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Fantasy Whisper Wood (A fantasy adventure rp)

Jacob wasn't really sure where he was...he accidentally separated from the girl that found him and now was roaming a...castle? "H-hello?" He called out nervously.
Turning away from the guards with a disgusted grunt, Azure walked a little ways down the hall. Her ears picked up another voice, and she headed that way, her armor plates clinking softly with the sway of her hips. Around a corner, was another unfamiliar face. "Are you Jacob?" She asked, walking towards him with a small smile. She loved it when things worked out. "Im Azure." She added, thinking it would put him at ease to know her name.
Flutterby said:
Turning away from the guards with a disgusted grunt, Azure walked a little ways down the hall. Her ears picked up another voice, and she headed that way, her armor plates clinking softly with the sway of her hips. Around a corner, was another unfamiliar face. "Are you Jacob?" She asked, walking towards him with a small smile. She loved it when things worked out. "Im Azure." She added, thinking it would put him at ease to know her name.
Jacob blinked. "You know my name?" He asked her a bit cautiously as he ran his hand through his black hair. "Um, nice to meet you, Azure."

The blonde laughed lightly at his suspicion. "Your friends were worried about you last night. I sent a guard to look for you, he said Seera had you." She said, stepping a little closer to him so she wasnt talking too loudly. "Come on, lets get you back with them. They can fill you in on some stuff." She said lightly, motioning for him to follow her. Her high boots made soft clicks on the ground as she walked, leading the way to the other humans. "Your friends are resting in their rooms. We'll have another set up for you. If youre hungry, my brother would be glad to fix you something." She volunteered, looking at him with friendly reddish eyes.
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"Yea, I'd like that, thank you." Jacob looked her up and down questioningly. "Excuse me for asking, but what are you?" He asked as he fixed his school tie. He noticed the halls were huge, most likely to be lost in...he felt his pocket for his packet of cigarettes and flinched slightly. He was supposed to stop, but he felt like he really needed one...he shook his head and continued walking forward. @Flutterby
She smirked at his polite response-he would fit right in at the palace. "If you mean what is my species, Im a shifter, just like Seera." She said, not sure how to answer that question. "But if you mean what is my job, Im apprenticing to be a blacksmith and weaponsmaster. I am not, obviously, currently dressed for work. I just like this, and I dont like going unprotected." She said, explaining her outfit. "Is that what you meant?" She asked, looking at him carefully. He seemed to be searching for something, then changed his mind. She dismissed this as human strangeness, smirking a little again.

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Flutterby said:
She smirked at his polite response-he would fit right in at the palace. "If you mean what is my species, Im a shifter, just like Seera." She said, not sure how to answer that question. "But if you mean what is my job, Im apprenticing to be a blacksmith and weaponsmaster. I am not, obviously, currently dressed for work. I just like this, and I dont like going unprotected." She said, explaining her outfit. "Is that what you meant?" She asked, looking at him carefully. He seemed to be searching for something, then changed his mind. She dismissed this as human strangeness, smirking a little again.
Jacob blinked again. "Blacksmith? That awsome! How is it? Is it hard? Do you have to have-" he shut his mouth and blushed. "Sorry, miss..,I'm still getting used to this place.' He fidgeted a bit, then began to talk without thinking. "Miss, am I allowed to smoke here?" He internally face palmed. Nice going there, idiot, I thought we were gonna stop doing that, A voice in his head muttered.
Azure turned her eyes on him in earnest, slowing her pace. He was showing interest in her work? Without needing something fixed, replaced, or polished? "I love it. I struggle with hammering out metals at the end of a long day, I am still a girl, so I dont have the bulk most blacksmiths do, but I manage and it gets easier everyday." She said, happily answering the questions he blurted out. "And its fine, its not often someone is interested in what I do because they think its cool." She said, with a sad smile. "Smoke? I dont understand." She admitted freely, quickly getting used to having no clue what the humans were talking about. She slowed a little more, drawing out the last part of their walk because she was enjoying the little chat.

