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Graded [Widersia: Gambler's Row] Heist at the Goldpot Casino


RWBY Tuesdays
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


Gambler's Row is abuzz that evening as news of the famous Goldpot Casino's "Once in an era" gambling night is announced. The front of the casino was crowded with all sorts of unusual types that Elvyra hadn't seen in this part of the city for the most part. She'd only been in Gambler's Row for a few months at most, and she'd enjoyed her stay, but it was soon becoming quite the expensive "vacation". In her hand, she held a newspaper that had the same exciting news everyone in the city had been talking about for the past day and a half now. The moment she laid eyes on the headline, she new it was a chance she couldn't pass up. And by the look of this crowd, I'm not the only one short on cash...


A murder on top of a chance to win a dead man's fortune? You'd have to be a fool not to come to the Goldpot tonight. Though Elvyra had other plans, the Jiangshi Treasurebox seemed like it was prime for the taking in more ways than one. Winning games would be difficult with so many people here, and if she truly wanted to take it all, she'd have to go up against the house itself and steal the Treasurebox before all of it's coffers had been gambled away. Doesn't seem too hard...I just gotta get in and out. There sure are a lot of suits out tonight, nonetheless... She'd spotted multiple security around the perimiter of the Casino so sneaking in seemed to be a lost cause. The doors to the casino were not open yet, so she'd have to wait with the rest of the crowd to try and get in and find out where they were keeping the Treasurebox.

She'd managed to get into contact with a few of the staff before hand thankfully. That meant she could get her hands on a map or at least a general location. And as far as they were aware, she was simply a concerned patron who was interested in the layout of the place. It had been simple convincing that poor sap of a janitor that she was just a concerned noblewoman who liked knowing all the details in case of emergencies. Unfortunately, the map was rather...poorly made. But it was better than nothing at least. The janitor had no idea where the Treasurebox was held, either that or he just didn't want to share that information with Elvyra. Regardless, it wasn't listed on the map, just the general location of the games, entrances, and exits.


Elvyra had what she needed, she supposed she could spend this moment standing outside waiting for the doors to open mingling with the other interesting people who'd shown up for the event. Perhaps she'd even meet someone who was interested in snagging that Treasurebox in the same way she was. She'd just have to wait and find out.

Hello it's me, Lolory. This is a fun casino and heist RP where you can choose how you want to win big cash! You can either help Elvyra out with stealing the Jiangshi Treasure box, or you can play multiple games on the casino floor to try and win some of the prize money! Because this is an RP where you will be doing a big crime, you will get the "criminal" title from this since we're breaking the law and stuff. However, if you just want to participate in the casino games and roleplay without getting that title, you can just play the games on the casino floor normally without getting that title. Only players who willingly choose to help Elvyra with her goal of stealing will get that title. I should also point out that if Elvyra (and any Characters who decide to help her out) steal the treasurebox before the night's end or without getting caught, then there will be no "prize money" for those who decided to just play the games. And the reverse is true: If everyone plays the casino games fairly and squarely without stealing and Elvyra can't get what she wants in time, than she get's nothing either.

I made this RP bc I wanted to explore a roleplay where my Bad guy character and other bad guy characters could do a crime together and really get our bad guy reputation up in some way. There will be dice involved with this roleplay and multiple dice based games that everyone can play with one another. I will also try and keep track of how much everyone has won so far in the casino before we have to end the roleplay and 'check out' essentially, but just in case pls keep track of your earnings. If all goes well however, everyone should leave with something so there's no loss in participating lol.

Because this rp is more about people letting loose and not following the rules so stringently, fighting and using magical abilities to hurt others such as NPCs or other playable characters is totally allowed!
And if you help Elvyra, you can beat up some Casino staff to get to that treasurebox as well. So if you wanna come in here guns blazing, bring some heavy hitters! (Just be mindful of bringing "world destroying" characters we will still need a setting to rp in after all lol and if you nuke the place well then...nobody wins! And that's no fun) I will also be implementing a new RP style I tried out in another rp called "Free posting". Players will be allowed to talk and converse with other players in the casino, as well as explore, but the story itself will not advance until the next Round is posted. This means players can talk and walk around and have fun interactions, but actions and abilities won't be allowed during this time.

The only exception for this will be if a player is in a game. If your character is at one of the casino tables and engaged in a game with an NPC or another player, they're allowed to freely continue the game until someone wins!
This way a single game will not stretch for weeks lol. If you engage another player in a game at one of the casino tables, but you can't respond back for more than a week, the other person will just win by default.
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Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild

Boneyard Casino

A little Birdie had told Pam about the Goldpot Casino.

Gambler's Row wasn't exactly the ideal place for one such as her, and yet, she found it perhaps to be one of the more likable areas of the city for her. There was a good variety of people around, and somehow, she felt as though she wasn't the only one looking over her shoulder. The place was filled with booze, rowdy folk, or other people who seemed to be lookin' over their shoulders. It seemed something closer to her scene than before. She could get used to it.

Too bad she was planning on robbing the joint.

Security looked tough, and while she might have thought highly of herself, she didn't like the odds of trying to take everyone out by herself. Thankfully, the stars aligned, and she'd managed to get a crew.

The Bunnykin walked towards the outside of the Casino casually wearing Jazerant -- a combination of cloth and armor. There was a cloak on the back of it for travel. To most people, it'd look like the gear of an adventurer, devoid of any weapons. It offers some protection but is light enough for prolonged travel and casual wear. It would look like it belonged to an adventurer because it did belong to one at one point.

It didn't now, though.

Standing outside, she was alone at the moment. She scanned the crowd for any familiar faces from Captain Mors' crew. And thus far had seen none. While her eyes did snag on Elvira for a moment, there wasn't anything at this very moment that merited more than a glance. Thus, Pam stood with a hand on her hip, her foot tapping the ground impatiently as she eventually looked straight ahead at the door. Her ears stood straight up, listening in case anyone approached for any reason.

Least they could do is let me in so I can get just one beer while I wait.
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Snare had never been anywhere this glamorous in his life. He thought Rippongi was flashy, but Widersia was absolutely astounding. He agreed to join Captain Mors' crew on a whim, trusting his instincts that Zeke was the right path for him. He didn't like his chances as a monster, skulking out in the woods like some rabid beast. He wanted to live like a human, it was how he best learned to hunt them.

He couldn't deny he still held a very mortal greed toward the fineries of life; especially the clothes. The Captain being forced to expunge the ruined gear he had finished their salvage mission him; so it was only fair he paid for proper casino attire.

Snare found that red was indeed his color.

It was easy to spot the bunnykin in the crowd, A well put together snare meeting her at her left shoulder, mindful of his distance. He had no interest in causing his crew unease, at least yet. This crew was his best way of living the way he wanted.

