Who are more powerful.

whos most powerful

  • Solars

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lunars

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • abyssals

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • siderals

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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That's okay.  Demons of Malfeas have a tendency to turn on each other and their masters, so it's not likely that the infrastructure of your business is likely to survive, either.
Oh, other businesses may have such personnel issues, but at Ligier Enterprises, everyone is committed to a team effort to provide the best possible service for our customers.

 Isn't that right?

 [Lots of enthusiastic nods, only barely masking the fear beneath]
Sato said:
perhaps I'm the only one here with this thinking, but you guys are being excessively antagonistic here over this.
KOA's self description may very well be fueled primarily by ego; but so is the attempt to cut another ST down for no particular reason and based only on a few scattered comments, each one completely devoid of context.

I don't know about you, but I don't subject my players to 16 hours in a deprivation chamber before each game to make sure that their minds are free of distractions and base humor and that their bloodstreams are clear of high fructose corn syrup.  People come to games bringing the day outside in with them.  They bring base humor.  They bring moutain dew for god's sake!  It's not enough to say "well, if you just had a halfway decent story than no one would ever possibly be distracted for even a moment!"  No matter how good your story may be, there will ALWAYS be outside distractions.  It happens to the best of groups, no matter how mature.  Sometimes folks just need a laugh and sometimes it needs to get reigned in.

Now, I would like to see this mythical game, played upon an ivory hex map with golden dice, where no one makes a bad sexual innuendo, where there are no bad puns and no one ever leaves the table to get a snack or go to the bathroom and then comes back to ask "what'd I miss?"  And I'm sure this game would have the greatest and best story in the world and we could get Jack Black to sing a song about it, or at least a tribute.
Not sure if I could ever game again after experiencing that. Every other game would feel hollow

Though I hear the Christianstell of a roleplaying campaign like that once.

According to them it was perfect, until some jerk named Lucifer turned around and said that he should GM instead.
Sato said:
perhaps I'm the only one here with this thinking, but you guys are being excessively antagonistic here over this.
KOA's self description may very well be fueled primarily by ego; but so is the attempt to cut another ST down for no particular reason and based only on a few scattered comments, each one completely devoid of context.

I don't know about you, but I don't subject my players to 16 hours in a deprivation chamber before each game to make sure that their minds are free of distractions and base humor and that their bloodstreams are clear of high fructose corn syrup.  People come to games bringing the day outside in with them.  They bring base humor.  They bring moutain dew for god's sake!  It's not enough to say "well, if you just had a halfway decent story than no one would ever possibly be distracted for even a moment!"  No matter how good your story may be, there will ALWAYS be outside distractions.  It happens to the best of groups, no matter how mature.  Sometimes folks just need a laugh and sometimes it needs to get reigned in.

Now, I would like to see this mythical game, played upon an ivory hex map with golden dice, where no one makes a bad sexual innuendo, where there are no bad puns and no one ever leaves the table to get a snack or go to the bathroom and then comes back to ask "what'd I miss?"  And I'm sure this game would have the greatest and best story in the world and we could get Jack Black to sing a song about it, or at least a tribute.
Meh never talked about nobody ever laughing, but getting off for 15 mins abuot wangler's knob when someone else spend hours preparing the game is just immature and that is a bad choice of players.

oh... and snacks are on the table and we do breaks every now and then so nobody needs to jump to the bathroom in important moments. it is not like we are little children who don't know when they need to sit still for a while.
So, what did we learn on this thread today?

That some folks will laugh at anything.  

That some STs fall back into old patterns to establish order.

That some folks judge another person's table without being there.

That Wrangler's Knob IS pretty dang funny.

That Digression Fields can range from Force 1 to Force 10.*

That an ST should have established methods of clearing Digression Fields.

*Force 1: Get me another beer when you get up?  

--Am I your beer bitch?  

Just asking, you prickly bastard.

--*flicks the finger on the way to the bathroom

Force 3: Who brought all this fucking Lite beer?  And what's with all this diet soda? I know you're dating someone new, but WTF?

Force 5: Pizza's here!

Force 8: Damn it's hot in here.  Can I borrow a t-shirt?  All I have is this sweater and I forgot to wear a bra today...

Force 9: So, Dave, who was that girl you were with last night? Noting that everyone had assumed that Dave was gay from his general disinterest in the female of the species...

Force 10: Said player from above finds a t-shirt from the ST, and it turns out her sweater puppies are like the Sienfeld episode, and are fantastic...
people say solars are good at pretty much everything...

they can pretty much take over the siddie martial arts power because they can learn Siddie MA if taught. now you might say ....IF... but i mean still the potential is there, so it takes the siddie monopoly on it.

Solar could probably shapeshift, with some sorta sorcery, or spirit charm, so bam Lunar power is null.

