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Finished [Widersia: Gambler's Row] Heist at the Goldpot Casino

Hiroshi Nakamura
[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

Lolory Lolory Femboy Femboy DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maverick Six Maverick Six SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

The Least Seedy Brothel - Empire of Sin

“Mmmm, I can already imagine quite a few traditional pieces that would fit you excellently from back home.” Hiroshi told Whizziemin, as the incubus commented about clothes, thinking of quite a few yukatas which, while traditional, he thought it would make a great match around his form. “However, I am sure we can find tailors with excellent options. A miniskirt would be quite… alluring.” Hiroshi said, with a smile on his lips, looking at the delicate incubus who was now resting his against the human. He was happy that, despite the crimson hue present in Whizzie’s cheeks, he was comfortable with the intimacy coming from the yakuza. And the feeling of the incubus’ small hand on his own just added to it.

Strolling into the opened doors of the casino, with one arm draped around Whizziemin’s waist, and Naori walking with them, Hiroshi received the five red envelopes at the entrance, storing them with his free hand in the inner pocket of his jacket. “You could say I am a man of many surprises. But don’t worry: as long as you are with me, the good time will never come to an end, honey.” Hiroshi winked back, a mischievous smirk appearing on his lips as future plans emerged in his mind.

It was then that there was a small accident. Was it even an accident? The yakuza’s hazel eyes darted first towards Naori and then towards the ‘culprit’, a curious, aquatic-looking female. Raising one of his eyebrows momentarily, his long-learned criminal tact made him feel that there was something fishy about her… Still, with apologies being given and two hands being offered to help Naori up, his expression relaxed once more. Reaching over to the kid with his left hand, he would dust Naori’s back for a bit.

“Come now, Naori-kun, you need to learn how to drink eventually. A man who doesn’t drink can’t be trusted.” Hiroshi stated, almost as a matter of fact, remembering the numerous meeting with other oyabuns were always accompanied by heavy drinking. Not only that, the yakuza was set to make a ‘proper man’ out of the orphan. “Somewhere private… I see…” The human commented, looking back at Whizziemin, an idea sprouting in his mind as he nonchalantly began to caress the incubus’ waist at where his hand stood. “Well, I am not one to turn down a drink!” He answered to the bunny-woman’s invitation, looking at her companions for a moment, before gazing towards the dark-skinned woman who had approached them.

He figured there would be other like minded individuals among the crowd, eager to rob this place double blind. He couldn't help but think how different this world was, yet it's evils were all too familiar. It had played the cruelest trick of all putting his soul into the body of a monster. A yearning font of violence meeting it's perfect vessel. The monster he had always been, made flesh.

Snare would follow his instincts, choosing to size up the inevitable threats they would face during tonight's bacchanal. The Wendigo felt his leathery flesh goosepimple; The idea of a good hunt it's own reward. He would always take his share, but it was not what what filled his vacuous heart. What was buzzing through his head now was whether a construct could suffer or even experience pain.

It was a theory he ached to test, but all things in time he bemused.

He instead was content acting as a watchdog, roaming to different games, but never actually buying in. His eyes trained on picking out how many of these guards there were, and their routes.

  • Evil Eye - Perception F, Heightened Sense F, Warfare F - Snare takes stock of his surroundings and attempts to assess a target or location for tactical advantage - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Raia (#4064c3)

Character Sheet
Right Hand Claws E: 2/2
Left Hand Claws E: 2/2
Tail F: 1/1
Natural Armour F [Light]: 1/1
HP: 2/2
Red Envelopes: 5/5​

"Yeah, it's my bad. Not quite used to being out and about just yet." Raia hummed in response to Pamela's playful chidings, though she was surprised to have seen her for some reason also jump in to help. But not only that, she also offered the strangers drinks? What? As much as Pam seemed sweet and all, she did not give off saintess vibes, and Raia almost visibly had a question mark plastered on her face as she stared at her leporine companion.

Turning to look at the trio she had accidentally drawn the attention of, her gaze inadvertently drifted to the arm hovering around the demon's waist. A couple? Some frivolous gangster looking guy and a dainty demon? The pair somehow seemed to match each other yet not at all at the same time. Still, in the end, most of her attention remained on the one she had tripped up. His mismatched eyes and blue-streaked hair were certainly eye-catching, but it was the brief storm of emotion in his eyes before he said "I'm fine" that really drew her attention. Her eyes had inadvertently narrowed at the sight, and she couldn't help but keep her guard up, her many fins flaring lightly in response.

"Sorry again, when I'm bored my tail tends to sway a bit subconsciously." She nodded back to Naori, not originally planning to make a big deal out of this as it seemed Pam wanted to. Glancing at their bunny once more briefly, she re-focused her attention back on the two women behind her, having been originally distracted by whatever seemed to be brewing here.

"Izzy, you can't talk about lovely views when you're the stunning one in that dress." Raia chuckled back harmlessly, before mentioning. "Pam seems to be offering free drinks to that trio over there. Maybe if you sneak in she'll give you freebies too." She nodded in their general direction, before finally also addressing the stranger that had approached them. "Hi, sorry, didn't mean to ignore you, had a bit of a small accident over there. Though no harm done, it seems." She mused thoughtfully, keeping her eyes on Pam before turning back to Elvyra.

"I'm Raia. Elvyra, was it? We are pretty new, so I might be interested. But I think my friends want to have a little drinking party first." She surmised with a low chuckle, carefully keeping her tail in check within the bustling crowds.

Maverick Six Maverick Six DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Moonberry Moonberry Lolory Lolory
Zeke “Mors” Valdain

Zeke glanced at the commotion going on with his group, turning to look at what was happening. His fingers brushed over his flintlock when he heard them talking to his crew, thinking things were best to finish now, but perhaps Pam was onto something here. He lifted his hand off of it, his neck up to his eye turning to his molten and cracked form due to him taking a bit of mana off of his disguise to [Appraise] The important looking ones, a C grade appraise on the Yakuza looking man, someone he quickly identified as another Other Worlder due to his dress, and a D grade appraise on Elvyra, humming at the results he got from it.

"Good on ya then, findin' us a good group to hang out with then." Zeke said, glancing at Pam as his brow was creased in annoyance at Raia just popping off half their groups real names, walking over and putting his hand on her shoulder with a forced smile. "'Course, in this kind of crowd we can't get too cozy can we, don't want anyone taking our wallets after we get slow from the booze do we?" He said with expertly hidden annoyance, trying to let Raia know not to trust the newcomers at all, since he knew full well what that Yakuza's outfit meant. Human Criminals that lasted from Humanities terrestrial days all the way up to the space age.

But while he interacted with the group, he glanced at the patrolling golems near the back, trying to think of any area of focus since that would mean its somewhere they don't want people, which meant it was a place he did want to be. (Roll a 6 for that action).

He glanced at the newcomers, taking careful note of their appearances and dispositions, since he couldn't afford any of them to botch this up for his crew, before taking off his hat and smiling at them.
"You can call me Mors, I'm the patron of this motley group here." He introduced himself with a good enough alias, since as much as people called him it, Mors was not in fact his real name, as well as explaining his relationship to the group in a way that was vague enough to make sure they knew the group had strength in numbers without giving away their criminal intentions, or his own method as a pirate. He hoped the more fancy getup would be enough to dissuade suspicion on that end, especially with his [Unwanted Guest] title making him seem more aristocratic.

