~Where the Lost get Found~ RP


Cupcake Fairy
Character sheets and info: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/4789-Where-the-Lost-get-Found-Info-and-Sign-up

Season is fall, a week into the new school year....

Faith awoke early one morning, just another day at the home. She showered and dressed in a white blouse and light blue knee length skirt. she brushed out her long blonde hair, letting it flow over her shoulders. She gave a small smile in the mirror on her vanity as she thought of her late fiance. she looked at the small box on the corner of the vanity, a slight longing to see him again coming over her. she stood up, shaking away the thoughts and headed over to Emeralds room. she peeked into the room with a smile, "morning sleepy head! time to go get the kids up, breakfast in 30, class in an hour." she ducked out right away, not waiting for a reply.

Emerald mumbled in her sleep, and jolted as Faith called for her. she sat up, rubbing at her eyes. "dont wanna go to school..." she grumbled to herself. she got up and cleaned up. she always showered after school because she had soccer practice. the only thing that really diverged from her tomboyish personality was her cleanly well kept nature. she put on a deep green and white striped long sleeve shirt and a brown short sleeve hoodie. she brushed her short black hair and left her room, heading downstairs to where the children stayed. she woke them up and helped the younger ones change out of their pjs. she checked the wall clock before shuffling the kids into the hallway. she had 10 minutes before the kids breakfast, and about 40 minutes before she had to be off to school.

Jonah got out of bed and put on a t-shirt, hoodie and jeans. he heard a mew next to him and saw the snow white cat that graced the home. Jonah piced up icepaw the best he could in his small arms and followed Emerald silently to the dinning hall.

(([MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION], [MENTION=3596]Gabriel Ryker[/MENTION], [MENTION=2753]IndubidablyAli[/MENTION], [MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION]))
Louis slowly awoke from his slumber, and looked around with a hopeful smile on his face. A disappointed look took over his smile as he leaned his head against the wall. Louis had always hoped his life was a dream. He sighed as he stood up, with the help of the brick wall. He ran his fingers through his hair as his eyes glowed with sadness. 'Maybe I'll go to a shelter today instead of feasting off this home's leftovers.' Louis mumbled as he pulled on his hat and coat. Louis begrudgingly walked past the home; the home he'd been feasting off for years now. He finally decided to look at who's leftover's he'd been picking at. 'Faith's Home for Lost Hearts,' he smiled slightly, 'sounds nice. Whoever lives there must be lucky.' he kept trudging past the giant house.

Should I tell them? he bounced around in the messed up head of his. No they'll shoo me out if I went inside. he sighed but quickly ran and rang the doorbell. (OOC: or he knocked if there's no doorbell) Please don't shoo me. Please don't shoo me. he thought worryingly, he quickly took off his hat so he wouldn't be deemed as impolite. He checked if the door was unlocked and just took a peep through the door. 'Looks nice...' he said slightly astounded. A rude man from off the street pushed him into the house 'No no no~' he said to himself and he was utterly taken aback as the man flipped him the bird. He looked around worried, 'What do I do?'

(OOC: Sorry, I'm um, blocked. So I was kind of inspirationless and all so short post is short)
Faith heard the doorbell as the kids got seated for breakfast. She motioned for Emerald to start dishing up as she went to see who it was. There was a scruffy looking boy at the door, who looked as though he hadn't been eating much. "Hello young man, can I do something for you? Are you hungry?" She said with a warm smile.

Kael felt a tickle on his face and awoke to see Eddy sitting on his pillow, tickling him with his whiskers. "Fine Eddy, I'm awake." He got up and put the little hamster on the dresser and got dressed in a light blue T, zip up hoodie and jeans. He put a few hamster pellets down for Eddy before heading downstairs.
Calliope awoke as her alarm went off. Her hand fumbled before she found the off button and turned the beeping off. She climbed out of bed, yawning. She quickly dressed in the clothes she laid out last night and when finished smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Once dressed she did her hair and makeup before heading downstairs. Before she did though she waited patiently by Kael's door. When he came out she grinned "Sleep a bit late, love?" she asked, her British accent visible. She chuckled and then grabbed his hand, "Well, come on then! No need to be late for breakfast!"

