• If your recruitment thread involves completely going off site with your partner(s) then it belongs in the Off-Site Ad Area.
  • This area of the site is governed by the official Recruitment rules. Whether you are looking for players or looking for a roleplay, we recommend you read them and familiarize your self with them. Read the Recruitment Rules Here.

Fantasy Where Dreams go to Die

I'm in! Do you have the character sheet somewhere @welian or is there one of yours I can look at? I can't wait to show y'all my true talents.
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DemonKitten said:
I'm in! Do you have the character sheet somewhere @welian or is there one of yours I can look at? I can't wait to show y'all my true talents.
wels said that the sheets should be up after christmas is over because everyone wants to celebrate christmas first. putting a sheet up now is going to ruin christmas, like the grinch
DaughterofAthena said:
If that was true, I am pretty sure the world would have crashed and burned by now.
There's a joke about Santa in there.
...wow... I am currently running on less than 5 hours of sleep... I don't normally seem this lacking in an ability to understand humor...
I'd love to be a part of this, if you'd have me.

Granted, I can't promise the most snappy updating schedule for posts - yay responsibilities! - but I'll give it my best. :P
Mordecai said:
Not many important people here. xD
Oi, I resent that comment. You may call me not, you may call me many, and you may call me important, but you cannot call me a people!
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DaughterofAthena said:
...wow... I am currently running on less than 5 hours of sleep... I don't normally seem this lacking in an ability to understand humor...
Random question...You like PJO ?
Okay, so here's what I came up with. Please tell me if this will be appropriate for the RP or not (^.^)

So my character's Core will be Lead (Metal) because it represents impurity, poisoning, and wickedness. (He will most likely be a narcissistic anti-hero who's only with the Knights because his home's at risk). His motif will be a Toad, which is represented as uncleanness, death, and sometimes as a demon. His special ability will be able to poison one's mind (not literally, mentally) and cause extreme chaos and hell for their mental states. Over time, the longer they withstand the mind-poisoning, their bodies began to slowly poison.

The restriction, however is that my character becomes tired and fatigued after about 12 minutes. For a normal monster, this should mostly always do the trick, but I can see this being an obstacle for him against tougher opponents. @welian @Mordecai Watcha' think??
Phaesaris said:
Gonna be honest, when you said your character's motif was a toad, the first thing I thought of was the little mushroom guy from Mario. Your character sounds like an asshole...I love them already.
How did you know he was gonna be an asshole? Prediction skills lol.

But no I was thinking of add this....beautiful creature as the motif.

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Peaceswore said:
I'm interested if you are still accepting more people~
Right now, this is just the interest check. (: The roleplay thread will go live shortly after Christmas so people can actually start signing up with characters.
Also, for peeps who already have character ideas in mind, I need you to tag me and/or Morde and tell us what Core material you're laying claim to. I'd like each player Core to be unique.

CLAIMED CORES (must be a stone, crystal, wood, or metal):

  • Iron
  • Lead
  • Citrine
  • Carnelian
  • Applewood
  • Alexandrite
  • Silver
  • Bamboo
  • Amethyst
  • Serendibite
  • Holly
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Is the Etherea similar to the real world? I'm not sure what to put for a power as I'm not sure what is normally possible in this world.

Also, I'd like silver. @welian
I'm assuming one character for now, if that's the case my character would have Bamboo

Is there a small character sheet or of the like I can use? My boredom is killing me and I'm in the mood to make a character.

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