• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern wild ones ~ OPEN

Ember 'Em' Woods
Location: living room on the couch --> deck
Interaction: N/A

Ember soon grew bored of the couch, watching the time idly, she grabbed another drink and she wandered around, pushing through the occasional crowd of teenagers. after pushing through numerous crowd she managed to reach the back deck. she leaned casually on the railing still a bit buzzed from her first cup of alcohol but not completely gone by any means. she took in a deep breath of the cool night air as she took an occasional sip of her cold beverage. not looking at the water, but at the forest off to the left of the beach. "its so beautiful out here" she said quietly to nobody in particular.

her attention then turned to the stars, they always have mesmerized her, even since she was little. she decided to count the stars, even though she knew it was impossible. 'one...twelve....fifteen...twenty....twenty-nine' she counted in her head as she continued to gaze at the beautiful night sky for a while. then her attention turned to the navy blue sparkling water which contrasted the white powdery sand. even that was absolutely stunning. at that moment, she wished she had her poetry journal.
Interactions: None
Location: Front Yard of Alyssia's Party→Living Room
Mood: Bored
Mentions: Delta mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties
Aindrea moved to the side yard, finding a fence blocking his path to the backyard though he could tell now that he was close enough that there was a fire, the smell of alcohol which turned his stomach, the laughter and loud conversations of people as they partied and had a good time despite the early hours of evening without a car in the world as long as it took their bodies to mesh together, Their minds soon becoming numb to the alcohol and drugs they were undoubtedly taking right now to get away from life's problems though Aindrea couldn't see what problems rich kids had when they had everything under the sun handed to them and probably never knew nor would they ever realize the pain of having to work hard to get where you wanted to be in life. Rich spoiled brats they were, including those who had been poor who may date rich if they were luck or whose parent married into money...they'd try to pretend everything was the same but they would, in time, pull away from their old friends and memories as if their childhood friends didn't exist, as if they were born into money and start hanging out with the popular crowd and the jocks. Spitting on the ground, the teen didn't feel like being arrested for climbing over the fence and so he turned and headed back into the front yard, going through the open door and was hit instantly by pounding music and the smells of sweaty bodies and booze. He could already feel a headache coming on but knew if he went home after arriving, his friend wouldn't likely watch his kids again for a while and he hadn't had a real break since his aunt died. The teenager frowned as he moved through the various bodies until he got to a dealer he knew and did occasional business with.

"Well, fancy seeing you at the party," spoke the man with his hood pulled over his face though Aindrea could see the piercing gray eyes of the man he tended to get his drugs from when the need arose.

Aindrea just pulled out the ten dollar bill and held out it to his dealer without comment. His dealer, probably a senior or someone going to the community college in the next town over, pulled out a small ziplock bag stuffed with weed and handed it over, pocketing the money. Aindrea gave a curt nod and pocketed the dime bag before heading through the rest of the house, grabbing himself a paper cup and heading towards the sink to get himself some water since he wasn't a fan of alcohol. The only reason he came here was for the drugs and maybe a chance to hook up with some guy for a few hours. Just a chance to get away from his situation and life for the time being. Turning the faucet off, he sipped at the water as he continued back into the living room, soon stopping as he saw someone that he didn't get along and didn't expect to see at the party but probably should have realized would end up being here. Someone he tended to not get along with and clashed against every time they had the misfortune to run into each other. Delta, someone he knew from around the trailer park and school but tried to avoid interacting with after...well he didn't like thinking about it. He automatically turned and headed the other way. Maybe if he was lucky, Delta wouldn't spot him.
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Rosa "Remy" Parker Menendez
late afternoon/night
@ Alyssia's party
on back deck
interaction; xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx

Rose had taken to a nicely reclined chair for some time now, her plate and glass bottle very empty, and her stomach hoping she won't eat a thing more. Her position on the beach allowed her a beautiful view of the waves. They lapped at the sand, never coming in too great. The moon was waning above everyone. 'Alright...' Rose began to pull herself up from her comfortable place to stand in the sand. She shovelled her toes in for a moment while she adjusted her little clothing, and centered her necklace around her neck.
Intent on taking her leftovers to a bin, and heading to the cooler for another light drink, she turned on her heels and walked past the fire for the back porch. It seemed every which way she looked, something made her skin crawl. Parties like these were an escape from the confines of her overly superficial home environment, and yet, it was extremely dangerous. She would have to be oblivious to the deals being made, and the naive young kids giving their whole lives away to be able to say they did drugs, if only for a couple of hours. Sure, plenty more made her want to laugh and shake her head, but the wicked always outshone the good.... Her bare feet ignored whatever liquid it was they just came into contact with as she went up the steps for the bin. Almost immediately, she recognised the sketchy nature of a couple of.....were they junkies...she didn't know....-she didnt like to attach words to the people she didnt know- they were standing to her right. Regardless, her brows furrowed while she dumped her rubbish into the bin on her other side. A girl held a bag open for a male, a wild look in her eyes. They seemed the type, much as she hated to think so. With a tiny sigh, Rose made a b-line for the back door. 'Is that really necessary~?' As she passed the two, she spoke in the girl's direction especially, hopeful she might at least get through to one of them. It was fleeting, and Rose didnt want to linger. She continued on through the back door with a look of dissapointment. Not just at complete strangers, but at herself for continuously coming to these parties. One way or another, drugs were always going to find their way in.

Rose was on a mission to find something more than the expenisive beers sitting outside, and, just her luck the kitchen seemed to have plenty more options. With a pleased smile, she navigated her way through the milling crowd, her hips and shoulders moving to the music in the house as she went.

When she ended up back inside, she avoided and well ignored the kids she spoke to, to make her way to the railing. She opened her drink finally, and took a sip before turning to her left. A girl quite mesmerized by the sky, with pretty blue hair, was also leaning against the railing. Rose followed her gaze for a moment, before also turning to the water. She didnt think she noticed her presence until she spoke. 'It's pretty beautiful here huh?' She took another sip of her drink, and turned her head to the side at the girl, suddenly becoming aware. 'Your name is...Emma....right?,' she guessed, hopeful she hadnt stuffed it up. She was sure she recognised her from school. 'I'm- sorry, if I got your name wrong.,' she added quickly.
Ember 'Em' Woods
Location: back deck
Interaction: Rose

for a while she was captivated by the beauty of the view only to be startled out of her day-dreams by another girl who had seemed to Have spoken to Ember. "oh! eh, your right and It's Ember or Em' for short" she said in her soft voice, her navy blue -almost black- hair swaying in the light breeze as she took another drink of alcohol. "so, have you been to this side of town before?" she inquired idly. she once again, thought about grabbing her poetry journal but for now decided to wait.

after a moment she had decided to get the poetry journal from her car "i'll be right back, i want to get my poetry journal, this place is so inspiring!" she said as she went in the doors and pushed through numerous crowds until she reached her car and grabbed her journal before hurrying back, somewhat breathless and jotted down a long poem, most of her poems are dark and sent an odd message and this one is not any different in the sense of being dark but the message was completely different than her usual poems, it was called "fading light" due to the sunset that she had recently seen.


Fadeing Light

as i watch the light fade away, I say goodbye to another day...
though most say that Goodbye's are just Hello's that float away in the wind until we meet again...
so is this truely the end?
will the light I watch fade, come again another day?
Maybe, but for now this is goodbye...


Mentions: Z zninjsu

For a while, Delta simply wandered. Occasionally, a song would come on that they couldn’t not dance to, or they’d go to check the drink options available in the kitchen, or they’d see someone worth talking to and approach the person, but for the most part they simply took a look around. They admired the house’s decor, egged on idiots doing stupid things, and tried to keep moving through the clusters of people.