Her Outfit- http://cdn.followpics.com/show/14847873742204114_zKqZlFaR_c.jpg
Louis stared at her. "Uh." he smiled sightly and did a nervous laugh. "No, I'm quite fine I don't want to bother you. I just wanted to let you know that I've been living in the alley just there and in case it was an annoyance to someone, I'm going to be living at the shelter from now on ans I will no longer be a nuisance to your nice home, thank you for the offer though... and I-I don't mean to sound rude! I just on't want you going through any trouble." he nodded and then turned. "I'll be on my way." he walked out the door. He started off again to the shelter.

"She seemed nice." he said to himself, "but I really couldn't do that to them. They don't need another mouth to feed." he walked into the shelter, got a sandwich aand sat down "And why would they even want me there anyway?"
((im back from work~))

Kael smiled as he saw Calliope at his door. "Morning!" he chuckled, "you know i always sleep late. how else would i be this darn handsome?" he said, framing his face with his hands as he laughed. "just kidding, lets go, or we will be late for school" he patted her on the back as they headed downstairs. Calliope was his best friend pretty much since the day they met. Kael had known her so long he trusted her with everything.

Faith was about to say something, but the boy left too quickly. the shelter huh? she decided she might send Emerald over to speak with him later if he still happened to be there. for now, she had children to feed. she walked back into the dinning room and as she went to dish up the kids bowls she felt a tug on her skirt. she saw Jonah standing with Icepaw dangling in his arms. "Jonah, but her down and wash your hands, its time to eat." he obeyed, and Icepaw padded out of the kitchen quietly.
Ava arose from her deep sleep, her teddy clutched in her hand and a children's book in the other she let the book go and held her teddy to her chest as she slid out of bed and rubbed her eyes, she went through her usual routine, getting dressed in a red dress, that had so many layers it was almost like a tutu but it wasn't. she clutched the worn out teddy in her hands as she put on her tiny ballet flats and brushed her hair (with minimum success) before going out into the kitchen, with her teddy. She saw Jonah and a few of the others and smiled shyly, trying to get up on the chair, which was to high for her, as she was quite short for her age.

Rosaline had been awake for some time and when she heard the usual footsteps she got out of the warmth of her covers and got dressed. Her room, at her request had no mirrors, as she hated being reminded of what happened to her. She wore a pair of denim shorts and a simple T.A.R.D.I.S blue singlet top, with a T.A.R.D.I.S jacket that reached her mid stomach (It has the windows on either sign and sign on the right). If there was one thing she held onto from her . . . old life it was her love of the seiries, she had saves up for ages to get these items she had and she loved them
Ashton whispered to herself a song that she had written. "We can only love who we are, and not what we aren't..." She sighed and looked over her shoulder. Books lined all along the shelves and she looked back at her notebook. She wrote in her book, about a young teenage girl. It was the life that she always wanted to have. Not that this life absolutely sucked but...it could be better you know? Is this all there is? She closed her eyes and leaned back in one of the library chairs.
Astley wandered over to the home just as a boy of about sixteen passed him looking incredibly flustered and embarrassed. Raising an eyebrow, he shrugged and kept walking, his hands in his pockets as he smelled eggs from the kitchen. He walked in to see Faith dishing out the breakfast for the young kids. He flashed her a smile. 'God you get them up early don't you? But I guess it's worth it for eggs as good as these.' He flashed her another smile, grabbing a fork and scooping a mouthful of the scrambled food out of the pan in her hands, his eyes glowing with amusement as he ruffled Jonah's hair. He always got along well with the kids. He loved it there. it was a chance for him to have what he hadn't had the chance to keep. His family. he smiled fondly at them all and then turned back to Faith. 'So, what's on the agenda for the kids today?' He asked, stealing yet another scoop of egg from the pan.

