Who are more powerful.

whos most powerful

  • Solars

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lunars

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • abyssals

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • siderals

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Lotus said:
alright i will give you that. Siddies, are more prone and more likely to become kung fu kiddies. but, it doesnt mean they are better at it ( oh gosh.. cant believe i am saying this :cry: )
The thing is if a Solar was so inclined to master Siddie MA's he would do it just as easily as a Siddie. Hell he might do better since he has a bigger essence pool.

Since the solar could become a Siddie MA master, it takes away from the Siddie monopoly of being most powerful  MA masters.
 There's one main advantage Siddies have over Solars with Siddie MA.

 The sutras.

 Sure, there's nothing spelled out that absolutely bars Solars from learning them, but by that token, there's nothing barring them from Siddie astrology, either.

 The sutras use the patterns of the stars to reduce the costs of the charms; not something a Solar can readily claim access to.
well the jig is up freakin siddies are whipped. if a solar was so inclined he could try to emulate a siddie and do everything he can... so therefore a siddie is worthless *falls on his knees, looks up at the sky with arms raised..."whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! Damn you US! i will make you pay!*
Where in the world did I write that O.o ???????
They still can't write new Siddie MA styles.
 If you can't create, that's not mastery...yet.
Yes' date=' they CAN but it was never really revealed to them what they could really do. Until now because WW authors LOVE power creep...Thing is, it was like the Siddie state secret. The Solars just knew they made really badass MA'ers. Thing is, most Siddie's will know far more styles and sutras and more to do with MA than Solars ever will, hence their title of MA masters. It's not all "I have more Essence therefore I win." I don't see it that way.[/quote']
 Then again, you could've been responding to another post, and not mine...
Lotus said:
well the jig is up freakin siddies are whipped. if a solar was so inclined he could try to emulate a siddie and do everything he can... so therefore a siddie is worthless *falls on his knees, looks up at the sky with arms raised..."whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! Damn you US! i will make you pay!*
 Jupiter taps said Siddie on the shoulder, and whispers in his ear.

 The Sidereal rises, turns to face the cocky Solar, smiles, and activates the Elder Sutra of his Siddie MA style. The Solar suddenly becomes much less cocky.
fuck solars... they can learn astrology, and our martial arts... dude no wonder we had them usurped... BRONZE FACTION FOREVER!

dude maybe i will join the yozi... to make sure the Solars become bitch meat.
Bronze Faction Siddies gone Akuma? It's state secret. I've had that little kernel in my pocket for a loooooooooong time. Shhhh.
*A dark italian man enters the thread*

Yo... names Sergio LEone... i can make you a star... :D  Hastur(good) Ligier(bad) & Cthulhu (ugly)
unfortunately that may not be the case-they are'nt THE most powerful anyomore,so far as I can tell the Abyssal's are(or were Solars) and are just as powerful in their own right(even if resonance still causes problems)

and then we have the fae,raksha or whatever they're called depending on where they are encounter...

but in a stand-alone 1 on 1 encounter the Solar's do tend to win-which is why the wild hunt exists-right?
Most Powerful?

What do you mean by most powerful? To me the Celelstial exalts are all on equal status in terms of power, just each specialize differently. Sidereals have their martial arts, Lunars have DBT, Solars and Abyssals are more generalists. Though Abyssals have more killing power than Solars do they tend to be a little less powerful than Solars at everything else.

It really depends on how you want your character to be powerful, a strong berserker, a powerful mage, a crazy martial artist, it really all sits on your character's concept.
I see no Dragon Kings option. :P

Seriously though, it depends on the skill of the player/ST. A Dragon-Blood can beat a Solar, if they're just sufficiently smarter.
Not just if they are smarter.  I had written up a Solar that was a traveling storyteller.  With him, I focused on the Performance charms that let him rewrite memories.  I was going to run him around as a minstrel, slowly changing public opinion about the overthrow of the Solars.  In combat, he was a wimp, but in a social situation, he rocked.  If you have a Dawn Caste that dumps everything you got into, say, Archery and Dodge, you will do better in a scrap than one that spends their slots on Healing.  Its all subjective.
Sorry, I didn't mean to discredit the Dragon-Kings I just don't know all that much about them and thus I could not think of their strong point. What is their strong point by the way? One of my friends created a Dragon-King once but he decided not to play the character so I never got to see one in action.

And it is true a DB could beat a Solar if played right, I was just thinking of the types of Exalted offered in the poll.

I was trying to get the point across that it was subjective, so much so that there really is no one exalt type that is more powerful over all than the others. They all have their strengths and weaknesses which is why there are different types in the first place. If one type of exalt was just the best at everything then to me the game would be no fun and a bit pointless to make all the other types. How powerful they are depends on the concept and how their played.
theconqueror87 said:
What is their strong point by the way?
Artifacts, mostly. Sheer power-wise, they're around the level of Dragon-Blooded, but they can make Artifacts on par with Solars. They can even out-perform other Exalts on their home turf with their Artifacts; the Orrery of Arainthul, for example, from Ruins of Rathess, can predict the future better than the Sidereals can.

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