They also saw the faces of some people they’d rather not see, such as Aindrea. When they saw him, they frowned, and considered approaching him for the hell of it. Sure, he was avoiding them, and after last time, maybe it was smart to do the same. But no one ever accused Delta Blake of being smart.

So instead, Delta strutted on over to him, and said, face carefully neutral, “Hey, Aindrea. Find someone to babysit the kids?”

Interactions: Delta
Location: Living Room
Mood: Bored
Mentions: Delta mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties
It was just Aindrea's luck that Delta would notice him and come over. Delta looked like a peacock, or at least resembled one, with how they strutted over, acting like they owned the place. Or at least doing an impressive job of getting through people, he was forced to admit, not that he'd ever admit it out loud...or at least not around Delta and these other people. As they came over to him, Aindrea flopped down in a chair, Delta attempting some form of conversation. The mention of his kids caused the sophomore...would he still be counted as a sophomore this coming school year...caused Aindrea to frown.

He patted his pockets to make sure he still had the weed on him that he'd bought moments ago. Not having brought anything to make a joint with and not being old enough to buy cigarettes yet, the teenager was forced to use what money he could save up that didn't go towards bills to filling his drug habit. Satisfied that he hadn't lost or otherwise had his hard earned tend dollars stolen from him, so to speak, he lifted his gaze to Delta. "Newton's watching them...and pretty much forced me out of my own house in the process. Seemed to think it was good for me or something to take a break."

Alana Richardson

Alana didn’t blame the girl for her confusion. How often did a stranger lend something to another stranger. Luckily for her she was feeling kind today. Alana finished off her drink. “Yeah, if I wasn’t I wouldn’t have asked. Plus us west siders have to stick together, I’m assuming that you’re a West sider.” She pushed off of the counter. “I’d be an asshole to watch you get booze spilled on yourself by some dicks and not help.” She shrugged her shoulders. While Alana would admit that she could be a bit of a jerk she liked to think that she wasn’t that much of one. “My trucks out front.” She tilted her head to the kitchen door.

Click the pic

Mentions: Ella Poko Poko
Setting: The Living room

code by pasta
Rosa "Remy" Parker Menendez
late afternoon/night
@ Alyssia's party
on back deck
interaction; xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx

Rose smiled wide with a nod, glad she had gotten quite close with her name. Her line of business, something extremely few were aware of, required she remember copious amounts of names. Ember was soft spoken, and very pretty. Rose felt taken by her adorablnes. Her first impression of the girl had been much tougher. Despite them being the same age, she felt as if she could defend this pretty innocent looking girl from all the dangers of the world. Then again, she thought that about alot of people. At her question, Rose but her lip slightly. "Uhh, I actually live close by~." She had learned not to react too badly if someone realised she was an east sider and didnt like it. She wondered if Ember minded. To her, it wasnt likely.

Her statement however seemed to be fleeting as Ember announced her new plan. With a tiny laugh, she nodded at the girl beside her. "Sure~ I'll be here." When she dashed off, Rose shook her head at herself for not meeting this girl sooner, and paid attention to her drink till she returned. Rose found herself shuffling closer to read what she wrote. She looked to the girl with a tiny smile, surprise in her eyes. Rose hoped she didnt mind that she read it. "I'm sorry- I had to read that. It's beautiful." She told the absolute truth. It was times like this she wished she could write such nice words.
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Mark Anthony Gordon

Mark had been sitting by his computer alone alone with his textbooks in his families house since after school that day. Ever since he missed three weeks of school about 3 months ago, he had to work extra hard to catch up on all he had missed. All of his classes had been academic, and he needed to keep his 3.8 gpa if he wanted to keep his scholarship. Luckily, the school was nice enough to let him start where he left off with his classes and finish them online. So although his enriched art and advanced musical performance classes where finished, he still needed to finish his academic math, physics, anatomy, business, computer technology, and english. And although he was more than halfway done each class and had 2 months to finish them, it made him sick just thinking about it. He needed a well deserved break, some time to have fun and catch up with some friends.