The moment he saw Ava, Astley picked her up, spinning her around in a circle and hugging her close. The girl was like a daughter to him. He remembered giving the teddy she carried around with her always when she first arrived at the home. 'Goodmorning sunshine. You look like you slept well.' He nuzzled her neck lightly. 'Forget how to use your hairbrush again?' He teased, knowing she'd giggle.


Toni yawned and stretched, openign her eyes as she heard voices outside in the hallway. It sounded as though the others were already up. She heard Kael's voice and her heart fluttered slightly. This was the guy that she'd had a crush on since she first came to the house. She sighed, leaning back against the pillows. He probably didn't even know she existed. Sighing again she got out of bed, ran a brush through her hair and then padded downstairs, not bothering to change out of her flannel pajamas. What did it matter? they all lived together.

She tried hard not to look at Kael as she made her way past him and flashed a half hearted smile at Faith, hanging around in silence to wait until it was the teens' turn to get breakfast.


Kyan bounded down the steps, his puppy, Scarecrow, at his feet, yapping, her tail wagging. She had been a gift to him from Toni on his birthday three weeks previous, and he cherished the little animal dearly. As he made his way into the kitchen to grab the dog food from one of the cupboards he smiled at his beast friend. 'Toni! You're awake! I thought you'd sleep in for sure!' He flashed a brilliant smile at her, giving her an enormous hug. She crinkled her nose but there was a smile on her face when he eventually let her go. He looked at her carefully and frowned. 'What's wrong?' She shook her head.
'Nothing.. don't worry.' Kyan frowned. 'No. Not this time, breakfast can wait.' He linked arms with her and started to drag her out of the kitchen but she pulled away. 'Please Ky, just drop it for now, please.' She pleaded in such a way that he had to oblige. He saw Emerald and his skin flushed a little before he spoke to her. 'Hey, i'm about to feed Scarecrow, do you wanna help?' He asked, his cheerful glow shining around him. Toni looked at her best friend and smiled. He was such a happy kid. maybe she should try to be more like him.


Gerard 'Rocky' Michaels, more commonly known as Rocky, put the pen lid back on the fine tipped marker and sat back in his chair, looking to the drawing he'd done. Another to hide away in his filing cabinet, he thought to himself as he closed the book and left it on his desk. He checked the time and figured he had enough time left to go into the library and find some new music books. He stood up, checked on Helena, pulled on his shirt and shoes and traipsed down the stairs and around the back to get to the library. He eased open the door, loving how still and silent it was. He made his way towards the music sector and then a movement caught his attention. A girl was in there, someone he wasnt sure if he recognised. Then again, he kept to himself mostly. Deciding to break his own rule, he crept up on her, reading over her shoulder in silence before he spoke. 'You know Faith is serving breakfast up now. I suggest if you want to eat before the others leave nothing but crumbs, then you go now.' He said in a bored tone.


Abigail sat outside in the garden, listening to the sounds of the garden as she wrote busilyin her notebook, a poem about the world she was learning to know. She still couldn't remember who she used to be. She sighed and stood up, looking up at the sky. It had to be nearly time to go. She didnt know if she wanted to go to school. Somehow her body remembered some things but her mind didnt remember others. She was struggling to relearn everything since her amnesia kicked in. She put her book and pen in her bag and set off down the street, passing the shelter. As she did, she tripped over, landing painfully on her front before a boy about her age. Thoroughly embarrassed she just lay there a while, feeling the pain throb through her body.
Ashton jumped and snapped her notebook shut. She slowly turned around. "A bit of a warning next time?" She let out a big breath of air. "Im fine without breakfast" After tapping her pen a couple times against her notebook, she glanced up at Rocky once before closing her eyes and walking into one of the aisles. She skimmed through the books, her delicate fingers running along the bindings. How incredible! They had to be really old. They seemed dusty and unkept. Not neccessarily dirty as in no one cleaned the library but more of an ancient feeling that she appreciated. She pulled out one of the books. Of course, she giggled. The Grimm Fairytales. She absolutely loved them.
Ava giggled and hugged Astley back around the neck tightly, she was always close to him, he had found her living in a box on the streets and took her to the home. She smiled a big smile nuzzles him back and giggled again "No! help me?" she asked him, booping his lose and still talking with a lisp. Due to her lack of education for two years she was behind on almost everything but reading, talking and walking included.