IF solars are as versatile and great as everyone says, then that means they have as much potential if not more, to become destruction monkeys, they could rival a Abyssal i am sure.

in the end of the day... i sadly have to say... the rest of the celestial exalted are pretty much useless.
dude i love siddies, it pisses me the fuck off that Solars can learn Siddie MA, when a Siddie cant learn Solar Circle magic.

if i ran a game as an ST i would prohibit any solar of even thinking about trying to hit Siddie MA. Maybe its a bit cold of me, but i figure if MA's is what the siddies are good at, i am gonna keep it that way.
First off, I don't agree with that. I believe the Exalts excel in their own areas and only their own. Solars are perfection, Lunars their shapeshifting which no other will ever be able to come close, the perfection of MA belongs to the purview of the Siddies along with astrology and the Dragon Blood have reflexives and synergy charms. I tend to make this the mandate of the world in my games.

No Solar, no matter how much he tries at Martial Arts, will excel past a Sidereal master. It just won't happen, if focus' everything he has to the absolute exclusion of everything else, then maybe he will. But it was never the Solar's purview. Their's was to rule and govern and weild the powers of Sorcery to it's fullest, leading the world. Not being Kung-fu masters like all the little Keanu's in their hearts may have wished.

They'll never be as goo at shaping their bodies, nor as good reading the stars. Simple as that, I mean anyone can do as they wish in their games. But if you wanted those in the first place...play another Exalt type x.x Come on now.
Lotus said:
dude i love siddies, it pisses me the fuck off that Solars can learn Siddie MA, when a Siddie cant learn Solar Circle magic.
if i ran a game as an ST i would prohibit any solar of even thinking about trying to hit Siddie MA. Maybe its a bit cold of me, but i figure if MA's is what the siddies are good at, i am gonna keep it that way.
They're good at much more than learning Martial Arts...  They've got a more direct line access to fate.
Siddie MA only looks impressive cause there haven't been any other good Essence 5-6 combat charms written in canon (at the time).

 Think of the havoc Essence 6 Melee, Thrown, and Archery charms would raise...
think of what higher essence siddie MA will do...

and how could a solar using siddie MA not excel past a siddie using the same MA?  i dont understand this.
What I'm saying is, it's not their bag, seriously, how many Exalts were ever true, one huundred percent martial artists? Not many. To the Siderials, it's not a means to an end, nor simply a way of enlightenment in the simplest terms. All of them know it, all of them practice it. They're Fate skeeners and divine mystics to a point. It's a way of life, cliche as it sounds. It's their bag, not the Solars. Same as astrology.
Lotus said:
think of what higher essence siddie MA will do...
and how could a solar using siddie MA not excel past a siddie using the same MA?  i dont understand this.
 Same way a Solar won't be better using a starmetal artifact than a Siddie would.
alright i will give you that. Siddies, are more prone and more likely to become kung fu kiddies. but, it doesnt mean they are better at it ( oh gosh.. cant believe i am saying this :cry: )

The thing is if a Solar was so inclined to master Siddie MA's he would do it just as easily as a Siddie. Hell he might do better since he has a bigger essence pool.

Since the solar could become a Siddie MA master, it takes away from the Siddie monopoly of being most powerful  MA masters.
Yes, they CAN but it was never really revealed to them what they could really do. Until now because WW authors LOVE power creep...Thing is, it was like the Siddie state secret. The Solars just knew they made really badass MA'ers. Thing is, most Siddie's will know far more styles and sutras and more to do with MA than Solars ever will, hence their title of MA masters. It's not all "I have more Essence therefore I win." I don't see it that way.
i see your points and i understand them. i cant argue that you guys are wrong cus your not. but still, it doesnt change the fact that a solar can and could master a siddies MA that has been developed.

I mean would it be fair if a siddie could use Solar circle Sorcery? i mean it would be fine cus the solar would be master of it, he would be able to use it with more potential since he has more motes of essence to spend, and he would know more spells...but the siddie could learn a a handful of solar spells... no that wouldnt be cool, it would be taking away what solars are best at.


Thats why i say, that anyone who wants to keep the MA edge on a Siddie should just forbid use of its MA's to anyone not Siddie.
Yes' date=' they CAN but it was never really revealed to them what they could really do. Until now because WW authors LOVE power creep...Thing is, it was like the Siddie state secret. The Solars just knew they made really badass MA'ers. Thing is, most Siddie's will know far more styles and sutras and more to do with MA than Solars ever will, hence their title of MA masters. It's not all "I have more Essence therefore I win." I don't see it that way.[/quote']
 Was Siddie MA mentioned in 2nd Ed? I don't recall reading it.
they better.. and it better be impossible for SOlars to learn it or i am doing some fire starting.

hell the only reason they made it so that exalted and mortal could learn higher up the blossom was cus of the damn Db's since they had to fine a reason and explaination as to why DB's could learn Celestial MAs. then they were like... well if a DB could learn Celestial MA why couldnt a mortal learn terrestrial if he tried hard... or a solar Siddie MA if he focused enough!
Well to be honest, what do you think the Immaculate Paths are? They're a specialized Celestial Martial Art designed by the Sids for the DDBs to govern the world better after the Spirit Rebellion following the Usurpation.
Not entirely sure' date=' but then, they may bring it back more fearsome and powerful than ever before O.o [/quote']
 Then where did you get that Solars can write new Siddie MA styles?

 Granted, there's nothing explicit barring it, but the blurb about how new Siddie MAs are written in the PG suggests that Solars aren't able to do so.

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