Putting his pencil down and rubbing his forehead, Mark's phone buzzed in his pocket. Taking it out, he found a snap from his friend Rose "Dont you ever have fun?". Mark lightly giggled at the snap. She was right, it was about time started talking to people again. Closing his textbook, Mark went to his room to change into some nicer clothes. After picking out an outfit, he combed his hair and put on some subtle but nice smelling deodorant. He was ready. It had been a while since he had been to a fellow rich kid party, and he wanted to make sure he made an impression. Now that he had access to his parents private car collection, he could now do that.

Walking down to the rather spacious garage, Mark made his way to what he called "The trinity". He was never allowed to drive these cars because of their price tag. But now he was the boss. After about 2 minutes of admiring the three beautiful vehicles, he decided to use the W Motors Lykan Hypersport. It was the most flashy, and would definitely leave an impression. Opening up the door to the luxury interior, he ignited the engine, which gave off a thundering and satisfying roar. So, this is what the real wealthy life was like. He then drove out of the garage and made his way to the party. He knew exactly where it was, since news of it had spread all over school that day
Driving up to the house, he knew that all eyes were on him. His ride put all other cars to shame. He finally understood why his parents never let him own an expensive vehicle. Parking the car near the mansion, Mark got out and started walking towards the front door, locking it while putting the keys over his shoulder. He then eyed a group of girls staring at him, winking at them before entering the house, hearing their giggles as the door closed. He felt like he was on fire. Now he just needed to find Rose. Walking through the crowd of people dancing, he made his way to the back of the mansion. Like his own home, this house had a beach and baloney. Walking out on the balcony, he saw Rose, talking with another girl. Waiting for an opening, he approached them "I have more fun than you realize Rose" he said giggling.
myst.erion myst.erion xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx
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Ember 'Em' Woods
Location: Back deck
Interaction: rose, possibly mark

she blushed at the compliment on her poem. "its fine that you read the poem, I have had darker ones" she said as she thenp turned to the other person "uh...hello?" she said curiously but cautiously. She may be softspoken and have an adorable impression after she is heard speak, that does not mean she is naive by any means and can fend for herself. shw then turned back to rose "An east-sider huh? thats cool, whats it like living down in the east side of town?" she inquired, the curiosity of a true writer gleamed in her inquiring gaze.
Rosa "Remy" Parker Menendez
late afternoon/night
@ Alyssia's party
on back deck
interaction; xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx & Eldarkon Eldarkon

Rose's smile grew when the girl took her compliment, before it turned down a little at the mention of darker writings. "I can only imagine....' Her voice wavered slightly, unsure of the extent to which Ember was talking. She almost spoke again when a familiar voice met her ears. It took some time, but she had done it. Rose turned to the male beside them now, with a great smile. "You came! Thank god." She quickly went onto her tip toes and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek, in celebration, before coming back down. "I thought I was gonna have to send Eric to drag your ass here." Plenty of her friends were familiar with the Spaniard, who often drove them around upon Rosa's request. Even if Mark had not travelled for some time, she doubted he would forget the name. Now in better spirits, she looked Marks outfit up and down. He smelled good too. Quite honestly, it filled her with pride to see him sporting a good nature for one of the first times in a while. She knew exactly what he had been feeling since the accident, how hard it was, and what he felt. But it was about time he let loose for a while. He deserved it. As long as he was responsible that night.

