chest a couple times before he started the car. Hearing the engine roar to life. Letting it idle a little before reeving it a few times. Then putting it into drive Jackson pulled out slowly and soon found himself roaring down the road. both windows down and the stereo cranked as he drove down the roads and towards the party. It wasn't long before Jackson found the house to see it packed. Slowing down to a crawl as he turned to pull into the drive way. Revving his engine loudly every now and then to get some oblivious people to get out of the way.

Once he found a suitable parking spot near the house he shut the engine off, Rolling up the windows and getting out. Letting Koba follow out before closing the door and locking the doors. Almost immediately Jackson looked around. "Stick close Koba don't need your dumb ass running off." Jackson said as he ran a hand over Koba's head before he started inside with Koba right at his side. Once inside Jackson couldnt help but notice all the people, but before anyone else could catch his eye Britta caught his ears. Looking in her direction to find Britta getting ready to fuck some dude up. Sighing with a smile he headed over in time to see another guy help. In any other situation Jackson wouldn't have gone over but this was a party and a shit tone of people where intoxicated with drugs and alcohol. The last thing Jackson wanted was to see a fight break out so he made his way over. As he came up to them the druggie left. "Shit Britta what happened?" Jackson asked in a cautious way knowing how shit could go here. Honestly Jackson just wanted to make sure someone wasn't gonna get put in the hospital tonight. Looking to Kenny before looking off in the direction the other guy had gone. Reaching down slightly to Koba he gently scratched at Kobas head as it took a seat at Jackson's side, scanning the area as he relaxed where he was.


apolla apolla crossofjesus crossofjesus Chimney Swift Chimney Swift
(hope you guys dont mind ^-^)
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Dani let her eyes move back and forth between Delta and Aindrea, a smirk touching her lips and their very different answers "well I can tell you two aren't friends" she pointed out. But as Aindrea explained his answer, she nodded "yes, but I don't go behind peoples back and talk about them just because they're different. You could have come talk to me." She told them both and dropped her arms, moving over to one of the many coolers laying around and took out a bottle of vodka, moving to the counter to mix herself a drink. "I'm Dani, anyway. What are you two called?" she raised an eyebrow before looking down to concentrate on her task.

Bringing the cup to her lips, Dani glanced back up at Delta, but let her eyes settle on Aindrea as he guessed where she was from "yeah... This week has been an eventful move" she shrugged a little. She didn't much wanna talk about where she came from. She hated the fact that her mom had dragged her out of Britain. The girl took a long sip from the drink then placed her cup on the counter. "You two don't seem to fit in with all the gold and diamonds... so what brings you to the party? Why wouldn't people like us just throw our own or something?" she asked. She could see Delta getting bored with the conversation, but she didn't know whether or not that was just their personality. Looking down, she tapped her fingers on the counter, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable.

Location: Kitchen
Interacting: Delta mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties and Aindrea Z zninjsu

Interactions: Dani travelbypages travelbypages
Location: Kitchen
Mood: Curious boredom
Mentions: Delta mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties , Tate crossofjesus crossofjesus
Aindrea watched as the woman confirmed that she was from Britain and that she wasn't happy about moving to the United States or maybe it was just Newberry that she did not like. He brushed that thought away as he watched her...not even knowing why he was bothering to do so or why he found her curious and interesting. Maybe it was because she was new and came from about the same parts he did, even if he had lived in Scotland for a good portion of his life. He did see Delta returning his glare out of the corner of his eye but ignored it, not bothering to address them anymore as he continued sipping his soda. If it got much duller he was probably going to head home earlier than Newton probably wanted.

The teenager calmly watched her as she continued speaking and was about to reply when Tate showed up and the teenager rolled his eyes as the female was addressed as the Queen of England. "You would be implying that the lady is old and she is nowhere near Queen Elizabeth's age," said Aindrea, addressing Tate directly. Personally he thought the royal family were full of stuffy rich people who didn't have any real purpose anymore within the world or the United Kingdom itself. He looked at Dani again. "Not many of us have money, though the trailer park seems to be full of working stiffs trying to make ends meet or helping out their families.