It was taking everything he had to keep up that friendly facade, since all he felt was annoyance at the presence of these others, though he'd trust pam's judgement for the time being.
ELVYRA HIGHWATER| Blackwell Vampire-Human | VIP
A quick scan of the area using any Appraisal skill would show that there were at least 8 Construct guards patrolling around the area. Elvyra wasn't too worried about them though, she could tell the rest of this motley crew were. Elvyra went with the group to the luxurious bar that was set up in the Goldpot. There were already a lot of patrons being served, and some who were well past their limit for the night. They made a lot of rowdy noise, as everyone was served their choice of drink. Elvyra ordered something simple, and after everyone else had picked their poison, she decided now was the time to strike.

They seem like a hardy group, close knit and capable...I might have just struck gold. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Mors!" Elvyra said with a charming smile. "You've got a nice set of friends here from out of town, we don't get many out of towners in Gambler's Row, but I guess tonight's an exception. I also take it you're not really here to gamble, right?" She turned to the barkeeper, and flashed her fangs at him in a not too kind manner. "Get out of ear shot if you know what's good for you." She hissed at him. With a yelp, the barkeeper suddenly made himself busy far from them. "I wanna make this quick. I'm a business woman by trade, and I plan on getting my hands on that Treasurebox anyway I can...But I'm gonna need help getting to it, you see? So, do me a favor, and I'll do y'all a favor. How do you folks feel about making money, tonight?"

Elvyra took the map that she had carefully folded up out of the front of her coat, and held it carefully between two manicured fingers. "This here's the only map of this entire place. It doesn't tell us where that Treasurebox is located, but...I know a which staff are privy to that information. And with the help of some nice, strong workers like yourselves, we can all get a piece of the pie without playing any games." She hoped that by roping them all in like this, that they could work together to get to the Treasurebox. Doing it herself would be fruitless and she wouldn't be able to do it. This was, ultimately, her plan from the beginning. Her eye caught the sight of Snare walking towards one of the game corners, and she vaguely remembered him talking with the Bunnykin earlier. "Or you could go and waste time helping your friend over there win that game. Looks to me like he's about to bite off more than he can chew..."

Elvyra was right, if Snare wanted to just spend the night away gambling, he had unfortunately chosen the wrong game to play for an easy win. And not just that, but the wrong opponent. In the game corner, sat a round table with a built in golden pot that had a turnstile on the side. It was obviously a dice tumbler of sorts. A crowd of women lounged around in that hazy smoke filled corner, two of which were hanging off the arm of a young, eccentric looking man dressed head to toe in a wild assortment of clothes. Another man sat across from him, and he had a livid expression on his face. Designer (24).png

"Wow, I can't believe you lost everything in one game. Truly unfortunate." The man said with a devilish grin. He had two pointed fangs in his mouth, and deathly pale skin that made him appear corpse like more than anything. "Trash like you always end up trying to be bigger than they actually are. Think before you challenge someone next time!" He laughed in the angry man's face, who could do nothing but slam the table angrily as he stomped off. He brushed against Snare as he left, but his face dropped when he realized who he'd bumped into. With a pitiful apology, he slunk away.

"And who's this, another challenger?" The women around him giggled as they clung onto his arm, draped over him. "Come on! Sit down for a game, I'm just getting started!"

Elvyra couldn't see the scene from over at the bar since it was in a far corner across the casino, but she just knew it was definitely a mistake to let one of them hurry off to face him. "Over in that corner is Shu Jiang, one of Gambler Row's biggest winners. And the brother of this casino's new found owner." She explained to Mors crew by the bar. "So I suppose you have two options, though if I were you I'd cut my losses. Besides, if your friend over there loses that game, we can always slide him enough to pay his debt's off." She leaned against the bar with her head resting against her palm. "So? What's it gonna be?"

Mentions: Maverick Six Maverick Six | G Garbage |@DarkKitsune | Maxxob Maxxob | Femboy Femboy | Moonberry Moonberry |@NeramoDJI |@Silverfeathers

Hello it's me Lolory. I see one of you has decided to go and play a game, so it's time to explain the rules! The game Snare has decided to play is: Russian Roulette. How it works is very simple:

Two players will put both of their collection of Red Envelopes on the table. Each player will take a turn rolling a 1d6, and every time they roll a 4, they will lose one of their Red Envelopes. The game will be won until one player has all of the R.E's for themself. You can forfeit whenever you want, but be mindful that if you lose all your R.E's, you'll walk away from the table empty handed. So this means you have 5 chances to walk away before you lose everything.

Because of the nature of games, whoever is in play is free to continue playing the game without waiting for the proper post time. We will be using the RPN Dice here! In order to use the RPN Dice, first make your post, and then go back to the post and edit it, so that you can roll your 1d6. If you have any questions or are confused, please ask me.

Any skills related to gambling or giving your character in advantage in games are allowed here, meaning if your character is a super gambler magic user or something, go nuts now would be the perfect time to try and win!


Snare was not one for gambling, but if he didn't do it here; where would he? He had to sit on his laurels until his combative talents became relevant to the mission. It seemed, if their luck was good enough, they could win it without bloodshed.

That would just be sad.

A very interesting gambler piqued his interest; likely the master of this particular game based off the charisma. The growing sound of a cicada thrummed through his chest as he was shoulder checked, but let it slide as he took a seat.

"I feel much the same, the night is so very young"

Snare found himself intrigued, that same ominous cicada sound maintaining a low hum. It seemed he could play this Russian Roulette, but should be? How would Captain Mors feel about it? It was hard to say considering he was still new to this crew. He would just have to risk it. He had a feeling this man would be of interest enough. He listened as the rules were explained, slouched forward, but intent. His eyes were without pupils; pale white irises like silvery moonlit disks.

"I understand the rules; I am ready to play this game. Perhaps it will enlighten me on my luck, or your sleight of hand."

Evil Eye - Perception F, Heightened Sense F, Warfare F - Snare takes stock of his surroundings and attempts to assess a target or location for tactical advantage - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Maxxob Maxxob DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Femboy Femboy NeramoDJI NeramoDJI SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Lolory Lolory
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild

"Aw. Maybe I can get you an applejuice instead." Pam chuckled in reply to the boy whose name she didn't know yet. Given her closeness, she noticed the boy was likely in his early teens. Probably just hit puberty by the looks of it. More important was his disposition. Understandable, he seemed to have no interest in talking to them at all, his voice sounding mostly apathetic with a tinge of annoyance. Yet it seemed he was a bit oblivious as to what she actually wanted.

Next was the guy's "girlfriend." She seemed less than interested in what Pam was offering. Though it seemed Pam wasn't good at conveying it. Generally, she seemed more socially adept. She was nothing if not charming and it seemed understandable how she had that guy with his hand on "her". Pam's grin a little bit as the figure with rather tight clothes seemed to tease the kid a little bit. The dainty-looking figure, however, seemed to be interested in what her man was doing. Thus, it came down to him.

The last man spoke with confidence and swagger. He had some nice clothes for someone who she could swear was looked pretty in shape. Widersia seemed to not lack for nobles who were fat or lanky from living in the lap of luxury.

"Now there's a man who sounds like he likes adventure. I like you already! " Pam said, smiling at Hiroshi. "Not as much as your lady friend of course, but still." She said, motioning to Whizzie, unaware completely of the error she'd made.

Then she turned to her crew, seeking to clue them into what was going on.

There was a slight sigh as Raia name-dropped Pam specifically in clear view of the stranger. Raia was almost innocent to a fault. While she'd only known her for a short time, it seemed Raia certainly had the stomach for the jobs they were doing. Now it was a matter of experience. Moreover, Raia was something quite valuable in this occupation: Someone loyal and trustworthy -- who named herself after fallen loved ones. Probably didn't get much more loyal than that.