Rose turned back to Ember with an apologetic look, but she quickly resolved to answering her question. "It's nice. Really nice. I've lived here all my life~ And its superficial, yes. But you just have to find the right people." She felt she was already talking too much, so she let it end there, with pursed smile. For a second, she wondered if she should ask the same of Ember. "Oh, before i forget. Ember, this is Mark, a good friend of mine. Mark, this is Ember, we just met tonight." She gestured each to the other with her hands, before they rested over her stomach. "So, Ember. You live to the west?." It was extremely likely, considering she had never seen her around here.
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she looked down "yeah..." she said reminiscing for a moment . she didn't have the best past...she had to steal and sell her poems and art for money until her family moved here. she loved it here but it had it's downfalls.Like the seeminly distinct line between east and west side families -not that it mattered much to ember- she turned to mark with a small polite smile "please, call me Em" she said before looking back out at the beach looking for inspiration. not seeing much of interest.
Dani tilted her head at the boys demeanor. He was oddly rude to her. Rolling her eyes she snapped the bag shut and shoved it back into her purse, moving back to the deck rail. "F***ing twat" She mumbled with the shake of her head. Silently, she picked her drink up and took a long drink from it. Fucking Americans were ignorant. Criticizing her for drugs and treating her like shit in general. Now completely ignoring the pink haired boy, the girl took a seat on the very prestige porch swing and kicked back, letting it swing before bringing her legs up onto the seat beside her. Moments like these made her miss England, everyone was open and accepting.

Glancing into the house, Dani debated on whether or not she should go inside, as people seemed to be making their way outside, but the thought of having a bad trip in the stuffy house turned her away from the idea. Sipping her drink, and contently ignoring the pink haired boy she quietly watched the nature of the party. With her drug riddled mind the party seemed to be a lot more interesting than it was. Tapping her foot against the arm rest, it was like a switch flipped in her. Standing, she glanced at the boy once more "well, you're a douche. I'm gonna dance." So, she made her way inside and to the purple lit room where people were dancing. Opting out from going to the middle, Dani stood closer to the edges, swaying to the loud music.

Location: Inside, Dining room where everyone is dancing.
Mentions: Everyone on the deck. Tate - crossofjesus crossofjesus

Kicked back on his bed, Ollie twirled a green tennis ball in his hand, staring at the wall. The young man was well aware of the party going on at the rich side, mostly because a friend of his over there had informed him. Now, it was odd for Ollie to be friends with someone on the rich side, but the girl hadn't always been rich, so Ollie blamed their friendship on that. Tossing the ball at the wall he watched it hit the wood panel with a thunk and bounce back to him. Then again, and again, until his dad called out a "shut up" to which Ollie just groaned at and stopped, sitting up. His dad had been on the couch drinking since noon. So obviously the man was pretty hammered. Glancing at the clock, he finally decided. He was going to this boring party.

Standing, Ollie shuffled through his closet and picked out his regular old leather jacket and some black jeans. Soon enough, he was ready and out the door despite his dads protests for Ollie to make dinner. Instead of driving, since he knew he'd be drinking, Ollie walked to the party. Since it was located on the other side of town it took him a nice half hour to get there, but he got there and just as the party was escalating with drunk kids. Grabbing a beer he looked around, seeing if he could find Britta, just to pick on her about the lamer party. Yeah she was rich and popular now, that didn't stop Ollie from picking on her, and despite being a poor kid he seemed to be friendly with everyone - that is until someone pissed him off. He didn't really care what anyone thought of him.

Location: Kitchen
Mentions: Britta - apolla apolla

1520394648373.png Mark Anthony Gordon
Mark rolled his eyes as he smiled from Rose's kiss. It was the way that she had greeted him ever since they were kids. And even though it was a little embarrassing for him, he didn't really mind. "I doubt Eric could even if he wanted too" Mark giggled in response to Rose's comment "that cheeky old bastard". Mark had a "Unique" relationship with the old driver, as he was his families personal driver. Well, at least before he worked for Rose. After Mark turned 16 and got his licence and a personal car, his parents hooked him up with Rose. It was a running gag that Rose would send Eric to Mark's house to pic him up, even though Rose fully knew that Mark had a car.

