• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern wild ones ~ OPEN


The people of Newberry see these teens as nothing but delinquents, and in a way they aren't wrong. All their lives they've dealt with the harsh judgement that the rather wealthy town brought. Everyone was perfect, but them. Although the town is against these teens and their families, they seem to find comfort in each-other, and even though they don't know it, their friendship is for life.
While everyone in Newberry Highschool party on yhats and have weekly allowances, the trailer park kids fight through their struggles that consist of dysfunctional families, mental illness (such as depression, eating disorders, PTSD and bipolar disorder), sexuality, substance abuse, death and bullying.
As y'all may have guessed this roleplay is about teenage struggles and although I would definitely prefer if your kids were part of the trailer park kids, you can make rich kids (because everyone has their struggles whether they are hidden or not.) Because this roleplay explores sensitive content I would like it to only accept people who are 18+. I am going to be very strict with this. Also, I require decent grammar and punctuation. Replies will NEED to be two or more paragraphs. One liners will be booted from the roleplay.
Also, romance is a must!! Whether you do want your character to fall in love or not, that's up to you. I'm accepting characters of any sexuality so feel free to be creative!
I don't accept rude people on my threads, so if you have a problem let me know so I can try and resolve the problem. For those of you who do not follow this rule you will be kicked from the roleplay, no exceptions.
One last thing, this is a realistic roleplay set in the USA.
All RPN rules apply, those who do not follow will not be allowed to participate in this roleplay.


Setting One

(there is a large beach behind the house)
It's the last day of school, so what better than to throw a party? Alyssia Allan (she's just a side character not played by anyone) may not be the most popular or the most social kid in school, but her wealth helps her be noticed. With her parents gone and the house to herself, the party will be there. With the bonfire near the water burning high, the music playing loud, and the alcohol (and drugs) lifting spirits, the party will now begin.

Alana Richardson

Alana had been doing a friend’s hair when she had been told about the party. As installed her box braids she listened to her go on and on about the party being held by some East Side chick. Was her name Anne or Alison? She couldn’t remember but it didn’t matter anyway. Alana was always down for a good party and since it happened to be her day off she might as well go out and have a good time. Alana didn’t whether it was open to West Siders or not, if it wasn’t she’d still show up. Alana had crashed a few parties before and most of the time it was fun. Seeing the look of people’s faces when she arrived unannounced and uninvited.

After throwing on some clothes and making her hair look decent, she headed out. The house was quiet when she left. Her mother had disappeared for two days with only a “I’m going out” to let her daughter know that she shouldn’t expect to see her anytime soon. Alana had given up on trying to check up on her. She had even went as far as to call the cops when she didn’t come back for a once. It had been a mistake though because when her mother returned she’d been furious. Alana was a clever girl and so she stopped quickly. Now she had grown used to her house being empty whenever she returned home from work or wherever she had been.

After getting in her old pickup truck that she’d worked her ass off to get up and running, Alana was off. The drive to the house was smooth and long. When she reached the house...no the mansion Alana parked. The young woman could hear snickers from the rich kids when they saw her ride. Alana kindly stuck up her middle finger to each and every one of them as she passed by. The music could be heard from outside and she could see people already drunk off there asses. Alana headed inside and she grabbed a drink. Before she knew it she saw dancing to the surprising good music.

Click the pic

Mentions: None
Setting: The Living room

code by pasta
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Rosa "Remy" Parker Menendez
late afternoon/night
@ Alyssia's party
standing around the campfire
interaction; OPEN

Rose Menendez had arrived at the party only moments after it officialy started and so had been at the party for a fair few hours. Her driver had dropped her off nice and early; a request from her father, who believed she was going to a "study night at her friend Alyssia's house." He was easy to fool when it came to staying in their part of town, and much harder to convince when not. Her driver, Eric [who's name did not match his face], wouldnt snitch and lose his extra pay. As long as the party didnt get out of hand Manuel, wouldnt find out, and his little angel wouldn't get another lecture on responsibility and maturity. As of a couple of minutes ago, she had her first drink.
As far as she cared, 18 was her legal drinking age. She didn't drink excessively, and never enough to fall on her face. Rose was responsible still. Anything to avoid ruining her clean record. Her current position by the bonfire illuminated her alluring features, and warmed her gently. Her lips parted in a satisfied sigh after swallowing another swig of her beverage, taken by the crisp taste she hadn't known for at least a week. Rose turned to Alyssa beside her. They had been in light conversation since she got her drink, much to Rose's liking. Regardless of who hosted the party, she made sure to talk even briefly with them unless she really couldnt help it, to know their status or their family. She guessed she was like her father in that way; continuously gathering information, networking. Rose knew it was deceitful but she'd never stop. 'Now that, is interesting~.' 'I know right! Oh- crap. I've got to take this call Rose, talk later?' With a nod, smile and wave, Rose bid the girl goodbye, and turned on the spot in the direction of the snacks. 'Come to mama~.' Her eyes raked over the assortment of glorious snacks for a couple moments before she filled a plate with crisp wafers and the best cabanosi money could buy. Simple, but enough to fill her up and manage her alcohol levels. Rose made her way back towards the bonfire with a smile on her face. In the wind, her light cover flew back under her arms, and her hair swished only slightly in its damp state. She spotted a free chair, and while balancing her food and drink, made a b-line for the comfy looking reclinable.
After Isabela was forced out of the house by her mother, she was informed that there was party going on. She thought if she was invited because of her mother. When she arrived at the location of the party, she sat in her car for thirty minutes. With a sweaty hand she mustered enough courage and opened the door of her car.

