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Fantasy Where Dreams go to Die (OOC)

And the roleplay is open, with ten minute to spare! Hopefully, you all with have longer introductions than I did.
Writer said:
Do our characters (the new Knights) have our cores and magical weapon at this point?
They do, but they proooobably don't know how to use them, much less what the fuck is going on.
Okay! I'm going to have fun with this. "A parasol? How the hell do I break a stone with a goddamn parasol?"

Any way you'd like us to format (bbcode) the posts? Character name and location on it anywhere? A special color for our character's dialogue?
Character name and location is appreciated, any other formatting is optional. The important thing is that you use a spellchecker.
Pentagon said:
God I wanna post soooo baaaaaaad.
Please be patient. Despite what people think, Welian and I have lives that involve things that aren't Dreams.
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Mordecai said:
Please be patient. Despite what people think, Welian and I have lives that involve things that aren't Dreams.
I gotcha~ Don't worry my fingers are about to fall off so having this excuse to not post for now is fine with me :)
Mordecai said:
Please be patient. Despite what people think, Welian and I have lives that involve things that aren't Dreams.
I know we're on the Internet, so assuming the absolute worst about everyone you meet is probably wise, but a little credit would be nice. I understand you have your own life, I promise I am not a sociopath. I am ready to wait as long as is needed, patiently. Me saying that I want to post in no way accuses you of negligence, nor indicates any negative feelings towards the handling of this game.

You're doing a great job, and I have not seen either any evidence to the contrary nor seen any testimony of failure in the thread, though obviously I am not privy to your entire media intake. I suspect your assertion as to the general expectations of your existence is flawed, though I am certain it is in my singular case.
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Everyone, go to bed. The fast we go to sleep, the sooner tomorrow will arrive.

And tomorrow will have POSTS.
welian said:
That feel when your roleplayers are better writers than you are.
Ha, I doubt it. I'm not that good of a writer at all. I just can say things longer, which doesn't mean I'm a better writer. Brevity has its place in writing too.

And post is up. Let me know if there's anything that needs modified or amended. I tried to do my best to fill in how I imagined it happened, but my interpretation of things may be different than what you wanted.

And to clear confusion, Claire is Thomas' dreamself. I tried to do my best to keep the pronoun and name changing clear. Thomas in the real world is Thomas. Thomas in Etherea is Claire, who is still Thomas, but more true to who he is/ought to be in the real world, yet the Thomas of the real world still isn't completely gone, as illustrated by the doubts when swinging the parasol.

E: Post should flow better now. I had some missing words, incorrect spellings, tense changes, etc that I caught and corrected. Chalking that all up to late at night and writing on mobile. Spellchecker on this android isn't the greatest.
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So uh.... Guess who's sick and came down with a cold last night.
welian said:
Well fuck, you too? Time to demand that the minions give us offerings of hot chocolate.
Really bad. I got what Goldie had and now I'm throwing up everywhere.
Jeez, everyone's getting sick. Y'all better start getting better soon or I might have to start delivering tissues and cough syrup like a flu-ridden Santa Claus.
I'm pretty sure it spreads through the internet. That's why they call it a....virus! *ducks*

Sorry, I couldn't resist the pun. I hope you both feel better @Mordecai and @welian !

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