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Finished [Widersia, Eastern Border] Edge of Enigma II: Conclusion


Roleplay Artist
Welcome to the conclusion arc! this rp is a continuation of: Active - [Widersia, Eastern Border] Edge of Enigma

Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge, strange dimension

Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%” "?Strange ?"

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario


“[That’s awesome! I bet you and Valerius will be awesome renown heroes!]”

Yunaesa grinned cheerily, “%Hah! Maybe I'll make some friends too!%”

Yunaesa was emboldened by Almeida’s response as she continued to clash with the blue one, “[I’ll make you stop moving!]” She exclaimed while she had been cutting.

By this point Almeida could hear better than before even if it still wasn’t completely back to normal.


The Red demon looked like he was trying to get ready to smash Almeida with his Kanabo club, even as his vision had been screwed up but as he was raising his weapon yet again over his head, like he was trying to give her a mordhau strike to the head.

“? I’ll SHOW YOU YOUR SKULL IS SOFTER THAN YOUR BELLY! ? “ He’d snarl out still enraged, however he quickly found himself getting hit with yet another full on hammering this time a cracking sound from his body could be heard as he cried out in pain.

And then came the shots from Decimus which pelted Aka with projectile holes. “? I CAN’T! THIS iSN’T OVER!!!! ?” The red demon would eventually collapse, hot blood spilling out from him all over, as his eyes started to go dark, it looked like his ribs had been crushed, and whatever natural armor had broken, allowing the projectiles to pierce him, including his vitals.


Ao let out a cry as well when Yunaesa had slashed him, but she was undeterred, Going in for another slash below that one with the same ability before he could retaliate, a slash now going across the other part of his chest like an x.

“? What did you do! I’m..Not healing! ? “ Ao spat out angrily. However when he saw Aka suddenly the ground beneath him began to rumble as a blue demonic aura built up which suddenly expanded out and hit Yunaesa flinging her back.

“[Aghh!]” She’d call out in pain


Suddenly Ao would jump up however as he did so he was pelted with the projectiles now bleeding all over as well, before letting loose a more powerful looking ground line attack.

Officer Surius
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“[ EVASIVE MANEUVERS! FULL FOCUS FIRE ON THE BLUE DEMON!, THEN SUPPRESSIVE FIRE ON THE OTHER TWO!]” He’d call out to his six clockwork soldiers which were still operational, would try their best to avoid the supped up blue demon’s attack.

As did Officer Surius as he opened fire on the blue demon with his revolver like side arm, piericing Ao in the chest more hot blood spilling as the others opened fire on him too.

Officer Surius would then turn to the first abomination which was sauntering over, and open fire on it too, to which his clockwork soldiers would get ready too when it got in their range.

??? Master
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“? What do you mean save me?! Setsuna said she’d always be with me and keep me safe! She lied! Ando said he’d always be my friend and he lied! And it’s ALL Ryu’s Fault I’m down here to begin with! ?” He grit his teeth.

“? What good are friends if they won’t tell the truth! ?”

“? Bathhouse?.. ?” He asked softly after…like he was thinking it through. “? I haven't’ been to one of those..in I don't know how long. ?”

“? If I stop now! How do I know any of you are telling the truth! What if you’re just lying to me like everyone else! ?”

The first abomination had started to reach into the floor as it was shot at looking like it might try a similar technique to the first one they had encountered , letting out another angry sound, purple smelly blood coming out of the injuries which had been produced.

And it wasn’t long before the second abomination did the same, picking up a large chunk of obsidian flooring looking like it was going to hurl it in the general direction of the soldiers, their commanders, as well as Yunaesa and Almeida.

Yunaesa actions:

1.[Specialize] Fighting Style F Zjorn’s Mechanized Melee, Incurable F
Yunaesa slashes and or stabs a single target up to 5 ft away from her to try to inflict a wound which is more difficult to heal.- Grade F, 0 Post Cooldown.

Ao: Buffed, Heavily injured, Line ground attack heading toward Yunaesa, Almeida, clockwork soldiers, and Decimus soldiers.

