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Fantasy Whisper Wood (A fantasy adventure rp)

ashlynn said:
"Scarlett? I know her, but not where she is. Where you on a boat last night? With the rest of the humans? Dysis, Lila, and Joel?"
Jacob looked up with wide eyes. "Y-yes! Yes I was!" He nodded. "Do you know where they are?" He asked
"A bite to eat and a bed would be nice" Dysis replied in a weary tone. Fatigue was eating away at her like a disease and she needed food.

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Aeron said:
Jacob looked up with wide eyes. "Y-yes! Yes I was!" He nodded. "Do you know where they are?" He asked
Seera smiled. At least one of them remembered something. ''Yeah, I do! But first, who are you? And also, are you a human, or something else, like an elf or demon or something? If your not human, I'll either have to kill you, or send you back from whence you came." As she said this, her childish demeanor melted away, and she seemed slightly dangerous.
Azure looked at Lila with a small frown, concerned by the possibility of another human wandering around. She waved over a guard and, in a fast, quiet whisper, told him that there might be another human. He nodded and headed out, making for the beach. Along his way, he heard Seera's voice and followed it and there was indeed another human. He offered his services as a guard on their way to the castle, glancing between the shifter and the boy.

With that dealt with, Azure looked at Dysis, her relief not completely hidden. "Food first, then," She said, smirking a little. She turned and walked, motioning for the three of them to follow her into the next room. It was another grand hall, but it had several large tables piled with food and many for people to sit and eat. There was a lot of extra space to sit-shifters had begun to wander home as the hours drew on. "Eat as much as you want. Palace stuff is fancy and plentiful, so have at it." She said, gesturing to the tables at the head of the room. The shifter grabbed a plump peach and a pint of ale for herself before sitting at an empty table, watching the humans casually and waiting for them to sit with her.

@ashlynn @Cyber Wolf
ashlynn said:
"Scarlett? I know her, but not where she is. Where you on a boat last night? With the rest of the humans? Dysis, Lila, and Joel?"
ashlynn said:
Seera smiled. At least one of them remembered something. ''Yeah, I do! But first, who are you? And also, are you a human, or something else, like an elf or demon or something? If your not human, I'll either have to kill you, or send you back from whence you came." As she said this, her childish demeanor melted away, and she seemed slightly dangerous.
"Uh-um...no....I'm a human. But I really need to find Scarlette, you got to help me, please!" He begged to her
Just as he thought, neither of them knew where the emblem came from, at least not from first glance. Even so, they didn't exactly have much time on their hands to study the origin or ask around, so he only prayed that Kalora or someone else from her chancery would have some sort of idea. But for now, that was the least of their worries. Assuming his brother actually did survive the wreckage and managed to get to the Eastern Islands, neither of the two were completely safe. It appeared Emberly had gotten what she wanted out of him for the time being, so when the healer had finally arrived, she got up and dismissed herself from the scene, sending him into a whole other spiral of confusion. Surely I couldn't take her bed for the night. There has to be a spare bedroom, or something of the sort. However, as he evaluated the conditions, he realized that there was no way the staff could get the room cleaned up in time for curfew, leaving his unspoken protest futile.

Before he knew it, she had already retreated for her other room after instructing Kalora to follow suit. At the split second of her leave, a sense of etoilated relief washed over him and his subconsciously tensed muscles had finally relaxed. There was no point in time where he'd ever be able to let his guard down, a visible time in the near future anyway, but for now he was content with just having someone tend to his wounds and getting some actual sleep [however little or perturbed it may be]. Perking his eyes toward the healer girl he now knew as Lady Novah, Michaelis shot her a soft smile in attempt to melt away her painfully obvious nerves. He understood that he may have come off a bit aloof purely by first impressions, but he wasn't going to eat her. For all he knew, she could shift into a bloody lion and rip his face off. Kael just wanted to insure that his injuries were mended by steady hands, especially considering needles would be involved
. "Sparring session gone terribly wrong." He chimed, making it sound like it wasn't a big deal. Of course, it was but he didn't want to alarm the child by implying that her home was possibly in danger.

