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Fantasy Where Dreams go to Die

Mordecai said:
Not fast. (: Nothing is opening until New Years, at the earliest!
Wait...? Now I'm confused.

I thought by "go live" Welian meant that the rp would start? Is that not the right interpretation? Is it meant to be that you can't submit a character until New Years?
Looking forward to seeing that thread. That's not going to stop me from getting a little prep work in before hand though! (^U^)

Another question, what's going to be the accepted definition for the Cores? One website might say that a gemstone/metal does one thing, another site might say it does something slightly different or completely different.

For example, one website says about Emeralds:


*Protects against eye diseases, faintness, and loss of memory. *Considered an aphrodisiac. *Placed beneath the tongue, enables you to conjure evil spirits. *Eases pain in childbirth. *Cures epilepsy, dysentery, and fits. *Negates the effects of snakebite. *Touching an emerald helps sufferers of blindness. *Ensures a life of love and success. *Confers happiness for married couples. *Ensures constancy and truth between lovers. *Reveals secrets to its owner. *Brings victory in court cases. *Makes the owner more eloquent. *Protects sailors and fishermen from the perils of sea. *Can detect poison when worn as a ring. *Relieves eyestrain and eye inflammation. *Can blind snakes. *Is an antidote to poison. *A remedy for sores and ulcers. . *Makes the wearer clever and funny. *Keeps the wearer honest. *Adds fortitude and strength, especially in old age. *Brings gaiety and understanding. *Preserves chastity.
And another says:

Emerald is used to bring rain and prevents against epilepsy and diseases. It is said to sponsor immortality.
Side note, if others have good websites for research, that'd be great to share. I haven't been able to find much on woods, but I've found a few on gems/metals I can share. (Edit: I just missed the links Mord posted!)
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DaughterofAthena said:
Wait...? Now I'm confused.
I thought by "go live" Welian meant that the rp would start? Is that not the right interpretation? Is it meant to be that you can't submit a character until New Years?
No, the thread will be posted for people to begin posting character sheets. Roleplaying isn't planning on beginning until New Years.
Writer said:
Looking forward to seeing that thread. That's not going to stop me from getting a little prep work in before hand though! (^U^)
Another question, what's going to be the accepted definition for the Cores? One website might say that a gemstone/metal does one thing, another site might say it does something slightly different or completely different.

For example, one website says about Emeralds:

And another says:

Side note, if others have good websites for research, that'd be great to share. I haven't been able to find much on woods, but I've found a few on gems/metals I can share. (Edit: I just missed the links Mord posted!)
I don't think it really matters. There will always be conflicting ideas about what things mean, depending on what culture vein you read through. Find something you enjoy. (:
Mordecai said:
No, the thread will be posted for people to begin posting character sheets. Roleplaying isn't planning on beginning until New Years.
And so we would have a week to make characters ... that's not a lot of time given how hard inspiration can be for me to find at times.
Not gonna lie... if you can find J.K. Rowling's sources on Harry Potter wand wood lore, I'd welcome that as valid research.


You're not gonna lose your spot in the RP so long as you have evidence of a profile in progress by New Years. I'm not THAT mean.
welian said:
Hmmm.... No, I'm aiming for a roughly half-and-half split. The beginning of the RP will take place in Etherea, where your characters will be indoctrinated into the Knights, but some of the first Terror battles will happen in the "real world".
Would it be safe to assume that our characters receive some powers that transfer out of the dream world then?
welian said:
You're not gonna lose your spot in the RP so long as you have evidence of a profile in progress by New Years. I'm not THAT mean.
I'm not worried about losing a spot or anything. From my experience, the longer it takes to get a character through after the rp has started, the harder it is to get involved in the rp. That being said, this looks like a really fun rp so I might not have any difficulties so I'm not about to panic just yet.

Are there any general requirements you have for characters so that I might be able to start formulating an idea?
I would post here more but my head is killing me. I'm reading all the responses though. Still interested.
Writer said:
Would it be safe to assume that our characters receive some powers that transfer out of the dream world then?
Yup! They'll be able to use limited versions of their powers while they are awake, more when they're in their dream form.

DaughterofAthena said:
Are there any general requirements you have for characters so that I might be able to start formulating an idea?
Hmmm... Well, the most important part of your character will be their ambition, motivation. So, no matter what you do, make sure that your character has a personal goal of some sort. It's too soon to say we lack any sort of character archetypes, so it's not like gender is an issue... well, if you want, you could experiment with a transgender character. One's dream form is based on their self-perception, not how they actually look IRL. Or maybe your character's dreamself is a dragon? Who knows. A selfish character would be interesting.

[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]I would post here more but my head is killing me. I'm reading all the responses though. Still interested.

I dont get why everyone's agonizing over research as if they've never done it before.
Because everyone wants their shit to be perfect, of course. Even me!
welian said:
Because everyone wants their shit to be perfect, of course. Even me!
Oh goodness, you mean to say all this time, they never once wanted their other shit to be perfect so they never devoted any of their time to actual research? Gee golly willikers, Mr. Whiskers!

I'm just saying, isn't it normal to research or even interview/ask people on things beforehand, or is that just me?
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simj22 said:
Oh goodness, you mean to say all this time, they never once wanted their other shit to be perfect so they never devoted any of their time to actual research? Gee golly willikers, Mr. Whiskers!
I'm just saying, isn't it normal to research or even interview/ask people on things beforehand, or is that just me?
I like you. Not only do you apparently put some effort in a well-researched character, but your sarcasm is the right tone.

I feel like I'm back home, and no one told me.
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You can only take your sarcasm so far, though. I've had problems with bullying in the past, and if I find that someone in here has been making fun of other players or causing people to feel unwelcome, I will terminate their participation in this roleplay.
Will character's powers be selected based on the Core? What kind of powers will there be?
Writer said:
Will character's powers be selected based on the Core? What kind of powers will there be?
Ah, here's a section from the character sheet. This'll help.


State what your character's Core is made of, and describe the symbolism of that material and how it relates to your character. A Core's material may be stone, crystal, metal, or wood. It cannot be a combination of multiple materials.


Describe any particular dream powers your character has in this section. Keep it limited to one main ability, and no more than two additional passive or sub-powers. All powers should be thematically related to your character's Core - not necessarily their personality.

Basically, you get to choose your character's power so long as it's 1: thematically related to their Core, and 2: Not stupidly overpowered and would play nice enough in a group setting.
6ix Sense] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11743-welian/ said:
@welian[/URL] is it too late for newcomers?? This sounds really interesting and I definitely wouldn't mind being part of it ( :D )
Definitely not. This is just an interest check. The roleplay thread isn't even officially up yet.
Also, how I'm starting to feel about this interest check thread:


Edit: So much mad hype. You guys rock! (Please don't burn the site down. I need it. For... things)
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Mordecai said:
Also, how I'm starting to feel about this interest check thread:

Edit: So much mad hype. You guys rock! (Please don't burn the site down. I need it. For... things)
If it burns, then I'm going out in style.


Seriously though, I'm super excited for this!
Discarded ideas for a power reflecting the forgiveness of man's sins: a ghostly humanoid figure, a manifestation of the human spirit, who STANDs next to my character, and defeats enemies with divine might, as manifested in a flurry of punches, likely accompanied by a loud, repetitive battle cry.

I need to get JoJo out of my mind. MANLY POSING is not the flavor of Christianity I'm trying to channel.

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