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Fantasy Whisper Wood (A fantasy adventure rp)

Lila replied. "There were a lot I people on the bigger boat, because was a party, and it was just us four on the smaller boat."

Seera turned to look behind her. "My name is Seera, miss."
Muttering something under her breath, Dysis shifted into a sitting position. Standing she started to pace, though her steps were slightly stumbled and uneven. "Look. Though we may be the almighty beasts you are" her voice was dripping with sarcasm, it faded as she continued "But we shouldn't have to grovel at your feet. This is your land, this is your kingdom or whatever the hell it is yet we should deserve some answers. It not like we wanted to arrive on that beach in the first place...." Dysis was about to continue till she thought better of it. She was already digging herself a hole and if she wanted any chance of getting out, she needed to quit while she was ahead. Sitting back down, she held her head in her hand. "If your going to kill us just get it over with. A lot less work on your part..." Dysis muttered.

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"What will become of you is up to the queen," Kalora said. "I'll merely advise her on what actions would be wisest to take." She remained her calm posture, even though she didn't in the slightest like the way this girl was speaking to her. "You will get your answers when we've got ours. There is much we need to know to make sure we won't make decisions we will regret later. But you have just said something quite interesting.... Your claim is you did not come here voluntarily?"
Looking up, one would now notice how she looked. Her eyes dull with the throbbing pain, fatigue and slight hits of worry and fear. Her dark hair strewn about and tangled by the sea. It was clear in her expression as well. Giving a slow nod, Dysis replied "y-yeah...the last...thing I remember...i-is...." Closing her eyes for a moment, she frowned. "A-actually...I don't r-remember and of the...events on the...b-boat" her speech was choppy, and a bit struggled. That trip on the sea took a toll on her, and now it was really showing.

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Nathalia smiled warmly towards Seera.

"I will never forget this, Seera." She whispered, bowing her head before continuing up the dark staircase. Zero bowed his head quickly as well, and followed after his sister. When they had reached the top, they were greeted by the same two guards standing protectively near the entrance. One turned around, and immediately a look of surprise appeared across his face. And then it quickly changed to anger. He began to step towards Seera, reaching an arm out to grab her roughly. But he stopped when Nathalia stepped in front of her. He immediately froze, looking confused.

"Lady Nathalia-"

"She is a guest, and guests are not to be handled in such a barbaric manner."

He stammered and cleared his throat. The guard bowed his head, and stepped away from the two nobles and Seera. Nathalia glanced back at her, and gave Seera a small smile before proceeding forward. The moment they entered their mother's room, she exploded into a frenzy of anger.

"What is the meaning of this?!?" She snarled viciously, directing her irritation towards her children. Nathalia simply stood calmly next Zero, stepping aside so their mother saw Seera behind them. She glared at her for a moment, until the guards entered the room.

"She stole the keys, my lady." One said, not taking a single second to look at Seera. Nathalia and Zero's mother clenched her fists.

"Escort her out. Now." She growled quietly. Nathalia stepped forward.

"She is here under the order of the queen."

Their mother immediately paused, arching an eyebrow.

"The queen?" She glanced over to Seera, awaiting an explanation.
"Take some tea," Kalora offered. "I've got some healing herbs here as well," she showed a kind, concerned smile, something she didn't do very often.

"So, you remember nothing... You were on a boat, sailed towards an island in the fog and somehow washed up here. That must have been quite a night..." She searched through some papers on her desk, looked down upon them, and put them back on a stash as she lightly shook her head.

"Many would find your story unbelievable. I myself have some trouble with it as well, but that's mostly because I didn't expect the stories to be trie, nor live long enough to see it for myself..." She looked at each of the three. "This is very confusing to all of us, and i am uncertain how things are supposed to be explained... But it seems you got here for a reason, and we have yet to figure out what that reason is."

Maybe a war was truly upon them, and the humans were, unbeknownst to themselves, sent to Whisper to aid them all?
A slight look of relief washed over her face as she took a cup. Sipping the soothing liquid, as she listened a question surfaced. "I don't mean to be rude, yet how old are you?" Realizing that she hadn't introduced herself, Dysis continued "My name is Dysis, by the way"

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Azure listened silently, until her name was mentioned in connection with the "claw." She could indeed try to fix it, but the wearer seemed rather annoyed and not exactly the type to let her get close. Although the day seemed to be wearing her down. The shifter stepped forward, nearing the chair. "I can attempt to repair your.. claw. But I will have many questions, and it might not work." She said politely, waiting or permission to look at the thing.
(I've got to go for a little while, so this is my last post for a couple hours)