When she got to the beach there were people everywhere. She decided that it was good enough for her to come, that she didn’t need to talk to anyone. She found a spot where she could still here the music but was alone. She dug her heals into the sand. She pulled out her phone and continued to read a book on the Kindle app. She preferred hard copies, but it being on her phone was easier to get away with the fact that she was reading.
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El arrived with a bunch of other trailer kids, having hitchhiked on the back of one of their beat up Utes. It was something awfully too familiar to El; her whole life she had to endue the painful hindrance of borrowing things and promising something in return, either that or ride her bicycle that was slowly becoming a tad too small for her. As she plopped off the side of the tray, her scuffed sneakers meeting the pavement, she eyed a few of the more upmarket vehicles with envy, to which she was issued with several glares from the kids leaning against them. Raising her brows at them in a quick motion, El would then turn away from the preppy bunch with a scowl. She didn't need them ruining her night, she had more important things to attend to than a group of egotistical jerks.

With her backpack secured over her shoulders, El waved to her ride as she ventured forth onto the varnished porch, parting from them. She knew she would see other kids like her here, so she wasn't too concerned leaving the comfort of her friends, besides, El didn't come here solely to crash the party, she had a trade to make. She had done it a few times before, with it becoming more and more frequent; a couple bottles of grog for some hard-earned cash. Of course there was a demand for tonight's party, and she almost hadn't made it out of the store with the Jack and Smirnoff, but somehow she managed.

Inside, El weaved her way through the disorderly teens, some which were already healing over their knees, and bee-lined for the back door. Almost stumbling down the steps along with others, El just saw the steps ahead, making her way down them safely and onto the cool sand. In the middle of the beach, a bonfire licked its flames into the sky, a crowd clustered around its base. Grunting, El wished she'd chosen something more fitting than her jean-sweater combo and rolled the hem of her pants up, forming a make-shift cuff around her calf. She removed her shoes, hooking her fingers under the laces, and trudged forward toward the warm light where she would wait for her money to arrive.
[/div][/div][div class=stoneCredit]Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 [/div][/div]


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Alexander Webb
simon gif 2.gif

Alexander sat in the quiet trailer home, the only sound coming from the clock. Tick tock. Over and over. Silence was something Alex enjoyed very much, it was something he could rely on to keep his mind at peace, something to calm him. The party was probably going on right about now. He had debated going, Alex wasn't one for social events but he did have a little extra money left over to buy drugs. Drugs. Something Alex had used in the years after his sisters death. Nobody knew, well apart from his dealer of course. However his dealer was busted last month and Alex was going to long without a proper hit. He stood up from the couch and sighed. The party it was then. Alex pulled on his leather jacket and grabbed the keys to the Camaro. The car was a beauty, something that Alex had spent a lot of time on, something that took his mind of other things. He started it up and a satisfying roar brought the shiny black car to life.

Alex pulled up not long after. He was going to be discreet, as of course he hadn't been invited but the call for drugs had made him desperate. The came to a slow halt and the engine seized to purr. Alex sighed and got out, his face set in stone which was quite a common expression for him. Serious Alex, who he was now. Serious Alex who was a drug addict. Serious Alex the drug addicted, violent lunatic. He shook his head and made his way into the heart of the house, bodies all around him. He started to push his way through, the serious expression still planted on his face but a needy look in his eyes.
Britta stared at the house before her, her lips pursed and an anxious feeling brewing in the pit of her stomach. She'd been on the rich side for over a year, now, and yet parties still gave her anxiety. Especially ones where she knew her old friends would be attending, because who would miss an end of the year party? Her mom just didn't understand how her marrying for money didn't make them better off, not by a long shot. Her mom claimed, of course, that she loved the man she married but Britta just couldn't get past the expensive clothes, the big house, and everything else that came along with Dave.