As a diplomat, he knew who needed to be informed of such topics and who didn't. In this case, she definitely did not.
"It's just a few scratches, possible metal toxity, and gashes -of which I had already tended to with makeshift supplies. All in all, I need you to stop the blood flowing from my reopened wounds." He explained before unclipping his waist pack and setting it aside in preparation for the examination. Flickering his eyes back to Kalora who had been looking over the clip he handed her, Michaelis snorted a bit when she pushed wanting to hear the whole story about how this came to be. If it wasn't for the fact that he knew she'd criticize and poke fun of the fact that he could've walked away in a better state if he were a decent fighter, then maybe he wouldn't have been so reluctant about having a sit down with her. But knowing her nature, he had every right to dismiss her concern. In spite of not wanting to, he understood that Kalora was as good as any to be put up for the job, so he hadn't a choice in the matter. One way or another, he needed to know as much as he could about these men in black armour. "In that case, I look forward to it. Until then, good night..." Kael bid her adieu before she trotted after her Queen, turning his attention now over toward the healer. "Shall we begin, Lady Novah?" A strange choice of words, but it felt more like a task at the moment.
Aeron said:
"Uh-um...no....I'm a human. But I really need to find Scarlette, you got to help me, please!" He begged to her
Seera sighed as a guard came into view. "Who sent you, guard? Why are you here?" She turned back to the boy. "I don't exactly know where Scarlett is, but I do know where the others are. I will take you to them now."

ashlynn said:
Seera sighed as a guard came into view. "Who sent you, guard? Why are you here?" She turned back to the boy. "I don't exactly know where Scarlett is, but I do know where the others are. I will take you to them now."
"Thanks..." He sighed. Maybe NOW I'll get some answers...he thought to himself.
ashlynn said:
Seera grabbed his hand, and led him back to the palace. On the way, she talked to him.
Jacob listened to her, a bit entranced by her voice. I think I hit my head a bit too hard back there...he said, then shook his head, focusing on the current situation they were in. "By the way, where is everyone at?" He asked.
ashlynn said:
"Everyone's at the palace!" They walked A few more feet, and saw the castle. "It's right there! Let's hurry!" She ran towards it, pulling him along"
Jacob nearly tripped again from gaping at the castle. "I-it's huge!" He looked back down at his dirty shirt and tie. "Crap... I'm not ready for this..."
ashlynn said:
Seera looked down at his shirt. "No one cares about your clothes! You look just fine to me, anyway. It'll be fine."
"If you say so..." Jacob said as they made their way to the castle

Have to go, bie
Seera walked through the open castle doors. It was much less crowded than earlier. As they walked through the palace, since she had to look for the other humans, she asked "So, I told you my name, but you never gave yours, what is it?" As she said this, she smiled at him, her hair bouncing a bit.
"I thought Damian was with the humans? Whatever would possess him to leave at a time like this? And attacked? By who?" Emberly couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Well if you see Damian before I do tell him I would like a word."

The Queen sighed, "You are right my friend, I was hoping for a small distraction in all of this but I need to focus on the urgent matters at hand. I guess I've just missed you while you've been gone, it can get lonely for a Queen, I can trust very few completely." She looked to Kalora, "So in your expert opinion can the Prince be trusted? I don't see why he would lie and his injuries are quite bad, I do not think he would have risked sneaking in if it were not necessary for his survival."

Emberly thought of Michaelis in her room and she silently wished that he would be alright, they were going to need each other to face this threat. She didn't mind that he was in her room for the night, she did not sleep there most nights anyway. That room held painful memories that Emberly preferred not to face.


"Of course," Novah replied to her patient, "I'll do my best." She rinsed her hands in some liquid, "I need to put pressure on your wound to slow the bleeding down, it might hurt a little... I'm sorry." She pressed a cloth onto his worst wound and held it there. Her violet eyes watching to see his reaction, "So Michaelis? Elven... That's very interesting." She removed the cloth to inspect the wound closer. "I'm going to have to stitch you up now, it will be painful as well." She began her work trying to keep him talking to keep his mind off the pain. It was an old trick her Mistress Healer had taught her. "So what brings you to our lands, it's not every day you meet an elf, you're actually the only one I've ever met."

