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Fantasy Whisper Wood (A fantasy adventure rp)

They broke atmosphere and entered a somewhat brighter room, decorated with elegant marble statues, a large circular gold chandelier hanging from the ceiling that held unlit candles, a carpeted burgundy floor, and an extendable cherrywood table centred in the room. For a dining room meant for guests, this was a little over the top, but there wasn't a complaint from any of the others so he bit back his tongue. Kael's attention snapped back to the shifter he now knew as 'Azure' and managed a small smile that disappeared as quickly as it appeared. His mind was all over the place between the new scene, the music, the dancing guests and the shifter's compliance with his questions. But he tried his best to stay focused. "So, something of a festival?" He concluded rhetorically as he rested a hand on the nearest chair to claim his spot -which just so happened to be beside that Scarlett girl- when he realised people were preparing for breakfast at the siren of Cerulean's demand for service. Flickering his polychrome orbs toward the human girl named Dysis as she further explained this 'party', Michaelis tilted his head with a subtle sneer at her tone. If there was one thing he couldn't tolerate, it was people with unnecessarily bitter attitudes. He hadn't done anything but ask a simple question and yet here she was on the defense. "Thank you for clearing things up, Miss Dysis. That was informative in more ways than one." He spat sarcastically, eyes subconsciously falling to her clawed arm before looking back up at the girl. "But to answer your question, Azure, yes. I am an Elf. I would've thought the pointed ears were definite giveaways" He answered her, his tone softening slightly while a sliver of a smile returned to his lips. "So you're a blacksmith, eh?" Kael asked, eyes still glued in a narrowed slit on the dark-haired girl for a concise minute before turning his attention back to the shifter. "My trusted blade had been through quite a lot recently and I'm afraid that it's dulled. I wonder if you wouldn't mind if I stopped by later this evening -assuming you're still open around then." There was a high chance that he wouldn't be able to go into town until much later that day, if at all, so he wanted to get his weapons in order as soon as possible in case of another attack.

(That's cool. I'm kinda trying to cut back on the long paragraphs.
xD )

@Flutterby @StoneWolf18
Aeron said:
Jacob chuckled as he ruffled his hair to make it at least a bit tidier. "Nice to meet you Lucas. Name's Jacob. You can call me Jake, Jack, or Jacob, but not Smoker." He said with a smirk as he walked along side him. "And yes, there is something bothering me. I don't know where I am, who anyone is, why I'm here, and what I'm supposed to do. I'm also almost out of cigarettes and that something no one wants to see happen." He said curtly as they reached the market. "I'm sorry if I came off as rude...I'm not stable until I've had a couple of hits, if not coffee." He said a bit embarresed.
Lucas kept walking with him and sighed "Well, we have that stuff, but I can't buy any of it because I'm broke." He looked over to Jacob "Looks like you're going to have to wait Smoker old buddy." Lucas smiled, turning his head back to the road he sighed. "In a few days I'll be leaving here to search for work. I'm a mercenary you see, and well, I do get requests. But, a majority of them are poor and can't afford to pay me. So, I don't make them pay me." Lucas stated and chuckled "admittedly its pretty stupid to do that but, all I care about is helping people." He smiled as he turned his head to look at the sky.
Azure turned to look at Dysis, her red eyes flickering between annoyance and amusement. Someone was definitely not a morning person. She avoided saying anything to the girl, deciding it was best not to anger the guests. The elf Michaelis, however, had no qualms about giving Dysis's attitude right back to her. She hid her smirk by looking down, tactfully holding back an outright laugh. When he spoke to her in with the same type of sarcastic wording, she turned her eyes to him sharply, prepared to snap back. But she caught the tiny grin as her eyes fell on him, and realized his tone had changed a little. "Well, one can never be too sure. Pointy ears could also make you a goblin." She quipped softly, looking at him with a smirk as she took the chair on his other side. He turned to look at her again, and the blonde noticed with a moment of pleasant surprise that one of his eyes was different then the other. It was interesting enough to keep her from looking away. "Apprentice, technically, for now." She clarified, hoping that it wouldnt cause him to withdraw his request. "I'll be here until the actual guards show up to take charge of our guests, but after that I'd be happy to take care of it. Anytime, I'll be up late catching up anyway." She said nonchalantly, although her heart skipped a beat at the thought of doing work for a guest of the Queen.