Knowing she couldn't hide outside forever, she glanced back at her cherry red jeep for a second before turning and making her way inside. There were bodies everywhere, but Britta was focused on getting a drink, so she was doing her best not to pay them any mind. She eventually made her way to the makeshift bar in the kitchen, where she poured herself a pretty strong drink and then turned around to face everyone else. There were plenty of faces she knew, and plenty she didn't. Taking a swig of her drink, she made her way towards the door, stopping dead in her tracks when she saw CJ and Brilee.


Britta knew it was probably too late; they'd most likely seen her. She swallowed heavily and pushed past them, needing to be back outside in the fresh air.


Tags: CJ; Brilee (@Mobird)

Code by apolla apolla


Mentions: None

It did not take a genius to realize Delta Blake would be going to Alyssia Allan's party. Of course, they didn't know her name, and honestly, they didn't particularly care what it was, fine with considering her just another rich bitch throwing a rich bitch party. What they knew was that they liked beaches and booze and nice houses, especially nice houses they knew for a fact would end up destroyed by the end of things. If they had to destroy it with their own two carefully manicured hands, that was fine by them.

Speaking of perfectly manicured, Delta was currently treating themself in their trailer’s only bedroom, door shut, to the whole shebang- a do-it-yourself mani-pedi. As they waited for their toes to finish drying, they thought about how nice it would be to be able to do this regularly- but no, they were limited in their supplies, and they'd rather ration them unreasonably than run out with no hope of replacing anything for a long while.

They played on their phone while they waited, occasionally getting up to get Denny out of the trash. They loved their dog, but sometimes they wished he weren’t such a brat. After twenty minutes had passed, Delta got dressed, careful to avoid their nails just in case any of their nails weren’t quite dry yet. As they pulled on their socks, they scouted out the room for what they needed, grabbing their backpack as soon as they were done.

They dumped it out on the floor- they’d clean it up before their dad got home- and began to fill it, sure to grab their keys, earbuds, and phone before exiting the room. If they had just left then, they would have been fashionably late to the party. However, as soon as they left their room, Denny barked at them, and nothing came before Delta’s son. They decided to play with him a bit.

A bit turned into a much longer time than a bit, and soon enough they were late. Lucky for them, they chanced a glance at a clock.

With a curse, they stopped, unable to resist reaching down and patting Denny’s head one last time before they headed out the door, locking it behind them. It didn’t take long for them to hit the streets, earbuds in as they pedaled as fast as they could, following the directions they had previously saved off of Google.

Eventually, they arrived. They swore again, looking around for anyone they knew as they headed inside, weaving through the sea of bodies with ease. Of course, with everyone present, it was easy to recognize people. Sadly, they didn't see anyone worth talking to.


Alana Richardson

The party was surprisingly wild considering that it was being held by some rich girl. Alana stopped dancing when one of her least favorite songs came on. The young woman ran a hand through her hair as she headed into the kitchen for a drink. Alana winked at some dude that had been eyeing her while she danced. When she made it to the kitchen Alana grabbed a drink. She leaned against the island while she drank.

Click the pic

Mentions: None
Setting: The Living room

code by pasta

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Although she hadn't been waiting for long, her patience was beginning to run thin. She was currently sitting with her legs tucked close to her and by the fire, though still far enough from everybody else that they paid no attention to her, or at least pretended not to. El's bum was beginning to ache from the way she was sitting, her weight being supported by her bony backside and tailbone, and she couldn't stand to sit and wait any longer. It was odd, usually if people were desperate enough to ask her to steal something they would be fair enough to shoot her a text of some sort to notify her of their whereabouts. This time though, El was still holding onto her backpack like a mother with her baby, and she was beginning to wonder if she was being stood up, or worse - set up. That was when her mind really began to race with possibilities: what if this kid had something against her? and what if he had given an anonymous tip to the police department? She couldn't allow herself to be sent to some correctional facility; it would draw unnecessary attention to the other delinquents within the trailer park, and her father would be competently destroyed. Ella's eyes darted between the people around her, all whom were attentive to the conversations at between themselves, somewhat oblivious to her sudden change in demeanor.

