Kitsune of the North
- Group
- Quests
- Nation Building
With Cahron at her side Lauren charged towards the goons with her shield still deployed, though they seemed all too eager to get out of their way to help Catston out of the snowbank. Thankfully their cowardice bought the two of them time to put some distance between their three pursuers, rapidly approaching the icy bridge they had crossed earlier. She slowed to a stop as an idea started to form in her head, as while the creak was shallow enough to wade through it was too wide for her--even in a full sprint--to jump across. And she had her doubts that Catston would even consider crossing the creak itself. As her shield finally faded and she looked to Cahron shortly after he spoke he swept her off her feet, carrying her across bridal style as the bridge beneathe them creaked a little from their combined weight. Once they both had crossed and made it a little ways up the slope she was put back down onto her feet, a slight smile forming across her lips as she watched Catston and his goons make it to the bridge. They were making utter fools of themselves, and as Cahron asked if they were on the same page she gave him a smug look and a firm nod.
"Absolutely! I can't wait to see you drop-kick his furry ass into the frigid water stream!" Lauren excitedly agreed, grabbing a fallen twig from one of the trees above them as she drew out their plan. She'd act as a decoy to try and coax Catston towards her, while he'd fly out of sight before swooping down from the side of the bridge and drop-kick the flea-bag straight downstream. If things worked out as planned, Catston would have his entire body temporarily submerged in freezing cold water before he could scramble to his feet and get out of the creak.
Lauren approached the edge of the bridge to draw Catston's attention, with her [Holographic Great-Shield] flickering to life once more as she hid behind it while mocking the flea-bag.
"What's wrong kitty? I thought cats were supposed to have great balance, did your mom not teach you how to land on your feet yet?" Lauren openly mocked as she burst out laughing, throwing various insults at him while he struggled to steady himself. She knelt down to make a snowball from the snow around the bridge, chucking the first one at his feet to try and embarrass him some more. "Dance Cat-boy, dance!" Lauren chuckled as she continue to make and hurl snowballs at his feet, with one grazing between his legs. Her eyes briefly glanced upwards to try and spot Cahron, though she made sure to keep her focus on the flea-bag in front of her incase he regained his balance and charged at her.