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Bodhisattva said:
Some things, souls can't buy.  For everything else, there's Essence.
*dies* It's official you and SiD are the boys with the sharp wit of TV conversions, with me lending a hand every once in a while lmao.

I have had to use 'Rocks fall' once ever as an ST, ad that was to shock the players out of spending entire game sessions laughing about the name "Wangler's Knob"

Does that make me a Bad ST, and if so why DoI often have to turn people away from my games due to their being toomany players already?
I have had to use 'Rocks fall' once ever as an ST, ad that was to shock the players out of spending entire game sessions laughing about the name "Wangler's Knob"

Does that make me a Bad ST, and if so why DoI often have to turn people away from my games due to their being toomany players already?
So, what you're saying is that you're playing with a bunch of immature players?  If they spent fifteen minutes laughing about "Wangler's Knob", that's no big deal.  Yeah, you have your laugh, you move on.  Spending entire gaming sessions laughing about it?  Sounds like these guys are real winners.  The fact that you used a "rocks fall" scenario to try to kill characters off [which is what we're talking about here] means that yes, as a Storyteller, you lack the creative wherewithall to motivate and captivate the attention of your players.  Granted, if they're that immature, it makes your job a lot tougher so I can't say that you suck completely.  Still, the "rocks fall: you're all dead" scenario is crude and low for someone that controls the universe that they players' characters exist in.

And whether or not you turn people away from your table is irrelevant.  I'd rather play with some creative and enthusiastic role-players than a mob of immature monkeys that spend entire gaming sessions laughing over the name of a town like "Wangler's Knob".  Maybe you're turning away the wrong players.
I have had to use 'Rocks fall' once ever as an ST, ad that was to shock the players out of spending entire game sessions laughing about the name "Wangler's Knob"
Does that make me a Bad ST, and if so why DoI often have to turn people away from my games due to their being toomany players already?
 Cold greasy fries are better than no fries?

 Though, considering the maturity level of your players, you did have a pretty good excuse...
I have had to use 'Rocks fall' once ever as an ST, ad that was to shock the players out of spending entire game sessions laughing about the name "Wangler's Knob"
Does that make me a Bad ST, and if so why DoI often have to turn people away from my games due to their being toomany players already?
 Cold greasy fries are better than no fries?

 Though, considering the maturity level of your players, you did have a pretty good excuse...
Isn't the point to tell a good story and have a good time, not to punish your players?
Seriously, anyone who gets tickled pink over that name...yeahm use rocks, rocks filled with firedust or perhaps have it be a precarious mountain of Soulbreaker Orbs ready to be set off...
Bodhisattva said:
I have had to use 'Rocks fall' once ever as an ST, ad that was to shock the players out of spending entire game sessions laughing about the name "Wangler's Knob"
Does that make me a Bad ST, and if so why DoI often have to turn people away from my games due to their being toomany players already?
 Cold greasy fries are better than no fries?

 Though, considering the maturity level of your players, you did have a pretty good excuse...
Isn't the point to tell a good story and have a good time, not to punish your players?
 But when your players aren't interested in anything but laughing at 'Wangler's Knob'...applying a beat stick may be in order.

 In any case, I won't go over ground you've already covered quite well in your previous post with KOA...and which I mostly agree with, in case there's any confusion.

 My personal favorite of the ST game-ending fiat is...the ST simply declining to run more sessions. Wouldn't recommend it unless you're completely torqued off at the players, and never want to associate with them again in any manner, but...it has its moments.
What? Mature people have never reached Critical mass of giggles?

It happens, I just prefer to use a sudden shock to stop the giggles when people are beyond the point of no Return (Not an uncommon thing in RPGs, hell the term Critical mass was used to describe it, when humor became so contagous within a group that the session is probabbly going to be abandoned.)

The Players I choose are ones that work well with each other, and provide a strong dynamic with hih levels of character interaction and Motivation.

Oh and lack of games? I livein a town with 4 major independant Gaming clubs, a fifth one being formed. and 3 university associated gaming clubs

That is not counting the bulliten boards for gamers at the major stores advertising where games are

There is no real shortage of GMs
What? Mature people have never reached Critical mass of giggles?
 Sure, they do. But mature people stop after a few minutes. From your description, they kept on it for hours--long enough for you to snap.

 Your attempt to defend your players is commendable, but that's not maturity in any shape or form on their part.
You hae never seen a true Roleplayer critical mass situation

They are rare, but I have seen groups of gamers enterlevels of laughter where they lose all semblene of their characters

It only takes a couple of minutes

they usually last until the players run out of varient jokes to tellon the theme

Problem is I havesome very imaginative bastards when it comes to recycling tank humor
You hae never seen a true Roleplayer critical mass situation
They are rare, but I have seen groups of gamers enterlevels of laughter where they lose all semblene of their characters

It only takes a couple of minutes

they usually last until the players run out of varient jokes to tellon the theme

Problem is I havesome very imaginative bastards when it comes to recycling tank humor
 You're not making your characters look any more mature, y'know; if you were a defense attorney, that last statement is bordering on malpractice.  8)
 You're not making your characters look any more mature, y'know; if you were a defense attorney, that last statement is bordering on malpractice.  8)
Go reread my post, show where I said it was tis group of players I was referring to, or even a group I was STing, or even one I was playing in...