Her stitches were a work of art but he would probably still have a pretty bad scar to remember his 'sparring incident.' He was very good at lying, so good she almost believed him but Novah had been around royals long enough to know when someone was hiding something. It didn't bother her too much though, soon Prince Everestt would know what was going on and he would tell her like he always did. He sometimes worried that someone would use her to get information about the royal family but he would usually give in and share his secrets with her. This time would be no different. She knew all of the royal family's secrets.

"I'm just going to put some ointment on to prevent infection, it will sting at first but then become soothing," she told him as she covered the wounds in a light green paste. Novah then wrapped the wounds with a fresh cloth finishing everything up. "Oh I almost forgot, drink this before you sleep it will help speed the healing up. It may give you weird dreams but it's worth it." She smiled politely at him handing him a small vial, "Do you need anything else before I go?"
The guard explained that Azure sent him to look for another human after the one named Lila said there was one missing. As they reached the palace, he told Seera that Azure had taken the other humans to eat and would be in the great hall. Then he returned to his post.
"I do not know the details," Kalora said. "Perhaps he sensed the attackers nearby and simply wanted to prevent them from reaching our village? Still, if I see Damien I'll tell him you wish to speak to him." Yet still she hadn't mentioned the human slipping out as well. That really was something he would have to tell himself. Preferably before the news would spread and people would start coming up with assumptions and stories of their own. Likely that wouldn't do anyone any good.

"I understand it must be hard for you, my friend," Kalora smiled at Emberly. "And you are not alone, remember that. You've got at least one person around you can rely on."

She thought for a moment on her question about Kael. "I wouldn't say I trust him blindly, but I do not think he can cause any harm. In other words, I do trust him enough to have him around. Especially since in his current position, he can't do anything to us. One wrong move and the guards will kill him. That is, if I don't get to him first."
ashlynn said:
Seera walked through the open castle doors. It was much less crowded than earlier. As they walked through the palace, since she had to look for the other humans, she asked "So, I told you my name, but you never gave yours, what is it?" As she said this, she smiled at him, her hair bouncing a bit.
"My names Jacob Reaper...Um...I know this is probably a bad time, but I'm guessing its not okay to smoke on premesis?" He asked hesitantly.
"I'm glad that you are back here Kalora," Emberly said with a grim smile. "You were just in time, I am not sure what I would have done without you." The Queen agreed with her friend's assessment of Michaelis, he would stay for the time being. "We should try to keep his presence a secret though for his own safety as well as the kingdom's."

"Now the matter of the vote," Emberly thought for a minute. "If the sibling's vote would not sway the decision either way let us go ahead and announce that the humans can stay. In the morning I will assign them each a guard." She looked to her trusted friend, "Do you have any suggestions on who would be good to watch over who? And I think we will just send out the announcement that they will be staying, at morning's first light. No need for another big meeting, besides there has been entirely too much happing to worry about such things."

"As for me, I do not feel it wise for me or my son to leave the palace unless absolutely necessary, I will inform him of this in the morning." She stifled a yawn, "I think we are both in need of well deserved rest my friend, I must sleep now enjoy the rest of your night." Emberly gave her friend a warm hug, "It really is good to have you back," she said pulling away to ready for bed.
"Plus, another big meeting might only become a target for another attack. Simply sending a message should be enough," Kalora pointed out as she thought about who would be best suited to guard who. Should she suggest Damien and Scarlett? They would probably both appreciate it, but it could mean only more trouble should things actually happen between the two of them. Although she would be willing to stand in for them. After all, she could be quite a hopeless romantic. And there were other reasons as well. Reasons that shold never reach the light of day, and that wouldn't happen if she had a say in it.

"I will think about who's best suited to guard who," Kalora said. "This is a choice that should be made with a lot of caution, as coming back on it might be difficult..." She thought for a moment and inwardly sighed. "Although I would think Damien is best suited to guard Scarlett. And Azure should probably guard Dysis, the girl with the claw. She seems to have knowledge that could be of interest to the blacksmith. And then the girl has someone around to repair the claw, should it break again. For the others, I would need to think more. But I also must try to see what I can learn of this sigil." Kalora took the thing out of her pocket again and studied it. "A Dragon Sigil... I'll need to see if I've encountered it on my travels,or if someone of my circles has seen it."

"You should stay safe indeed. But be sure to have guards near. If the attacks are truly targeting you, you cannot be too careful," she said as she hugged Emberly. "Goodnight."

