Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

A few years ago my friend told me about roleplaying. I didn't know anything about it until he told me and boy, am I glad he did! It all started on this site called... Facebook.
I rped on WarriorCats rpg where I roleplayed lesbian cats. Tis now called FeralFront if I remember

I started roleplaying on IMVU (Still do) which lead to posting outside of it. I've done roleplays on Kik, Skype, sites made by friends (Wikia/Shivtr/Wix) and I'm still looking to roleplay there. (' :) )

But, I realised I wanted to... 'Broaden my horizon' a little and wound up on here.
I had never really role played before. I had friend who talked about and all the fun they had and all the friends they made. So I looked into a good RP site, found this one, and I enjoy being here and RPing here.
Before I came here I use to roleplay at a forume called xxxThelostchildrenxxx but like the name suggests there is like no activity on there whatsoever and when I did get a roleplay people left...
I think I first started in Gaiaonline, the moved onto DollWizard forums. But that was like at least 8 years ago, now I'm back!
Also I forgot the Warrior Cats Official Forum, which I used to go on all the time back in 2011. I don't recommend it because it is ULTRA strict. Specifically, you can't post offsite links unless it's an official Harper Collins website, you can't post images you don't own even if the image is public domain, zombies are scary for the moderators and thus they're banned, and many more. A full list of the rules can be found here and here.

People attempt to use the defense that it's a site targeted towards children, but that is not a good excuse for the strict rules. There are plenty of other sites with more laid back rules that are aimed at the same demographic, like ROBLOX.
Oh boy. This thread is a gold mine! Haha. Back in the day when Gaiaonline used to be popular, I, out of pure curiousity, joined a fandom RP and legitimately became obsessed with it.

But that was literally 6 maybe 8 years ago???

Gaia died out after a while (2 years ago) and not many people RP there anymore which led me to find this site and immediately join as I missed interacting and collaborating with others!
I started, and RPed exclusively on The Keep, Nexxus Host for 14-15yrs. Still frequent that site - met some of my best online friends there. Crazy to say it's almost been two decades!
My bestie is the one that introduce it to me and we started out in notebooks to pass the time in class during high school. For a bit it was Gaia. The last few years I've been active on Soliaonline and now I have migrated here.
Tinierme was where it was at! I mainly did anime and casual role plays, and it was so much fun. Wanted to give RPing another shot so I joined this site!
I don't think I ever role played on Gaia but when I was on Zantari I did (I used to write stories before actually delving into role play). Then I moved over to Solia and have been role playing there ever since. I found out about this site from a Solian friend of mine that came here last year so I'm seeing how it'll work out haha.
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... I first started on wolf quest. xD Worst place to rp. I came here from Virtual Space, because I can no longer download it on my phone due to lack of space.
A very small site, run by a friend of a friend, unfortunately the admin shut it down recently when she came under fire for some very unfair treatment of other members.

I think it was called Kitunekocorp, or something like that.
SentaiSenpai said:
A very small site, run by a friend of a friend, unfortunately the admin shut it down recently when she came under fire for some very unfair treatment of other members.
I think it was called Kitunekocorp, or something like that.
That's terrible. I'm terribly sorry to hear that.
Facebook would be the first place I started rping back in 2009, then discovered roleplay social, on searching for roleplay sites, and next would be roleplayer.me then anisocial, then back to roleplay social, and on ruolo, and now here a friend told me about this site.
I started with a place called Miiverse. That was waaay back in 2014 though, before a lotta crud happened to the site. I first got into roleplays when I met some pretty cool people roleplaying as Pokemon. Good memories. Basically:

Miiverse > Skype (still occasionally RP there) > RPN.
I previously roleplayed on a site called Quotev that I've been on for 5 years - but I don't go on it much now, not many friendly people on there anymore unfortunately.

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