A wave of relief washed over her however, as someone else showed up.

Finally, someone who's picking up what I'm putting down. Before Pam could tap him for attention, Zeke was already giving them a once over by the looks of it. And he was speaking in code, not being too direct so as for someone to hear them. The air of "professional crook" seemed to mostly only radiate from Zeke and this guy she'd just met in the suit.

"Alright. Let's get a drink then. Boss? Raia? Wanna come with?" She asked, a hint of urgency and need in her question. Even if she didn't think that this group was going to try something out in the open, the less left to chance, the better.

The Bar​

Why is Elvira here? What's her game?

An "air of ambition" as Izzy said, could mean a lot of different things when it came to Izzy's assessment of Elvira. Could mean she wanted to sell them something or that she was any number of two-bit hustlers. For the most part, Pam was quiet as she came along -- waiting for the woman to show a bit of her hand.

True to her word, Pam would buy any of the three associates. A drink. Whether it was alcoholic or not. Beer. Cider. A Martini. Any number of mixed cocktails they might conjure. Or even Applejuice. Any of them could obviously tell her to fuck off and go elsewhere. But it seemed like she was at least going to get the gangster and his honey.

With a beer in her own hand, she watched the monkey wrench in her plan with a close eye -- until she proved herself to not be an obstacle at all. Her eyes got wide as Elivra shooed off the bar keeper and then slapped a map of the whole casino in front of. The explanation made Elvira's motives crystal clear.

"Well I'll be damned." Pam says. "I guess Izzy does have a good eye." Pam took a sip of her beer. And mostly would only sip it as Elvira explained further. It'd take 3 before she felt a buzz. And she had no intention of even finishing this one. Unlike Izzy, the rabbit did not fight well while wasted.

I'll remember not to underestimate a high-functioning alcoholic.

When her plan was fully explained, Pam added her bit to her new associates.

"Little birdie told me you three were hosting a heist too." She said pointing to her ears. "That's the real reason I called you over. Figured we could use extra eyes and muscle. And well, it'd be a shame for things to go south cause we fought eachother."

A sip. "Not my call, though." Pam nods her head in Captain Mors (Zeke's) direction. Ultimately, he decided as to whether Hiroshi, Whizzie, and Naori would truly be in.

As the man spoke, she looked off to where their resident monster had gone. "Well, I don't think he'd -- " Her words quickly ceased as she watched the man do just exactly what it was he said. "The hell is Snare doing? I swear, I take my eyes off him for ONE second..." Though Pam was more afraid he'd blow their cover more than anything. Still, Elvira's explanation prompted a question.

Pam produced one of the tokens she'd been given.

"What's up with these envelopes anyway? I didn't give a rat's ass about them. But is there any magic or something up with them? Since you know, our man is gambling life away. You talk about debt like he's going to have to pay it." She said with a chuckle. The way she saw it -- if they made out with this then the house wasn't gonna get a single coin of it. Why would Snare need to pay them back? Unless he really was gonna gamble his life away.

The envelope danced between her fingers, claws hidden by sturdy leather gloves.
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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Izzy ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*​

Izzy moved through the casino like a shadow, her presence quiet but palpable. She lingered near Zeke, just behind his shoulder, her eyes drifting across the room with a detached curiosity. Several times her hand brushed against her empty hip flask, a silent lament for the lost comfort it usually provided. The air around them buzzed with the intoxicating scent of risk and fortune, a fragrance a pirate could savor. A fleeting smile played on her lips as she watched Snare get drawn into a game, the excitement infectious even to her dulled senses.

Her attention shifted momentarily to her surroundings, catching the aftermath of someone stumbling over Raia’s tail. This minor incident had gathered a small crowd, including a couple and their child. Izzy’s cheeks were flushed, a telltale sign of her indulgence, and her stomach churned with the warmth of alcohol. Yet, she held herself with surprising steadiness, the only betrayal of her inebriation a slight wobble.

Her golden eyes scanned the new faces, lingering longest on Naori, the boy with mismatched eyes. She stared at him silently, her mind a tumult of thoughts. Letting down her hair, she scrubbed at her head in frustration, hiding her emotions behind a mask of indifference. She wondered about his age, his life, but knew she had no right to ask. Her concern, though unspoken, was evident in her lingering gaze.

When Pam arrived with drinks, Izzy's focus snapped to attention. The boy forgotten, she intercepted one of the drinks, meant for someone else, and grinned.

"Aye! Ye're allrigh' Buns. Ah'll take tha'."

She pressed the glass to her lips, taking a long, satisfying sip, the liquid fire coursing down her throat.


She exclaimed, her voice a mix of pleasure and relief. Stepping out from Zeke’s shadow, she moved towards Raia, throwing an arm around the aquatic woman in a gesture of exaggerated camaraderie.

"Sweets...Sweets ah wantcha tae' call me Sis. Aye? Sis. Call me sis. Can ye' do tha?"

Izzy swayed playfully, pulling Raia with her before releasing her just as suddenly, spinning in what seemed a clumsy twirl. Yet, she remained steady, her drink unspilled, ending back behind Zeke, sipping her drink and watching the crowd with detached interest.

✲꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏✲

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Raia (#4064c3)

Character Sheet
Right Hand Claws E: 2/2
Left Hand Claws E: 2/2
Tail F: 1/1
Natural Armour F [Light]: 1/1
HP: 2/2
Red Envelopes: 5/5
Moonberry Moonberry
Even though Raia could vaguely sense the captain was mad at her, hand clenching her shoulder and all, his words were too vague for her to figure out what exactly had ticked him off. Too 'cozy'? She hadn't given a single hint about the heist, which she naively assumed was the problem, leading to confusion. Still, considering she had witnessed this guy's divine magic-slinging and portal summoning minion shenanigans first-hand, she felt it wise not to be too much of a nuisance right now, opting to just lay low and talk less.

Zipping her mouth, she watched the happenings proceed with a quiet eye, the assumed leaders of their respective parties mingling and sizing each other up. Nodding at Pam's invitation, she was surprised to see the stranger, Elvyra, suddenly bring up the treasure box out of the blue. She supposed it made sense that some of them gave off criminal vibes and all, but how could she be so sure they were on the side of criminal that wouldn't just sell her out to the casino for a quick buck? Hm.

The throwback to Izzy's comment on Elvyra, followed by Pam's reason behind her oddness, helped piece the main parts of the puzzle together. She didn't know when they noticed such things, but it was pretty awesome to hear. She was subconsciously somewhat used to tuning other, unimportant people out, having lived a life amidst deriding crowds or scientists, but perhaps if she was to pursue this life, that had to change.

Just as she briefly glanced towards their one unnerving but separated crew member as he was brought up, her attention was suddenly yanked back to the present as she was spun into a drunken dance by their inebriated doctor.

"Sweets? Sis? Sister?" Raia questioned back lightly with an oddly higher tone than usual, unsure of what had gotten Izzy so attached so suddenly. She thought her appearance would be one to subconsciously fear more than want to get close to, but regardless, she thought being the recipient of such tipsy playfulness felt endearing anyway. "I can call you sis if it makes you happy. I've called my old friends weirder things." She chuckled gently, briefly lost in a bit of nostalgia before snapping back.

Though she had been caught off-guard, Raia quickly and carefully manipulated her hindrance of a tail not to trip her partner up as she was swung around, before just as suddenly being left slightly tottering. Despite the dazed appearance of her companion, her unspilt drink keenly caught her eye, causing Raia to tilt her head slightly in thought.