Aka: Deceased

Abomination #1: Somewhat Injured, Preparing to throw attack

Abomination #2: Fine, Preparing to throw attack


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Decimus Maxxob Maxxob

Almeida would've responded to Yuna, but alas, all she could hear was feint sounds. She saw him speak, but could only assume what he might've said. “[No, you!]” She replied. She was getting ready to hit him again, but... he got sort-off sifted through by bullets. “[Whooo!]” She called out.

That's when she saw Yuna get flung back. “[You bastard!]” She'd lunge at the blue demon, using [Grand Slam] E on the blue bastard. Hoping to counter his attack with one of her own.

In the corner of her eyes, she saw the other dude speak again, though she still had no clue what he was saying. That said, if he was talking... that was good, right? “[Listen, I got no clue what you're saying cause my ears are still ringing, but can't we just get this over with?!? I'm a simple person, I just want to get the job done and save people and stuff. Stop making this more complicated by summoning all these foul things and just surrender so we can go to the bathhouse together and wash up and enjoy the warm water!]” She called out, annoyed at being unable to even hear herself speak well and at having no clue what she was reacting too. “[You all tell him too!]” She'd call out to Surius and Daddymus and Yuna.

Grand Slam E – Martial Ethos E, Initiative [Attack] E, Blight (Valkanite) E, Continuing (Valkanite) E, Enervation E, Flare (Sight) E - Grade E – 2 actions – 1 post Cooldown.

Action 1 – [Move] to blue
Action 2/3 – Grand Slam E

E-Grade 0/1
F-grade 0/0
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language key: "Common", "[Terran]"

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

While one of the demons had fallen, the situation didn’t look any less precarious. Yunaesa being thrown away by the blue-skinned demon, her pain apparent. “[You three, for a wall in front of Yunaesa, quickly! And keep shooting at him!]” Decimus quickly called out orders to the three constructs who had previously attacked Ao. Hopefully that, in addition to Almeida’s own assault, would be enough to stop the incoming attack.

His head would turn swiftly towards the two other ranged constructs under him. “[Each one of you, shoot at one of those abominations!]” The old cadet would finish giving out his orders, his mind racing in what to do next.

And, seeing that Almeida’s words appearing to be finding some sort of purchase in the brat’s mind, he would, for the first time, try to attempt to engage with his enemy in civic discourse, despite how little faith he had in it. “[You will never know when someone is telling the truth, you have to take a gamble and put your trust in them. Whatever creature is trapped inside the mirror in the entrance of the cave trusted Almeida and is well and sound. That swordsman, who was guarding the corridor, also trusted Almeida and is well and sound. Now, just look what happened with the red one who didn’t listen to her.]” He would point out the obvious, index extended towards the fallen Aka, as white smoke kept leaving his smoking pipe. “[The best choice is clear here: stop this madness and trust Almeida, as others did.]” Decimus finished his own speech, wanting to use a harsher language, but avoiding it to not spoil the opportunities of success.


1 - Emergency Reinforcements - Magic F, Minions F, Focus F, Energized F - Decimus is able to magically summon his Minions for a single turn - Grade F Cooldown -0
2 - Ordered: Minions 1, 2, 3: Form a wall in front of Yunaesa and fire against Ao; 4, 5: each target and fire against one of the abominations.
3 - Take his own gamble at diplomacy towards the Master.
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge, strange dimension

Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%” "?Strange ?"

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario

Slowly but surely Almeida’s sense of hearing would comeback some more, even if it wasn’t at full capacity.

When Almeida would make contact with Ao while she would successfully hit him inflicting damage, she would find a searing pain flare up throughout her body when she made contact with whatever aura he had that had been going off. Thankfully the combined attacks of those who were targeting the blue demon managed to stop it’s attack from being so devastating, mostly because they had so many focusing fire on it at this point and sending attack’s his way.


“? I WON’T BE SILENCED! ?” Ao called out aggressively as burning blood flew out of him while he was shot at by multiple units between Decimus and Surius, the aura getting larger and brighter. A crater of sorts continuing to build under his feet, the ground even shaking some

Officer Surius

however it wasn’t long before Officer Surius was engaging once again at seeing this.