"This is quite exciting isn't it? Such revelry, such fun. I've never seen a place this bright. I wonder what it's insides are like..." He said, attempting to mimic his old human expressions in the way of 'cocking' his eyebrow, though it may have cocked too far. "Let us hope they don't mind...our kind hm?" He said, a jaunty laugh spilling from his lips as the edges of his eyes crinkled. He was getting better at these expressions. It was difficult to discern what he meant, but it was clear to be his version of a 'rib' back for their prior conversation.
Lolory Lolory Maverick Six Maverick Six

Garbage. Garbage.
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild

Boneyard Casino

Sniff Sniff

Pam raised her nose into the air ever so slightly as a familiar scent assaulted. Her ears turned in the direction of someone approaching like an antenna.....and her eyes would quickly accompany her. Her head practically snapped to the figure approaching her -- her tail wagging irritably.

"Ugggggggghh." Pam groans. "Of all the people to show up first, it's you." She said to snare, her mouth slipping into an evidently displeased frown. Her brows furrowed angrily.

She looked him up and down, a trace of surprise visible in widened eyes. He was dressed in quite the fancy fit for someone like him. And he looked clean, considering just hours ago he was covered head to toe in blood.

"You clean up nice. Fancy looking clothes too." She scoffed. "Too bad you still smell like shit to me."

Snare spoke and Pam appeared to listen, looking him over. Some part of her was annoyed by the fact he was hear and speaking to her specifically. Another part oxymoronically felt as though she had to keep an eye on him. The way he was speaking right now wasn't exactly the same as how he was talking from a fresh kill. And unlike what Snare himself may have thought, he came across as creepy to her the very instant he'd opened his mouth and spoke.

"You and me? The same? Fuck off. Where's that fancy talking old fart Nigel when you need 'em. You two seemed to get along." In speaking openly, she felt as slight sense of relief. Snare saving grace was that she thought so lowly of him, that she didn't need be polite or have any filter whatsoever.

"Least I can keep an eye on you for now so you don't mess this up right off the bat. If you want advice as to how to get people to not "mind?" Try to keep your mouth shut until necessary, hm? You look the part of someone that belongs here. Play off that." Somewhere within her endless flurry of insults, there was a compliment. After all, Snare did have certain strengths and if they were to work together, it was going to be good to encourage the good things he did do. And one thing he did do was look the part. She half expected Snare to be bloody still, but his look was well put together.

"Hopefully with that outfit of yours, some of our "friends" spot us."

Perked - Supersense: Multidirectional Hearing F, Heightened Sense Smell F - It's best for many who aren't the most durable to detect danger beforehand. Ever accustomed to being frail, Pam takes a moment to assess her environment. She raises her nose to sniff the air and her ears in multiple directions toward, danger. Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

πŸ› οΈπ™½π™°π™Ύπšπ™Έ π™³π™΄πš‚πšƒπ™Έπ™΄π™΄π™½ πŸ› οΈ[π™·πšžπš–πšŠπš—], [πš†πšŠπš—πšπšŽπš πš‹πš’:πšπšŽπšπšŽπšŒπšπš’πšŸπšŽ π™»πšŠπš’πš˜πš]
π™²πš‘πšŠπš›πšŠπšŒπšπšŽπš› πšœπš‘πšŽπšŽπš
π™Έπ™½πšƒπ™΄πšπ™°π™²πšƒπ™Έπ™Ύπ™½πš‚: Lolory Lolory
IMG_0375.png After the job that involved smuggling beastkin slaves across the border was over and all was dealt with. Naori had left The Eastern Empire after receiving payment. The Teen crossed the border between The Eastern Empire and Widersia with surprising ease. He could only assume the criminal titles were yet to kick in. Naori had also found out as he traveled about what was going on at the Goldpot. It was an easy deduction that if he managed to win a good portion of that fortune he could buy more survival necessities like food and water, and instead of having to make makeshift shelters, make a proper one if what lies ahead was truly a fortune worth taking. If he could do this, then he could get himself a place to hide when it was all said in done.

After all no one would accept a murderer into their establishment easily,

Not that he had issues with being branded as such, it was a mere mild inconvenience of other peoples reactions. He knew if he could eventually get a proper disguise and persona going, eventually, one strong enough not even the black orbs can see through, he could have an identity for errands in society. And his real identity being relentlessly tainted by what people call crime.

His definition of crime was peopleβ€”regardless of speciesβ€”meddled in other peoples' lives like annoying little insects. Insects must be squashed.

He walked inside the Casino, silently figuring out how to go about gaining this fortune.
[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

Lolory Lolory DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

The last few days had brought excitement into Hiroshi's life like he hadn't felt in a long, long while. From coming face-to-face with the Nightshade Guild once again, which he thought he would not happen so soon, testing his mettle against these odd animal-creatures to help with the transportation of slaves, everything was still fresh in his mind. And there was also the curious group of men, each one with their own unique skills, painting such a broad stroke which the yakuza never, in his wildest dreams, thought that it was possible. And then there was Whizziemin, the shortest of the three horned brothers. Monster, if he recalled correctly, from the text which flared up on that particular black orb, as soon as the incubus tried to touch it. The title, however, was totally lost on him: he knew not what it was supposed to mean at this point, nor did he care. No. Hiroshi fancied him and hoped he would take on the human's invitation about this place, which he had learned about in Widersia...

Widersia itself was an odd location to Hiroshi. Of steam and clockwork, its appearance was such a stark contrast with modern day Japan, modern here being the 80s. While in Zhaojun, the city he had been previously matched perfectly the aesthetic of a more feudal Japan, made him think of what he had learned of England, in the 19th century. Factories worked at full-throttle, dark smoke billowing out of their chimneys. The place, had quite a presence of humans and some other small humanoids, which he didn't exactly know what they were supposed to be. As much as his eyes wondered, behind his new pair of sunglasses, he found no beasts being slaved away, collars on their necks a clear indication of their servile status, which he had seen in the neighboring country called the Eastern Empire.

No, instead of bestial-humanoids, mechanical things took their places, whirring and clanking. It was odd, weird and unsettling to Hiroshi. Yet, none of that shone through his placid visage, a knowing smirk almost always being plastered on his lips. These mechanoids might not bleed, but he was sure that a swift kick, or several, against their metallic frame would bring them down just the same. If the need arose, that was. With black hitchcocks hitting against the paved streets, Hiroshi walked with an unmistakable swagger, as if he owned the place, confidence oozing from his very presence. His burgundy suit possibly drew the attention of the passersby, organics ones at least, but he cared little for it. In fact, he reveled in the attention. The confidence in him had been picked up on his many years as the oyabun of the yakuza family, which he was the leader of, before meeting his grisly fate.

With his hands inside his pockets, eventually, the clicking of the leather shoes against the pavement came to a full stop. Slowly, his eyes scanned the structure in front of him, the place where he had made the invitation for a date with the incubus: The Goldpot Casino. Hiroshi had never been in one of these, their presence strictly banned in the land of the rising sun. And, while there were underground gambling dens and more socially acceptable pachinko parlors, quite a few of which Hiroshi himself had under his thumb in the past, none of them compared to the outside grandeur of the place in front of him. Heh... Hopefully the inside of it will be just as good as the outside. He thought to himself, wondering all the sort of entertainment that would be waiting for him behind those still closed doors. The heavy security in front and around the place showed that the owner was careful... smart, even.