"...I feel like I could learn a lot from you in the future. I look forward to it." She smiled vaguely but genuinely, before focusing back on Mors for his answer towards the impending collaboration.
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[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

Lolory Lolory Femboy Femboy DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Maverick Six Maverick Six SilverFeathers SilverFeathers NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Moonberry Moonberry

The Least Seedy Brothel - Empire of Sin

With his attention focused on the woman with rabbit features, Pam, according to her blue-skinned friend, a friendly expression kept true on his face. The names just kept rolling out of her mouth: Raia, Izzy, eyeing both women for a moment, rather curiously for a moment. At first, he thought this was going to be some sort of scam, or they were about to offer some dubious services. Maybe Naori would fully become a man that night.

However, as the conversation continued, Hiroshi noticed that the situation was a different one. Chuckling at Pam’s comment, he glanced at Whizziemin, giving him a wink, as his hand kept caressing the incubus’ hips. Still, before they could depart for the drinking, another one had joined the group.

For a moment, the yakuza’s gaze shifted towards the man with a fanciful attire, eyes narrowing slightly as he felt something coming off from him [Appraisal]. He had no idea what the kaizoku had just done, but it seemed that nothing appeared to be out of place, and so he just brushed off whatever he had just felt. And, as Zeke introduced himself as Mors, removing his hat, Hiroshi decided to return the courtesy. “I am Hiroshi Nakamura, a pleasure to meet you.” Introducing himself by his full-name, he bowed slightly, his eyes being kept on the group, rather than looking towards the floor.

He would follow them to the bar, hoping that his hunch wasn’t incorrect.

Arriving at the bar, the yakuza watched as Elvyra made the barman scarce by bearing her fangs. The display made him smirk, being an adept of [Intimidation] himself. And, as time went on, the noticed how that woman was prepared for this heist, having even a map of the casino. How long had she planned for that? “Well, knowing which of the staff know where the treasure box is makes it easier, I got quite the knack to extract information, after all.” That was, after all, an essential skill for a crook like him.

Looking at the tray of drinks approaching, one of them were quickly snatched by the Izzy girl. It seemed that, unfortunately, Hiroshi would still not find any decent sake around. With that, he decided to settle for a martini for now. Bringing the glass to his lips, he tipped it and drink all of its contents in a single, deep gulp. The liquid barely appeared to phase him, as a satisfied sigh left his lips, finally wetting his throat.

“Heh, that little bird was spot on, Pam-san.” He answered Pamela, before placing the empty glass on the counter. “Coming to blows wouldn’t be good. Naori-kun here can gut people better than I could at his age.” Hiroshi smirked, devilishly so, his head motioning towards Naori, an edge of danger and cautionary advice on his tone. “Come on, tell them how you stabbed that little thief right in her heart! Or… was it in her lungs?” There was some dark amusement in the yakuza’s tone, as he boasted about the teenager’s bloodlust, not that he actually expected him to recount that tale.

His eyes slid towards the kaizoku, as he was the one who appeared to call the shots in their group. While he could be wrong, the yakuza was aware of what appeared to be transpiring there: the offer of MAYBE working with them, if their patron saw that they were fit enough. In truth, he wondered if they could even AFFORD to not work with them. “So, what do you say, Mors-san? Do we work together, or will the night be more hectic than it needs to be?” Hiroshi asked, his eyes sliding towards both Whizziemin and Naori, before focusing on the group's ‘patron’ once more.
Zeke "Mors" Valdain

The Captain Speaks

Zeke smiled on the outside, placing a hand on the bridge of his nose before chuckling bitterly and thinking...

"I'm surrounded by damn AMATEURS."

He thought to himself, before sighing and deciding to address things as they came, reaching back when Izzy rejoined his side, a smile crossing his face as he turned to his crewmate. "You're really drinkin' that washroom runoff? Here, take some of this and give it to the bartender for some of the real stuff. Make sure not to be stingy with it, we want to make sure the bartender spends some time counting it." He said with a smile to his crews doctor while placing some money in her hand, though with the way he jut his head to the bartender and ran a hand across his face as he spoke, he made sure his real intention was clear. Buy some good booze for yourself, and bribe the bartender into not ratting us out. Fear only lasts so long.
He saw Snare starting to gamble, before shrugging his shoulders, glancing back to Elvyra.
"Even if he does lose what he's got, he's doing us a favor. How d'ya think security's gonna see a group like us around and not even a single one of us gambling? Not a good look. Now we got at least a little wiggle room." He said, having originally been annoyed but reasoning away a positive from the situation. However, as those around him spoke, a vein was starting to bulge on his temple.
"And lets not pretend lass. You've got a good shortcut there, and I respect that you at least got something to bring to the table. But don't fokin patronize me. You got the key to a shortcut, but that's the only card you hold. Now, lucky for you, I'm a forgivin' man. ...Sometimes. In any case, I'll let you in on our gig seein' as that shortcut is worth the cost of givin' away another share." Zeke said, before turning to Hiroshi, blinking a few times before itching his ear a few times.

"Ah, 'pologies mate, I gotta get my ears checked one of these days. Cuz I could have sworn for a second I heard you try to threaten me. And I'm positive you didn't, because only a moron would verbally slap the man he's trying to work with, right lad? And seeing as I'm not a man who'll speak ta' fools, let alone make a deal with one, I'm sure you're not a moron." He said, before resting his hand on the table. "But seein' as I don't need more bastards that can rat me out, you lot are in as well. But be aware, my crew is takin' the lions share. you four can split 25% as you like."

When Pamela asked about the envelopes, Zeke shook his head with a frown. "Just make sure you don't misplace them. Gimmicks like this are always some manner of enchantment. For all we know, what we're gambling is lifespans and that treasure box is filled with some kind of magic life transfer spell. Not likely, but that's the kind of scenario unchecked magic can put us in." He said, his formal tone and advanced vocabulary coming back as his anger subsided at the novice actions of his new partners in crime.

"Now, seein' as we've got pleasantries out of the way, I'll get things started back on the right foot, since there's been a bit too much cock measurin' tonight for my liking. Name's Captain Valdain, or Captain Mors if you prefer. I'm captain of The Vicious Damsel, and your partner in crime for tonight. I've got our escape route covered, regardless of where this treasure box is. All I'm askin' for the duration of our partnership is mutual respect. You keep in your lane, I'll keep in mine."
Whizziemin the Greatest

Lolory Lolory Maxxob Maxxob Maverick Six Maverick Six DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Moonberry Moonberry
Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Monster, Demon, Otherworlder, Incubus

Whizzie was interested to hear that Hiroshi could already think of a few pieces that'd fit, lightly tapping his chin in thought as he wondered what sort of apparel options could be in the man's head. Wondering if it was something serious akin to his own suit or something charmingly alluring like a date partner would be interested in seeing, he kept such questions to himself and considered that it could be left a surprise for some sort of clothes shopping date.
"That's interesting to hear, having been able to get a wardrobe update before coming here would've been nice. It seems like I couldn't get a chance to find anything special or different to wear to surprise you, so my usual outfit'd have to do. What a shame that I'd have to miss a good excuse to get something new. Ah well, at least I made it and we met~" he chimed with a smile, seeing that Hiroshi was interested into getting a free drink from the newcomers. It perhaps seemed that their date wouldn't be so personal after all, now that they were apparently going on a little drinking party of sorts with people they hadn't met before. Though, Whizzie just chose to try and keep a smile on his face whilst he held his tongue. Hopefully it wouldn't be too bad.