Instead of opening fire with his officer side arm, Officer Surius would rush forward drawing his blade in a green flash of energy going across the area. His eye lit up ablaze the energy pouring out of it, as he landed behind the blue demon.

Thankfully Yunaesa was given cover by Decimus’ units so she was able to recover and get back on her feet safely enough, the attack which threatened her being stopped.

If the Officer had felt the same pain that Almeida had felt when he made contact with the even stronger aura was anyone’s guess, instead a cold look of indifference on his face, when Ao finally looked like he was severely damaged his top half getting severed from his lower half the rumbling stopping and the demon falling over.

A precarious situation avoided by their combined use of force.

??? Master

The one of the throne seemed to flinch when Almeida mentioned him surrendering and joining them to go to a bathhouse.

While Decimus’ units and some of the officer’s constructs tried to shoot up the abominations,


Yunaesa would speak up “[Yeah! Unsummon those bad things and we can get this all over with! I’m sure they’ll understand that you weren’t in the right mind when this all happened! It’s clear to anyone that you’ve been taken advantage of!]” Yunaesa would call out encouragingly afterward.

The ‘master’ would stop looking back at the group, listening as they spoke to him, as Decimus did as well. He looked to where he pointed out the fallen Aka and mentioned the entities who had listened to Almeida and were fine.

He would then put his hands at the sides of his head and grasp either side of his head, his hair between his fingers, as it looked like he was in a great deal of mental anguish.

“? It’s all because I’m not strong enough..to do anything..right.. ?” He’d let out gasping out painfully.

While it looked like the first abomination was getting ready to hurl a rock, the 2nd abomination looked like something toxic was gurgling from within, and more of that foul smelling blood spewed forth

Surprisingly, with these words the “master’ would give a wave of his hand and the two abominations would actually disappear sinking back into the floor from where they came as the symbol lit up again, it looked like for now the threats in the room except for him would be gone.

“? Just get me out of here…and away from them. ?” He’d say still looking very pained.

“[ Woah? Really! That’s great! Let’s get everyone out of here then!]” Yunaesa exclaimed excitedly.


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Decimus Maxxob Maxxob

She beamed out some pride when Daddymus confirmed that trusting her was the best way forwards. It was a good time for her hearing to have recovered enough to finally hear people speak somewhat again. “[See! I told you! Don't overthink things so much! Just stop this and we'll all be better off and do some chilling in the bathhouse!]” She replied after Daddymus.

“%Holy fuckbuddies in a basket what the hell is this!?!%” She called out in Analog upon the pain flaring through her when contacting the Aura. It looked like it was about to get worse as well, which wasn't great. “%You alright buddy?%” She asked Valerius, worried the hammer had gone through the same pain.

Luckily enough, Surius managed to finish off the blue bastard before things could get even worse. “[Whoo, well done sir, that was cool~]” She'd compliment him. “[You okay there, Yuna?]” She'd call out to her compatriot in half-construct antics.

When Yuna called him being taken advantage off, she nodded. “[She's right! There's no need to play the blame-game, we can just go chill and hang out instead!]” She suggested. “[I mean, I'm upset you got Yuna and the others hurt, but I can forgive and forget if they can!]” She added.

She scoffed at him saying he wasn't strong enough. “[Who cares about that kind of stuff? What matters is whether or not you're going to do the right thing now, which is to stop this stuff! Besides, strength is like... eh... you know, versatile! You can be strong in other ways for sure!]” She stated with some rare confused conviction.

When the master just waved them away and Yuna was about to go on with it, she looked in surprise. “[What? But that won't work? We can't make friends if he's just gonna go sit there and sulk, right? He's gotta come along! Besides, we promised the mirror friend we'd free him too! So, ehm, how can we free you?]” She'd ask the one on the throne as she'd walk up to him as if they'd been best friends for years already. “[Would you mind if Valerius and I shatter that throne of yours? Perhaps that'll do the trick!]” She suggested.
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language key: "Common", "[Terran]"

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Decimus was visibly glad that the constructs under him had bought enough time for Yunaesa to recover, however, even then he would not let his guard down. Not when there were still two of those hulking abominations for the group to contend with, after Ao's brutal demise at the hand of Officer Surius.