Removing his hands from his pockets, right hand searching the inside of his jacket for a packet of cigarettes, one of them quickly finding a place between his lips. His mouth tasted it, unlit for a moment, his left hand would produce a lighter from his pocket, making the tip of it ablaze. As the ending of it pulsated with a fiery, red color, the taste of nicotine quickly spread throughout his palate, white smoke leaving both nostrils which each deep drag. This night was going to be something, and seeing a familiar sight, it already had. "Hey kid, nice seeing you here." The amusement in his tone was palpable, as Hiroshi called out to Naori, just as he was crossing the threshold into the gambling den.
Whizziemin the Greatest

Lolory Lolory Maxxob Maxxob DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Monster, Demon, Otherworlder, Incubus

Ah, Widersia. Whizzie hadn't been here yet, as far as he could recall. Being able to get around in past regions was easier as a monster since he was able to lie and pass as a beastkin. Due to the higher security that would be here, he wasn't so sure if the same excuse would pass, but then again he could just try to come up with some sort of little fib. He wouldn't have come here on a whim in the slightest, but couldn't help but take a little interested visit as per the dearly kind invite of a close companion he had met on his previous trip. Though this time, it would feel like he may not have the company of his brothers to fall back onto if they didn't desire to make an interest in showing up, which made sense since they did always have their own pursuit of power to invest their time into. Though, Whizzie wasn't really sure how transporting slaves assisted them with that. At least he found a neat Black Orb out of it that he could take a look at in his free time.

Now, gambling and casinos were something he'd never visited before. Supposedly these were literal playhouses for the most adult of games, he truly wondered what such an experience would entail.
"It's definitely glamorous and extravagant, that's for sure... hopefully they're too busy with all their games to come and annoy my time. Would make for a sucky meeting if I was too busy held up and cornered by a bunch'a other nosy guys before I could even find and say a word to Hiroshi. Now lets see... " Whizziemin muttered as he took a look around. Trying to be as calmly discreet as possible, he thought up back-up lies and excuses within his dainty little head as he calmly walked up and into the casino with a light yet smug smile on his face to convey confidence and the sense that he belonged there. Casinos were for smug and cocky rich people, right? Surely he could pass for some cosmetic sidepiece or visual attraction amongst the crowds.

Taking a glance around, he eventually noticed a familiar person and another smaller familiar person nearby.
"Hiiii~, Hiroshi-Senpaiiii~, what a surprise for you to catch my eye, I'd have thought it'd be rather lonely being all around here by myself what with all these strangers around and so many oh-so-deep-prying-eyes" Whizzie hummed with a small giggle, having noticed Naori too. Hopefully the kid wouldn't get himself up to too much stabbing, it'd probably be a lot more troublesome here.
"Heey Naoriii~, I hope you're on your best behaviour, a little kiddo like you shouldn't get in too much trouble in a big place like this, hm? I wonder if people your age are allowed to be here... " he introduced with a wave and smile. If things didn't get too troublesome for the time being, hopefully this would be both a more profitable and more fun time than the tedious, long trip that was slave transportation. Maybe they'd meet some neat or cute new friends here too.​
Izzys golden eyes took a lazy scope of the crowd around them. There seemed to be a few greedy eyes. There might be some competition tonight. She straightened out the dress she'd picked out at the tailors, prior to arriving. Her long dark brown hair was pinned back with a red and gold flower pin. After a moment she spotted who she'd come to know as Pamela and Snare. Her would be crew mates. Moving over towards them she caught a glimpse of Elvyra. She couldn't help but do a pause and once over, with a sloppy grin plastered across her face. "Well, she ain' too hard on' th'eyes es she?" She smirked as she stalked closer to Pamela and Snare. Her eyes still on the woman. "She's got 'ahn air aboot her. Pure ambition tha' es. " Eventually she broke her gaze from the lovely woman to look over her crew mates. "Aye ye'ah'll clean ahp jes' fine. Should be ah'r lucky night." She chuckled. Reaching for a hip flask that wasn't there. She grumbled after a moment, glancing towards the door of the establishment. "Ah'll bet they' charge an' arhm an'ah leg fer ah drink en there." She smirked, looking to Pamela. "Want te' see who can get th' mos' free drinks?" She snorted and laughed a bit, before nodding towards Snare. "Aye, aye, ye' clean ahp well mates. This red suits ye' jes' as well as th' last." She chuckled looking at Snare. After a moment she turned her gaze further out towards those gathered that weren't in her crew. One that stood out was the child. She wondered absently if the child would get away with going inside. But it wasn't any of her business. "Capt'n should be arrivin' soon." She turned her gaze around looking for the captain of the motley crew.

Mentions: Lolory Lolory Maverick Six Maverick Six Garbage. Garbage. NeramoDJI NeramoDJI
Zeke β€œMors” Valdain
Down by the area with his crewmates, Zeke wandered through the spirit world, passing through people and objects harmlessly before he stood next to them. The only thing his allies would see, was his hand appearing behind Pamela before ripping through thin air, as he tore a hole between the spirit world and the mortal plain, the man walking through before standing there with a grin on his face. "Alright lads, glad to see.... most of us are here looks like." He said, looking over those in attendance. He still retained his captains hat, though the rest of his garb was suitably much more formal, though still nautical in nature. "I've got the bladesmen watching the exterior. Anyone walks out of here with 10% or more of what's in there, they'll note who it is and we find em and take it." He said, explaining what his minions would be doing during the heist, since he needed some people on the outside to mark if anyone got to the score before them.

While Izzy commented about Elvyra, Zeke's own eyes took note of her. He knew her type, and he'd been betrayed once before. If it so much as looked like she might be double crossing them, he was fully prepared to quite literally send her to hell. Plus, his minions had orders to track her if she left without them behind her. And since he doubted she was like himself, she wouldn't be getting a two way trip. Though, that was only if he needed to. After all, when it came to bargaining, a pirates reputation is all they had, so if he tarnished it with a pointless doublecross before it was necessary, that would be far from favorable down the line.

Using his
[Undesirable Guest] title, even if the rest of his crew weren't exactly high profile, he was sure he'd be able to gain at least some modicum of respect or trust due to how many friends he had in the higher society circles, which would definitely be of use here.
[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

Lolory Lolory Femboy Femboy

Just as Hiroshi had dragged the cigarette in his mouth to its very end, nothing remaining but the butt of it, a familiar voice caught his attention. Discarding the end of the cigarette towards the ground and stepping on it, he would turn around, his gaze zeroing on the source of the voice. "Whizzie-chan, seeing you here is also a lovely surprise... a delicious one, even." His expression seemed to shift quite a bit, relaxing and appearing very pleased. Making the point of removing his dark shades and placing them inside his front pocket, the yakuza's hazel eyes wandered along every curve and contour which Whizzemin had, from head to toe, unashamed and unapologetic, tasting the sight of the incubus like fine wine. A knowing grin made its way onto Hiroshi's face, his eyes narrowing with vulpine intent. "And miss your presence? I would never do that."