Coming along, the incubus made sure to pick up five red envelopes. He didn't know if he'd need them nor did he think he was going to try to collect them, but they were free handouts and they could come in handy for... whatever reason. Though, he heard of one thing come from the bunny-lady's mouth and made a point to address it. Raising his eyebrow, he looked to her.
"I think you may have me mistaken for a lady, darling. But, it is common belief that my charm passes all boundaries~... " he hummed softly with a smile, giving her a wink as he went along with Hiroshi to hear all about the 'heist plan'.

Truthfully be told, he wasn't overly excited about being dragged along on some sort of grand-scale robbery when he was just hoping to toy around with some non-monster life, also in the form of dating a rather charming human. There was quite a whole lot people mingling in to pay too much focus on who to address his attention to, so he let Hiroshi do the talking. He was quite a little curious what thoughts were running through Naori's head at the moment, imagining that he too probably wasn't too happy about the sudden influx of strangers getting all friendly and interactive all of a sudden. While the incubus boredly looked around, he spotted Izzy being a drunken mess while he was thinking about his own developments he could research. He still had to get some free time to investigate and check out that Black Orb sometime. Though for now, he considered to himself.

"I wonder if it's possible to heal someone into being sober... " he pondered quietly with an amused expression. If healing was able to potentially counteract poisons, then maybe it would too work on the intoxications that got into one's systems that made them drunk. If it worked, and somehow caused a hangover... well, he could test healing that away too. It's not like Izzy asked to be a test subject or had even said a word to him, but he was bored, what else was he supposed to do? If anything, he'd be attempting to increase her alcohol tolerance by technicality.

1. Dose of Love - Magic (D), Healing (D), Magic Range (F) - Grant magical healing from a safe range to help soothe and heal injury- Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown (On Izzy, to try Healing someone into being sober)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Izzy *•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Izzy's laughter was a soft, melodic sound, her dark skin glowing warmly in the dim light as she nodded to Raia, who'd just agreed to call her Sis. A playful twinkle in her golden eyes. Pausing to take a sip, she spoke, her voice rich and mirthful. "Aye, Aye lass. Now, jes' come up with nicknames fer th' rest'v us. 'Ats fun right? ah'm callin' her Buns." She cast a mischievous glance towards Pamela, her grin broadening. "Fer mor'en one reason." She waggled her brows, the teasing light in her eyes dancing like fireflies.

When Zeke looked her way, she lowered her drink, her attention fully captured. His dark brown eyes were intense as he made his intent clear. She chuckled lightly, accepting the money from his hand, her fingers brushing against his momentarily. "Aye, Aye... 'Mors'," she said, hitching on the name rather than the usual "Capt'n."

As she gazed at him, an odd feeling washed over her, her lips curling into a thoughtful frown. It was as if something had just killed her buzz entirely. The burning sensation in the pit of her stomach vanished, replaced by a strange sobriety. She blinked, confused, staring at the captain as he continued speaking. The floaty sensation disappeared entirely, and she wondered if his gaze had grounded her that much. She found herself looking at him in a different light, noticing his rugged charm anew. Her lips curled into a feline grin as she waited for him to finish his speech.
Izzy tucked the money into her hand alongside her drink, then reached up with her free hand, her fingertips grazing the side of his face gently, careful not to disturb his scars. She tilted her head, leaning forward to speak quietly, her voice soft. "Ye'are takin' yer' medicine aren' tcha? Ah wouldn' mind helpin' ye' get tha' proper dosage la'er on. Ef yer' 'avin' troubles." She winked, her index finger playfully tapping the tip of his nose.

As she turned to move towards her next target, she caught Whizzie's gaze, her confident smirk never faltering. She blew a kiss and began to walk away, adding an extra sway to her hips, her movements graceful and deliberate compared to her earlier drunken style.

Reaching the end of the bar where the bartender had run off to, Izzy took a seat on a stool, crossing her legs and leaning on an elbow. She raised the last of her drink to her lips, flashing the money Zeke had given her. If her buzz was gone, it was time to build it back. This was an easy game for her; she wasn't trying to score free drinks, just to make a man forget what he'd seen and enjoy a conversation with a lady for a few minutes.

The red liquid poured down her throat, warming her from the inside. She placed the empty glass on the bar and waved towards the bartender. "Oii boyo. D'ye got anythin' dark? I need somethin' strong to warm me blood up. Make it real good, an' ahll buy ye' ah drink er' two too aye? M' friends are talkin' about which games t' play an' sippin' soft drinks. I'm gonna need ah shot er two t' get the' guts up t' lose all this money!" She laughed softly, her smile inviting and warm.


🛠️𝙽𝙰𝙾𝚁𝙸 𝙳𝙴𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙴𝙴𝙽 🛠️[𝙷𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗], [𝚆𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢:𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙻𝚊𝚒𝚘𝚍]
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝
IMG_0375.png “Another no.”
Reading people was something he was not skilled at, nor would he likely ever be able to make such a claim. That would involve a mindset the 14-year-old lacked, as well as the history that was carved into the corners of the soul that was in his body of a life where he was locked away in a house all his life. The result of that would be a set of social skills and understanding despite growing up in an orphanage with plenty of ‘siblings’. He internally groaned at Hiroshi, saying.

“Hiroshi, you make it sound like you are my dad. So much for keeping my cards close to my chest.”

It was abundantly clear no act was exactly going to be played, and any surprises he had. Listening to Zeke, he then states.

“Sounds like we are better off working on our own in our own group, splitting 25%? Now that just ain’t worth trying to deal with more adults who can’t seem to keep their heads straight.”

He said, gesturing to Izzy and Hiroshi, who'd done enough to prove such a claim. Though he didn’t know what to make heads or tails of Whizziemin’s actions. Regardless of Naori feeling minor pings of annoyance.

“I know how capable Hiroshi and Whizziemin begrudgingly are when it comes to it, but you…are an unknown. I am unfamiliar with you, and I am unfamiliar with the crew you have there. But working together is not a necessity to keep my mouth shut. The fact that it would ruin the job at all is enough. If I outed you then no doubt security would be heavier. It makes less sense to do so when similar goals are in mind. As for my name… Hiroshi has already said it: it’s Naori.”


Maxxob Maxxob DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Femboy Femboy NeramoDJI NeramoDJI SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Lolory Lolory
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild

"Wha-" The rabbit's ears twitched above her head a bit. She turned back to look at Whizzie in time to see him wink at her. Her mouth opened as if to say something. Yet no sound really came out. It slowly shut as soon she found her skin turning a slight shade redder. An embarrassed look spreads across her as she finds herself scratching the back of her head -- her thick claws running through long snow-white hair.

"...Yeah. Um. My bad...right this way." Was about the only thing she said outwardly. Then she left that interaction as they walked over to the bar.

Her ears turned in different directions, keeping relative tabs on multiple conversations at once as per usual as they were getting settled. While introductions were ongoing, one ear picked up a conversation between Raia and Izzy. She chuckled upon listening to it -- Raia seemingly almost innocent in a way for someone with such a particularly sadistic side. Though Raia was different from Snare in that she didn't really go 'on bragging about it.

She raised a beer to her lips as she listened and

"Aye, Aye lass. Now, jes' come up with nicknames fer th' rest'v us. 'Ats fun right? ah'm callin' her Buns." She cast a mischievous glance towards Pamela, her grin broadening. "Fer mor'en one reason."


For some reason, Pamela choked mid sip. Her ears pointed straight up as if momentarily alarmed and she hunches forward. The beer goes back down onto the bar top, swishing hapzardly in it's large cup -- some of it spilling, some dripping down the side of the cup and most of it still within the cup. It fizzles a bit before becoming stil.