"This is the easier way to get drugs, dates and alcohol most of the time...some are just likely crashing to piss off the rich folk. I'm Aindrea," he said. Aindrea certainly didn't have the time or the money to be throwing a party within the trailer park, nor did he have the room to host a party in his home. He might be working but that was to pay bills now and keep taking care of his kids, however the trailer his aunt had been able to rent was falling apart and run down. He was probably one of the poorest kids in the trailer park in terms of housing but he simply didn't have the time between work and school to patch the place up and was somewhat stubborn enough to not accept help.

As Tate came over and spoke to the girl who had introduced herself as Dani, he frowned. The guy was obviously drunk or high off something, Aindrea couldn't really tell but he was aware the other didn't like him and that Tate knew of his kids...he was probably inebriated enough to let slip that little detail of Aindrea's life just for spite. Aindrea wouldn't be happy about that, chances are the girl would think he was a loser or something but he was kind of seen as that way anyway or worse Delta might make a comment on his family. For the life of him, Aindrea couldn't figure out why it mattered to him that Dani not know these things about him or why he even cared what she thought, that she get a good impression of him. "I'm here because my friend told me to come and personal reasons." Personal reasons that involved drugs and potentially hooking up with somebody but the girl didn't need to know that.
rsz_1rsz_1d424d3dc-966c-4d12-95e5-2c62db086a9a.jpg Kenny Morgenstern
Location: Alyssia's party
Mentions: Britta Zabielski ( apolla apolla Tate crossofjesus crossofjesus Jackson Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

Kenny stiffened as Tate patted us shoulder, making a slight face of disgust as the pink-haired teen stumbled his way back into the crowd. Alcohol, he thought to himself indignantly, is the liquid form of stupid. Living with his mother kind of forced Kenny to become a bit of a teetotaler, but peer pressure meant that he mostly kept his mouth shut about it. He had nothing more to say to Tate, even if he somewhat regretted letting him have the last word.

Before Kenny could make an attempt to rekindle the conversation with Britta, another boy ran up, with him the most beautiful dog that Kenny had ever laid eyes on. It almost looked like a wolf, with wide-set ears and a soft grey coat. Kenny couldn't help but smile in awe. Dogs were so... amazing, for lack of a more apt term. What he would give for a dog...

"Shit, Britta, what happened?"
The boy spoke up, expressing concern for Britta. Kenny was glad that he wasn't just here to pick on the poor girl like Tate had been. And honestly, it was best that any expression of sympathy didn't come from someone as painfully awkward as Kenny. He felt bad for not asking if she was okay himself, but it was probably better than way. Perhaps it would be best if he backed out of this mess of a party while he still could... no, that would be even more awkward than hanging out in the corner. It was like he was stuck. At the very least, he was used to the feeling.
Dani was just about to reply to Aindrea when she heard the familiar pink haired guys voice beside her. Tensing, she closed her eyes, doing her best not to snap at him, as that only seemed to rile him up. Lifting her gaze from her cup to him she gave him a tight smile, "not Queen Elizabeth, Dani. Just Dani. And no you don't." She shook her head and turned to the other two, but kept her gaze down. She didn't feel like being degraded. Bringing her cup to her lips, she drank again. In reply to Aindrea rather than Tate, she gave him a smile "Usually drugs come from people like me, whether you get me to like you or not is the real issue though." she said pointedly, a small, sarcastic smirk on her lips in regard to Tate.

Listening to Aindrea talk about why he came Dani gave a small nod, "well, I'm glad you came, because now at least I know not all Americans are dickheads." she grinned and stood up straight rather than leaning on the counter. Moving, the girl climbed up onto the counter, sat, and started digging through her purse to find a small tin with a few neatly rolled joints in it "would anyone like to dance with the devil" she gave a little grin and placed one between her lips, not really caring that they were inside since the drug already lingered in the air - plus they probably wouldn't have a great chance at finding a spot to sit, whereas the kitchen had island chairs and a perfectly good counter to sit. "Except you, you had you're chance." She said to Tate as she lit it up.