Seera looked to the woman speaking to her. "Yes, the queen did send me. She would like your children to appear in court, to help make a decision about the human's fate. I will not take them without your permission, but I can say nothing for the queen herself."
As the Queen waited to hear back from her most trusted subjects she thought of how she would address the people, what she would say to them. She had an idea of what she would like to happen but she would let the people decide the fate of the kingdom. Sometimes as queen you had to make tough decisions for the good of the kingdom, other times you had to let people decide their own fate, for it was their kingdom too.
"Do you wish to know my age compared to someone like you, or the actual amount of years?" Kalora asked with a light chuckle. If these humans had ill intend, or were in any other way dangerous, she would have known it by now. And if they did not remember what happened, it was of little use trying to get them to speak of their intend. Best she could do for now was trying to make them feel a little more at ease.
At this, Dysis became a bit confused. She looked to be about mid twenties yet now she wasn't entirely sure. "I would guess the number would be about early to mid twenties?" Dysis asked, the slight confusion was noticeable for those looking.

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Kalora chuckled at Dysis' confusion. It was rather amusing to see how unaware she was of the differences between them. Did the humans even have stories about the Shifters, like they had stories about the humans? That was a question she could always ask later.

"I suppose that, compared to a human like you, my age would be... Hmm... 23? The actual amount of years... Hmm..." Kalora thought for a moment, calculating the difference in her head. "Multiply it by twelve to get a good idea. Tis is my 279th year on this world. Meaning that, as of now, I am 278 years of age."
Surprise was clear in Dysis' expression. "278..." Blinking a few times she then asked "I'm assuming your kind ages slowly?" By this she meant physically.

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Damian nods, "come with me." He orders, not asking any further questions. He guides her out if the room, and to where the queen was located. "Your majesty." He begins, bowing slightly. "This one claims to be.. human." He says with some hesitation. Humans were considered rare, or more mythical.
"That we do," Kalora said. "It makes me wonder whether you have stories about us, like we have about you..." She glanced at the three. "But those are matters of later concern. I've got my answers, so we should head back to the Queen and see what she thinks should be done with you." She stood up from behind her desk and headed to the door. "If you would follow after me, please?"
Nodding, Dysis stood. And prepared to follow her out. "Stories? Some, yet there are various other things told about your kind. Some favor books, others Role Play as them, some Cosplay, others watch animes" with a shrug she finished "it's all personal preference I guess"

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"Of those things, books are really the only thing that make sense to me," Kalora said. "The other terms are entirely unfamiliar to me."

(And now I'll wait fort he other two so they can still say/do something)
Scarlett let herself be taken to their so called Queen. She watched Damian bow to the beautiful woman but she didn't know what was appropriate so she just awkwardly stood there.

Emberly looked from Damian to the girl. She thought she saw a spark of something there, something that shouldn't be, but for now she would let it slide. "Do you think they are a threat Damian?" she asked. "I'm planning on calling for a vote to see what should be done with them. Do you have any suggestions?"
He boy sighed in annoyance "Oh well, might as well continue walking." he told himself as he stretched his arm. He took the last bite of his apple and started walking. He looked around, enjoying the peace in the land. He looked around for some type of work, yet, no one was hiring. He was happy to hear that, but also annoyed. It's good that no one needs any help with there lives. But, if he doesn't get work, he can't get paid. He sighed in annoyance and saw the castle "Hmmm, I wonder, maybe there's a type of job I can do in the palace?" He wondered and started to walk in the castle and looked around to see if there was any type of job for him. "Hello? I doubt this place is empty... Anyone got a job for good old Lucas? Lucas asked curiously, hoping someone would answer him.
"Can I help you?" Novah asked. There were so many strange things happening today, someone wandering into the palace was the least of them. The guards must be busy with the humans if he could just walk right in. She thought he looked familiar but couldn't place him.
Lucas looked over to Novah and smiled "Oh, thank the gods, I was wondering if there is any type a job you guys need me to do? You see, I'm quite low on money and I need some type of payment." Lucas chuckled while he was scratching his head. "Oh, by the by, my name is Lucas Trona, a travelling Mercenary. A poor one at that." He told Novah while joking at the same time.
Lila stood up, and leaned heavily on the chair. As they walked out the door, she struggled to follow. She had to put almost no weight on her right leg, as it was still broken. She managed to get out of the room, and stood in the hall, waiting to be told where to go next.
"I'm Novah," she smiled at him. "I'm not sure if there's anything that needs to be done, I think Her Majesty the Queen has everything under control with the humans." She paused and tilted her head, "That's what you meant right helping with the humans?" Novah shifted on her feet a little nervous of the whole situation. She had originally come to the palace to see if the Prince wanted to go for a walk but he didn't seem to be available, and then all the fuss with the humans, what a day!
Lucas looked at her funny. "H-humans? A-are they a type of food? I'm not good with cooking but, I can try to whip up a meal for Her Majesty." Lucas said as he rubbed his head, he was extremely confused, who or what were these "Humans. "Judging by your nervous reaction, I'm assuming they aren't food." Lucas just stared at Novah, still completely confused.

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