The old cadet was bringing his pistol up once more, against the imminent attacks of the creatures, until it his words appeared to have reached the ears of the young man upon the throne, finally breaking his resolve to continue that hellish combat. With the two abominations disappearing, Decimus would finally let himself relax, holstering his pistol.

At that moment, all the weariness of the action finally made itself apparent, a long and deep sigh of relief leaving his lips. With his ash-colored eyes focused on the 'master', he would shake his head slightly. "[We can talk about how to make amends when we are out of here.]" With that sentence, it was clear that he had a much different idea than the two young half-constructs. If he was taken advantage of or not, it changed little that there were actions that had consequences.

"[Maybe he is just exhausted and needs to be carried out of here? Seems like you would be able to do that, Almeida.]" There was a small smile playing on his lips after he said such, turning to the mechanoid constructs under him. "[Good work, all of you.]" He told him, still used to deal with human soldiers rather than constructs. "[And then there is Ruell and his... uh... auxiliary, I guess? I don't think carrying either of them would do wonders for my back.]" He nodded dutifully, shooting a knowing glance at both Surius and his own constructs. "[Sir?]"
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge, from strange dimension to base to bunker.

Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%” "?Strange ?"

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob


Yunaesa let out an affirming “[Yeah Listen to Almy she’s right!]”

“[Are you two okay?!]” She’d call out concerned when she was hit with the aura, however thankfully for Almeida nothing seemed to be all too off there after the fact, normal sensation returning after.

Officer Surius
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Surius looked back to Almeida and nodded, “[...Thanks.]” He said simply.

“[Yeah I’m uh seem to be okay! That just sorta..hur- I mean I’m totally fine! Just like Zjorn is ]” She’d grin back.

“[Come hangout with us!]”

Yunaesa looked confused Almeida’s way this time. “[Well I didn’t mean we should just leave him here silly! We need to get him out here, everyone includes him!]” She reasserted Walking her way over to him too.

“[Now get up lazy bones!]” Yunaesa would attempt to tug on his arms, but when it seemed he wasn’t moving much at all even with her effort, Surius eventually made his way over and examined the throne with his eye.

??? Master
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“? Tch.. I said it's pointless.. ?” He’d sulk.

“[Maybe Decimus is right you should just try picking him up Almy!]” She’d say excitedly.

“[I might be pretty tired too if bad guys tried to take control of me!]”

Surius would speak once more, “[...Almeida, have Valerius smash the throne, Yunaesa get back.]”

Presuming Almeida would go through with it, Yunaesa would get back and a good portion of the throne shattered and finally the ‘master’ was free to leave with them, not looking the most emotive.

Surius would then turn to Decimus “[He may have been physically capable of leaving but the throne was cursed and sapping his will power and hope needed to leave..]”

"[And right..wouldn't want you to get killed after the fight now would we? Feel free to use your units to assist in carrying the wounded as you see fit.]" Surius responded with somewhat of a tone of light heartedness to Decimus.

“[With that said, you are under arrest for attacking soldiers in service of crown and country.]”
Surius would then produce some strange looking handcuffs and slip them onto the master.

“[They’ll stop any magic shenanigans..and..right some of us sustained more damage than others, Almeida if you like too you may carry him back, I take it you’ll be more gentle than some of the other options here..as for the others I’ll have my units carry the adventurers..as for my units which were hit badly, I’ll have my units first carry them into my storage pocket dimension.]” He spoke very matter of fact, taking out what looked sort of like a more advanced penlight which produced what looked like a greenish hued portal, which was probably the dimension he was talking about.

“[ For as few of them as it is It’ll be a lot easier than sending in a recovery team..now then let’s collect everyone and get out of here..]”
From that point the group would gather their bearings and have a bit of time to take anything back with them they deemed important, Decimus was free to assist Surius as he deemed fit as far as the recovery process went.