That's when it hit her; if her absurd conspiracy were true, the evidence would have to go. Ella looked down to the backpack in her arms and unzipped it, peaking in at the two bottles. Sure, she could just throw them away, but if she wasn't going to get the dough this time around, she at least deserved the prize. She inhaled and exhaled deeply before reaching into the bag and removing a bottle. Smirnoff. It would be some rough $hit to drink straight, and she knew far too well it would wreck her too fast without some sort of soft drink. So, without any more hesitation, she stood from her uncomfortable position on the sand and dusted off her bottom. With her feet still sandy, she decided to keep her shoes tucked away with the other bottle until later, and she then departed from the bonfire crowd.

She had to barge a few people out of the way as she entered through the back door, with some people giving her suggestive looks or a wink here and there. They were definitely drunk - and so would she be, soon. Shaking her head, Ella weaved through the crowd the same way she had when she first entered, slipping past the dancing bodies of drunken teenagers. As she made her way to the linoleum floor of the kitchen, El grabbed the first red cup she spotted and began pouring her drink. Conveniently, there were some sodas on the counter, a little warm for her liking though, but they would have to do. Ella then raised the plastic to her lips, taking a heavy swig. Her face contorted with disgust, and she almost broke out into a coughing fit, though somehow managed to keep her composure. Now it was time to let her worries fade away...
[/div][/div][div class=stoneCredit]Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 [/div][/div]


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Isabela watches as the crowd around the fire grows. It getting colder outside she decides to get up and walk closer to the fire. Being in this town you know most people here, she just doesn’t talk to many people. She receives a message from her mother reminding her to talk to people, especially guys. Putting her phone away and crossing her arms, she watches as the fire burns.

The fire not helping her chills, maybe because they’re not just from being cold, Isabela decides to go inside. Pushing through the sea of people, she finds herself in the kitchen. She grabs a can on sprite and pushes her way to a more secluded area. She sits in a darker room on a couch. There are only a few others in the room. She whips out her phone and brings reading once more.
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Interactions: None
Location: Trailer Park→Front Yard of Alyssia's Party
Mood: Nervous/bored
Mentions: Takira (daughter), Seathan (son), Minerva (daughter)

"East side party."

Those were the only words tenth-grade Aindrea spoke as he looked at his friend's laptop where the directions to the upper-scale side of the town were pulled up in Google Maps from the trailer park he and many other poor kids lived in. The city was strictly divided between rich and poor, the upper crust of society living in the better part of town with their fancy mansions, expensive cars and knowing nothing of the troubles the middle class and poor faced every day. Sheltered from the violence and reality around them. The city itself though seemed devoid of the middle class, the dividing line that separated the west side from the east side, the poor from the rich.

It reminded the teenager of that story...or was it a play...the West Side Story only this time it wasn't a story but real life. Aindrea tapped his fingers on his Chemistry textbook as his friend encouraged him to enjoy the last day of school and go to the party, saying he'd watch the single dad's three kids. Just today he'd been pulled into the principal's office and informed he wouldn't be moving onto eleventh grade this year due to missing too many days of the school year. It meant he'd be repeating tenth grade the upcoming school year and had to pass this time in order to advance to eleventh grade for the 2019-2020 school year. It was hardly his fault that his daughter had been sick and he needed to be there for her. He didn't have work for the next three days and from what his friend said this was a last day of school party where there would be alcohol, drugs and opportunities to pick up cute guys and girls, which only earned his friend a glare. Aindrea didn't partake in alcohol or drink at all though he did partake in smoking pot and engaging in some drug which he'd only gotten on after his aunt had been killed.

Aindrea gave his friend a nod and the other boy grinned, informing Aindrea to have a good time at the party and not to worry about his kids, that his friend would watch them until he returned. "Formula's in the cabinet," said Aindrea as he pointed towards the kitchen, hearing his friend print off the directions for him. Being that Aindrea couldn't afford a car or even a bus ticket, the teenager would be walking to the party like he did everywhere else since his aunt had died. Hearing his friend's confirmation, Aindrea went to check on his kids, having taken over the master bedroom upon his aunt's death and leaving his room available and the middle bedroom for his kids. Seathan and Minerva were only three months old, having been born this past March while Takira was two-years-old and a handful. Seeing that all three of his children were asleep, he quietly closed their doors and made his way back into the living room where his friend was. Taking the directions from his friend, he walked outside and headed towards the east side of the city with a sigh, adjusting the ragged hoody over the t-shirt he wore underneath, moving down the long driveway that ran past the trailers in various states of disrepair to the street.