Cerulean, in the back of the kitchen, gave a heavy groan. The staff, in his brief absence, had decided to take a break and was not nearly as far along in preparations as he would have hoped. With an annoyed sigh, he took over, barking orders to his staff. With the proper motivation, it wouldnt be long until the breakfast was ready.
Celeste panicked, she had to go now but she wanted to play "I have to go know, bye." she said, grabbing her violin and running out jumped of a higher area and landing on her feet than bolting out an exit, "2 minutes." she thought, she had 2 minutes to run 2 blocks, she smiled at the challenge then charged forward at full speed, she turned, jumped over a waste bin, dodged a man with a stack of books then made her way into a small tavern, that was her current full time job, she had to play from 10 to lunch, she made her way over to a makeshift stage and happily started to play.
Scarlett cautiously put her arm over her drawings and slid the paper away from the Elf. That's a little awkward she thought, hoping he didn't notice that his portrait was on the page. He was speaking with other people so she figured her chances were pretty good. Her sketches were absolutely beautiful, she just didn't want the attention good or bad that came with them. When she was sure no one was watching she turned the paper over completely and breathed a small sigh of relief.

Dysis and her attitude, Scarlett went out of her way to be nice to the girl but she always seemed mad at the world, like she was fighting a war that only she was part of.
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Sparkstorm1000 said:
Lucas kept walking with him and sighed "Well, we have that stuff, but I can't buy any of it because I'm broke." He looked over to Jacob "Looks like you're going to have to wait Smoker old buddy." Lucas smiled, turning his head back to the road he sighed. "In a few days I'll be leaving here to search for work. I'm a mercenary you see, and well, I do get requests. But, a majority of them are poor and can't afford to pay me. So, I don't make them pay me." Lucas stated and chuckled "admittedly its pretty stupid to do that but, all I care about is helping people." He smiled as he turned his head to look at the sky.
Jacob choked on his own saliva. "You help people by killing others? For free? Because you like to help people?! Lucas, I don't think that's call helping people. If anything, that's problem maker. What about the families of the people you kill, eh?" Jacob shook his head. "You know what, forget it. I'm not a mercenary so I don't know enough about this to argue about it." Jacob glanced over at Lucas "so...there's work around here? You think I could get some too? Not mercenary work of course..." He said, waving his hands no as looked at the shops to see if there was any good tobacco pipes around. He always wanted to smoke out of those, they looked really nice.
Lucas looked annoyed and sighed. "Look Smoker, you got the wrong idea. I do multiple jobs like guarding, or doing common household things. It feels like your confusing me as an assassin" scratching his head continually sighing. "I don't kill people, I capture then have them locked up. I don't work for any old person. I work for a person who seems like a kind guy."
Jacob sighed and stopped, putting his hand on Luca's shoulder. "Like I said, man. I don't know enough about mercenaries to argue about'em." Jacob smirked. "Besides, I don't like arguing with my friends. And not only that, but the only mercenary I've actually heard about scince I was a kid was Deadpool, so...I bet you can see why I thought that." He chuckled, rubbing that back of his head in embarresment.
Lucas looked at him confusedly. "Deadpool? I've never heard of him in my entire life. But, if that's what he does then... He's a jerk." Lucas said still rather confused. "Oh well, regardless I'll probably never meet the guy. But, yeah, you might be able to find work in this town though. I don't see why you can't."
Kalora chuckled as Celeste ran of so suddenly. Either she really had to leave and was running late, or she just panicked and made up an excuse. She smiled as she thanked the audience, but her lute back in its bag, jumped off the stage as well and walked over to the table where the others were having breakfast. There she sat down on one of the chairs.

"Good morning, again," she smiled. "Nothing better than starting the day with music and food. I needed the distraction."

Kalora glanced around the table. "Has anyone seen Numi?" she asked. "I don't recall seeing her since yesterday. She wasn't at the voting either..."