She turned around to leave the room and head back to her own quarters, where she would think and do the necessary research.
(Just gonna pretend the humans are following)

As the feast began to die down and the kitchen got less busy, a tall, handsome blonde hung up his apron, delegating the rest of the night's tasks to others. He wandered into the great hall and, to his surprise, found his sister there with three strangers. "Goodness, Azure, what in spirit's name brought you here? I dont recall you having good taste before." Cerulean teased as he plopped down next to is sister.

"You and I have very different definitions of that phrase." She said dryly, with a pointed glance at the palace food the humans were eating. Her red eyes darted back to his bright blue, twinkling in amusement.

He pretended to be offended, then smiled and pulled her closer. He kissed the side of her head lightly, and then nudging her roughly away. "Its been too long, little one." He said simply, then looked at the humans, his gaze lingering a little on each of the girls and his playfulness returning. "And I also dont recall you having friends outside of that stupid sword. Are these the people everyone is talking about? " His voice became a little hushed, a habit of working in the palace. When talking about gossip, one always whispered. "Do you all have names?" He asked, purposely letting his bright blue eyes rest on Dysis and Lila longer than Joel.

@Cyber Wolf @ashlynn
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Michaelis watched with heavy and weary eyes as Novah fluttered around the area supporting the bed. He knew what was going to happen and he wasn't surprised that he'd feel quite a bit of pain during the process. But even so, he just didn't understand the concept of caregivers always giving you a rundown of what you'll experience. It wasn't as if he were going on a trip through an alternate dimension or something. He was simply getting a few stitches and some ointment applied to his scratches. Maybe it was the loss of blood or the fact that everytime he tried to relax a haunting feeling of distress would creep up on him, but Kael noticed that he was a hell of a lot grumpier than he usually was. There wasn't a doubt that he would've gotten slapped if he spoke any of his thoughts allowed, so he opted against speaking his mind in front of Lady Novah. She was undeserving of his nasty attitude.

Taking in a deep breath as she returned with a dampened towel, indirectly telling him to brace himself, Michaelis signaled his 'okay' for her to continue with a quick nod. Needless to say, he immediately regretted hitting this full-on. If it wasn't bad enough that he could feel the stinging amplify as the seconds went by, she wasn't even pressing the cloth hard enough. Biting his lower lip in an attempt at stifling a groan of pain, Kael's muscles immediately stiffened as he struggled to keep still. He soon found himself taking in breaths at a rapid rate. Sure this wasn’t the first time he'd gone through something like this, but it was his first time sober.
He wanted to yell, bite, break something but the only thing he could think of doing at that point was to bite his lip.

The pressure between his teeth tightened around the soft flesh, drawing blood from the scabbing cut on his bottom half almost immediately. It wasn't so much where it was dripping down the ramp of his chin, but the metallic taste made it to the back of his throat as he leaned the back of his head firmly against the pillow.
"Business. I came here for business." His voice was strained and shaky, almost as if one more stitch would cause him to lose his bearings and crumble into a million pieces. Oh, the irony. He wouldn't have even bothered with her question, but hearing his own voice reminded him that he wasn't dying, though it felt like he was halfway there.

The veins lining his temples slowly faded into his glistening, sticky, pale skin and the pain in his abdomen dimmed into an uncomfortable numbness. It wasn't completely gone, but he could feel the medicine stabilizing the blood flow.
"Fuck... I knew that I should've asked for a glass of rum." Let's be honest, he would've preferred a jug a few minutes ago. Releasing an exhausted puff of relief when she'd finally finished sewing him up, Kael scowled when she handed him a vial of something that would 'help speed the healing'. Will it speed up sleep as well? Opting on keeping his snappy remark to himself, he cleared his throat and wiped his beaded brow with the back of his hand, taking the medicine in his free hand. "Oh, yes. Darling, pray for me. My soul will be tortured for the things I was thinking of doing to you." A frail chuckle followed his raspy, half-joking request. She did rather well compared to what he'd done to himself, however, he could've done without the tactless needle stabbing. "In all seriousness, could you tell the clothier and tailor to have something clean and fitting for me to wear in the morning?"
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"I forgot to ask you if you needed a strong drink, please forgive me," Novah said blushing and looking at the floor. She needed to remember things like that but it was hard when you've never had rum before, still she knew that most people liked to dull their pain with a drink.