Stopping for a moment, his eyes quickly darted around, seeing no presence of neither Dreayth nor Neramo, both of Whizziemin's brothers. Not that their presence would stop what came next. With his confident gait, he approached the incubus, each step carrying undeniable confidence. Stopping right in front of him, the leaned downwards toward him, his lips stopping right beside Whizziemin's left ear. "Even more when I plan to make you all mine, darling..." Hiroshi's voice was huskily, teasing, his warm breath tickling the incubus skin. In tandem, the human's index finger touched the middle of the underside of the incubus jaw, with a surprisingly feather-like touch. Gently, it traveled towards Whizzie's chin, as the yakuza pulled slightly, stopping face-to-face with him. Giving him a wink, he straightened his back, hand moving slightly and being offered with his palm turned upwards. It was an invitation for the incubus to take it. The night had begun... splendid.

"You see right through me, though I do enjoy the dollish dressups of mortal garmentry, My soul is quite rotten isn't it? It must be through some miracle that I can stand even myself" Snare's dramatics strange as the facial expressions did not match the sarcasm he was emulating; ghoulish smiles curling into revolting grimaces before an estranged pout made it's way through.

Snare bowing toward Izzy for the compliment he took very well, the red of fashion nigh as rich as the red of blood.

"I suppose I will need more practice" No further explanation given as she mentioned Nigel; a glint flaring beneath his pale gaze. "He is of interest, but if he were to break those codes he is strict on. That interest would wither. I'm interested in one who can weave their way through evil deeds, morals intact; I suppose like you hm?" A gathering of newcomers piquing his interest and curting any further comments to a halt.

Snare's eyes shrinking to near pinpoints as he triggered a heightened sense; Keeping the ganger, and the prostitute in his sights. The intimacy between their movements lost to him as he merely focused on their threat level and 'entertainment value'. He would also do a visual scan of the guards to assess how outclassed he was if things were to get exciting.

"Ah, Captain" Snare acknowledged Zeke's entrance while he continued to focus on his persons of interest; Pamela's words ringing in his head. He had been so very used to the world he come from that he was simply content. Could he achieve even greater ecstasy if he fought and tortured greater foes? An even like this could be absolutely bursting with such potential.

  • Evil Eye - Perception F, Heightened Sense F, Warfare F - Snare takes stock of his surroundings and attempts to assess a target or location for tactical advantage - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

πŸ› οΈπ™½π™°π™Ύπšπ™Έ π™³π™΄πš‚πšƒπ™Έπ™΄π™΄π™½ πŸ› οΈ[π™·πšžπš–πšŠπš—], [πš†πšŠπš—πšπšŽπš πš‹πš’:πšπšŽπšπšŽπšŒπšπš’πšŸπšŽ π™»πšŠπš’πš˜πš]
π™²πš‘πšŠπš›πšŠπšŒπšπšŽπš› πšœπš‘πšŽπšŽπš
π™Έπ™½πšƒπ™΄πšπ™°π™²πšƒπ™Έπ™Ύπ™½πš‚: Lolory Lolory Maxxob Maxxob Femboy Femboy
IMG_0375.png β€œGreetings again Hiroshi and Whizziemin.”

He didn’t think he’d be seeing them again so soon, news had been everywhere, so within the realm of logic, them being here hadn’t been impossible, that and by the same logic, neither of them should be staying in the Republic. Going to a different country was more reasonable after what they’d done there. Killing however many border patrol guards? Suspected (at minimum) smuggling beasts into slavery? Basic understanding yields that they wouldn’t be able to walk inside that country in the simplest of terms.

β€œYou heard about It as well, I assume?”

When Whizziemin mentioned something about him not being allowed in here due to his age he shrugged.

β€œI’ve been allowed in weirder places, besides rationally they might make the observation that I’m the least of their concerns…There is more suspicious looking people here.”

he gestures to some other interesting people who have walked in.

β€œSeems like an oddly popular place. It can’t be a coincidence. They might have their hands to full to notice someone under any unspecified age limit on here. Of course, that is assuming how many employees they have are too little and unprepared. They could have more than we realize. They could also just not care."

Naori had the usual blank expression during their interaction. Of course, they were still flirty with each other, they were flirting while Whizziemin tried to heal the body of a thief Naori had killed. He took a look around, wondering if the act they had done twice in the last job would work here.

Probably not if it’s not a family-friendly establishment, then again, it still worked out in that tavern. Even if it didn’t work out in their favor here Naori wasn’t afraid to get his hands bloody.
Raia (#4064c3)
Character Sheet
Right Hand Claws E: 2/2
Left Hand Claws E: 2/2
Tail F: 1/1
Natural Armour F [Light]: 1/1
HP: 2/2
Lolory Lolory Maverick Six Maverick Six Garbage. Garbage. Moonberry Moonberry NeramoDJI NeramoDJI
Making her way over slowly, Raia casually scanned through the newsletter delicately held between her claws, though the fragile paper was already somewhat full of holes and tears. The Jiang family was a familiar name, having been famous long before she was abducted six years ago. She never paid them too much heed, but reading through the paper now, everything, from the head's death to the sudden gambling show, seemed kinda fishy.

Firstly, the article was full of radio silence. Weren't papers supposed to be full of stuff or empty words like 'We understand the people's concerns' or 'But the casino has been left in good hands'? The Jiangs really weren't even appeasing or pandering to the public even slightly, despite running a business. That was peculiar, but also gambling away the casino treasury's life time savings all of a sudden? It could just be a PR move to draw in a large crowd after the head's somewhat suspicious death, but still. She wondered what sort of secrets or motives lay behind the scene. Perhaps the family had always been the silent brooding type, but the lack of any real information on anything just seemed rather ominous.

Whatever though. Turning her brain off, she crumpled up the newsletter she had found flying in the wind and gave it to a cleaner bot for disposal. Turning to look over the huge crowd by her destination, she fortunately located some distinctly familiar bunny ears from a distance, and used them to guide her way to her now fancily dressed crew.

Unfortunately, she herself was no exception. The excessive clothing all of a sudden made her feel quite stuffy, but she resolved herself to get used to it knowing that it'd only help her in the long run. She really would like to just sling this 'blazer' or whatever over her shoulders, but that would probably expose more of her creepy anatomy considering she had to pierce some of her bone protrusions through her newly bought blouse. Not to mention the jagged teeth already difficult to cover up on her clavicle.

Sighing softly, feeling that civilized life was tiresome, she lazily used a claw to loosen her collar as she strolled up. "How's it lookin'?" She probed casually, briefly glancing towards the still-closed casino doors.