Kalora silently begged she didn't get in trouble or attacked as well. With all the things happening one just couldn't be sure.
Sparkstorm1000 said:
Lucas looked at him confusedly. "Deadpool? I've never heard of him in my entire life. But, if that's what he does then... He's a jerk." Lucas said still rather confused. "Oh well, regardless I'll probably never meet the guy. But, yeah, you might be able to find work in this town though. I don't see why you can't."
Jacob laughed. "Deadpool's a comic book character, so I wouldn't get my hopes up to meet him." Jacob looked to the stands. "Do you think any of these stands are good to work in?" He asked him, checking all of them from a distance. It feels as if I've breen thrown back in time in this place! Jacob thought to himself.
Aeron said:
Jacob laughed. "Deadpool's a comic book character, so I wouldn't get my hopes up to meet him." Jacob looked to the stands. "Do you think any of these stands are good to work in?" He asked him, checking all of them from a distance. It feels as if I've breen thrown back in time in this place! Jacob thought to himself.
Lucas still confused about this comic book person, shook off the thought and tilted his head. "Well, they can be, but I highly doubt they'll actually hire you." He placed his hand on his chin. "Its better if you know them personally or actually part of the family." Lucas stated and looked around.
Sparkstorm1000 said:
Lucas still confused about this comic book person, shook off the thought and tilted his head. "Well, they can be, but I highly doubt they'll actually hire you." He placed his hand on his chin. "Its better if you know them personally or actually part of the family." Lucas stated and looked around.
Lucas grinned and ruffled his hair. "I guess this is where my people skills come in!" He announced. He fixed his black vest and walked out to one of the stands that had what seemed a bunch of instruments. Jacob began to talk with the girl that worked as cashier, both beginning to smile as a large man came forward with his arms crossed. Jacob straightened up and stuck his hand out at the man, happily introducing himself. The man watched him darkly, but then began to laugh and shook his hand heartily. The man began to show a couple of instruments to Jacob, all the time, Jacob watching with major intrest. Jacob then asked the man if he could hold one of the instruments. The man handed him a sort of lute with a pattern of holes in it. Jacob holded it, and flipped it around, looking at all the details, then suddenly began to play it. It wasn't bad playing considering he's never seen a lute like that, but the man was impressed. They talked a bit more, shook hands as Jacob handed the lute back and waved goodbye to the owner and his daughter. He walked back to Lucas and grinned. "And that's how you do it my friend." He said happily, excited that he found work so easily and around things he loved.
Aeron said:
Lucas grinned and ruffled his hair. "I guess this is where my people skills come in!" He announced. He fixed his black vest and walked out to one of the stands that had what seemed a bunch of instruments. Jacob began to talk with the girl that worked as cashier, both beginning to smile as a large man came forward with his arms crossed. Jacob straightened up and stuck his hand out at the man, happily introducing himself. The man watched him darkly, but then began to laugh and shook his hand heartily. The man began to show a couple of instruments to Jacob, all the time, Jacob watching with major intrest. Jacob then asked the man if he could hold one of the instruments. The man handed him a sort of lute with a pattern of holes in it. Jacob holded it, and flipped it around, looking at all the details, then suddenly began to play it. It wasn't bad playing considering he's never seen a lute like that, but the man was impressed. They talked a bit more, shook hands as Jacob handed the lute back and waved goodbye to the owner and his daughter. He walked back to Lucas and grinned. "And that's how you do it my friend." He said happily, excited that he found work so easily and around things he loved.
Lucas looked surprised, jaw dropped as he saw Jacob getting a job just like that. "What? How? Why?" He was having a hard time speaking at that moment, he was just so shocked. "How did you get a job that fast?" Lucas continued to scratch his head. He sighed and looked up to the sky. "Well, seems like luck has shined on you huh?" He looked over to the other stands. "Well, whatever, not really what I'm interested in these types of works anyways."
Sparkstorm1000 said:
Lucas looked surprised, jaw dropped as he saw Jacob getting a job just like that. "What? How? Why?" He was having a hard time speaking at that moment, he was just so shocked. "How did you get a job that fast?" Lucas continued to scratch his head. He sighed and looked up to the sky. "Well, seems like luck has shined on you huh?" He looked over to the other stands. "Well, whatever, not really what I'm interested in these types of works anyways."
Jacob grinned. "To be honest, you just gotta show enthusiasm and respect to the work. Once you do that, you can almost guarantee yourself the job." Jacob gave Lucas a smile. "Besides, it's best when you show you know what your talking about. I'm one of this people that can pick up an instrument and automatically knows how to play it, and scince I love music, I might as well use those two characteristics to get me a job." Jacob clapped his hands together. "They're gonna let me im for training starting next week and so how I do." He looked over at Lucas."Hey...since you got me here, I wanna do something in return. Whenever you get work in your mercenary business and you need a hand, give me a shout...as long as it ain't killimg someone, though..." Lucas chuckled at the last part as he folded his arms.
Finally, the breakfast was ready. Cerulean breathed a sigh of relief as he sent the servers out, laded with food. He followed at the end, watching commandingly as the platters were laid out. Several kinds of breads, in roll and loaf form, along with soft, fruit-filled pastries filled plenty of trays. More platters had several kinds of smoked fish, followed by a few trays of other meats, mostly pork and mutton, but some beef as well. Much of the meat was roasted with aromatic herbs, filling the hall with its delicious smell. Fresh fruits, steamed vegetables, and cheeses were also brought out, followed by bowls of hot porridge. Plenty of coffee, tea, and water was provided/. Small dishes of milk, sugar, butter, cinnamon and other essentials to the meal were placed within easy reach. When all was in place, the servers stepped back in sync and filed out of the room.