Jacob gave a shy smiled as he looked down at the stones that passed his feet. "It must've been hard to become a blacksmith's apprentice, huh?" He muttered. He then glanced up at her when she asked about smoking. "Oh, it's, uh, when you get this rolled up...stick... called a cigarette, like this one here...." He pulled one out of the pack. "Then you light the end on fire, only until smoke comes out, then you breath in from the other end." He looked up at her again, embarrassed. "It's actually extremely dangerous to smoke just one cigarette, so don't ever try it." He said as he eyed the cigarette in his hand.
Seera bound down the hallway, as an otter. She had fallen asleep here last night, and was excited to get to the water for food and a swim. As she ran, she slammed into Azure. She quickly shifted, and rubbed her sore forehead. "Uh, sorry Azure. I didn't see you there." She gestured to Jacob. "Or you."
Azure paused, looking at him closely to see if he was yanking her chain. "It kind of was, because Im a female, but I guess I convinced them. I'll be taking over the forge soon." She said, finding it a little odd to be talking about herself. When he explained smoking, she scowled. "Dangerous because youre breathing smoke? That will damage your body. You should quit." She said offhandedly, then stopped short when she felt a thud on her shin. Seera, in otter form, had bumped right into her. "Oh, good morning Seera. Your head okay?" She asked, smirking a little. Just then, a familiar blonde head appeared around the corner.

"I thought I heard your voice." Cerulean said, stepping out. He glanced at seera, smiling warmly. "Hello, Miss Seera. It is lovely to see you." He said gallantly, earning an eye roll from Azure.

"Cut it out, loverboy. Are any of the other humans up? I found their friend, Jacob." She said, gesturing to the dark-haired male beside her. Her older brother gave him a mild glare before shrugging to answer her.
Lila sat up in bed. She yawned, and stretched, before becoming alarmed. This.....this is not my room. Where am I?

She suddenly remembered everything that had happened, and now reassured that she had not been kidnapped and/or killed, made her way out of the room, into the empty hallway.
Jacob waved at Seera and looked over at the blonde guy. "Hey, Im Jacob. It's a pleasure to meet you." He said with a nod as he reached down for his lighter and flipped it open, lighting it to make sure he had oil. @Flutterby
Azure gestured to Cerulean. "Jacob, my brother, Cerulean. He's the palace chef." She explained, and then watched as he lit the lighter. Quick as a flash, she snatched it from his hand. "No way! How did you do that?" She exclaimed, examning the small flame-box. No flint, no kindling, no blowing and starting over when it died. Just a soft shhink and he had fire at his disposal. She was instantly extremely jealous.

Cerulean turned at the sound of a door opening. "Ah, good morning Miss Lila. We have found your friend Jacob." He said politely, giving a small, half bow as she emerged from her room.
Seera's usually happy expression reappeared in her face. "Well, top of the mornin to everyone, but I really need to eat. I'll be down at the beach, but I'll be back by the time the Queen makes her choice about who's guarding which human. Bye for now!" She waved at them, before shifting again. She ran down the hallway, before rounding a corner. A few seconds later, a crash, an angry yell, and Seera apologizing were heard. A moment later, an angry looking maid rounded the corner. She glared back at the corner from whence she came, muttering under her breath. "That horrible child...."
Flutterby said:
Azure gestured to Cerulean. "Jacob, my brother, Cerulean. He's the palace chef." She explained, and then watched as he lit the lighter. Quick as a flash, she snatched it from his hand. "No way! How did you do that?" She exclaimed, examning the small flame-box.
Cerulean turned at the sound of a door opening. "Ah, good morning Miss Lila. We have found your friend Jacob." He said politely, giving a small, half bow as she emerged from her room.
Jacob laughed as he gently pried it from her hands. "Watch it, or you'll burn yourself...I can teach you how to use it, if you want." He looked up at Cerulean. "Really? I can't wait to try your food!" He chuckled as he turned, hearing a door open.
Lila looked at the small group groggily. She had terrible bed head, and was still limping. She still had some makeup smudged across her eye from the day before last. She looked terrible, in general. "Are there any bath rooms here? I have the feeling I look awful."

