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Active [Widersia] Shadow Play: Act II

Zahrah Fiore


From: https://www.zerochan.net/3034810
Active titles: Evolved, Construct, Plush Golem, Redcliffe Contributor, Hero of Ravenswood Village, Saviour Of Shiku No Mura, Simple, Mile High Club of Happiness Member, Convict Converter, Solution Seeker, Bird Post, Loved by Outcasts, Happiness Stuffing, Understudy, Expert Empath, Expert Psychologist, Novice Actor, Expert Sophist, Expert Seducer, Expert Performer, Expert Actor, Expert Singer, Expert Dancer, Expert Speaker, Expert Tin Whistler
Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Erich Maxxob Maxxob

They'd nod at the explanation of voyeurs. “Perhaps we can just ask her what made her a voyeur? Or we could try find more bovine folk that aren't blue, or blue folk that aren't bovine? We know Draeyth is horny, but not voyeur, but exhibitionist, so perhaps we can rule that out?” They were obviously very scientific.

“Ah, so I would have the proclivity to make people happy?” They asked, wondering if they understood Erich well enough. “That's what I was made to do, after all.” As for the last bit, they nodded. “Hmhm. I think dying and reviving might be like that, otherwise I'm sure they would be reviving people a lot more often already.” They'd explain their flawless reasoning.

Happy that Erich made a promise, they nodded. “Thank you, I'll gladly entrust the tiny turtle to you.” They replied.

“It's an ancient saying, the more the merrier!” They'd add in to the next bit.

“Dance moves? That'd be fun!” They cheered on Erich. After their own performance, they'd clap at Erich's. “That was fun! If you want, I can teach you even more and better moves!”

As nameless local zombie girl remained nameless, or perhaps was just called nameless, middle name local and last name zombie girl, was somehow managing to deal with them, they'd remain happy as ever. “That would be amazing! Thanks for helping us look for something suitable!” They'd reply to her cheerfully.

“Thank you! Thank you! May happiness brighten your days, my beloved audience!” They'd state as they gave a bow after their performance had gotten some cheers.

“Thank you, you did a great job finding such a perfect item for our horny friend as well!” They thanked the zombie girl, as they figured they'd let Erich hold-on to it, as they were already holding on to the tiny turtle themselves.

They still weren't sure what was strange about going into the tunnel of love with more than two, but they didn't bother questioning it, as the zombie girl was down to go regardless. “Yep! Let's try it out!” They agreed, once more, with trying it all together.

However, shockingly enough, they saw their employer rushing at them. “Oh! Hello again miss Giovanna! Did you have a fun time being a voyeur?” They asked, without a hint of sarcasm, jesting or insulting tone to their voice. Just some heart-felt curiosity and caring.

“I ate a tiny turtle and we got a plushy sheep for Dreayth!” They answered Giovanna's question about what they found. “We also made great friends with the lovely zombie girl over here and were going to go through the tunnel of love with her! Do you want to join us as well? Or would you rather just watch again?” They asked.

“Hmmm.... if you're hating this show so much, I take it you're not helping produce it? Somehow for a while, I thought you might've. Though I don't think it's that bad and fake. It's really fun thus far!” They'd reply. “It's a least a lot more fun than the story that Dark Narrator was making, that was too much of a horror drama show to be happiness inducing.” They concluded.

“Oh, by the way, do you know if being bovine or being blue makes one more likely to be a voyeur? Me and Erich were theorising about it a while back.” They figured they might as well ask, now that they had a shot at it.

[Isekai Mundane], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Femboy Femboy Elvario Elvario @SixSense @Sir Mayday @SilverFeathers

Erich would nod attentively to Zahrah's empirical evidence about the correlation of one being bovine, blue and/or horny that could lead to voyeurism. "You are right, Dreayth doesn't seem like the type who are fixed in watching, but he is an exhibitionist. So, it has nothing to do with being horny." With that hypothesis out of the way, what remained was to observe bovines which happened to not be blue, or blue individuals who were not bovines. So much to test with such little time available!

Next, the inventor would nod, as the doll had grasped the meaning of 'proclivity' perfectly. Internally, he would try to mark himself of being wary of needing being revived. He would rather his brain kept working just as it did at the moment.

“Oh, I would really appreciate it if you could! You never know when dancing might be useful for social interactions!” He would accept Zahrah’s offer in a heartbeat, while in turn, also clapping to show his appreciation for their own musical performance. “You sang perfectly, from what I could hear! Even not knowing that song in particular, the pitch seemed just right. Well done!” He praised Zahrah, giving them a perfect score for as much as his senses could dissect the performance.

“Thank you, your help is really appreciated!” He told the zombie girl as well, being grateful with their offered help in finding something suitable for their horny companion. And, surprisingly, she had already managed to procure the perfect gift for Dreayth, a ram plushie. Certainly, since Dreayth was so into the little glass turtle, he was bound to love this gift, right? “This is simply perfect. The likelihood of that big softie enjoying a gift like this is exceedingly high.” Erich declared, as if it was a matter of fact, gloved hands grabbing the ram to keep it in his care.

And, just as it seemed that the trio was ready to go into their tour through the love tunnel, with additional company which would, by his hypothesis, bring even further enjoyment to the experience, someone unexpected showed up: blue, big, bovine and horny - Giovanna.

Erich would display the plushie as Zahrah mentioned it, as if he were holding some sort of ancient artifact left by an equally ancient civilization. “Seems like Dreayth got a bit angry because he didn’t have the chance to pet the tiny, glass turtle. So we got him a replacement. He is bound to love it, I’m sure.” The engineer nodded to himself, thinking his words being nothing short of wise.

“If you join us through the tunnel of love, the possibility of it even becoming merrier would reach critical levels. In this case, it would be perfect, although I’m still a bit wary of suffocation through bosom...” He would state, looking a bit wary towards Giovanna’s cleavage. “I have to say, even though this whole situation clearly exceeds the realm of possibility, pointing at its hallucinatory/fabricated origin, I can’t deny it has been pretty fun.” He said, after searching his thoughts for a few moments.

“Exactly! Which one gives you the proclivity of watching?” Compounding Zahrah’s question, Erich tilted his head slightly to the side.

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