Location: Kitchen, now sitting on the counter
Interacting: Tate crossofjesus crossofjesus Aindrea Z zninjsu and Delta mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties


Delta gave a huff of laughter at Dani’s first comment. It was pretty obvious they weren’t friends, wasn’t it. And… then she kept talking, and they thought about it. She… kinda had a point. They couldn’t just admit that, however. “Do you really think you’d have been perceptive to that? You seemed pretty into what you were doing.” They watched as she grabbed herself a drink, sipping at their beer.

Grinning, they said, “I’m Delta. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dani~” The grin turned a bit sour as again her eyes left them and turned to Aindrea. It made sense, sure- they were talking about something- but Delta liked attention, and currently attention was lacking.

Again Delta grimaced as Aindrea spoke. He had a point. A really good one.

Then Tate came over. They didn’t really know the guy, and simply rolled their eyes at his comment. He was just… something. Drunk or high, maybe even both. Though they had gotten the general idea that Dani didn’t like Tate, frankly, neither was their friend, so they didn’t really care. They shrugged, ignoring Tate for now. “I just like parties.”

At the mention of drugs, Delta’s eyebrows shot up. “Huh.” They watched her climb on the counter, and grinned when she pulled out the joints. “Hell yes.”

Delta gave a huff of laughter at Dani’s first comment. It was pretty obvious they weren’t friends, wasn’t it. And… then she kept talking, and they thought about it. She… kinda had a point. They couldn’t just admit that, however. “Do you really think you’d have been perceptive to that? You seemed pretty into what you were doing.” They watched as she grabbed herself a drink, sipping at their beer.

Grinning, they said, “I’m Delta. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Dani~” The grin turned a bit sour as again her eyes left them and turned to Aindrea. It made sense, sure- they were talking about something- but Delta liked attention, and currently attention was lacking.

Again Delta grimaced as Aindrea spoke. He had a point. A really good one.

Then Tate came over. They didn’t really know the guy, and simply rolled their eyes at his comment. He was just… something. Drunk or high, maybe even both. Though they had gotten the general idea that Dani didn’t like Tate, frankly, neither was their friend, so they didn’t really care. They shrugged, ignoring Tate for now. “I just like parties.”

At the mention of drugs, Delta’s eyebrows shot up. “Huh.” They watched her climb on the counter, and grinned when she pulled out the joints. “Hell yes.”
Interactions: Dani travelbypages travelbypages
Location: Kitchen
Mood: Curious boredom
Mentions: Delta mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties , Tate crossofjesus crossofjesus
Aindrea watched as Dani ignored Tate, causing the teen to smirk to himself though that would probably come back to bite him in the ass, he didn't care at the moment. Instead, as he heard Dani's reply to him about having drugs on her and it really depended on if a person got her to like them or not as to whether they would get any. Aindrea filed that information away for later and otherwise didn't comment on it. He didn't have the money to be buying any more drugs until next week as it was and would be fine with his weed which was good quality despite being ten bucks...his dealer knew he was good on his promises to him and any side jobs that needed to be done. It usually got him money.

Hearing Dani ask if they wanted to dance with the devil, for some reason it intrigued him and her actions soon made it clear as she hopped on the counter and pulled out a joint. "I don't have any money on me to pay you for that," said Aindrea simply as he continued sipping his cocoa-cola. "But thanks for the offer,'" he said as he watched Delta immediately say yes she would and took her own. It didn't seem that Tate was going to be offered anything.

Screen Shot 2018-03-04 at 5.28.00 PM.png


Dani, Delta, Aindera

mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties
Z zninjsu
travelbypages travelbypages
Tate had to stop himself from rolling his eyes, instead he pinched the inside of his wrist, before deciding to speak. "Listen, Dani," He started, deciding that he'd gain her liking by actually calling her by her name, because she obviously couldn't take jokes. "I've had a... Had a sorta foot in mouth syndrome for tonight, and I wanna-wanna y'know, start over." He lied, she was beginning to be more annoying than his sister, which to him, that was a record. She had drugs though, and she didn't seem to be charging. So he simply looked over her lack of sense of humour, her annoying accent and the fact that she was acting tougher than she looked.