Rosaline walked into the kitchen, quickly scanning for huge knives, which there were none of. She was new to the place and stood their shyly, not liking being surrounded by all these strangers. She looked out of the window, so she didn't notice the stares she would get for her scars, which were visible all down her legs and you could ee them poke out on her neck and chest, she was totally covered in the one swirling pattern. It had taken the man two hours to do this and she was paralyzed but awake the whole time, she couldn't scream she couldn't even flinch.

Ava saw the ladt come in and looked at the cuts on her legs and said to the Astley "Is she African?"
Astley shook his head at Ava. 'Now Ava, that's very rude. You don't talk about people like that okay?' he scolded and then cuddled her again. 'Why don't you go talk to her? I'm sure she'd like that. She looks lonely.' He said, putting the little girl back on her feet and ruffling the already messy hair once more. He grinned at her reactions, finding it amusing to torment the little girl. They definately had a connection, that much no one could deny. 'You can either talk to Rosa, or you can finish your breakfast. i suggest breakfast because you know how important it is.' He flashed her another friendly smile and moved to talk to Rosaline. 'How are you feeling this morning?' He asked in that gentle way of his.


Rocky raised an eyebrow, following her over to the bookcase. 'You sure? Faith insists that it's the most important meal of the day.' He couldnt help but grin a little at her, intrigued by this strange girl that he STILL couldn't recall seeing before. 'You know, i bet that story you're trying to finish will flow easier if you have some food. We've got school soon. You don't wanna be late, it can be hell walking into a classroom to have everyone stare at you like you're a murderer.' He flashed her a cold, calculating smile. 'Of course, some of us might be.'
She slowly closed the book and slipped it back into its place. She smirked, though somehow in a polite way, leaning against the book shelf. "Are you lost?" She asked innocently, yet sarcastically. She usually was polite but she could tell he wasnt the normal boy. She licked her lips and sat down on the arm of a nearby chair. "And to answer your question..." She said smiling, "I am sure. I can take care of myself, thank you very much." She stuffed her notebook and pen into her messenger bag and looked over her shoulder at him again, then moving along. She exited the library, his face fresh in her mind. He seemed almost flawless. She would have to draw him sometime.
Ava looked at the floor and said "I'm sowwy, i was asking because of the scars. I saw it in a book." she climbed back on the chair and sat The teddy on her lap and kept eating

Rosaline looked at the girl and man, she heard her name and and after listening she said, to Ava "What book?" she was intruged how would her scars be in any way similar, except to the killings the murderer constructed, in no way had she ever thought of it in any other way, she nodded at Astley "Hello. good"

Ava looked up at the lady and said in a shy voice, unlike when she talked to Astley "A book about Africa, they did that to women, before they got married to see if they could live child birth"

Rosaline looked confused but said "thank you" This man had been wishing to punish her, why would he do something similar? it was probably due too his killings, he wanted her father to know it was him. She looked out the window and tears formed and she rushed out of the room
Louis stood there with half a sandwich in his mouth, looking around he crouched down, holding out his hand. Swallowing the last of his sandwich, "Need some help?" he asked the girl. She looked like she was in pain. "Are you hurt? Would you like any bandages or anything?" he furrowed his brow in concern. "Um, what do I do? Are you bleeding?" He straightened up and pulled her up with two hands. He smiled slightly, "Hmm, I'm Louis." he scratched his head as he dusted off the girl's shoulders. "Sorry, you had a bit of dust." he looked around nervously. "Who are you?" he asked.