He was very sarcastic and out spoken and very clearly someone important. Why was he staying in the Queen's chambers? Novah knew that a lot of the time the Queen didn't sleep there but to let someone else? There had to be a good reason. "Why do I get the feeling that I could stay awake all night praying for your soul and it still wouldn't be enough?" she said immediately regretting it. If he was a friend of Queen Emberly she could get in a lot of trouble for speaking so freely. "I'm sorry I-I didn't mean that," she quickly added. Still it made her nervous that he had just basically admitted he thought about killing her even if it was a joke. Maybe it was time to leave. "I'll make sure you have attire in the morning, you should get some rest. You'll feel a lot better in the morning." Novah turned to leave looking over her shoulder a few times before finally leaving the room and shutting the door behind her.


Emberly yawned as she got out of bed, it was a beautiful morning, the sun was shining and she could almost forget all her problems. She dressed in a pale blue off the shoulder gown, the back was open and dipped low. She brushed out her fire red hair and opted to wear her less formal crown today, the one with shimmering leaves wrapped around a sapphire. By now the messages about the humans staying should have gone out, she would have to assign them guards still but that could wait until after breakfast. She left her room deciding to go wake Everestt. He had been ill yesterday and there was much to discuss after all as the Crown Prince he had to learn how to rule his kingdom in dire situations.

She knocked on his door patiently waiting but no answer came. She looked to the guards who shrugged and told her that no one had been in or out since early the day before. A mother never wants to intrude on her son's privacy but it was important so she opened the door and let herself in. The room was dark, the heavy curtains still closed. She could never understand why he liked the dark so much, she much preferred to wake to the sunlight. Emberly pulled back the curtain expecting to hear her sleepy head son groan in annoyance but that was not at all the scene she turned around to.

She screamed. It was the kind of scream that shattered glass, the kind that made your blood run cold, the kind that ripped your beating heart from your body. The guards came rushing in to see what had happened and were just as shocked. The Prince was laying in his bed his throat slit from ear to ear surrounded by what looked like the blood of five men.

Emberly collapsed onto the floor not able to catch her breath. "How could this have happened," she yelled at the guards who could not give her an answer. As she looked at her only son, heir to the throne and their kingdom she realized that this was a carefully laid out plan. There was a sigil painted on the wall above the bed in his blood. The color drained from her face, it was an Elven sigil. She pulled herself up off the floor and walked to her son, not completely understanding what was happening. Carved into his forehead was the sigil Michaelis showed her and Kalora just the night before. "Not a word leaves this room and no one comes in," she said to the guards in a voice so angry it did not sound like her own.

The Queen ran down the empty hall shifting into her cheetah form to get to his room even faster. She flew through the doorway breaking down the door before shifting back into her human form. "Michaelis," she said he voice sounding deadly. "I am only going to ask you this once. Did you leave this room last night?" The hem of her dress was soaked in royal blood as she walked across the room to where he was in bed. "My son is dead," she screamed. "You need to come with me immediately," she demanded throwing him the fresh clothes that were left on a chair for him.
The siblings spent the rest of the party catching up, playfully insulting each other, and Cerulean subtly hitting on the two human girls. When the place was completely empty save for them and the humans, they called it a night, escorting the humans to their guarded rooms. Azure, too tired to walk back to her place at the edge of the village, crashed with her brother, stealing a blanket and spending the night in a cushy chair in his chambers. It was just like old times.

The next morning, the pair was woken by an ear-shattering scream. It ran Cerulean's blood cold, but it caused Azure to leap up and run to the door, checking the hall. "Lets go, you snail." She called over her shoulder, placing her hand on the hilt of her sword. "Check on the humans." She ordered him when he appeared at the door, heading in the direction of the scream.

Cerulean trotted sleepily down the hallway, locating the humans' rooms with ease. All but one of the guards had left to check the castle, so the remaining one was rather glad to see him. None of the humans had appeared yet, so Cerulean stood b, following his younger sister's order.

Azure jogged cautiously through the castle, accurately guessing where to go to find the scream. But she was stopped by the guards before she reached it, just outside of the royal chambers. Worry creased her fine brow, frowning deeply.

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