The journey to the address, was long by foot but there wasn't much that Aindrea could do about that. He rarely took rides from others in the trailer park and of course asking for a ride from someone who was rich wasn't the best way for him to make friends as it usually involved Aindrea being talked about as if he weren't there concerning his life choices or centering around the fact that he was a dad at his age. The only thing he knew was that come the upcoming school year, once it was realized that he wasn't heading into junior year with the rest of his classmates, would give them something else to shun him for and add to his list of flaws. Having made the mistake when he had enrolled at this school after his aunt had gotten custody of him and brought him the United States about his parents signing custody of him over to his aunt, he'd learned quickly to not speak of his life when he was a child or mention the older woman who had taken advantage of him. As he got to the house after perhaps half an hour to an hour of walking, Aindrea could see a bunch of people here. As he had suspected when hearing that it was an east side party, there were quite a few rich brats here which caused his face to twist into a scowl. However, he knew there would probably be...what his aunt had said were referred to as trailer trash or kids from the wrong side of the tracks here as well crashing the party, much to the disgust of whatever rich kid was throwing this party. Well, there was no turning back now, so he took a breath and headed into the yard, making a beeline for where he could hear the music and fingering a ten dollar bill which was all the cash he had on him until he got his pay check in a week.
Dani stood in the driveway of the large house where the party she had heard whispers about was being held. The girl didn't know much about Newberry. She didn't know the people, she didn't know the atmosphere, she didn't know anything. But a party was a party right? Could you go wrong with that? Placing the smoke between her lips, she took a long drag. The girl loved parties. Not for the people. But the music and dancing and drugs and alcohol all made her feel alive. It all temporarily took away the numbness that sat in her chest. But the parties she'd been to included other people like her. Not upscale, whiney, American bitches. This was her first American party. Around American teenagers. In a rich household.

Abruptly, Dani dropped the butt of the cigarette to the ground and took her first step toward this new adventure. Instantly all her senses came to life. Music touched her ears, sweaty bodies bumped into her, the smell of people and a slightly illegal substance lingered in the air. This all felt familiar if she closed her eyes. But she couldn't, not when she needed to get a drink in her. Pushing through the crowed of people, the girl made her way toward the thing where everyone was huddled around. Ah yes, the thing that will numb her anxiety. Quickly, the girl started off with a shot, then mixed herself something of whatever. These Americans were ravenous. Standing on her toes, the girl peaked over the heads of the crowed, her height not helping with the situation, but from what she could see, there was a patio door. Yes. Air. And successfully, she made her way outside without spilling her drink. Setting the red cup on the deck rail she dug in her purse until she found the little bag of pills she had prepared for herself, taking out a little pink pill that had a bomb imprinted on it. Quietly, Dani mumbled to herself a little, "cheers" before placing the pill on her tongue and swallowing it with the drink.

Ineracting: No one.
Location: Back deck.
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Somehow, El had finished the gnarly, vodka concoction in her hand, and as she had neared the end of her cup, she found the drink to be more and more bearable. Admittedly, she wasn't one to drink heavily; alcohol was yet another luxury that she couldn't afford to splurge money on. Though, when the opportunity presented itself, she did tend to borrow others' liquor. With a sigh, Ella poured herself another drink and leant into the counter, her arms resting on the marble top. She had recognized a few people from the park already, such as Alana across the counter from her. Having realized she was staring, Ella lowered her gaze to the drink in her hand, feeling somewhat embarrassed next to her. She was, after all, a lot prettier than El, and dressed like a mature woman.

Raising her cup to her mouth once more, Ella pushed away from the counter, guzzling down the alcohol. As she stepped back though, her body bounced off another's and caused her to clumsily stumble to the left. She hadn't fallen over at the expense of her sweater, which was now soaked by a mixture of vodka and lemonade. El whipped around in her place, only to catch a glimpse of the culprit's face as they moved away with their group, snickering and hollering fake apologies. Her cheeks flushed red and while a voice in the back of her mind urged her to yank the hair out of their head, she managed to restrain herself.

"Dickheads," she mumbled, running a hand through her hair, pushing it out of her face. She then moved to the opposite side of the counter to the oven and removed the tea-towel from the handle, before proceeding to pat herself down with it.
[/div][/div][div class=stoneCredit]Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 [/div][/div]

LOCATION > KITCHEN | MENTIONS > erzulie erzulie (sort of, if you want to interact)

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Around eight

The party


Tate had practically lied through his teeth when he told his sister that he wouldn't be drinking tonight. He knew he would, which is why it was a dumb idea to drive his truck to the party. If worse came to worse, he'd just stay the night at the host's house and take it back in the morning. And honestly? He couldn't see himself doing much else.

