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Fantasy Where Dreams go to Die

welian said:
Fair warning, symbolism and motifs will be a very strong theme throughout this setting, so be prepared to do some research when you go to make a character.
Are you trying to scare people away?
Pentagon said:
Oh man, I sure hope Theology is on the table. Nothing gets me more erect excited than shoving theological themes into characters.
If that's what floats your boat, you're welcome to try to incorporate it into your character. You see, the Knights have a Core - it's basically what replaces their heart in dream-mode, and is the source of their power - and this Core is made up of a precious material, which you'll choose from stone, crystals, metals, or woods. You'll have to do research on any superstitions or meanings behind the material, and choose the one that you think will best compliment your character. For example, Cat's Eye is a gem that supposedly brings good luck and protects the wearer from the "Evil Eye", or ill will. If you had a character who's dream powers revolved around luck, you might end up choosing that for their Core.

DaughterofAthena said:
Are you trying to scare people away?
Maybe? xD It's not often that I run a roleplay this detailed, so I'm trying to be honest - you really will have to do a little bit of research when you go to make your character.

Writer said:
Will most of the roleplay be set in the Etherea?
Hmmm.... No, I'm aiming for a roughly half-and-half split. The beginning of the RP will take place in Etherea, where your characters will be indoctrinated into the Knights, but some of the first Terror battles will happen in the "real world".
I know exactly what my core is going to be. I like the mechanic, it's clever.

EDIT: I feel like choosing 3 different kinds of wood would not be appropriate. This is a major dilemma.
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Pentagon said:
I know exactly what my core is going to be. I like the mechanic, it's clever.
EDIT: I feel like choosing 3 different kinds of wood would not be appropriate. This is a major dilemma.
You're right, the Core has to be made of one material only. You have to choose. : P

That being said, it doesn't have to be a perfect fit. Just something that's relevant to your character's individual development.
welian said:
You're right, the Core has to be made of one material only. You have to choose. : P
That being said, it doesn't have to be a perfect fit. Just something that's relevant to your character's individual development.
I was thinking the woods of the True Cross: Cedar, Pine, and Cypress. I suspect I'll go with Applewood, for very obvious reasons.
Pentagon said:
I was thinking the woods of the True Cross: Cedar, Pine, and Cypress. I suspect I'll go with Applewood, for very obvious reasons.
Fun fact, the Sentinel - the mission control character for the Knights - her animal motif is a black snake, and her personal domain within Etherea is a garden. ;3
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welian said:
Maybe? xD It's not often that I run a roleplay this detailed, so I'm trying to be honest - you really will have to do a little bit of research when you go to make your character.
I actually prefer having to do some research. It might help me find some decent inspiration.
welian said:
Fair warning, symbolism and motifs will be a very strong theme throughout this setting, so be prepared to do some research when you go to make a character.
Welian is a benevolent goddess who totally did not screw around with Sim's post to remind him to stick to more PG humor.
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If you will have me then I would love to take part. If there are a lot of people and you want to chop down, don't hesitate to remove me from the group. I completely understand it's no hard feelings. :)
DaughterofAthena said:
?? Is it reasonable for this post to confuse me greatly?
The original post had something to do with H R Giger, who did the design work for Alien. There is uh...some subtle symbolism and motif thing going on with all of his paintings. Just sayin.
This idea is intriguing, very intriguing. I am interested, may I be tagged when it goes up?

Also can I assume you created the graphics for it yourself? Very talented.
Phaesaris said:
Mmm research! I have my hypothetical textbooks and coffee ready for a night full of obscure websites and facts.
Same. I can already tell I'm going to spend WAY too much time agonizing over the decision. And just when I think I have one decided, I'll change my mind again!

@welian When do you anticipate having the thread up?
Writer said:
Same. I can already tell I'm going to spend WAY too much time agonizing over the decision. And just when I think I have one decided, I'll change my mind again!
@welian When do you anticipate having the thread up?
Welian and I discussed it going up after Christmas, just to give people time to be with family and friends and not agonise over a roleplay.
Writer said:
@welian When do you anticipate having the thread up?
@Mordecai and I have agreed to post the RP thread sometime this weekend, and our goal is to have the RP go live on New Years.

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DaughterofAthena said:
That means we'll have a week to work on characters... oh boy. I've gotta find some inspiration, and fast.
Not fast. (: Nothing is opening until New Years, at the earliest!
Writer said:
Same. I can already tell I'm going to spend WAY too much time agonizing over the decision. And just when I think I have one decided, I'll change my mind again!
Ha, same! I've got several ideas running through my brain, one of which includes music. Maybe I'll try to compose a meaningful song. That is if I can stop procrasti-- I MEAN, ahem, 'being a wonderfully productive citizen of society' long enough. With two weeks, there's certainly a good amount of time.

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