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Two of Spades
Hiroshi Miyabi
Above All
(Memory - Spade's Headquarters), Villain's Headquarters

It was a rough day in the Spade's Headquarters. The swarm of villains infiltrating the facility has gone wild, both parties have been at each other's throats for hours now. Injured bodies littered the floors as their blood stained the floor. Hiroshii knew what they were after. A weapon passed down through the Lovelockโ€™s bloodline and is now locked down with the Spadeโ€™s Department, saved for only the most important battles, The Spear of Spades. Itโ€™s a weapon of incredible power. Made from the finest metals from The Plenty Valley, The Spear of Spades harbors a great amount of magic that was enchanted by one of the four greatest wizards. Its powers caused the near destruction of the Elf Tribeโ€™s lands during The Eyeless War which is the unfortunate reason why they have a terrible relation with the Lovelock Kingdom.

Hiiroshi wasnโ€™t pleased by the kingdom he was in. Having been locked up in the Spadeโ€™s Sector after the last of his known relatives died. Preferably, he would've liked to live somewhere far, far away from civilization. He hates it here. Lovelock this, Lovelock that... even modern establishments are named after their motif; the suite of hearts.

"So...you say you could get me out of here?" The blue haired soldier asked, pointing his spear at the lanky villain in front of him. The villain didnโ€™t stand out compared to most of Lovelock's citizens, her dark skin making her light pink hair and blue eyes pop out. It was hard to tell other features due to the black cloak wrapped around her.

โ€œYes. Yes, indeed,โ€ the light pink hair villain nods, her voice cool yet breezy, โ€œI think you already know what we are here, Two of Spades: For the Spear of Spades. Of course I canโ€™t reveal our motive buuut if you join us, I might allow you in on the secret. But if we find out your be-โ€

โ€œThat wonโ€™t happen,โ€ Hiroshiiโ€™s stern voice interrupts the villainโ€™s flirtatious attempt, who only scoffs at his comment before bouncing away. Scoffing at the attempt, Hiroshiiโ€™s supervisor activated the emergency alarm: the villains took the Spear.

Running across the hallway at full speed, Hiroshii ran across a cloaked male. Clearly a villain, Hiroshii made an attempt to spear him but to no avail. The emergency alarm rang in both of their ears as Hiroshii dashed away from the male. Little did Hiroshii know that he would be recruited by this man soonโ€ฆ

Turning a page of a thick novel, Hiroshii rocked in a rocking chair while sipping coffee, adjusting his reading glasses as his eyes scanned the lines. His long, blue hair was tucked into a high ponytail and his outfit was nothing special, in his words, at least. A turtleneck and a loose jacket, a red sash tucked along his chest with at least a dozen pieces of jewelry chosen by his co-workers.

A buzz rang from a magical device on the table neck to him. Aggressively slamming his fist onto it, Hiroshii gritted his teeth before he sighed in defeat. "Well, it'll always be like this," Hiroshii muttered as he closed his book and placed it onto the table. Adjusting his jacket, he gently stood up and stretched his body, "Another mission, I bet. I'm going to need access to the magical library for this."

Hiroshii stood out like a highlighter in the serene city of Blossom City. Aside from not looking like your everyday Lovelock, everything he does and owns is also far ahead in technology. It was odd, the citizens in Blossom City thought. He was a perfectly respectful man. Politely greeting neighbors when they crossed paths, helping elders carry groceries. Oh, how little do they know who he really is.

Closing and locking the doors to his house, he walked over to his motorcycle which is parked outside in his parkway. The roaring engines of Hiroshiiโ€™s motorcycle revved up before he went off the serene city of Blossom City.

"Hi~ Ro~ Shi~" A cheerful and familiar voice called out to the blue haired man. The same pink hair took up most of his vision when he entered the main room of headquarters. Annoyance filled his soul as Hiroshii shoved the pink haired villain off his body. "Launa, please stop leaping on me," the same stern tone lectured her as Launa pouted, stumbling backwards from the push. "Jeez, Hiroshii, have you forgotten that we're in the same team AND your senior. Hm, no respect," Launa huffed as she turned her head away from him playfully. "No fun. No fun at all~"

Hiroshii ignored Launa as he walked past her deeper into the room. The interior was vast, covered in dull wallpaper and filled with books. In the middle, a dozen of villains stood around a round table with three seats left for Hiroshii's team. In the very center of the round table displayed their most prized possession that they took, the Spear of Spades, the one earned Hiroshii a place in the Villain's league. "I suppose Jumpei won't be joining us at this meeting?" Hiroshii asked, coldness filled his voice.

"Jumpei is out on another mission gathering information about the Clover Sector." A deep and husky filled his ears. Nodding in confirmation, the others agreed in the statement. Hiroshii sat in the middle seat while eyeing the spear. He felt Launa dash to sit next to him cheerfully. Annoying as she was, Launa was still a recognized and valued member of his team. "Very well. So, let's get straight to the point: which gem are we stealing?" Hiroshii asked as Launa's curiosity peaked. "Whatdya mean, which gem? They haven't even said we were stealing anything yet!"

"No, he's right. We are stealing the Key of Clover."
Code by Serobliss
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