Cerulean was fairly pleased, sitting down on the other side of the humans as his sister. "Please, enjoy the meal." He bade the guests with a reserved smile.
Opting against edging the blacksmith into aiding his stand against this girl's nasty attitude -seeing as she seemed to be trying her best to keep her thoughts to herself- Kael offered her a small laugh to humour her joke. At least, he hoped she was joking. If not, he would've been both extremely offended and questioning her eyesight. Not only did Goblins have much rougher, coarse skin, they weren't nearly as tall or poised as he was, nor were they as attractive as he was [not that he was tooting his own horn, but... c'mon]. Aside from that, they also had these distiguishable flattened noses, more like snouts, that lined higher on their faces than Elves. "I suppose I'll let that one slide considering this is only our first meet." There was a hint of a playful threat to his words, but he honestly meant nothing by it... maybe. It was still a step up from being referred to as a Demon. Plopping down into the seat considering his body wouldn't permit him to bend forth so far, Kael groaned inwardly and held his stomach to collect his bearings. His ears perked up when he heard her speak again, his expression obviously showing that he thought the conversation was over as he stared distantly through her clarity. In all honesty, he was a bit confused as to why she thought that her rank in the work field would sway him. She seemed to be doing well enough if she was invited to the castle regularly, and it wasn't like he was asking for it to be completely bejewelled and for the hilt to be laced with gold.

"All I'm asking for is a simple hone-and-shine. I think you'll be fine."
Kael's face relaxed into an easy grin as if to dismiss her words. Then, he didn't know why nor did he wish for it to be noticed, but he quickly began to lose his train of thought. His eyes trailed aimlessly, yet seeming with unconscious purpose, all over Azure as she turned her attention over to the trays and plates of food that were being distributed around the table. His focus returned long enough for his eyes to fix on her full, rosy lips. But when he realized that her lips had then parted, moving to form words that were no longer comprehensible in his dazed state, Kael cleared his throat and averted his gaze upon catching on to parts of her sentence. Is this the effects of the medicine Novah gave me? It had to be. "Right! In that case, I'll drop it off after I've finished with my studies. Don't wait up if I don't show." The last part came out quiet as if it were an offer he wanted noted was said aloud but not actually heard nor considered. Choosing to distract himself, he reached out across the table and grabbed himself a small roll of bread, catching a brief glimpse of Scarlett's sketch of a few strangers and himself before she flipped the paper onto its face, her face reddening for whatever reason. "Ah, the resemblance is uncanny! I'm impressed. Were you a famous artist back in your world?" He asked curiously as he sat back in his seat and began to tear up his roll into small pieces.