Cough cough.

A hand is raised to wipe her mouth, as she got some of the beer on her face. She brings her fist to her sternum briefly and she clears her throat. She looks at Izzie just in time to see those waggling brows. And then her face simply flushed. Even with her darker skin -- she was noticeably redder than usual. Turning away, she brings both of her hands to her cheeks and lightly slaps both sides of her face to steel herself.

Man, they're laying it on thick tonight. Focus Pamela, Focus.

She'd need it for what came next.

The conversation had begun and at few points, did Pam ever feel any need to interject, add her own piece or interrupt. And really at no point did she on those feelings. There was an anger thick in his air.

Yet even if the captain's anger bored on almost excessive, it seemed almost soothing.

One of the reasons she never saw fit to interrupt or add her own piece was simply because she didn't need to. Most of the things she had wanted to say, Mors was already saying and then some. He'd even gone forward and suggested a way to split the bill, which benefitted the crew the best and made it clear that they didn't need them. While ever alert and far from the point where alcohol had any noticeable effect on her, she felt oddly relaxed in knowing someone knew what they were doing. It felt as though there was a burden lifting from her shoulder.

Once the Captain had finished speaking and only then did she speak. Though rather than angry, she spoke in more of a low growl as she pushback on one thing. "And how long are we not supposed to not lose the envelopes for? The rest of the night or for ten years?" She said with a slight sarcasm before her voice became gentler.

"Just seems like a loose end is all I'm saying, Boss." With that, she placed the envelope in the satchel at her side, storing it away safely just as he said. She could do frontflips all night and they'd never fall out.

"But you covered just about everything else. Got nothing more to say." She looked over to Izzy as she ordered an event more generous array of drinks. Pam had reason to be worried if not for the fact that she didn't look or sound as drunk as she'd known her. Did the alcohol just go through her system that fast? Still -- it'd do well to keep the bartender quiet. Who knows what'd he do when he scrammed outside of breaking-his-skull-open-with-a-punch range?

“Sounds like we are better off working on our own in our own group, splitting 25%? Now that just ain’t worth trying to deal with more adults who can’t seem to keep their heads straight.”

"Take it or leave it, I say. More for us if you bail. I think boss is bein' pretty generous, cutting you in last minute like this." Pam gave Naori a toothy grin. Even if they rejected, everyone was now well acquainted with the fact that a smaller group would also be gunning for the money. If they accepted, it was more muscle to ensue that they could take on whatever forces and more eyes to search for gold in what was a very last-minute heist.

Spinning in her seat -- she leans back against the bar top, allowing both feet to touch the ground. And she looked over the pair. Her eyes seemed to be focused on Hiroshi and Naori in particular, bouncing between the two.

What's it gonna be?
Last edited:
[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

Lolory Lolory Maverick Six Maverick Six DarkKitsune DarkKitsune NeramoDJI NeramoDJI

Combat Music 3 - Empire of Sin

Hiroshi watched as the kaizoku as he said his piece, a knowing grin never leaving his lips. And, while he listened to the man, Hiroshi's hand would reach into his jacket, producing the packet of cigarettes. Placing one of them between his lips, the yakuza would light it up, nodding here and there at Zeke's direction. Taking a long drag, just as the man finished, the yakuza would blow white towards the skies, a throaty laughter leaving the very depths of his form, accompanied by clapping. "Bravo! Bravo, Captain-san! Now, let's cut the shit."

Keeping a shit-eating grin on his face, Hiroshi leaned on the table with two sprawled hands on the surface, giving him purchase. "You, yourself, said I am not a moron, yet you sure are treating me like one. In fact, you are also treating my associates and Elvyra-san, over there, like morons." Leaning back, he would point his index towards Elvyra to further press his point. Hiroshi's hazel eyes would slowly begin to narrow and bored directly into Mors'. "Mutual respect sure will make things go a long way... so, why not start by doing all of us a favor and bumping those 25% to 40%? You and your crew would still be getting a bigger cut, 12% each against ours and Elvyra's 10%. That covers the fact that you have the escape route covered, as you mentioned." Keeping his mock façade of politeness, he would glance towards Naori, before shifting to Pamela, clicking his tongue in displeasure, before focusing on Mors once more. "This is my final and only counter-offer, Captain Valdain-san." With the white smoke slowly rising from the cigarette, and escaping the corners of his mouth, he waited.
ELVYRA HIGHWATER | Blackwell Vampire-Human | VIP
While they all tried to negotiate how they were going to split the prize, Elvyra was growing impatient. She was all for getting a crew to help out, but these goons were seriously...picky. She wasn't going to let them know that, though. "I've been in Gambler's Row longer than you all can comprehend. I don't just have myself a map, but the intel from all of these small fry staff eavesdropping whenever they can. I came to you because you seemed promising, but I can always slink off and find myself some other group willing to help out." Elvyra said easily. "Negotiating a price is one thing, but insulting a lady to her face is quite another. Especially one giving you a very nice offer, an easy job too. No matter how you look at it, we're both at a stalemate. You don't have a map to where you want, and you don't know which staff know the ins and outs of this place like I do. Unless you want to join your friend over there and gamble with the best, you're leaving with nothing tonight." Besides, if her intel was right, splitting the prize wouldn't be necessary since everyone would be able to get what they wanted.

"When you see the Treasurebox, you'll understand that trying to split it up would be useless anyways. It's not exactly the kind of thing we can easily spread apart on a table and portion to each party. From what I have been told, the Jiangshi Treasurebox is not an actual 'Treasurebox'. At least, it ain't the kind you're thinking of. But...it provides this whole casino with enough funds to keep it as the top gambler's spot in the whole Row." Really, when Elvyra thought about it, it made sense in a way. How else could a Casino this popular decide to "gamble" away its entire earnings in a night? With cash? Of course not, there's got to be more to it than that. "Anyways, Captain Mors...you're either in, or you're out. You can try your hand at maybe gambling your way to riches...no guarantee I won't take it all before you win anything, though." She smiled coyly at him. Truthfully, Elvyra's only other option was to just try her luck with those that wanted to come along and do the job. But if she had to do it by herself, well that'd prove pretty difficult.

Meanwhile, at the table with Snare and Shu, things were finally picking up. "Wow a 2, you're luck's already starting it seems!" Shu said, as he put the dice in the tumbler pot and rolled. There was a slight sense of mania from him that was palpable in the air. Both of them were unaware of the potential storm brewing by the bar. "You know, I could've been the owner of this place, but I turned it down...my stiff of a brother is always lecturing me about responsibility this, and responsibility that...but who cares about any of that nonsense, when you live in a casino?! Am I right, ladies?" he looked around with a smile at the giggling women hanging off his arm. "If my guess is anything, he's probably hanging around the Treasurebox downstairs. He's beefed security up to high heaven because he's so convinced something will go wrong tonight. What a wuss, ha!" From the anxious looks from the other witnesses of the game...Shu probably wasn't supposed to say that.


Snare was fascinated with this game; it wasn't hard to learn, but it was hard to master. His slouched posture becoming more so, almost gremlin like. His eyes dialing in with an unnerving focus as they solely watched the gambler's hands, and the dice he was playing with [Heightened Sense]. The mention of his relation to the casino was very interesting, especially when Shu allowed some further information to slip. He was quite pleased to learn something he could bring as an offering.

Snare was tempted to continue the game; if he was still human, he would have.

This was a mission, and he had a job to do.