The general distastefulness of avid gamblers aside, the rowdy crowds were truly doing her head in. After staying in a silent laboratory or sensory deprivation chambers for years, her heightened, inhuman senses were feeling rather overwhelmed. Tuning out her senses and practicing fine control over them had never been a priority for the scientists she was under, only 'power, power, power' so she was struggling a bit to make sense of all the voices and smells around. Frowning a little, she rubbed her head with a claw as she slowly adjusted, keeping an eye on the entrance of the casino.

Garbage. Garbage. Moonberry Moonberry NeramoDJI NeramoDJI SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild

Boneyard Casino

"Sorry. Ya lost me." She said, waving her hand dismissively at Snare.

"Can't say I care much for all this highbrow "good and evil" philosophy crap. It ain't about that. One thing I'll say, I'm loyal to my own. Not much more to it." She seemed to buck back at his comment, but she didn't expound or talk in any more depth as to what she meant. Instead, she only put her hands on her hips and cast her gaze.

With Snare's eyes went -- it seemed that Pam's did as well. She'd learned long ago that just because she didn't like someone didn't mean that they weren't capable. In particular, it seemed his eyes picked up on two people. One of them wore a suit and looked like they could be a bodyguard if not for the fact that he was seducing what appeared to Pam to be a provocatively petite woman. Completing the trio was some blanked-faced kid.

Something told Pam Snare wasn't looking at them because he liked to watch.

The was focused on the security detail. The place seemed locked down so tight that getting in anywhere beyond the front door wasn't going to be an option. Currently, she had no idea where the box even was -- but once inside, she'd see about trying to creep around and locate it.

Finally, somebody else.

"Sup Izzy. Looking good." She was greeted with a cool wave. There was a sigh of relief. Pam found her eyes directed towards another woman. Her gaze was once against directed towards a woman she'd swept over the crowd -- before replying to Izzy.

"Horny and drunk. Don't get too distracted now. Don't think these guys are like those junkyard dosers. Still, she does look confident. I'll give her that much." She said. But it didn't seem enough for Pam to go off. Still, the woman might have had enough instinct.

All of a sudden, the snow-white hair atop Pam's head almost seemed to stand on end slightly, she whipped around and saw deep ripping open a portal out of thin air as he walked up.

"Oh it's just you boss. Didn't anyone teach not to come up behind a girl like that?" Looking Zeke over. "Guess Snare isn't the only guy who cleans up nice. Jeez. You guys are startin' to make me feel poorly dressed. Anyone asks I'm your bodyguard, boss." It served as a fairly plausible explanation for the armored parts of her body, even if her stolen outfit looked fairly nice and was mostly just thick clothing. It was good to know there were more people posted outside of the place.

Speaking of cleaning up nice.

"Yo!" She spotted a fairly distinct shade of blue in the crowd. And she began to wave eagerly and almost obnoxiously to beckon her to their growing clique. "Raia!" she said with a devious grin. "Man everyone cleaned up nice. Even you Raia no longer wearing a rug around your waist with your bare tatas out." Pam held her hands in front of her own chest with palms up, motioning to the obvious with a mischievous grin. "Though, that outfit looks like it'll rip any second." She pointed out that the spikey protrusions on her body were sticking out of the fabric. Pam understood a bit, preferring short skirts, shorts, and looser clothing due to the tendency of tighter things to rip from her movements.

"Place looks like a fortress. Guess we'll see how to go about it when we get in." Having only a couple of hours didn't make for good planning time. Something told her this heist was going to be at least a little messy. But it was probably not going to need to be perfect.
Last edited:
ELVYRA HIGHWATER | Blackwell Vampire-Human | VIP

Once the night had reached it's peak, Elvyra checked the time via a nearby clock. It was midnight now, as could be heard from the distant bell tower. If they don't hurry up and open these doors already....She had surveyed the crowd that had amassed. It seemed as if hundreds of people had shown up, but there were definitely a lot of interesting faces who'd shown up tonight. She'd been in Gambler's Row for a few months now, and had noticed new people she'd never seen around the city. A large, curious group of individuals...they all seem to be together as well, two people who are on a date though the man looks every bit as shady as any other crook, and...is that a kid with them? Well she couldn't judge someone else's moral compass in bringing some teenager to a place like this. None of them seem eager to gamble, from the looks of it. The large group who'd shown up together didn't seem the gambling type.

She could tell from their lack of eagerness to get inside; the usual addiction that was seen in the eyes of a gambler were not present in any of them.
And they certainly seem prepared...but for what, that's another question. Just as she decided to try and talk with them, someone came out of the front doors of the Goldpot. Elvyra had paused just as everyone else had, and this person walked to a podium that had been set up prior right outside the doors. Interestingly enough, she knew his face from the papers. It was Lu Jiang, the new head of the Goldpot. He'd been avoiding the press like crazy, until tonight anyways.

"Thank you all so much for coming to our once in an era gambling night." Lu Jiang spoke in his deep voice. He had a doleful expression on his face that he was desperately trying to hide with neutrality but it wasn't working for him at all. Anyone with eyes could tell that Lu Jiang had not slept in quite some time, judging from the dark circles under his eyes. "In just a short moment, we'll open the doors and welcome you all as guests. I understand that a lot of people have come from all walks of life, and from different nations entirely. And so, because of that, you may not have the funds to gamble to your hearts content." Lu Jiang said. "That's why tonight, for this gambling party we're loaning everyone here the money to participate themselves. These funds came straight from the Treasure box, and are only but a small portion of what you can win tonight. We hope to give everything we have tonight but fairly, so play smart and spend wisely."

That wasn't mentioned in the papers...Elvyra had come here with the expectation of robbing the place, but if he was giving some of it away...I'll have to make this job quick then. That Treasurebox might empty itself with each new win. She had brought along enough money to have some fun, but it seemed she'd misunderstood how the Jiang's would handle this party of there's.


Lu Jiang held something up then, and everyone gawked at the shiny metalic red envelope device in his hand. "This is a Lucky Red Envelope. Inside is an indisclosed amount of funds from the Treasurebox. Each of you will be given 5 of these, and these are what you will gamble with. Using your personal funds is allowed, but that's money coming out of your own pocket. The Goldpot isn't responsible for any losses of personal cash. Once you've gambled it away, it'll permanently belong to the house, there will be no refunds tonight." He explained all of this tonelessly. "Our servants at the door will hand you your Red Envelope's. Please don't lose them, as they're very valuable. Any lost Envelope's as opposed to gambled Envelopes will be debited towards you, and you will have to pay the undisclosed amount inside."

Suddenly, the doors to the Goldpot had swung open and the warm golden light from the chandeliers streamed onto the street. The crowd of onlookers excitedly cheered as they headed for the doors in an almost orderly fashion. Elvyra made her way inside as well, and after she had been given her 5 Red Envelopes, she decided to try her hand at exploring rather than playing games.