@Flutterby @Lithia
Damn, she thought, not fast enough. At least his comment was a good one, from what she'd seen the stuff that came out of his mouth was pretty unpredictable. "It's nothing special," she said turning the paper back over. "Drawing and painting are just hobbies of mine." She giggled slightly, "My mother would kill me if I told her I wanted to be an artist. She expects me to go to law school." She sighed, "You probably don't have that here but basically becoming an artist isn't really a good thing, it's pretty hard to make money doing that."

Scarlett didn't know how much she should tell him, he made her more nervous than the shifters did, he seemed more deadly. When Damian had killed those jaguars it was raw and vicious, like survival, but she would be willing to bet money that this Elf had killed before and when he did, it was probably almost beautiful. That scared her.

"I'm sorry I drew you without asking first, everything is just different here and I never want to forget. Except this guy," she pointed to the jaguar and his human face, "I would love to forget him. I don't think you usually forget the face of someone who tried to kill you though, especially when they happen to have two faces." Scarlett grabbed an apple and took a small bite.


The water was warm and relaxing and just what Emberly needed. She let her tears fall freely here where no one could see a queen fall apart. In front of her people she had to be strong and couldn't show weakness but here in a room alone with just a few of her ladies she could be whatever she needed.

When the tears stopped falling and it seemed like there were no more for the time being she felt her body drifting off. The relaxing oils must be very strong she thought before slipping away completely.

When Emberly opened her eyes everything was foggy, she blinked trying to clear them but the fog stayed. She tried to lift her arms but found they could not be moved. She called out to her ladies but they did not answer. Emberly could only turn her head, nothing else would move. She heard a man laugh, it gave her chills. It was the kind of laugh that meant he was winning whatever game he was playing. She could not see his face because of the fog and he spoke to her in a language she had never heard but still she knew every word he said.

"You are still alive because you are more valuable alive than dead, Queen of Nothing." Emberly tried again to move but still she could not. "If you kill me you will start a war," she said struggling to get even that out. "The war has already begun," he laughed "And you and everyone else are just pawns to moved where I see fit, my playthings." Her eyes flashed with fire, "You underestimate me stranger that's your first mistake." "Maybe so," he replied "but right now you are exactly where I want you." He walked toward her paralysed body and knelt beside her. "If you are not afraid of me then why is it I cannot move or see you in this unnatural fog?" she questioned. "You will know more when I want you to know more Queen of Nothing," he said reaching into the water and pulling her hand out. Emberly tried to struggle but again, nothing. "Beautiful and stubborn, those are things that get you killed," he noticed the anger in her eyes. "Those are things that distract and confuse my enemies granting the tides in my favor," she spat back at him. He brought her hand to his lips kissing it, "We will see Lovely."

Emberly gasped for air waking up and feeling like she had been underwater struggling to get a breath. She quickly stood up realizing she could move. Her ladies rushed over to wrap a fresh linen around her. "Have you been here the whole time?" she demanded looking around the room frantically. "Y-yes," one of them stammered, "Her Majesty drifted off to sleep but we stayed the whole time." Maybe it was just a nightmare? Emberly wondered. She pulled the cloth around herself, "Leave me," she told her ladies. After they had rushed out she stepped out of the bath and sat on her bed confused by the whole thing. It didn't feel like a dream but it could not have been real.

She tucked her hair behind her ear noticing something. Her eyes widened, Emberly held her hand out in front of her, there in the spot he had kissed was the dragon sigil painted in what appeared to be blood. It was a dream, but it was not her own, it was given to her.
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Azure narrowed her eyes at his joking threat, wondering how much of it was joke and how much was actual threat. Perhaps, considering he probably outranked her by leagues, it would be best to err on the side of caution and not insult him too much. Boo, now thats just no fun, she thought to herself, but she gave a saucy shrug and began filling her plate with her brother's recipes. Big breakfasts werent really her thing, but dear Cerulean would be offended if she opted out of a palace meal again. And, secretly, she cared to much for her brother to hurt his feelings in such a way. Calling him a foolish romantic with no game, maybe, but not refusing his food.