I pointed out the problem of 'Critical Mass'

Considering the Web Gamer Dictionary is where i got that term for...

I don't know what should scare you more, that it happened, or that it is so common there is a term for it.

But on a far more serious topic, why do you tink you are qualified to judge.

There are RPGs, they are a glorified version od 'Cops and Robbers' we are not doing Shakespearean theatre here. None of us are mature!

Not you, not me, not any of us.

Deal with it.  :roll:

In the end we play these games to enjoy ourselves, and for all the fact that it annoyed the hell otu of me, I can't really say they werenn't enjoying themselves.

And after the 'Rocks fall' which was a hollow threat, more designed to express displeasure than anything else, they actually got strongly into character and played well. If you find the threadon it in Storytellers forum, you will be able to see what i mean.

but all this makes be a bad GM?

Personally I have felt the hallmark of a Great GM was knowing his players and making things that they enjoy and make them happy.

SOmetimes this requires a soft touch, sometimes a heavy blow.

I am not a great GM, I make mistakes. But I am a good GM, I usually walk away with players who want in on the next game I run.

Can you say the same?

In a small town with 8 gaming clubs that boast high membership levels, I fill my games with relative ease, whenever or wherever i hold them.

if you truly think I am substandard, I challenge you to come to where i live and run a game, see if you can honestly do better
I have had to use 'Rocks fall' once ever as an ST, ad that was to shock the players out of spending entire game sessions laughing about the name "Wangler's Knob"

Does that make me a Bad ST, and if so why DoI often have to turn people away from my games due to their being toomany players already?
Short answer: not neccessarily a bad storyteller but surely an immature person. killing a character cause you weren't able to pick the right players or 'cause you are not able to bring it back on track is immature. killing a character instead of calling it quits and joining the fun after you realized you can't bring it back on track is immature.

oh and for the "I am so great my campaigns are always full" part. this is the internet, people lie here all the time to boost their ego or for even stranger reasons. I am not saying you are lying but this is in no way a proof or an indicator for you being good. you could simply be the only owner of the rulebook, you know?
Safim said:
Short answer: not neccessarily a bad storyteller but surely an immature person. killing a character cause you weren't able to pick the right players or 'cause you are not able to bring it back on track is immature. killing a character instead of calling it quits and joining the fun after you realized you can't bring it back on track is immature.

oh and for the "I am so great my campaigns are always full" part. this is the internet, people lie here all the time to boost their ego or for even stranger reasons. I am not saying you are lying but this is in no way a proof or an indicator for you being good. you could simply be the only owner of the rulebook, you know?
Immature? maybe

Irritable that day? Certainly

Excessive? Probably

Willing to reverse the roocks after the situation calmed down annd they realized it wasn't fun any more? Yup

and as my previous post ppinted out, none of us are truly mature
perhaps I'm the only one here with this thinking, but you guys are being excessively antagonistic here over this.

KOA's self description may very well be fueled primarily by ego; but so is the attempt to cut another ST down for no particular reason and based only on a few scattered comments, each one completely devoid of context.

I don't know about you, but I don't subject my players to 16 hours in a deprivation chamber before each game to make sure that their minds are free of distractions and base humor and that their bloodstreams are clear of high fructose corn syrup.  People come to games bringing the day outside in with them.  They bring base humor.  They bring moutain dew for god's sake!  It's not enough to say "well, if you just had a halfway decent story than no one would ever possibly be distracted for even a moment!"  No matter how good your story may be, there will ALWAYS be outside distractions.  It happens to the best of groups, no matter how mature.  Sometimes folks just need a laugh and sometimes it needs to get reigned in.

Now, I would like to see this mythical game, played upon an ivory hex map with golden dice, where no one makes a bad sexual innuendo, where there are no bad puns and no one ever leaves the table to get a snack or go to the bathroom and then comes back to ask "what'd I miss?"  And I'm sure this game would have the greatest and best story in the world and we could get Jack Black to sing a song about it, or at least a tribute.
Have your thunder stolen, and don't know what to do?

 Ligier Enterprises offers the latest personal security devices--not just for your physical well-being, but your mental and social well-being as well!

 Come visit us at our website, or if you prefer personal attention, your local Ligier Enterprises outlet...where that annoying Yozi cult used to be (amateurs). Our satisfaction-guaranteed-or-double-your-jade-back policy will ensure that you are completely happy with every purchase!
I'd like to order your finest retriever/assassin Third Circle Demon...thunder stealers need to be dealt with  :twisted:
Those same services are the ones you call upon when you need a little thunder stolen, too, CW.  I think it would be a conflict of interest if they accepted you as an employer.
Bodhisattva said:
Those same services are the ones you call upon when you need a little thunder stolen, too, CW.  I think it would be a conflict of interest if they accepted you as an employer.
 Getting paid by both sides...ah. [sigh of contentment]

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