The group backtracked and would gather any of the “friends” They had set off to free, Surius notably enforced more handcuffing of differing degrees, the original copy of the so called mirror friend also getting pocket dimensioned for the time being, as he was still on a mirror. The sword guy, as well as others. They would reach the ‘landship’ but not before some questioning was done to the “Master” to make sure there weren’t any loose ends they should be worried about before heading out, to which he seemed more agreeable due to the hold being broken if still depressed about what had happened.

Given the strange nature of what they had met and encountered the landship arrived back at the military outpost base from which it had left, those who had been severely injured received medical attention or in some cases mechanical service if they were a construct. while those who had been inflicted by the dark magic were examined by relevant experts.

A formal field report would need to be filed about what had been seen which Decimus would be called to contribute too. Everyone involved was also told not to disclose to the general public what they had seen during the special co-op operation.

Finally it looked like Surius was going to be true to his word when he told Almeida and Yunaesa to come meet the person he had been speaking about who apparently had worked on his eye. Decimus was also invited if he so desired, otherwise he was free to do other things.

She was about 5’4 and looked like she had some sort of steampunk looking lab setup, in an underground section near the outpost military base, as a lab bunker. Valves, type writers, books and a large workbench space with plenty of tools and parts sprung out throughout the space as well as some diagrams and blueprints for good measure.

In another room not that far off was more of a conventional office space with a desk, writing equipment and a proper bookshelf adorning the back with some knick nacks.

It would also be apparent that she was working on breaking affliction which had been brought upon the likes of the sword guy and mirror guy.

Officer Surius looked to them, “[Almeida this is the person I Was telling you about and whose currently trying to help our friends..Doctor Stone. And if I wasn’t abundantly clear you mustn’t tell any civilians about the details of this military installation site which you have seen by partaking in this latest operation, these are unique circumstances not only in the operation but also your respective conditions which have allowed us to grant you clearance so please do not make me regret advocating on your behalf the consequences would be dire. That goes for Valerius and Zjorn too.]” It seemed he wasn’t too worried about Decimus making the mistake of leaking classified military information.

It became more apparent that Surius likely had to pull some strings to even get them there to meet her.

Dr. Stone

Suddenly the young woman spun around, and looked between Almeida and Yunaesa and Surius before grinning.

“[Hello there! Friends of Surius are certainly friends of mine! You must be the ones he told me all about who help rescue my new fine specimens, my hope is to get them good as new in a jiffy, but as you may know ambitions like mine can take some time..but I can assure you your friends are perfectly fine.]”

She then moved the fingers of her metallic hand with a valve for effect. It became more apparent she had some sort of body modifications.

“[Now then Surius told me you were interested in his eye?]” She asked leaning in toward Almeida.


From: Almeida
Languages: Common | [Terran] | %Analog% | <Beastial> (attempts)
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Decimus Maxxob Maxxob

“[Yep, we're good, we just got some pain flares going on for a bit!]” She'd reply to Yuna after getting hit by the Aura ability. At least everything still seemed to be functional. Yuna clarifying stuff made soooo much more sense. “[Oh, right! Of course! That last hit might've jumbled me up a bit more than I thought, my bad!]” She replied with a smile. Getting EVERYONE out was a good plan indeed.

Almeida nodded, ready to go pick up the 'Master' guy. Though before she could do so, Surius spoke up. “[Whoo, nice!]” She laughed, getting to smash that throne up would be great fun. Taking a practice swing or two, she'd first swing Valerius at it horizontally. Then vertically. Then diagonally. “[No thrones! No kings! No rulers! We shall take pack our freedom for the high and might oppressors and show them their new places in the sand and dirt!]” She called out as she was smashing up the throne real good. “[The destruction of this throne shall become our liberation! Valerius and I shall set you free!]” She sated, by the time she was just hacking into the rubble that was once a throne.