She watched the Elf out of the corner of her eye, noting his difficulty sitting and the absent contact with his stomach. An injury? Would that have something to do with the commotion upstairs this morning? With her mind on this, she simply nodded as he reassured her, although she didnt really need it. Focused on that and now the plate of food, she failed to notice Michaelis's eyes trailing over her. Cerulean, however, on the other side of the table, had been watching the conversation as any older brother would, and saw it quite clearly. It was all he could do to fill his own plate and not make a snide comment to his oblivious sister.

He glared at her swiftly when she said, "Sounds good, I look forward to it." Azure glanced at the Elf just as he turned his attention away, and was content with the end of their conversation. When she took a bite of smoked fish and glanced at Cerulean, he was glaring daggers at her. Taken aback, she furrowed her eyebrows, clearly silently asking what his problem was. He snorted and looked down to his own plate, this situation only adding to his nasty morning and growing bad mood. Azure rolled her eyes and let her brother pout, no having the patience to deal with his touchy attitude today. She glanced at Dysis, and decided to try again at conversation. "You should stop by the forge later as well, so we can talk about your claw."

@Rub-a-Dub-Dubstep @StoneWolf18
"A world where being an artist is considered a bad thing? That doesn't make money?" Kalora said in surprise as she filled her plate with bread, fruits, and pork. "Man, I wouldn't want to live in a world like that. I enjoy being a bard way to much for that." But then her other, more Spymaster-y instinct kicked in again. Scarlett had been there during the attack. And since Damien still hadn't shown up yet, Scarlett was her best chance at figuring out what happened that night.

"Scarlett, if I might ask, what happened last night? I heard there was an attack, but that's about it. And apparently I now also know it was at least one man changing into a jaguar..." she paused. If Scarlett didn't want to talk right now, she was perfectly able to understand that. After all, they weren't even used to Shifters, so seeing some of them fight and kill each other must not have been a nice sight. Even she, a Shifter herself, wouldn't be too comfortable seeing Damien tear apart enemies. "If you don't want to speak of this during breakfast, since talking about bloody fights might ruin ones' appetite, I understand, but then please come see me after breakfast. You might have some crucial information."

(Bleh... my brain's not working xD )
"He looked like this if that helps," Scarlett pointed to her drawings, a little shy of the other ones on the page. "There were three of them, they came out of no where. I think they were after Damian, like they had a personal grudge or something. Or maybe we were just unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time." She shivered a little, "Either way they didn't last long." Scarlett tried not to think too much of what Damian had done to them, and she didn't want to go into too much detail because as Kalora said, they were at the breakfast table.

"They were men first, wearing black. One of them ummm... didn't get a chance to change but both of the other two turned into jaguars," she awkwardly tried to avoid the gory details. "The last one, it sort of smirked at me if that makes sense? I don't know I could see something in it's eyes, like it wanted to hurt me because Damian hurt the other two. Anyway it got really close, I pretty much thought that was it but somehow he got it in time."

"I guess I shouldn't have followed him out into the forest," she said looking down at her half eaten apple.
"You probably shouldn't have, no..." Kalora admitted. "But you said they were clad in black? Clothes or armor?" she briefly glanced towards Michael. The men attacking him had worn black as well, he had told. But the men who had attacked them weren't Shifters, were they? If they weren't, it meant that not only elves planned an attack, but that they also should expect an attack from within. Although that was something she should have expected already, knowing the late lord of Emerald Grove had conspired against the crown and collaborated with the neighboring kingdom Entheas. Still, it didn't give the slightest clue, nor made it any sense to as of how the Dragon Kingdom was involved in the whole matter. One thing was sure, a war was brewing. And if said war would actually break loose, be it just between the Elves and the Shifters, or much more different parties, it would put her in a... quite awkward position.