Snare rose to his feet, pulling himself from the game he was feeling the slightest bit of joy from. There was an even greater joy, he supposed, in robbing these fools for all they had. A far more entertaining game, if he got to try his hand at those mechanical neanderthals. He wanted to wait for The Captain's permission before he used any sort of percussive persuasion.

"I think I will cut my losses, I can tell my luck's run dry...Farewell Shu. Perhaps our paths...will cross again"

The well dressed monster lurching his way to The Captain's side at the bar, wasting no time dispensing the information he had just received, loud enough for only zeke and those directly around him could hear. If they could stand snare's ambience.

"Jiang, and the treasure box, are downstairs. He has increased security, and believes the casino is being targeted" He said, the sound of cicada's and metallic tension light in the air as he leaned into Zeke's ear. His saucer like gaze meeting zeke's; the monster like a cat, bringing it's owner a dead bird. He seemed quite pleased to pick up such information, on a whim no less.

"I did cut our game short...so he may be watching me as we speak"
Whizziemin the Greatest

Lolory Lolory
Character Sheet
Equipped Titles: Monster, Demon, Otherworlder, Incubus

Whilst it seemed that his curious attempt to heal Izzy of her drunken condition was proven a success, and had likely gotten him noticed for doing so, he turned his attention back to the amount of conversation at hand as those present were clearly debating over shares as well as mention of specific information gotten by Snare had been spoken too. While he had been invited to come along, Whizzie was expecting something much more casual and fun than whatever was going on right now as he felt he had no reason to interject or speak his mind since he hadn't been coming with the intention of robbing a casino in the first place. Though, since the person who invited him and the other he knew of were clearly busy in the topic, the incubus considered that he might as well slip away from the conversation for the time being since sitting around and listening wasn't all that too interesting.

The place seemed like it had quite a lot of security and was very busy to begin with, it felt like a considerably big ask to pull off. Plus, it'd be the least fair on his part since he'd have the worst outcome of all if they were to get caught or in trouble. Relying on the trust of strangers they had just met wasn't one he'd do so simply. Sighing softly under his breath, he took the moment to slide away from the discussion to head off and look around on his own for the time being. Maybe the incubus could make something more exciting of the night on his lonesome for a little bit.

"Hm, not what I was expecting, but there's gotta be something to do around here that's worth my interest. I do have five of those envelope thingies, though taking chances has never been my interest... " Whizzie muttered to himself quietly as he walked around.
"Maybe I can at least give a little try of one of those games, or find someone who'll be worth my interest. If I'm gonna be here, might as well try to stay out of trouble... " Whizzie spoke under their breath as they looked around for what there was to see or do. For the meantime, he tried to keep up his charm and composure to anyone that might look his way just to see if it could win him some free good points in anyone's books. Maybe there was even someone convinced enough to help him get all of the red envelope things he could want just because he gave a good smile and asked nicely, or to perhaps convince a host to make their game a little easier on him.

1. Incubus' Silver Tongue - Seduction (F), Persuasion (F), Deception (F) - Use wording and charms to win over the attention and affection of others while convincing them to assist in his own matters and what he asks or says to them, even to convince them to believe his lies and tricks - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
2. Look around for something to do

🛠️𝙽𝙰𝙾𝚁𝙸 𝙳𝙴𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙴𝙴𝙽 🛠️[𝙷𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗], [𝚆𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢:𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙻𝚊𝚒𝚘𝚍]
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝
IMG_0375.png listening to everyone speaking Naori felt like he was beginning to have enough of it all. The adults were basically at each others throats or to busy getting drunk. That said Naori peered over at the map. Looking over he used an ability called [Navigator’s Compass [E] to find the best route for him to scope out (Narrators discretion). After he finished that he asked the Bar tender.

“Mind giving me a drink that is a mix of Black Coffee,Apple Juice, Orange Juice and Lemonade?”

After being given the drink he sipped on it and walked over to Hiroshi whispering in his ear.

“I’m gonna go scope out the area, maybe eaves drop a little. Keep things going here.”

He then walked off with the drink in hand on whichever route would be the best to scope out. The adults can stay as distracted as they pleased, they likely already looked suspicious. So now was the point where he deemed it best to play the ‘lost child’ act.

Action 1: use [Navigators compass[E]
Action 2: grab a drink and leave to scope

Ability Used
Navigators Compass- Navigation F, Appraisal E- an ability involving narrators discretion that allows Naori to best navigate with information on a map. - E grade - 1 post cool down.

E 0/1

Zeke "Mors" Valdain
Zeke glanced over those who chose to speak, taking a moment to think to himself over what they said. The intriguing part was what Elvyra had to say about the reward not being easy to divvy up. That might be a problem, but it seemed she knew more than she was giving on. That didn't bode well either. Though, he supposed that would be an issue for later. For now, he had a few things to establish...

"Well then Mr. Hiroshi. I can respect a man who's out for his own interests, and so if it weren't for what Ms. Elvyra just said I'd be glad to have accommodated your request. But it's seeming that we won't be needing such business." He said, nodding towards the criminal before glancing back at Elvyra. What she had said, had struck a nerve with him. However, before he could tell her off for trying to make it seem like he was her underling and make it clear he'd rather kill her and lose out on the job than let her disrespect him again, he was distracted by Izzy talking to him, turning with a slight bit of confusion when she mentioned medicine, before he began to put together what was going on for the time, a bit of warmth rising to his cheek when she caressed his own, before watching her walk off with a small pink tinge on his face, before shaking his head to clear it, turning back to the others.

"A-Ah, sorry 'bout that lads." He said, trying to refocus, before he heard snare approaching, grinning some at the information he was given. "Good on ya Snare. That's a good lead fer us to go off. Keep walkin to make it look like yer going to the bathroom, we don't want him knowin' we're working together. When you come back, I'll spill a bit of the water I got on ya to get us to work back together organically." He whispered as Snare passed, before turning to the others.

"Well, seems like we'll all be working together for the time being."
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Izzy ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Izzy glided back toward the group, a tray laden with bottles of spirits balanced gracefully in one hand. Her golden eyes swept across the bustling crowd with an idle gaze, noting the lively games and animated faces at each table. Despite her pirate's life, gambling held little allure for her; unless the dice were weighted in her favor, the risk far outweighed the meager rewards. A rogue thought whispered insistently in the recesses of her mind, a foreboding sense that something was amiss. Too many eyes lingered on them.

As she neared the group, her gaze tracked Naori's movement toward the bar, another concern stirring unease within her. Their presence was too conspicuous, and as she drew closer, it was evident that the two parties were not harmonizing. The disquiet had plagued her since the captain's last command.

She set the tray of drinks on a nearby table, her eyes lingering on the array of bottles. A peculiar churn roiled her stomach, a sensation alien to her unless she had been dry for days. But she had been drinking since they arrived, making her current state inexplicable. Finishing the remnants of her previous drink, she found herself unable to muster the desire for another. A frustrated sigh escaped her lips as she scrubbed her face, then turned back to the group, a familiar smug smirk in place.

With a grin, she handed glasses to Zeke and Hiroshi, her eyes flicking between them and Elvyra.

"Talkin' aboot games es fun en'all. But why don'we get down t' breakin' some rules already." She arched an eyebrow at Elvyra. Once her hands were free, she folded her arms and took her place beside Zeke's shoulder. "Now that' all the posturin's out've the way, we can maybeh get down t' the nitty gritty? Somin'eres got me feelin' off. Cannae say what et es exactly, but th' sooner we're done with this, th' better."