As the things the maid was carrying came crashing down, she jumped, coming down on her broken leg. She shrieked and looked down at her twisted leg. "Sorry...."
Azure pouted when he drew the lighter away, scoffing at the warning of a burn. "Aw c'mon, like Ive never been burnt before!" She protested, but she resisted the urge to try and snatch it again. She had the feeling he would hold it above her head and make her jump, like Cerulean would.

"I would be delighted. Speaking of food, I'd better start preparing." Cerulean said, moving to go past Azure and Jacob o his way to his work. Azure caught his arm and pulled him down, whispering rapidly in his ear. He gave a soft, thoughtful hum and drew away with a worried expression, not saying anything more as he walked away looking troubled.

Azure turned to look at Lila, blinking a few times. "I mean, you look like youve done some magical world traveling, so.." She said with a shrug, then shouted after Cerulean: "Send up some maids or whatever for baths and stuff!"

There was a muffled, affirmative response from her brother, and Azure turned to Lila with a smile. "Someone will be up to help you soon. Ive got no clue about the palace really. Outside my realm." She explained, not at all ashamed.
Jacob smiled in gratitude at Cerulean and dug in his pockets to pull out a grey lighter. He went over to Azure and demonstrated the lighting again. "See? You just press down on this chain, flick your thumb down, and ta-da! Here...have my back up. I need a reason to quit anyway, you know?" He said as he pressed the lighter into her hand. "Don't use all the oil...I don't think they'll be anymore here." He looked down and saw the girl that fell. He walked over and helped her stand. "Hey, are you all right?" He asked, feeling a pang of familiarity as he looked at her.
Azure watched carefully, taking the lighter gratefully and trying it once. The flame leaped up, inciting a girlish squeal of delight. Heeding his warning, Azure then tucked it away, determined to cherish it. As Lila fell and shrieked, Azure bit her lip and stepped over. She was the last person to be caring for other people. Taking a hold of one of her arms, Azure led her back to her room. "I would send for Novah, but Im afraid she's busy." She murmured, pointing to the bed to have the girl sit. A maid came bustling in, carrying a robe and several fluffy towels.

"I have a bath drawn, if the miss is ready. There are people on standby for the rest of our guests." The maid said, glancing between the human and Azure, unsure of who would answer. Azure looked at Lila, wondering what she wanted.
Flutterby said:
Azure watched carefully, taking the lighter gratefully and trying it once. The flame leaped up, inciting a girlish squeal of delight. Heeding his warning, Azure then tucked it away, determined to cherish it. As Lila fell and shrieked, Azure bit her lip and stepped over. She was the last person to be caring for other people. Taking a hold of one of her arms, Azure led her back to her room. "I would send for Novah, but Im afraid she's busy." She murmured, pointing to the bed to have the girl sit. A maid came bustling in, carrying a robe and several fluffy towels.
"I have a bath drawn, if the miss is ready. There are people on standby for the rest of our guests." The maid said, glancing between the human and Azure, unsure of who would answer. Azure looked at Lila, wondering what she wanted.
Jacob turned around and lit a cigarette, taking a puff and walking away from the group, rubbing the back of his head with one hand as he bent his head to not be recognized by the girl with the broken leg.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.0292a3c1dadaa277762a36aae1f8956c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="57082" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.0292a3c1dadaa277762a36aae1f8956c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Cerulean whisked into the kitchen, floating like a dancer. Instructions rang out, mostly about preparing the humans food. A variety of fruits, bread and pastries, and teas were to be taken up straight away, as the guests were beginning to wake and would need a little something while waiting for their real breakfast. Cerulean himself prepared a cup of morning tea and some warm biscuits for the Queen. He placed it on a delicate tray and began walking up, a pleasant smile on his face. But it vanished when the guards stopped him, and despite the fact that it was the morning routine, would not let him through.