From the second he got inside, he was hit with the stench of alcohol and a hint of weed. long with the chattering of his peers that was drowning out the music in the background. He didn't really listen to the radio often, but he could recognise whatever song that was being played. Before he did anything, he made it clear that it was his first priority to get drunk. Second was to get laid, he'd packet a condom in his wallet just in case. He never went to a party without one honestly.

As he made his way to the kitchen, he spotted a bottle of Smirnoff Vodka, it was half empty but he decided it'd do for now, as he knows that his alcohol tolerance was way too high to get tipsy off a few shots. So he grabbed the glass bottle, taking swigs every so often as he watched the people around him. He passed some of the assholes who'd beat him up, but didn't bother them. Why would he? Why would he waste his time on them like they waste their time on him? It was dumb to him, he simply didn't react to whenever they beat him to a pulp. Which confused Tate, wasn't the point of 'bullying' to get a reaction out of someone? Nonetheless, he continued on through the house.


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Alana Richardson

Alana could feel someone staring at her much to her annoyance. She turned her attention to the culprit just as the girl looked down. Her face read embarrassment much to Alana’s amusement. “I have something on my face?” She asked after taking another sip of her drink. Alana watched as she stepped back. Her lips pursed when she was bumped into? Causing her to spill her drink on herself. The bitch who caused the mishap was tickled pink by his actions. “Bitch.” She called after him. Alana turned her attention back to Ella. “You should have put hands on them.” She shook her head.

“I have a sweater in my truck, it’s a crop top though.” Alana eyed her wet top. The sweater was oversized so it’d would probably fit her. Hell even if it didn’t she probably wouldn’t care, it was better than being in a wet one.

Click the pic

Mentions: Ella Poko Poko
Setting: The Living room

code by pasta
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Ella paused for a moment, the towel still in her hand, as she looked up to meet the Alana's gaze. She had barely heard her over the loud bass and chit-chat, but when the words finally registered in her brain, she raised an eyebrow in surprise. She was used to people lending her things - hell, it had been how she got here tonight - but she didn't expect it from someone she barely knew.

She then looked back down at her ensemble, from the uncomfortably wet sweater to her sandy, bare-feet (her shoes were still tucked away in her backpack). The look fit the dirty nicknames she was used to hearing, and she felt a little ashamed. She wouldn't usually a crop, or anything that would expose much skin for that matter. Although, with the alternative at hand, showing a little belly for one night would be a hell of a lot better.

"You wouldn't mind?" Ella asked, uncertain of Alana's sincerity to situation.
[/div][/div][div class=stoneCredit]Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 [/div][/div]

LOCATION > KITCHEN | MENTIONS > erzulie erzulie

Screen Shot 2018-03-04 at 5.28.00 PM.png
around eight

the livingroom, on a couch


travelbypages travelbypages
He got bored from walking around the house, so he plopped himself down on a couch clumsily, telling him that alcohol was entering his system. He'd be drunk in no time.

Tate began to idly watch the teens around him. He wanted something interesting to happen already. He was almost considering going home and having to deal with his sister bitching on about how he lied to him and whatnot. And he really did not want to deal with that, especially since she'd drag it on to the morning, and he would have a cracking headache by then. So hearing his sister's high pitched, nagging words, plus him being a literal sociopath, those two didn't mix well. Especially since he broke her arm once.

He didn't think he'd kill his sister though, it'd be weird having to adjust to life without her. Plus he'd be in jail, and he didn't exactly want to be controlled by some cops. He didn't like being controlled. Maybe it was a trauma thing? Maybe...

He eventually stood up slowly, taking his bottle with him and making his way to the deck where he immediately noticed a girl there. If he was honest she looked about fucking twelve. She was tiny, skinny and had a soft face. It would feel odd to him to get laid with her honestly, so he decided he'd find another female candidate. What really intrigued him was that her pupils were blown wide. Almost like his when he was thirteen and started taking antipsychotics. He came to the conclusion that she was on ecstacy or cocaine. And he wanted in.

"You supplin'?"
rsz_1rsz_1d424d3dc-966c-4d12-95e5-2c62db086a9a.jpg Kenny Morgenstern
Location: Alyssia's party
Mentions: Britta Zabielski ( apolla apolla )

Initially, Kenny was unenthusiastic about the idea of going to a party full of rich kids.
it wasn't anything personal, He didn't hate them --well, maybe he resented them a bit--, but the real issue was that he had no idea how to act around them, or anyone else for that matter. They were carefree and frivolous, confidence and alcohol-induced bravado enhancing their already excellent social skills. They wore shoes that Kenny was fairly sure were worth more than his whole house. He felt on-site just being around them, knowing that they were the people he'd be cleaning floors for in the future... if he was lucky, that is. They were intangibly, disturbingly wealthy.