Roxanne sighed as she awoke. A crick in her neck as she stretched awkwardly. "Brekkie isn't for me today. I can do a couple more hours." she shrugged, pulling her dress, she yawned and walked outside to the library as always. That was her sanctuary, her little getaway from reality a she gets lost in the world of love, danger, fantasy and supernatural incidents that thrill her and chill her. She sighed as she grabbed Pride and Prejudice form the shelf, grabbed a chair and started talking. "Oh the classics." she muttered.

Calliope chuckled and hurried downstairs, taking two at a time. When she reached the bottom she put her hand on her hips as she waited for Kael, pretending to look bored. She was usually very quiet but with others but with Kael she could let herself be free. She bushed away her bangs from her eyes and straightened her jacket before heading to the dining room with Kael. She could feel the familiar bump of her phone in her back pocket and the bulge of her headphones in her front one. As they reached the dining room, she sat in her regular seat and slipped her phone and headphones out, plugging the cord into the sound jack of her iPhone. Calliope slipped the buds in her ears and pressed play. The familiar beat of Who'd Have Known by Lily Allen pulsed through her ears as she began to fill her plate. Cali was a vegetarian so she shied away from the meat and grabbed some toast with grape jelly, eggs, an apple, and a glass of apple juice.

@StarDust, :)
Faith smiled, "well good morning there Astley. save some eggs for the teens will you? and by the way, early rising habits are healthy for young kids." she said. she dumped what was left of the eggs onto a few plates and start up another batch. Some of the teens were already in the kitchen getting ready to eat. "Hey, teens can hold on a few more minutes till kids leave. i dont want anyone getting trampled or dropping anything." she saw she was too late as Calliope had already sat down, but hopefully the others would wait a bit.

Kael followed Calliope down to the kitchen and watched as she got her food and sat down. "be over in a sec Cal" he said before walking over to Faith. "need help with anything Fay?" he asked. Kael like to give nicknames to anyone he could. "im fine Kael, but if you could wait a minute before eating that would be nice." the kids were all getting cleaned up and getting ready to get the rest of their day started. after awhile Kael grabbed a plate and some food and sat with Calliope.

Jonah gave a shy glance at Astley as he ruffled his hair. he ducked behind Faith and looked up as the two adults conversed. its not that he didnt like Astley, he was just shy. Faith gave him a pat on the back and a plate of eggs which he sat and quickly devoured. once he was done he went back over to watch Faith cook.

Emerald flashed a smile at Kyan, "Sure thing, just as soon as i get the kids outside. its a nice day so i think they should go out to the playground for some fun." she shuffled the kids into the hallway. "hey you" she called to one of the adult volunteers, "take the kids outside ok? Faith will be out to watch them when breakfast is done" the volunteer took the group of giggling kids and Emerald tunred back the Kyan, "ok lets go. i done see Abi or Roxy around anyway." she smiled cheerfully.
Frankie slapped the beeping alarm clock on the table next to her, she'd already been awake for a few minutes because of the morning hustle and bustle. She didn't mind going to school the way a lot of the kids around her in her classes did, but she hated getting up early. She always had hated it, she was sure she always would. She forced herself out of bed and dressed herself, her normal not to complex attire. A colorful pokemon t-shirt, shorts long enough to fit the school's dress code, flip flops and a zip up hoodie. The plain pale green hoodie was hanging off of her, her arms through the sleeves but the sweatshirt itself was just hanging down, not even on her shoulders.