"I beg your pardon! I will not simply go back down, I have a job to do!" He exclaimed, his deep voice cutting through the guard's protests. But still, they would not let him pass.

@Whoever is up by the Queen's chambers
The night was long and grueling. Having only taken a quick swig of that horrid bottle of hell that the healer had given him the night of his arrival, Kael found himself spiraling through a rough night of fever-like symptoms, vomiting of black gunk, and otherworldly hallucinations. The fever came and went like an obnoxious wayfarer stabbing him repeatedly through the night, however, the vomiting hadn't stopped until earlier that morning, a residual painful churning left in the pit of his stomach. Michaelis had never had such a hard time subduing pain than he did that night and it only got him thinking: maybe that brawler's sword really was laced with some sort of poison. Seeing as Novah hadn't mentioned anything about darkened vessels, he brushed it off as a trying reaction to the elixir ingested after the operation.

There couldn't have been more than a few measly hours spent actually sleeping, but Kael wasn't complaining. Between the ship and getting to the Queen's chamber, he had probably a little more than 10 hours of sleep -keep in mind that he had traveled for quite a few days before reaching the castle. Three hours for that night alone would've been more than a generous amount. After an unyielding series of kicking, groaning, tossing and turning, Kael was finally able to sleep uninterrupted. At least, that's what he thought.
Bang! His much needed slumber was brusquely cut to an end when the door was practically ripped off the hinges and flung at him.

Shooting up into an upright position, a little too fast it seemed since a sharp surge of pain shot through his midsection and spine, Michaelis struggled to adjust his groggy vision to the bright light beaming from the skylights lining the hall ceilings. Catching a glimpse of the Queen as she shifted from cheetah to human... ish [he couldn't exactly tell considering the look she was giving him resembled that of a maniacal she-devil] a crease settled between his brows as accusations were once again held against his throat. Wait! Did she just say...huh? Wha-- what? As badly as he wanted to deadpan her and spit back the same hostile air she was so willingly throwing at him -with any evidence, might I add- he knew better than to provoke a hysterically lamenting woman. Kael didn't know why, but the first thing that sprung to mind was that this was some terrible joke. But seeing her face now, about ready to lunge at him and rip his entrails out, the thought was almost laugh-worthy.

"M'Lady, I solemnly swear on everything that I love that I did NOT leave this room. I hardly left this bed." He replied with genuine bewilderment as he fumbled to catch the clothes being thrown at him. He understood her rush to get down to answers, and he was more than willing to comply, but was rushing him really necessary? He didn't want to come off as an insensitive arse, but the boy was already dead. What was the use in waking him and forcing him out? Anyway, seeing as she wasn't exactly asking, he opted against arguing and cautiously rolled himself out of bed, trying his best to be wary of the raw stitching and his relentless headache. "Very well." Once out of bed, he took to the restroom and changed, eyeing the tub he could've been bathing in if he had only woken a few minutes before she busted through the door. After changing, he stepped back out and lazily gesturing toward the now detached door. "After you, My Queen."

@Flutterby : I don't think this would be the time for Cerulean to drop off tea and biscuits. xD Do you want me to play a guard that he can argu.. *cough* I mean... interact with?
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Kalora had barely slept that night, spending every hour drawing the sigil on a piece of paper, looking at it from all possible angles, and searching through many documents and books trying to figure out its origins. Normally she would have asked help from a fellow bard or one of her agents, but in this case she couldn't. If the sigil truly was related to the attacks, showing it to others would likely only cause major panic. And if there was anything they could not use right now, it was just that. Panic made people reckless. It would result in a voidable mistakes and them being an easier target for future attacks.