The Night at the Goldpot Casino has finally begun! Head inside and grab your 5 Lucky Red Envelopes. Down here, I'll explain a bit about what you can do next. This RP allows for Freeposting, meaning you're allowed to have conversations with your characters between anyone you want, whenever you want. There's no limitations, and the story will just advance whenever the next round begins. You can explore the casino in search of games to play, and even challenge other players or NPCs to said games! You can win and lose your Red Envelopes as well, but be very mindful of what Lu Jiang told you. Losing them in games is fair, but losing them from your person entirely means you'll have to pay up (scary!)
You can also choose to explore the casino to find a way to the treasurebox so that you can steal it. Both playing games and the stealing the treasurbox involve dice! Whenever you chance upon a clue in your investigation of the treasurebox, you'll have to roll in order to see if your character can uncover that clue. Because I don't want to make it super complicated, rolling the dice for investigation is very simple:
1, 2, 3= Fail
4, 5, 6= Okay
7, 8, 9, 10= Success!
Here's Elvyra's Map of the Casino. Right now she's the only character who currently has any real knowledge of it, but to make exploration simple i'll let you guys have it too! This way you can decide on where you want your characters to go next even if they themselves have no real knowledge about this map lol. As you can see, there's 4 games available. You can in fact kill time and just play games the whole night until you've all won the right amount of Red Envelopes to trigger an ending. You can also challenge one another if that's what you'd like to do, but if games aren't your forte, going to the games sections will provide you with NPCs to talk to or also to challenge personally.

Anyways, that seems about all I have to say about the rules of the casino without giving away too much. If anyone's confused about something, please don't hestitate to ask me!
Whizziemin the Greatest

Maxxob Maxxob DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory
Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Monster, Demon, Otherworlder, Incubus

Whizzie smiled when the yakuza had greeted him back, giggling softly a little at the tempting flirt that came from calling the meeting a delicious one. The dainty little incubus had eyed and noticed Hiroshi's blatant investigation of his own petite figure, but didn't pay it any mind. In fact, it was quite pleasing to know that the man had such an interest and attraction to him. Coming to the second continent was truly a worthwhile and interesting time after all, even if his existence and presence most likely wouldn't be welcome anywhere he went if people were to learn the truth. Although, Hiroshi clearly proved different as he both knew the truth yet was still fully into having Whizzie around.

"Well it's nice to hear how happy you are to see me. You didn't happen to bring me any little gifts or anything?~" he asked in a soft, teasing tone as he hummed.
"It's okay, I'm only kidding... " he added, soon enough he had listened to the husky, flirtatious voice of Hiroshi close to his ear. Feeling a little flustered and looking elsewhere as he cleared his throat, he uttered a nervous laugh.
"Well if you're planning to do that, the first you could do is at least take me out to dinner first. It's still only the first date, but I can see you already have much plans in mind, it's quite sweet to hear" Whizzie mentioned, wondering if this was one of those love at first sight things. He wasn't exactly used to non-monster interaction so he didn't have any clue how to tell what it was, but he was wondering if it was what Hiroshi was experiencing. Maybe they fit really well together, even if it was the kind of thing that his own brothers despised and would be against said relationship. Monsters usually didn't do said sort of thing after all. Then again, the hearts of non-monsters of the continent was surely an intriguing thing to win over.

Naori however had pointed out an interesting point. There were a lot of odd faces here which didn't feel like they should be here.
"Well, I suppose you're not the biggest surprise around here, hopefully they won't pay anyone too much mind. It's some sorta big day here after all, lets just try to make the most of it and not get into any trouble, hm? Speaking of which, why did you take a trip here exactly? I'm only sure that Hiroshi-Senpai didn't bring you here as some sort of third wheel or wingman" Whizzie asked, unsure what Naori could have had in mind coming to a casino. Was he looking for more victims or something? The matter of such people around also made him silently wonder if there were other monsters secretly visiting, but thought that looking for such thing would only guarantee that he landed into trouble at some point. Looking to Hiroshi, he smiled.

"Well, if you have any ideas on what we should be doing here, I guess I'm merely your guest for the night" Whizzie mentioned to Hiroshi, though he was keeping an eye out for anything interesting. With all these people around at a location based on gambling, there was bound to be something that peaked his interest.​
[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

Lolory Lolory Femboy Femboy DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

While Hiroshi hid his expression of surprise, Whizzemin's playful demeanor when mentioning a gift had been enough for the human to make a mental note about it. Surely, whenever they met next, it would be good to present the incubus with a gift. "How do you feel about jewelry? A nice necklace with either larimar or blue opal lace that match the azure color of your eyes and hair could fit you quite well." With the question, Hiroshi wanted to know more about the incubus taste, a necklace appearing to be at the perfect midway: while still a more formal gift, it wasn't something as formal as a ring, steadiness and slow steps still being prudent.

The incubus flustered reaction to Hiroshi's teasing and boldness made the smile on the yakuza's lips grow, amusement etched on his face. "Don't worry, Whizzie-chan, I do intent to take all the proper steps and not to skip anything." The human offered, planning to go through with his words, despite being a man of action. It was then that he turned towards Naori, a sly smile on his lips. "I've IT heard in passing, Naori-kun. And I have a feeling we weren't the only ones who did." Hiroshi's attention, for the first time, shifted towards another group amongst the faceless crowd. His eyes landing on a man with grayish hair and some antique-looking attire. For a moment, the yakuza's expression hardened, returning the man's gaze in an intimidation challenge, until his attention drifted somewhere else.

The yakuza's attention would go back to his own group, the speech being done by Lu Jiang catching the barest of his attention, picking up only the most essential parts.
"In short, there is some nice opportunity to rob this place blind, they will probably have quite a bit of cash stored in the place, considering that they are even giving away money for people to gamble." The ending of his sentence had a bit of a scoff, as if he remembered something funny. "In truth, all casinos skew the chances of winning. There is a saying: the house always wins." Adding that, Hiroshi became pensive for a moment, before returning to the present.

"I say we enjoy the glamour of the place, the apparent high-status and luxury of it and, when the opportunity presents itself, we go for the 'jack pot'." His words were directed to both Whizzemin and Naori, scooting closer to the incubus and wrapping his arm assertively around his waist. "Let's go?" The question was muttered, as his hazel eyes darted towards the entrance of the casino, anticipation building up about the dual objectives of this night.

It had been quite a long time since he had been around this many bodies; A wealth of material brimming with potential. It was always so hard for him to resist, but patience offered better results. He'd be surprised if this heist went off without bloodshed; There were plenty of opportunities to entertain himself. His hackles agreeing as, what appeared to be a yakuza, glanced back. A far more intense glance than snare was putting off. He must be quite aware he was being watched, or perhaps he already knew what he was?

"Clothes can make the man, but it seems they can't hide the monster"

He let his curiosities rest as a man of seeming importance spoke from a place of neutral authority. Snare was not much of a gambler, though he supposed he actually didn't like the idea of games without mortal stakes. What he wouldn't do for a good knife edge deathmatch. He listened intent to everything that was said, but intent on the man himself. The newspaper had mentioned a change of ownership due to a passing, wondering if this was the man in question.