He then eyed the rather cute girl with navy blue hair standing beside Rose. "Em, nice to meet you" he said. Although he was a bit confused on why she was so fixated on the beach view. I mean, she could have just gone to the beach to see almost the same kind of view. Why would she come to a party? "So, what is a west side girl like you doing at an east side party?" he asked with interest. He really was interested in knowing more about this girl, as she seemed a little shy and even a little odd.
myst.erion myst.erion xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx

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Britta took comfort in his stammer, realizing that it had been a while since she'd heard it and she missed it. Amazing what kinds of things you missed or took for granted when you had them. A slow smile spread onto her features, and she let out a slow breath. "I'm alright. Having a blast, I guess is what I should say." She gestured around to the party, watching the others around them dance, get high or drunk, or just act dumb. "Oh yeah. A blast."

Hearing Kenny talking again, she looked in his direction, shrugging. "Got back from a family vacation to the Bahamas a few weeks ago. It was beautiful there." Realizing what she'd said, she immediately flushed and looked down. "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to..." She drew in a sharp breath, looking back up and away from him. She hadn't been trying to rub anything in his face. It wasn't as though she liked being rich now and mocked by her 'friends' for something she couldn't control.

"Anyway." She cleared her throat and found the courage to look at him again. "What about you? Tell me something you've been up to. Other than the very important job of holding this wall up."


Tags: Kenny ( Chimney Swift Chimney Swift )

Code by apolla apolla

Britta took comfort in his stammer, realizing that it had been a while since she'd heard it and she missed it. Amazing what kinds of things you missed or took for granted when you had them. A slow smile spread onto her features, and she let out a slow breath. "I'm alright. Having a blast, I guess is what I should say." She gestured around to the party, watching the others around them dance, get high or drunk, or just act dumb. "Oh yeah. A blast."

Hearing Kenny talking again, she looked in his direction, shrugging. "Got back from a family vacation to the Bahamas a few weeks ago. It was beautiful there." Realizing what she'd said, she immediately flushed and looked down. "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to..." She drew in a sharp breath, looking back up and away from him. She hadn't been trying to rub anything in his face. It wasn't as though she liked being rich now and mocked by her 'friends' for something she couldn't control.

"Anyway." She cleared her throat and found the courage to look at him again. "What about you? Tell me something you've been up to. Other than the very important job of holding this wall up."


Tags: Kenny ( Chimney Swift Chimney Swift )





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Around eight


The deck -> Inside the house



travelbypages travelbypages
apolla apolla
"Fucking twat." Dani spoke, and from there on Tate was pissing himself laughing. He never actually thought British people used those dumbass words like 'twat' and 'bloody'. He always thought slang like that was only used in Harry Potter or Downtown Abbey, but apparently not.

He didn't know who this girl was trying to impress with her edgy attitude, walking away as he was still laughing to himself on how pretentious she could be. "Welcome to th' States honey, we use real words!" He called out to her, before bursting into another (obviously drunken) fit of laughter. After a while he calmed down, taking a swig of the whiskey in his bottle before walking back inside. Dani surely wouldn't be the only person with drugs, and if she didn't have them, he knew a rich kid of some sort would. He didn't believe for a second that everyone who lived up East didn't use their three-hundred dollar allowance to buy at least a gram of pot to keep them going. So, as he scanned his eyes around the party, he stopped at a girl with wavy blonde hair. He's sure she was in his biology or something, maybe he leant her homework once? Probably. So alas, he walked up to the girl, and almost bumped her with how close he got.

"Hey Princess, whatta' ya' supplyin'?"


she shrugged "I'm usually not one for parties but I had nothing better to do so why not" she answered turning toward the two and sitting against the railing. her head lightly spinning telling her the alcohol had kicked in as she pressed a hand to her forehead "damn alcohol gets me every time" she mumbled as she got up from the floor, Still a bit dizzy.
rsz_1rsz_1d424d3dc-966c-4d12-95e5-2c62db086a9a.jpg Kenny Morgenstern
Location: Alyssia's party
Mentions: Britta Zabielski ( apolla apolla crossofjesus crossofjesus

Kenny listened to Britta's sarcastic remark about the party, having nothing to add to that other than a small, awkward laugh. Wait, maybe it wasn't supposed to be funny... Oh, no. This wasn't off to a good start. Kenny couldn't hold a conversation any better than he could hold his alcohol. Luckily, Britta didn't seem to notice and continued talking. A family vacation to the Bahamas, she mentioned... that really solidified for Kenny exactly how rich she'd become. Such things were completely alien to even the best-off of the trailer kids. What would it even be like, having so much money that you can just leave your home for days and go wherever you want in the world?