Anyway, the point is that Kenny was here under the force of peer-pressure, and he was already intensely uncomfortable. He'd been leaning up against a wall for the past twenty minutes, one of his long, skinny legs propped up to keep his balance. He tried very hard to avoid getting knocked into by the stumbling drunk teens. He'd had one drink himself, even though he knew alcohol made him nauseous. Again, peer pressure. It had a powerful hold on Kenny, who knew had no social status to speak of, and neither was he particularly outgoing or charismatic. At least, that's what he thought.

Brushing a lock of tangled golden-brown hair out of his face, he caught sight of someone who required an immediate double-take. They'd gone to the same school since as long as Kenny could remember, but he hadn't so much as seen her in what felt like months. No way... Britta?

He'd heard what had happened through the grapevine a couple to times, but he never imagined the transformation to be so drastic. His stomach turned in knots just looking at her... or, maybe that was just the light-headed sensation from the alcohol. But she looked like a model, dressed up in those clothes that could buy years-worth of food, or even semester of college. She held her drink in one hand, on an arm that appeared to have a small tattoo... Kenny couldn't quite make it out from his spot against the wall. She had a new last name now, didn't she? It was a Polish name... starting with a Z, or maybe an S. His own last name, a Jewish name of German origin, was something he couldn't possibly imagine changing. He wondered if that was a hard transition for her, but the nouveau-riche look certainly suited her well. She must be adapting well enough, He assumed, chewing his lower lip in contemplation as he glanced back at the spot on the floor He'd been staring at, If she already won't associate with her old friends. I think she'll fit right in.
It hadn't taken long for the drug to kick in. Personally, E was her favorite. It took her into this world that was far from her own. Leaning against the deck rail she looked around the yard. Almost everything began turning into colors, even though it was dark out. Closing her eyes she let the drug take over. The music became louder in her ears, and it almost seemed like everyone disappeared. That is, until she heard a voice behind her. Turning around her eyes wandered up and down the stranger with colored hair. Tilting her head she gave him a confused look until it finally registered in her drug riddled mind. "Oh. No. But if you want some I'd be willing to share." The corner of her lips tilted up as she pulled the little bag out of her purse.

"MDMA, weed and coke. Have your pick." Dani stood a little closer to hide the bag from most people. She wasn't a dealer, so she didn't want people coming up to see that she was sharing. "I'm Dani by the way." She mentioned, waiting for him tot take his pick "I just moved here from London." The girl's accent was thick, proving just how new she was to the country "Do you normally just go up to random girls inquiring about drugs?" she asked, her tone becoming a little flirty, though she didn't make it too obvious.

Mention: Tate crossofjesus crossofjesus
Location: Back deck.
Britta breathed in the fresh night air as she stepped outside, back out into the front yard. There were just as many people out here as inside, they were just more spread out out here. So far, she hadn't seen a single friendly face, although that wasn't to say she hadn't seen familiar faces. High school was already a rough time, but when most of your friends thought you abandoned or betrayed them, it just became that much harder. She had tried to explain that she never did either of those things, that it wasn't her fault that her mom remarried and they shot up the totem pole. The first day coming back to school after her mom was remarried was hell. She'd walked up to her friends and gotten the immediate cold shoulder. That's how it had been ever since.

Breathing a bit easier outside, she took a large swig from her drink, finishing it. Not realizing she'd been that low, she tossed the cup into an outside trash bag and sighed, running her hands along her arms as she looked from face to face, trying to find someone that didn't look at her with distain. Eventually, her eyes did land on someone who was looking at her without a disgusted look, and she recognized him immediately. Kenny. Someone who hadn't been her closest friend, but a friend nonetheless. He seemed surprised to see her, but she would take that over hatred.

She glanced around before approaching him, leaning up against the wall. "Hey, Kenny." She spoke, her voice steady but with a slight tremor of fear underneath. "How are you?"


Tags: Kenny ( Chimney Swift Chimney Swift )

Code by apolla apolla

Britta breathed in the fresh night air as she stepped outside, back out into the front yard. There were just as many people out here as inside, they were just more spread out out here. So far, she hadn't seen a single friendly face, although that wasn't to say she hadn't seen familiar faces. High school was already a rough time, but when most of your friends thought you abandoned or betrayed them, it just became that much harder. She had tried to explain that she never did either of those things, that it wasn't her fault that her mom remarried and they shot up the totem pole. The first day coming back to school after her mom was remarried was hell. She'd walked up to her friends and gotten the immediate cold shoulder. That's how it had been ever since.