As she took out the joint and made that sly comment to him, he did end up rolling his eyes. "Le's make a deal then." He hummed, the herb-like smell entering his nostrils. It was disgusting yet wonderful at the same time. "You give me MDMA for what I've got, and I'll even go into the host's bathroom and do the honours of crushing it up into fine white lines. We also put the last interaction behind us, and I stop calling you Queen Elizabeth. Deal?" He sighs, he really hoped this worked, as he didn't want to go around to other junkies and seem like a bigger dickhead because Dani was stubborn and hated all Americans for some reason.
Dani grinned when Delta agreed to smoke with her and looked to Aindrea to see what he'd say and her bottom lip stuck out when he declined, "oh come on, I won't make you pay. You two are the closest things I have to friends here!" she obviously exaggerated the comment. "Sharing is caring" she grinned at Aindrea, passing it over to Delta who had gladly agreed. Glancing back at Tate as he spoke she narrowed her eyes "Why would I want drugs from you? From what I've seen of you around this party, you're trash. So why don't you just bugger off and leave me alone? I'd rather not die from whatever it is you have." she shook her head and looked back at Delta, taking it back, and a long pull from it.

As she blew out the spoke, Dani extended her hand out to Aindrea, "come on love, don't be so shy." Dani teased. Doing her best to ignore Tate, Dani placed her hands back on the counter, crossing one leg over the other. Dani had always liked the way she looked. She was fairly thin, though she was not too short - standing at 5'6", her nose was fairly small, etc. Guys had liked her back in Britain. Did the guys like her here? Looking back at the two after spacing out a little, a smile pulled onto her lips and she sat back up straight.

Location: Kitchen
Interacting: Tate crossofjesus crossofjesus Aindrea Z zninjsu and Delta mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties
Interactions: Dani travelbypages travelbypages
Location: Kitchen
Mood: Curious boredom
Mentions: Delta mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties , Tate crossofjesus crossofjesus
Aindrea leaned against the counter as Tate then asked if he could trade drugs, even offering her to crush up the ecstasy into powder in return for whatever Tate was carrying on him. He seemed utterly desperate for a hit of something. Dani pretty much brushed him off and turned to Aindrea, almost pouting though he wasn't sure why as the teen rejected her offer. "I don't share but I imagine it's rude to turn down a lady when she's offering something." Least in my limited experience, he thought.

A frown appeared on his face as he thought of his daughter's mother and his grip on the plastic cup tightened, spilling the soda on the floor as he caused the bottom to break. He ignored it though and reached over, plucking out an unused joint and popping it in his mouth. "Got a light by any chance?" he questioned Dani, dropping the cup on the floor and crushing it under his boot. Chances were only Delta and Tate might know of his sudden change of mood, Dani unlikely to know anything about him unless either of the others opened their mouths. At his current state he wouldn't hesitate to take some pills either though they did't do much for him...but there was always medicine cabinets where he could swipe a few from each bottle or half.
Rosa "Remy" Parker Menendez
late afternoon/night
@ Alyssia's party
on back deck
interaction; xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx

Rose tilted her head at Ember once more, intrigued by the girls airy attitude. She liked it; the concept of being unbothered by everything that was happening around you sounded nice to her. Ember just looked so damn calm, besides, well, her dizziness. For a moment, she continued to fear Em would collapse, but as she gathered her bearing, Rose allowed herself to believe she would be okay, and her hands retreated to her stomach again. She glanced back at Mark again when Ember mentioned she drank too much, as if saying; 'go figure', and looked back to the westsider with slight worry. "If you need me to get anything for you~ A drink of water?", she offered, hopeful the girl would agree to a clean refreshment, and not demand more alcohol. It made her think of the many others at this party who were going to end up worse than Ember, just because they don't care about their own safety, or what others might think. "I'm here at your disposal, Em." She said this with a kindness in her eyes. When Rose found someone worth her time and her money and her friendship, they stayed her friend [unless of course they upset her], but she thought Ember wasn't likely to do so. "Promise." And besides, what was the harm in being kind?

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