Upon the 'Master' dude being arrested, she tilted her head. Trying to recall something. “[Should me and Valerius testify that there are those 'circumstances' that mean he shouldn't be put on trial all that harshly? I forgot the word... ehm... to say he was nice and cooperative in the end and that they should be chill?]” She asked, wanting to help out until the end in order to live up to her deals and promises.

“[Sir, yes sir!]” She'd answer to bringing him back. “[Could you bring Valerius, Yuna?]” She'd ask, as she intended to hand over the war-hammer so that she could scoop up the Master and carry him bridal style. The only logical way.


Meeting the one who'd fixed Surius' eye was pretty neat. “[Hiya! This is Valerius and I'm Almeida!]” She'd greet her. “[Thanks a lot for helping out our newly made friends! Real cool of you!]” She'd state with a smile.

As for Surius telling her to keep stuff secret, she'd not. “[Alright, we'll keep our mouths shut!]” She promised.

“[Yep! The eye seemed pretty neat and all! Though I'm surprised to find someone else with metallic arms! What do you use to grease and polish it? I could use some new products for my arms and legs~]” She asked, figuring she might as well catch two flies with one stone. “[Me and Yuna can go shopping together based on your advice, right Yuna?]” She'd ask the other girl as well.
Decimus Valerius


Titles: [Human - Mundane], [Native], [Military Cadet F] - Widersia - Color #a13a3a
Language key: "Common", "[Terran]"

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

“[I see… so there was something extra keeping he there.]”
Decimus murmured, as the necessity of destroying the throne became apparent. And, as Almeida took her practiced swings at it, some of her words were a bit too curious. Even more considering he now served the Crown of Widersia.

“[Yes, sir. I shall have the units under my command to help the injured as well.]” The elderly cadet followed his words, having the constructs work in groups: two of them helping them carry the hatted adventurer, while the other three helped Ruell, who seemed to be heavier for being a construct as well.

“[I think your testimony could end up having an effect so that his charges aren’t that severe. It is certainly worth giving a shot.]” The old man said, a bit pensive to Almeida. It remained to be seen if that would work or not.

And, as things wrapped up, Decimus agreed to go with them to the secret military installation. Getting up with new technology would certainly be necessary, as that appeared to be the edge which Widersia held against the two warring neighbors.

Upon arrival, he would look at Dr. Stone with an appraising gaze, noticing the modifications which were visible on her body. He wondered if those were done after losing of limbs or pior. Did that give any edge to their organic counterparts?

“[I’m Decimus Valerius, a pleasure to meet you.]” Introducing himself briefly, he began listening to both the doctor and Almeida’s conversation, white puffs of smoke escaping the corners of his mouth as he took long drags of the smoking pipe on his lips. Of metal and flesh, curious.
Place: Widersia, Eastern border Edge, from strange dimension to base to bunker.

Language key: “Common”, “[Terran]”, “%Analog%” "?Strange ?"

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario

The Before:


Yunaesa was glad that Almeida reaffirmed she was okay even after getting hit by the aura, and she was excited at Almeida's proclamation and display when she had smashed the throne, speaking like some sort of high revolutionary.

Surius would have looked to Almeida when she asked about testifying, and told her, "[ While Decimus does have a point that it could be valuable, we'll have all the facts sooner or later and that will determine if you....or if Valerius should testify on his behalf or not, after all we'll need to absolutely verify that what he says is true.]"

"[Of course I can Almy~!]" She'd bring Valerius and Zjorn with them on their way out, giving Decimus a nod at his comment about something keeping the 'master' there.
With the extraction going off without a hitch, it was back to the present.
The Present:
Dr Stone

"[Of course, it's all in the name of progress my new friend.]" She'd lean in closer, still looking Almeida over with her eye appraisingly, with a small smile.

"[Sometimes I use tallow, other times oil from olives, depends on the desired effect but those all work well from my experience.]" She then looked over to Yunaesa, and to Zjorn.

"[Yes of course you can trust my judgement on shopping, I'm quite experienced in the subject..and this must be Zjorn whom I have heard of before! It's nice to meet you.]" She'd say matter of fact looking to the chainsaw.