✲꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏✲

Mentions: NeramoDJI NeramoDJI Lolory Lolory Maxxob Maxxob
[Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by Nightshade Guild], Educated [Yakuza], Expert Martial Artist - #b80926

Interactions: NeramoDJI NeramoDJI DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Moonberry Moonberry
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Garbage. Garbage.

The Least Seedy Brothel - Empire of Sin

The news from Elvyra, about the contents of the treasure box the group was after couldn’t be so easily split, killed Hiroshi’s cocky expression and mood for a moment. In fact, his expression went back to neutral as soon as he heard those words. The yakuza would let out a dissatisfied sigh, hoping the box wasn’t filled with bonds, stock or some other kind of useless nonsense. Still, it was worthy checking it out.

Taking long drags from his cigarette, he would look at Naori as the teen approached him. “Good idea, Naori-kun. Leave it to me.” Hiroshi told him, seeing him walking off. The kid surely had a keen mind and was proactive, something essential in his line of business. Can’t stand around, holding your dick and waiting for orders, after all.

His gaze would then drift to Whizziemin, who appeared to be bored enough to walk away from their little gathering, and heading towards one of the game tables. There was a momentarily narrowing of eyes, along with a short shaking of his head in disapproval, but the Japanese man decided not to say anything. Maybe that was a conversation for a later date.

Slowly, Hiroshi’s head slit towards Mors once more, nodding slightly, he heard the man’s words. “That is right, Captain Valdain-san. We will only know what to do when we see whatever is inside that box.” He conceded, seeing that whatever negotiation he had done up to that point had been useless, which particularly didn’t make him happy. However, a knowing grin would appear on his lips, seeing that Izzy girl unashamed and public display of affection towards the captain. It was an entertaining sight, for sure.

It was then that another one joined the group, the man in fanciful garbs, who Hiroshi had a bit of a staring contest with while being outside the casino. Useful information left the white-haired man’s lips for sure. “Of course, paranoia would follow an heir of someone which had been killed, right? Heh, this only make things a tad more interesting.” Some liveliness had returned to the yakuza, now that the group had information about the whereabouts of the treasure box.

His hazel gaze would zero in on the drink that had been offered by Izzy and, removing the cigarette from his mouth with his left hand, he would accept it with his right one. “Thanks, Izzy-san.” He gave her a wink, before bringing the glass to his lips and slowly sipping the alcoholic beverage in it, taking his time to enjoy the flavor. After a few gulps, he would move the glass away from it. “I agree. Now that we have the information, it is time for us to move.”

Maxxob Maxxob DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Femboy Femboy NeramoDJI NeramoDJI SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Lolory Lolory
Titles: Beast, Bunnykin, Mundane, Thieving Bandit, Wanted by Western Empire Adventurer's Guild

The mention of long-livedness, agelessness or potential immortality prompted an eyeroll from Pam.

"Ok Grandma." She said, rolling her eyes at Elvira. The mention of agelessness didn't do much to elevate her opinion of her or make her seem threatening. It was particularly the word choice. All she had said was that she had lived in Gambler's Row for who knows how long. But there was no mention of what she had been doing during this time or why she even needed help in the first place.

Still she followed up with one thing. Her conclusion about what she heard from the box was different. "Huh. So the box is fucking magic basically. And gives enough scratch to run this whole casino. Good enough for me." This changed things and made splitting it seems a lot less consequential. The main downside to working with another group was splitting the bill a bit more. But it was the safer solution. With the box able to provide a stupid amount of money based off magic, a lot of the need to curate competition was gone. As much as Pamela liked to simplify things her head.

Now the problem was that the boss was mad as fuck.

She hadn't known the Captain long, but it seemed like he had a bit of a pride issue. Even worse than her own. Even if she didn't like somebody, she knew well that they might still yet be of some use to them.

Then along comes Izzy. She rubs him a bit, whispers some sweet nothings into his ear and then walks away with hips swinging to go grab more drinks. And of all the ways to respond, the boss completely reverses course and lets everyone in.

I can't believe this.

After staring in shock for a few moments of the Captain's words. "Man. I been raised around too many dudes. That's one typa magic I wanna learn." She comments with a grin.

"Anyway, looks like we'll be workin' together. Hope this can all be water under the bridge and all that. Less need to fight over our magic box that gives whatever the hell." Personally, Pam had almost already forgotten every insult leveled and that which she had thrown at this point.

New Intel showed up as to the box's whereabouts as Snare returned. Admittedly, having a vague idea of where the box was made her excited.

As Whizzie gave a suggestion, Pam's ears perked up in his direction as she gave it some thought. She walked a little closer to him so as not to speak too loudly. As she did move closer, she looked him over with analytical eyes before she concluded. "'Fraid this night will be pretty exciting." She said, grinning to herself, a subtle allusion to the violence to come. "But right now, could use some more info. And you seem the info gatherin' type. " She said to Whizzie, looking him up and down. He had a good figure, lanky arms, a meek disposition and real tight clothes. While unaware of the nature of his charms, Pam felt an inclination to go with him, one that she had to actively try to pull away from. In its stead, however, she offered advice.

"My associate Snare is about as charming as a wet paper bag. But if he can pull something, curious what you can get. Hope your boy toy isn't too much of the jealous type!"
Pam laughed, lightly slapping Whizzie's back like they were pals. Though it'd feel more like being lightly tapped by a hammer due to the density of her flesh in that particular region.

But she would walk back over to the Captain's side soon enough just opposite. She had wanted to pose as his bodyguard for one given all of her armor and the fancy stuff he was wearing. And she still wanted to gather a little bit of intel. Picking up after the kid, she grabs the beer she was served to look casual and takes a small swig, before making a suggestion.

"I agree with Izzy and our new "friend" Hiroshi here. I have a feeling we'll have some unexpected surprises. Might look suspicious to head downstairs in plain view right after we got told that. So maybe we can try another route." Something she expected the boss to know. But she liked to think he was competent and experienced enough in this kinda thing. That and the boss had a very unique method of traveling.

"I can tiptoe around, but my gut tells me you got something else in mind." Wherever Zeke went, it seemed likely she was to follow.

The leather of his skin started to agitate and roil underneath his clothes; the lack of bloodshed and carnage was disquieting. His body craved it more every day; He felt as though he was a cocoon in chrysalis, vying to bloom in the wake of proper carnage. He had learned over his human lifespan to control his bloodlust and use it as a tool like everything in his life, but the monster he was now was much harder to restrain. An urge to dismantle, destroy, and ravage piercing through his brain like a heated nail.

Snare listened to the instructions only long enough to hear them, continuing to lurch forward and checked Zeke's shoulder on the way. A method actor through and through. He skulked through the threshold of the bathroom, his mind brimming with old memories of the many easy lives he took within such vulnerable confines. That was back when he cared for his kill count; He could hardly believe how things had changed.

He used one of the stalls; taking this moment of solitude to inspect the state of his body. He really was changing; The taut and leathery skin across his chest now pierced with a barbed hide. A painful new revelation, though he also figured out monsters felt pain differently than humans did. What was once an agonizing thrum through his human nervous system gave way to monstrous resilience.

He supposed that was enough time for a believable piss or bowel movement, throwing the door open and walking out of the bathroom with vigor. He didn't know what he was becoming, and he was excited by that notion. He only wondered if other monsters experience the same Xenogenesis or if it was his alone. His pace erratic, and haphazardly redirecting into zeke's path. He would follow Zeke's lead; Snare believed, through Captain Mors, his craven desires would be realized. Snare knew more than a few of those desires involved fighting Zeke; If stronger foes lead to a greater worth. They would become even greater art pieces.

He almost drooled at the potential art pieces he'd make out of their rug
ged captain.

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