Abhorrent ideas of turning him into the finest art piece dancing like white fire against his pupiless gaze; The casino was finally open to the public. Snare lumbering through the entrance and partaking in the event that was surrounding him. He took a curious glance at the curious envelope boxes he was given. He would hold onto them for now, letting them rattle against his hip.

"I wonder what new inspiration tonight will bring"

πŸ› οΈπ™½π™°π™Ύπšπ™Έ π™³π™΄πš‚πšƒπ™Έπ™΄π™΄π™½ πŸ—‘οΈ[π™·πšžπš–πšŠπš—], [πš†πšŠπš—πšπšŽπš πš‹πš’:πšπšŽπšπšŽπšŒπšπš’πšŸπšŽ π™»πšŠπš’πš˜πš]
π™²πš‘πšŠπš›πšŠπšŒπšπšŽπš› πšœπš‘πšŽπšŽπš
π™Έπ™½πšƒπ™΄πšπ™°π™²πšƒπ™Έπ™Ύπ™½πš‚: Lolory Lolory Maverick Six Maverick Six Maxxob Maxxob Femboy Femboy Garbage. Garbage. Moonberry Moonberry SilverFeathers SilverFeathers NeramoDJI NeramoDJI
IMG_0375.png β€œOf course, I wasn’t brought to be a third wheel or wingman. I didn’t even travel with him Whizziemin. And…”

He gestured to both Hiroshi and Whizzie.

β€œThis is far from my expertise…”

He mentions before adding.

β€œAs for why I’m here…let’s say a heist of sorts. There are certain things that have been spread about this place…it certainly seems to have garnered attention”

He then looked at the pirate crew. Something was more off about them than Hiroshi, Whizziemin and him. If needed, he wouldn’t hesitate to do what was required for his own…funding…

β€œI’ll admit the casino’s technique is quite something. Handing out money to people who they believed would only give it back…not everyone is lawfully inclined though.”

Hirosh’s words also seemed targeted at both him and Whizzie. He did find it weird Whizziemin and Hiroshi seemed to display a lot of public affection for each other. He thought maybe it'd be better if the two dumbed down on the PDA with such a job ahead of them.

β€˜I might as well be the third wheel.’

Yet he couldn’t kill them.Allies were important and, soon enough, these two he could constructionize. But the roles they’d play he was unsure of at the moment. First he needed his funding from this heist though, an area to work and gear to do that. He follows behind them.
Raia (#4064c3)
Maverick Six Maverick Six DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Character Sheet
Right Hand Claws E: 2/2
Left Hand Claws E: 2/2
Tail F: 1/1
Natural Armour F [Light]: 1/1
HP: 2/2
Red Envelopes: 5/5​

"Pamela." Raia called back warmly, not quite able to match the leporine's enthusiasm but happy to see her well and energetic nonetheless. Waving back, she tapped her shoulder lightly with a claw as she reached her side. "Not looking bad yourself." She hummed back, her gaze briefly scouring her new armoured attire, thinking it more practical than what the rest of them were wearing.

'Tatas' was a bit of slang she hadn't heard in a very long time, leading to some momentary bafflement, but her crewmate's immediately-obvious melon-like gesturing made her stifle a giggle in realization. "Man, I'd hate it if they were that big. This body's enough of a nightmare as is." She chuckled back in response, before moving her gaze back to the annoying spikes poking out of her clothing. "But yeah. If I had more time, I would've tried to file the spikes down before buying any clothes. Though I guess they would've grown back in a day or two anyway." She sighed, before her gaze flicked towards the Goldpot as the doors briefly creaked open.

Lu Jiang's appearance was a curious one, but she chose not to dwell too much on him as she carefully retrieved her five red envelopes from the doorman. She vaguely knew that freebies were often given in gambling establishments to get you hooked, but the amount seemed quite a lot for this. Pondering to herself, she casually shoved the red envelopes down her 'tatas' for safekeeping. If she managed to lose them there, then, well, she could really blame no one but herself.

Walking in with the others, her gaze moved to monitor the flow of people around the hall. The sight of distant stairs leading up and down drew attention, but before she could decide where to scout first, she felt something suddenly hit her tail behind her. "Eh? Oh, shit, sorry." She turned back, curling her heavy tail closer around her legs as she offered a claw to the stranger she had tripped up.
Izzy snickered at Pamelas response, shrugging off her accusation of being on the prowl for more than just drinks. "Oi Oi now, ah'm jes' talkin aboot scorin' free booze from some schmooze. Dinnae say ah thin' aboot huntin' down a man." She waved her hand absently, still absently pouting that she didn't have her hip flask to sip from. She smirked and nodded to Raia, "Aside from tha' Ah've got ah'll th' lovely view Ah'll need on th' crew as is." She winked playfully at the aquatic female, a wicked grin splitting her lips. When the man upfront began to talk and explain the rules she listened intently. When the doors opened she glanced back the others and shrugged. "Alrigh' les' get ah look see then." She stalked up to the doors that were being swung open. Accepting her envelopes and scoping the area as she strolled around. Studying where the exits were, and the flow of the crowd.
ELVYRA HIGHWATER | Blackwell Vampire-Human | VIP
Once inside of the glamorous Goldpot, Elvyra couldn't help but to admire just how well put together this place was. There were all sorts of entertainment ready for them, slot machines that made up the ground floor, and various card games to be played on the upper and lower floors. In the middle of the room, however, was a giant hanging analogue screen that had the amount of treasure you could win from tonight. As people won and lost, it constantly shifted it's amount.

Elvyra decided that she'd start the night off by getting information. First, from the large group who'd come tonight. She walked towards them as they milled about in the large lobby of the casino, first deciding to approach the women with the group.

"Good evening, ladies. Haven't seen you around, are you new in Gambler's Row?" She said in a polite tone. "I'm Elvyra Highwater, I've been on a vacation here for the past few months, so I know a thing or two if you're interested in spending the night together." Elvyra laid the niceties on thick as she smiled at them. She found it was easier talking to other women as opposed to men, since they always expected something else out of you from the conversation. And that was a total waste of time, in her opinion.

While Elvyra decided to chat away, the rest of the casino was bustling with activities. In the middle of the casino's ground floor, rows and rows of slot machine's were present. The loud whirring of the levers and slots filled the casino the most, followed by the anxious shout from their players. A bar was situated on the right side of the Casino, and from the looks of it, it was packed. It spanned across most of that side of the casino, save for the corner reserved for the card game's next to it. There were 4 corners in the Casino that had been taken for card games, but just looking wouldn't be enough to see as they all sat in darkened areas. It seemed this was by design as to give the players a more private feeling in the large Casino.

Security Constructs roved around the Casino's doors. It would be tricky to slip past them, but was possible if you wanted to go to one of the various doors they were patrolling.