"[Haha! Zjorn is pleased to meet you too! He likes your work area and your eye!]" Yunaesa replied with a grin before looking to Almeida with a nod. then looking back to Dr. Stone.

"[Yeah! Thanks for helping our friends! It's cool that you're able to do that!}"

"[Both of you are...quite miraculous in your own right, I do hope that you'll come see me again in the future perhaps for a full examination, I may be able to help you both actualize your full potential as I heard your..respective creators were interested in with the proper research and materials...naturally only with your consent.]" Dr. Stone continued still looking quite interested in the "four" of them, between Yunaesa, Almeida, Zjorn, and Valerius.

"[And yes, It's nice to meet you too Decimus I have heard of your contribution and I wish you well in your military career and operations, if you'd like perhaps at some point we could see about improving your performance output potential as well as I have done with Surius if it is something which interests you.]" She said with a disarming smile, despite the implication being some sort of mechanical augmentation more than likely, but given what was there perhaps she also meant equipment or gear of some sort too.

Officer Surius
Screenshot 2024-05-14 at 10.46.38 PM-1-1.png

"[Anyway this is why I thought you both ought to meet her, she understands a great deal more than many would given how you two are.]" He'd say to Almeida and Yunaesa.

"[Hm, that sounds like it could actually be pretty useful, I dunno how Almeida feels but Zjorn and me are open to the idea of getting better, I think Dr. Stone is trustworthy if she is helping our friends and helped Officer Surius out too.]"
There would be an opportunity for the group to discuss more and pleasantries to be had. Thankfully it was revealed that after more observation, the friends which they had met had infact been under external control which would help get rid of charges against them, the master's case also better off as a result, also being reassured that everyone involved was fine. Even Ruell who had taken a serious beating was able to be repaired, and the hatted adventurer with him while injured badly was recoverable, the main losses which had been sustained were the units in which a report was filed, one which Decimus would be asked to contribute too as an eye witness.

By the time when the group was leaving the compound via an escort, Surius remained alongside Doctor Stone.

"[I think you'll find the pair will be a most valuable asset for making progress in your field, and of course in the case of Yunaesa, a potentially useful tool in the Widersian military..of course it'd be great if we could get Almeida to help too..but her work in the the adventurer guild certainly helps with Widersian security as well in it's own right.]"

Dr. Stone snickered a bit, "[That much is certainly true, but did you really have it make it out to be like this was some sort of top secrete area? You and I know both know well this is practically just my personal garage for tinkering on projects for fun, and just about anyone whose traveled on the road knows about the existence of those military installations.]"

"[I'll have you know it a was strategic decision, this way I can evaluate how much we can trust them. It doesn't hurt to gain perceived trust and favor either.]" Surius announced matter of fact with a bit a smile.

"{Hm..I suppose you're right, if they take your invitation and my offer to work on them seriously perhaps they'll prove to be trusted with the more..confidential experimental work, but only time will tell.]"

With that the join adventurer military recognizance operation was a success.
(Narrator Note: Do not add these suggested changes to your character sheet until approved by a grading mod.)
Narrator Reward Suggestions:

Decimus Valerius:
Next Rank in Widersian Military from Cadet F To E equivalent.

Optional title acquired - [Field Strategist]

Character has demonstrated ability for on the move thinking and has shown to be adaptable in dangerous situations. Character may be trusted with leadership roles more readily in dangerous situations.

Almeida: Next Grade in Widerisan Adventurer Guild

optional title acquired: [ Mechanized Marvel] Character has gained notable positive attention due to part of them being an impressive feat of engineering. Character is more likely to be received in a positive light from tinkers and engineers as well as those who hold constructs in a positive light. However, character may face greater judgment and scrutiny from those who are skeptical of such innovations.

(RP Goal):

Titled Acquired: [Military Cadet F] - Widersia
optional title acquired: [Mechanized Marvel] Character has gained notable positive attention due to part of them being an impressive feat of engineering. Character is more likely to be received in a positive light from tinkers and engineers as well as those who hold constructs in a positive light. However, character may face greater judgment and scrutiny from those who are skeptical of such innovations.

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