And just as she was enjoying her few hours of well deserved rest [only because she had fallen asleep with her head on the desk], the piercing, heartbreaking scream echoed through the halls of the palace. A scream that was, unfortunately, quite familiar to Kalora. It was a scream very, very similar to the sound Emberly had emitted when the news of her husband's death reached her. So logically, Kalora linked said scream to death and other very bad news.

The scream startled her so much that, in a panicked reaction, she shifted to a wolf and fell off the table. Cursing under her breath as she changed back to her more human shape, Kalora pushed herself up. After all those years that was still a little something she had no control of.

If only her form was that of a bird, she would be literally flying down the halls now. But she would have to settle on running. And that went a lot faster in her wolf form. Sighing as she changed back, she rushed down the halls, trying to avoid running over the maids.

In the halls where she had heard the scream coming from, Kalora switched back yet gain, feeling a little woozy due to changing form four times within the last few minutes. "My Queen?" she called through the halls, placing a hand on the wall as to not fall face forward on the floor.
"This way," she replied her voice cold as ice. She led him down a few hallways forcing herself to go slower than she wanted keeping his fresh injuries in mind. Along the way Emberly spotted Kalora. She rushed to the tired looking girl, "You need to see this too," she whispered with tears in her eyes which she quickly wiped away. As Queen she knew she had to keep herself composed at all times especially the most painful times. As the three turned the corner they saw the guards arguing with Novah who was trying to get them to let her into Everestt's room.

Upon seeing the Queen, Kalora, and the unnerving man from the night before she shut up. "Not now Novah," Emberly simply said to her not bothering to inform her of the Prince's death just yet. "But your Majesty I am only trying to bring him some tea for his headache," she said holding up a small teapot and a cup. "He doesn't need it," Emberly said struggling to keep her voice steady. She sighed, "I will bring it, you may take your leave now."

Confused Novah handed her the tea and cup and slowly walked away heading toward her room. She wasn't going to give up so easily something was wrong and it involved Everestt. Just two nights ago he had told her that he was starting to fall in love with her. She didn't know if he would be permitted to court her but he had promised to speak with his mother about it. He assured her that his mother would come around and when they eventually married she would become a Princess and someday Queen. Novah didn't care about titles she only wanted to be with Everestt she wouldn't have cared if he had nothing at all. No she would not give up so easily. Novah could simply shift and then fly through Eevestt's window if the Queen wouldn't let them see each other.

The guards bowed as Emberly walked past them leading her companions into the blood soaked room. She could only point to the Elven sigil of the wall above her dead son before she started sobbing. She didn't want to cry in front of anyone but she could only keep it together so long. Not only did she lose her only child but this put every single shifter in the kingdom in danger. Without a royal bloodline there would be no heir to the throne and Emberly's husband was dead, she could not give the kingdom another heir. Her throne was now being threatened. Whoever did this knew exactly what they were doing. She hated being forced to think of such things during a painful time but a Queen has no choice, her people must come first. "Please find out what you can," she asked Kalora and Michaelis letting herself be lowered into a chair by a pair of guards.

Novah jumped off the balcony shifting mid air. She flew around the palace to the Prince's window where she perched on the railing peeking in. What she saw nearly made her lose her balance. She let out a slight chirp causing Emberly to spot her. "Not a word Novah," the Queen said harshly. The small eagle nodded once and flew off not knowing where she was going just feeling like she had to get to a place with more air. Emberly felt bad for the girl, she had a feeling that her son would be asking about her soon. As his mother she was heart broken but as Queen she needed to make sure the girl would not say something to endanger anyone. Nothing could be said until the Queen herself came forward with the news.

Novah flew until her wings could not carry her anymore. She landed on a beach, not the one they used but one farther away and more secluded. She shifted back to her human form laying in the sand and screamed and cried as loud as she could. Her heart felt like it had been ripped from her chest and she silently wished the sea would just swallow her up so she could see her Prince again.

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