Garbage. Garbage. Moonberry Moonberry NeramoDJI NeramoDJI SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild

Boneyard Casino

"Finally." The local big wig showed up and gave them all speech, welcoming them to the Casino. Yet his words mostly went in one of Pam's ears and out the other. There seemed to be very little of value to gain from listening other then a few things. Gambling at this place seemed a good way to lose a lot of money, which yet might be what works in their favor. And it appeared that the man was very, very tired. No doubt grieving the loss of a loved one.

Yet to Pam, the word "grieving" may as well have been synonymous with the word "weak." And this place was no place to be weak.

Something else however peaked her interest. She listened very closely to the people who Snare had his eyes on. They were a little bit distant, and the crowd was dense, but Snare toggling made them pique her curiosity. She listened in on them, her ears turning visibly in their direction. And she snagged a particular phrase out of the air.

"In short, there is some nice opportunity to rob this place blind."

No fucking way.

She almost wanted to silently curse Snare for being useful in sniffing all that out.

The woman strolled into perhaps the fanciest place she'd ever been, really. At the moment, her head was on a swivel as she looked over the place. Constructs patrolled the place in big numbers. And at some point, it seemed likely that she was going to be crushing a few metal bits with her fists. But even though she was ready for a fight, it didn't seem like a good idea at the moment. She had no idea how long it would take their group.

"When we find what we're lookin' for, we'll probably be on a time table if things are rowdy." She said, mostly speaking vaguely and gesturing about her. She stretched idly. Her expression leant itself to a natural curiosity.

"Looks like they were expecting unwelcome guests. And "the man" probably wouldn't be far behind." She was being cryptic. But she wanted to keep some sense of security in concern to their conversations.

"Let's find our prize." She suggested.

Just as she did suggest something, however, she saw the person they were looking at heading over. It seemed between making a pass at Raia and now having the woman with a tophat showing, Izzy might find a lot of partners to roll around with today.

"Elvira huh? Yeah. We're a little new around here. Nice to meet you." Pam did not give her name. This was not an accident. There wasn't too much reason for Pam to give the woman her name at the moment, given she didn't yet know her intentions. Some of the higher-class types were harder to read.

Something else, however, caught her attention.

Someone was tripping over Raia's tail. And the world may as well have moved in slow motion. Once Pam saw who it was, her face had gone from neutral to a smile.

Regardless of whether or not Naori was actually going to fall or not, her hand shot out to catch and stabilize him. Her glove would touch his own arm. "You should be a little bit more careful Raia. You might upset the wrong person." She said.

"And you all don't look like the type I'd like to upset." She let go of Naori's arm within a moment. And her eyes bounced between the three of them. One man. One boy. And one.....woman? It might have come across as odd for her to smile in this context -- it was almost as though she was happy to meet.

"Why don't I offer you all a drink as an apology? My treat. I insist." There was a glance to her crew as well.

πŸ› οΈπ™½π™°π™Ύπšπ™Έ π™³π™΄πš‚πšƒπ™Έπ™΄π™΄π™½ πŸ—‘οΈ[π™·πšžπš–πšŠπš—], [πš†πšŠπš—πšπšŽπš πš‹πš’:πšπšŽπšπšŽπšŒπšπš’πšŸπšŽ π™»πšŠπš’πš˜πš]
π™²πš‘πšŠπš›πšŠπšŒπšπšŽπš› πšœπš‘πšŽπšŽπš
π™Έπ™½πšƒπ™΄πšπ™°π™²πšƒπ™Έπ™Ύπ™½πš‚: Lolory Lolory Maverick Six Maverick Six Maxxob Maxxob Femboy Femboy Garbage. Garbage. Moonberry Moonberry SilverFeathers SilverFeathers NeramoDJI NeramoDJI
IMG_0375.png After,tripping, or being tripped, though it seemed more likely it wasn’t purposefully fun as it made no sense to Naori for anyone to do it on purpose. Regardless of that, it did take a lot for Naori not to take out his dagger over it, if he were to rob the place blind…he’d not need to draw attention, which, unfortunately, is a thing murder does. He answers with a blank.

β€œIt’s fine.”

He didn’t even know what the other woman (Izzy) was saying, she had an accent that was difficult to understand. As for the bunny, he just said.

β€œThanks, I guess.”

At the offer he just says.


Last time he got drunk he murdered a few people. It wouldn’t be as much of an issue if it wasn’t for the goal at hand, that, and he doubted Hiroshi would stay sober…that, and he didn’t remember if Whizziemin even drank. He would then look around and see about the games. There were plenty of security constructs. Those constructs could’ve been given so much, but no one seems to ever respect a constructs immortality. As for now, though, Naori only intended to keep up a casual act.

Whizziemin the Greatest

Maxxob Maxxob DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Lolory Lolory Maverick Six Maverick Six
Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Monster, Demon, Otherworlder, Incubus

"Hm? Jewellery?" Whizzie asked, thinking it over for a moment. He hadn't actually been anticipating the idea for a gift, but he could appreciate the gifted cute little cosmetic every once in a while. Plus, it'd probably entertain him and help support his smile a little so that was always a plus.
"Yeah, that sounds like it'd be pretty cute. You know maybe some other dress-pieces or a cute little miniskirt or something, I think it could come together to something really nice. My wardrobe is not at all very expressive, there's only so much option I can get... not around here, I mean you've seen my brothers. Clothes and fashion from where I'm from is pretty much close to non-existent as you've seen" he answered with a small giggle, that clothes shopping trip Hiroshi had suggested sounded like a fun idea. He'd be interested in actually having some other things to wear. He was doing to mention the Dark Continent in passing, but if anyone overheard it then it would attract way more trouble than it could ever be worth.

Though, he got a blush on his face when he saw Hiroshi reach around his waist. Although this time, he supposed that it was much more expected rather than just their first meeting. Since he could trust Hiroshi, something was very much comforting to be kept close and possessively by someone with high physical capability and so much confidence. He gently put a hand on the man's arm, and gently rested his head on Hiroshi's side for a moment.
"Yes, I guess we shall, while said plans weren't something I was expecting, I suppose only someone like you would come up with such an alluring idea. I'm sure to hope your alluring ideas and plans to show me a good time won't be stopping anytime soon?" the incubus asked with a small smile, giving him a wink as soon enough his attention was drawn to a good looking rabbit woman who had came up after Naori tripped. There was something that almost made the incubus laugh a little at Naori's abrupt 'no' to the offer.

"Sorry, but I don't think I'll drink. If I do, I think it'll be in the comfort of somewhere private. Although if you'd have any interest in taking a free offer, I'd come along too" Whizzie spoke, looking to Hiroshi since he was probably the only one who may accept the offer. At least Naori hadn't gotten too annoyed over being tripped from what it looked like.
"It's okay Naori, always remember that some things aren't worth your time. Best behaviour, kiddo~" Whizzie added with a little giggle, not wanting Naori to get himself or anyone else into trouble with a stabby little accident.​

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