Frankie left the room dragging her backpack behind her. As she exited her room it occurred to her that she hadn't done her science homework for that day.
Oh well, she thought to herself, that's what homeroom is for. She figured if she grabbed a quick breakfast she could spend a few minutes sitting outside playing pokemon before actually leaving for school.

As she entered the Kitchen she had to listen to the standard clatter of living in a house with so many people.
Could be the alternative, Frankie mused, at least here people pretend to care. Frankie filled her refillable plastic water bottle with tap water and grabbed an apple and a banana before turning to head for the door. She was likely to get chastised for grabbing food out of turn, ignoring children eat first protocol.
Faith turned as Fankie walked in, "hey i wish you would sit and eat with us one day." she said as the girl grabbed a few things from the counter. "and a little socialization would do you good as well." she flashed a warm smile. "Frankie you be careful on your way to school dear." she said before getting back to cooking.
Calliope smiled as he sat next to her and handed him a earbud. "I downloaded a new album." She waited until he finished listening before speaking again, "So, what do you think?" It was a new Florence + The Machine album called Lungs and she adored it. She sipped her juice and watched his face. Being an artist she could see the world in ways others couldn't. Like the way his the skin around his eyes crinkled into fine lines when he laughed or how he got a strangely blank look in his eyes when he was thinking. Even the way he smiled was different to her. As she stared at his face and traced the contours of his face she found her eyes locking with his lips. And the only thing she could think of was how it might feel to have them against- she shook her head, jerking the earbud out of his ear. You know that's foolish. He's your best friend.

Kael listen intently to the music, being a person who love almost every genre. "it sounds good you think i could rock out like that on my Viola?" he chuckled. he continued to listen until she yanked the earbud from his ear. "hey, i was listening to that!" he protested, he reached over and took her by the wrist, and made her put the earbud back. He flashed a cheesy grin then hummed along with the music. his own musical talents were centered around his voice and viola. he loved singing, and had a passion for his instrument.
Frankie waved to Faith on her way out the door, to be polite and acknowledge that Frankie had been heard her. Inside her head Frankie was a little less polite, it's cute how she acts like a mother, as if mothers are a real thing, the concept of what makes a mother a mother is an illusion. There are only heartless people who give birth to heartless people, it's better to not get attached because they'll only fail you when you really need help.

Frankie looked at her watch as she exited the building, calculating that in order to leave in time to get where she needed to be without being tardy, she still had a few minutes to kill before she had to leave. This was good, Frankie sat down on the steps of the building and turned on her DS. Any time was time to go hunting. She was shiny hunting, at that she was shiny hunting for Chansey, a combination that was thoroughly impossible to find. Chances of finding a shiny was already less than a percent, but that's less than one percent on Chansey's already low encounter rate.
Calliope was startled when he grabbed her but simply smiled and gave a weak laugh. A deep flush covered her cheeks and she listened to the music as well, singing under her breath. She loved singing by didn't think she was very good. The only person who'd ever even heard sing was Kael. She finished her juice and stood, slipping the bud from his ear, "Come on, before we're late." She leaned down and grabbed her bag from under the chair. She did a quick inventory check and, satisfied, turned for the door.
Nick awoke long before he was hustled out to breakfast, but he was always quiet in the mornings, so not many people noticed him. He didn't want to eat breakfast at all, but the nurses here said he needed the food in his metabolism before he threw up his pills that he had to take at bedtime. With a sigh he sat down and had some eggs and Milk, his standard meal. The little kids jumped up and gave him high fives as they left before he sat down, and he gave them his great smile as they did. "C'mon guys, go outside now." he had told them. Now he stared at his knuckles while listening to the playful chatter all around him.

Nick then stood up and threw away his trash, leaning on a wall and thinking of what to do next. School was in a little, but for now he could probably read, or write...or play an instrument. The thought stuck in his head as it always did. He had lived here for a while now, yet he had never played the piano or the guitar, or any other one for that matter. They brought really bad memories. As he thought all this, his finger drummed along a song on the wall behind him.

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