Almost immediately after mentioning it, Britta hastily apologized. Kenny actually kind of appreciated knowing that the conversation was just as awkward for her as it was for him. Not that it was a good thing; it just kind of helped him to ease up a bit. Besides, it was clear that she wasn't just trying to be conceited. On some level, Kenny understood that it wasn't her fault that her family had come upon a stroke of good luck. But then why did she cut all her friends out of her life? Isn't that, in and if itself, a bit conceited? Kenny didn't know, and certainly wasn't about to ask.

Suddenly, he was snapped out of that train of thought by a direct question: "What about you? Tell me something you've been up to."
Oh, no. Oh, no no no...
For a split second, Kenny grimaced in discomfort, before wiping the expression from his face, running his hand through his hair. He had about seconds to answer the question before it would be an awkward pause, but he was struggling to find something that he could possibly tell her. She wouldn't really want to know what he was up to, considering that what he was up to was mostly trying to keep his head down and not get pulverized at school, and failing to find work, while simultaneously scraping by with hardly enough food for himself and his 5 family members. In other words, anything he could truthfully say would just illustrate how little they now had in common. He now had 2 options: evade the question or lie. His stomach cramped up, and found himself fighting not to hyperventilate as he hurriedly began a response before he even knew which of his 2 options he was taking. "...Uh.. w-well, I guess I've--"

Just then a vaguely familiar pink-haired figure emerged from the crowd, aproaching Britta and cutting into the conversation to ask a cryptic sort of question. At first, Kenny was unspeakably grateful for the interruption... but something was off about this particular guy. He stood way too close to Britta, and smelled heavily of illicit substances. Somehow, Kenny didn't feel like it was a good idea to leave Britta alone with this guy... you never know what can happen in a room full of drunk teens.


Mentions: Z zninjsu

Aindrea might have been frowning, but Delta just kept smiling, following his lead and taking a seat on the edge of a couch next to a couple engaged in a heated makeout. They did their best not to look as they watched him pat his pockets, and that almost got them to frown. They were talking to him, and they didn’t get his full attention? Excuse them? However, they managed to keep the smile as they crossed their arms and legs, tilting their head to the side.

Their smile grew as Aindrea spoke.

“That’s good. It’s a shame you don’t have any family to do that for you…” They tsked, the smile not moving from their face as they continued, “I hope you enjoy the party. What’s the break worth if you don’t?”

Aindrea might have been frowning, but Delta just kept smiling, following his lead and taking a seat on the edge of a couch next to a couple engaged in a heated makeout. They did their best not to look as they watched him pat his pockets, and that almost got them to frown. They were talking to him, and they didn’t get his full attention? Excuse them? However, they managed to keep the smile as they crossed their arms and legs, tilting their head to the side.

Their smile grew as Aindrea spoke.

“That’s good. It’s a shame you don’t have any family to do that for you…” They tsked, the smile not moving from their face as they continued, “I hope you enjoy the party. What’s the break worth if you don’t?”
Rosa "Remy" Parker Menendez
late afternoon/night
@ Alyssia's party
on back deck
interaction; xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx & Eldarkon Eldarkon

Rose laughed lightly at Mark's quip towards Eric, humoured by his take on the man. "I'm telling him you said that," she remarked playfully. She missed these conversations, the kind they had with strangers and old friends; they were probably talking louder than they could tell amongst all these loud and rowdy intoxicated teens. Her gaze returned to Ember, and she too noticed the dreamy look in her eyes. It almost made her want to get into the same headspace. With a nod, Rose spoke. "I was wondering the same thing. You dont look like some of the other types here~." She was being completely honest in her observation, and by "other types" she meant the ones pining for drugs and alcohol.