Breathing a bit easier outside, she took a large swig from her drink, finishing it. Not realizing she'd been that low, she tossed the cup into an outside trash bag and sighed, running her hands along her arms as she looked from face to face, trying to find someone that didn't look at her with distain. Eventually, her eyes did land on someone who was looking at her without a disgusted look, and she recognized him immediately. Kenny. Someone who hadn't been her closest friend, but a friend nonetheless. He seemed surprised to see her, but she would take that over hatred.

She glanced around before approaching him, leaning up against the wall. "Hey, Kenny." She spoke, her voice steady but with a slight tremor of fear underneath. "How are you?"


Tags: Kenny ( Chimney Swift Chimney Swift )
rsz_1rsz_1d424d3dc-966c-4d12-95e5-2c62db086a9a.jpg Kenny Morgenstern
Location: Alyssia's party
Mentions: Britta Zabielski ( apolla apolla )

Kenny jerked his head up in surprise as he heard Britta call his name, light brown eyes meeting hers with a half-shocked, half-apologetic look. He hadn't even noticed her approaching; it wasn't exactly something he was accustomed to expect. That said, he was more than thankful that she wanted to chat. Standing alone in the corner was getting unbearably awkward. "Britta! How are you?" As soon as he said this, he realized he hadn't actually answered her question. He grimaced, clearing his throat and hastily adding "I.. I mean, I'm good." He spoke quickly and with a very noticable stammer, a statk contrast to Britta's calm, quiet approach. He waved tentatively, with a smile that was neither obviously fake nor wholly genuine. Even if they hadn't spoken since Britta moved into the colossal mansion she now called home, they'd always gotten along in the past. Honestly, he was surprised that she wasn't more interested in hanging out with the other upper class kids. He always assumed that was why she shut herself off from everyone.

Kenny was never really a master of small talk, and already found himself struggling to find something to say. What had it been, only 15 or 20 seconds? Not off to a great start. "So, uh... what have you been up to lately?" He asked, though he wasn't entirely sure if that was an appropriate thing to inquire about. Maybe she wouldn't want to share, especially given the distance. For whatever reason, he really just wanted to act like things hadn't changed, like they were still on equal footing. Did how much money Britta had at her disposal really matter? Of course it does, you idiot. He reminded himself. Kenny was by no means a cynic, but he knew as well as anyone else that society was deeply entangled in economy. And even though he and Britta had grown up under similar circumstances, now it was likely to be more difficult to connect. On top of that, the final 2 years of high school are usually fraught with social stress anyway. Nonetheless, if Britta wanted to talk, Kenny considered that a good sign. He just wondered why she'd come to him first instead of one of her closer friends...
Last edited:
Ember 'Em' Woods
Location:Allysia's Party
Interaction: Available (none)

Ember approached the house slowly, looking unsure. She was still unsure as to why she came.
Though she honestly had nothing better to do tonight anyway. With a defeated sigh she started inside.
Upon entering, she took in the -to her- chaotic scene. she grabbed a drink and sat down alone.
sipping at her alcohol occasionally, just watching the clock lost in thought. after about 30 minutes in she had a light buzz going and she decided to get some water, she quickly gulped down the last bit of alcohol and went to the sink and washed out her plastic cup and filled it with water. she then sat back down, sipping at her water, again watching the clock.

it was about 8 o'clock and she was debating on leaving despite just arriving. Ember wasn't one for parties in all honesty, so this was a first for her. She looked around for anyone she might know, with no luck of course. who would know the quiet forest-lover know as ember, she spent most of her time writing poetry rather than socializing. she actually preferred it that way. in her mind, no friends means no distractions...'though, maybe distractions aren't all that bad they just need to be at the right times' she thought idly to herself. her attention turned to the clock and she just watched the clock, watching the minutes tick by.

Screen Shot 2018-03-04 at 5.28.00 PM.png
Around eight

The deck

Dani ( travelbypages travelbypages )

Tate tried his hardest not to roll his eyes at her words. He couldn't decide if Dani would be annoying or cool yet, but that was becoming a very fine line. "Tate, 'nd I'll have fuckin'... MDMA." He decided, running his fingers through his pink, curly dry hair and taking a step back because she'd moved closer to him. It wasn't a comfort thing, he just didn't want to get intimate with this girl.

He wasn't listening, but she said something about London. Which didn't surprise him, by the way she spoke and how her voice sounded. From not being on his pills, he lost a filter on his words. Not being medicated and being drunk? He's going to hurt someones feelings.

"You know I don't give two shits, Queen Elizabeth."

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