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Fantasy Where Dreams go to Die

Don't blame me if your character's core somehow gets eaten by my avatar.

Anyways, does the core necesarilly have to be something solid? Can it be, for example, water or fire? And does the motif have to be animal themed? Because I was hoping to incorporate chess and chess pieces into my little character.
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Phaesaris said:
Don't blame me if your character's core somehow gets eaten by my avatar.
Anyways, does the core necesarilly have to be something solid? Can be like, for example, water or fire? And does the motif have to be animal themed? Because I was hoping to incorporate chess and chess pieces into my little character.
Yes, it has to be solid, and classified as one of the four materials I've listed.

No, your character's theme does not have to be an animal. In fact, so long as your character's power relates to their Core, and their Core relates to their Ambition, no further motifs are required. The only characters that absolutely require animal motifs are Dreams and Nightmares, and as of right now, they are NPCs only.

Well, a theme song. There's a theme song on the profile, I forgot about that. Anyways.
I have to go run errands, don't do anything stupid while I'm gone.
[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]Like name your bartender character after a drink...

Shots fired? (Sorry, that was a terrible pun.)
And the thread is still standing. You all disappointment me.
Phaesaris said:
I think I've found a good core for my character. Would Holly be alright?
Holly is fine, I'll add it to the list.
The front page has been updated with a fancy spreadsheet so that people don't have to go searching through the thread to find out who's claimed what.
*shuffles in wearing a bathrobe, kitteh slippers, and an expression that screams "this is my morning and you will know I am not a morning person"*

*raises hand* Yo.

*grabs a gallon of OJ and a 1-lb. breakfast burrito before shuffling off again*
I am well aware that mercury is a transition metal. I assumed it had to be a material that is solid at room temperature, though. Maybe I'm wrong. I am in fact not the GM.
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