Rose leaned her side against the railing as she listened to Ember asnwer Marks question. With a nod, she shrugged in agreement. "Fair." Rose almost took another swig of her drink. Though, as Ember moved to the floor, her brows furrowed. She glanced back at Mark with a puzzled expression, then to Ember with slight worry. She thought for a moment perhaps she had one too many drinks this night. When her suspicions were confirmed she tsked lightly. "Hey, you okay Em?" She was no longer leaning on the railing, scared Ember would fall forward.
she nodded lightly, she was just lightheaded and she knew it would eventually subside "im fine, just need a minute, one to many drinks" she said weakly, sometimes this happens after she drinks alcohol. she closed her green eyes and continued to press a hand to her forehead.
Aindrea heard Delta sit down on a couch next to the chair beside him, the other teen...he was never sure what to refer to Delta as by gender...smiling at him, even as his attention momentarily wandered while checking his pockets. Ignoring the couple making out on the couch, how hard was it to find a different room honestly, he sniffed and tried to focus on Delta’s conversation with him. As the comment about not having any family to help him out with his kids and other stuff, Aindrea scowled at his fellow classmate. “They’re the ones missing out on their granddaughter’s life. She didn’t...well they don’t and never will know of their newest grandkids.”

Aindrea, hearing the comment about them hoping he had a good time at the party and that there was no point in having a break if he didn’t have fun, he shook his head with a sigh. “It’d be a lot better if I had something I could take right now to relax at this party. Why are you here? Crashing it or some other reasons?" He could just imagine some rich kids were here to flaunt their wealth off to the poor kids while the poor kids were probably here to get hooked on drugs, alcohol or even each other as a way to escape their problems and life that wouldn't get any better. How many of these kids would end up ruining their lives tonight by being stupid and not using protection, engaging in hapless activities that would see the rich use abortion as an excuse and the poor kids' lives ruined and further set them back out of rising out of the cycle of poverty they had either been born into or come into at a later date to lost jobs or parents running away from abusive spouses and the like? mikaluvkitties mikaluvkitties

While waiting on Delta's answer to his comment and question, if they chose to comment at all, he took the chance to look around him at the scene. There were kids naturally making out with each other, causing him to roll his eyes, talking with each other or dancing, doing drugs and getting lost in alcohol. Both would be bound to impair one's judgement, possibly cause others to get into fights which he wasn't at all interested in. The teenager hated violence, he didn't even like martial arts being used for vengeful purposes. Aindrea even saw a small group of kids sharing what he guessed was heroin, passing a needle around. He shook his head. Aindrea wasn't stupid enough to get into that drug and even if he did end up trying it, he knew he wasn't completely out of it that he didn't know that sharing needles was asking for trouble. But hey, he wasn't exactly one to talk he supposed as he did drugs and had kids. He had enough respect to be faithful in a relationship, even if his relationships hadn't exactly gone the way he wanted.

The thought only made him frown to himself...most people might say the one wasn't exactly a relationship but at the time...well that was what it had felt like to the then fourteen-year-old. Maybe he was better off trying with a guy or just swearing off a relationship altogether...though he wouldn't say no to having a couple faithful partners. As he looked around the living room which some were treating as a dance floor, his eyes lit upon someone that he didn't remember seeing before in his time since living at Newberry. Of course it would be a girl that caught his eye though he didn't know why that was. Maybe it was because he couldn't recall seeing her around here before or that she seemed to stick out...like a wilted flower in a sea of trees or parched earth, trying desperately to cling to life. Aindrea frowned to himself and turned back to Delta. Why the heck had he even noticed that girl in the first place? Probably because he was bored. travelbypages travelbypages
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