Kalora took the paper showing the drawing of the man's face. "Although your drawing is surprisingly detailed, I'm afraid I do not know who this man is. And if I did it is of little use since he is dead." She handed the paper back to Scarlett and gave her a faint smile. She should think of something to say that would, even if it were only temporarily, brighten the mood. "Say... that law school thing your mother wants you to go to... Isn't that combinable with your art?" It was probably a ridiculous suggestion. In fact it wouldn't even surprise her if the human would laugh at her for thinking such ridiculous thoughts.

(And yes... Kalora basically suggested Scarlett to become (I have no idea what it's called, but it's that drawing portraits of criminals, giving faces to dead people, and/or drawing those pictures in the court room) :D )
Aeron said:
Jacob grinned. "To be honest, you just gotta show enthusiasm and respect to the work. Once you do that, you can almost guarantee yourself the job." Jacob gave Lucas a smile. "Besides, it's best when you show you know what your talking about. I'm one of this people that can pick up an instrument and automatically knows how to play it, and scince I love music, I might as well use those two characteristics to get me a job." Jacob clapped his hands together. "They're gonna let me im for training starting next week and so how I do." He looked over at Lucas."Hey...since you got me here, I wanna do something in return. Whenever you get work in your mercenary business and you need a hand, give me a shout...as long as it ain't killimg someone, though..." Lucas chuckled at the last part as he folded his arms.
"Well, You're welcome. But, I do show all that stuff. I don't know maybe you're better looking than I am." Lucas laughed. "But, sure, I'll tell you if I need help with a job. Of course, it would be nice to know what type of animal you are." Lucas scratched his head while saying that. Throughout his day talking to Jacob, he never found out what his animal was. He didn't know if he was a bear, a fish, a parrot, etc.
(Like Angela in the show Bones, if you've ever seen it)

"It looked like black leather or something, not metal armor," Scarlett didn't know much about stuff like that but the look on Kalora's face told her it was important so she tried her best. "They had black paint on their faces and one of them threw small knives. They fought similar to Damian." She didn't know if the weapons were important but Scarlett didn't want to leave any details out just in case. "The whole thing was over pretty fast and then Damian, as a wolf howled," it had been the most haunting thing she ever heard but in a sort of pretty way. "Then a bird flew down and turned into a girl with pale blond hair and lavender eyes, she made sure Damian was alright and then left again." Scarlett paused not wanting to talk about the hug her and Damian had shared, sure it was just a hug but Damian didn't seem like the type to want others to know that kind of thing.

"I guess I could combine the two but I'm not really interested in law school at all." She smiled at Kalora, "I don't want to help catch the bad guys, I'd rather create beautiful images for people to get lost in and forget that the bad guys even exist." She had never told anyone that besides her dad, it felt nice to admit it.
(YES! That's exactly what I was thinking, but I didn't mention it. I watched Bones for pretty long, actually. I stopped when I went to college for the first time. I got out of it so much that I didn't bother picking the show up again)

"Ah, yes. That was Novah. I send her to look for you because you two slipped off. And I got a little worried..." Black paint, throwing daggers... It weren't things that really gave her a lot more information, but Scarlett was trying her best, and Kalora highly appreciated that. "Did they, by any chance, carry any symbols as far as you've seen? A sigil or a crest? It would be important to know those things, to know who our enemies are." She kept a close eye as Scarlett spoke of Damien, and it didn't take her a lot of effort to see the girl was hiding something from her. It made her curious. Had something happened between them? Things that, if they ever reached the light of day, would raise questions, shaking of heads, and much disapproval?

"If you find no interest in it, you shouldn't worry about it so much. It's important to do what your heart tells you, no matter how wrong other people might think it to be," Kalora smiled. There was a lot more to her words than one would assume at hearing them. Not only did she mean the girl shouldn't study in a field that she didn't want to, but also that she, if she loved Damien, she shouldn't be too worried what the others would think of it. "I suppose you and I are similar, Scarlett..." Kalora admitted, something not many people knew about her. "My family didn't approve of me becoming a bard either, but I risked it all and followed my heart. Look where I ended up now."

She wouldn't tell the girl what she had given up to be there, to do what she did now. It would only discourage her and her passion.

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