Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

I roleplayed on Tumblr. Got way too famous and pressured and had too many muses and quit for a little over a year.

Decided to try writing again and came here and changed my
nom de plume. My Tumblr days are over and it would take a lot of convincing for me to go back to that.
I started on Quotev, all the way back in the summer of fifth grade. Ahh. I was so terrible. I still roleplay there, its a nice site and all, but the formatting was really wonky.
Started on IawkuRoleplay some years ago. I Left because I only ever saw too sides to the community, stuck-up elitists and weebs that would create unironically edgy and shallow characters.

So I stopped RPing for awhile before finding this site a few days ago. So far so good.
I -think- it started out on either World of Warcraft, or a close-knit community on a game called Mount & Blade: Warband. I really am not sure which came first, but one followed the other. I am almost certain it was the Warband one!

On Warband, the scene was set to be in the Dark/Medieval ages, and so roleplay followed! After so, I went to World of Warcraft where I to this day, roleplay on. Though I did take long breaks, and inbetween them, I tried SWTOR roleplay which was decent. Eventually I found myself on this website, which I have been on and off from! It's amazing.

I think the total time I spent roleplaying in general was around five years.
I actually started on goSupermodel hahah. Later i went over to just having rp's on kik, and now i've found this!
I'm currently on Unicorn's Visions, but it's sort of slowing down and dying, so I came someplace else while I wait for other people to respond. I still go there though.
Well, I think the very first role play site I participated in was this post-apocalyptic Harry Potter RP site called Hogwarts in Ruins. I was such a terrible newb, it was awful. Made even worse that my brother and I were both young and newbish and role played together on opposing factions. We had a lot of really immature banter between each other.

A couple years later, and with slightly more experience under the belt, I started role playing on this website called Mweor. Which was a fantasy cat sim with a role play forum. Occasionally I also role played on chickensmoothie, but most of my activity was on Mweor xD
I RPed on Neopets when I was really young. After that, I just RPed on a few very small forums with some friends.
For me, it was on ROBLOX games, and later the forums.
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Can't remember which I did first, but it was a mix of Chickensmoothie and various Warrior Cats forums. Looking back, my roleplay skills were... ugh. So cringe.
[QUOTE="Shadow of Eternity]Gaiaonline, but when I started I was still kind of young and I totally sucked at role playing, my first OC was a flipping Mary Sue xD

[/QUOTE] I WAS THE SAME!!! I had one liners with * These babies* xD
Surprised to see how many people started off on Warrior Cats forums! :o I got my start on WCF too. Oh man, I was awful... Since then I've hopped around to all different mediums. Off the top of my head, I can remember PokeFarm (a Pokemon-based petsite), Tumblr, MSPARP/Charat, Pesterchum, Twitter, Flight Rising, Skype, and even a notebook passed back and forth in class. At the moment I mostly use Twitter, and I've also got stuff going on here and on FR.
ItsCursorBby said:
Surprised to see how many people started off on Warrior Cats forums! :o I got my start on WCF too. Oh man, I was awful... Since then I've hopped around to all different mediums. Off the top of my head, I can remember PokeFarm (a Pokemon-based petsite), Tumblr, MSPARP/Charat, Pesterchum, Twitter, Flight Rising, Skype, and even a notebook passed back and forth in class. At the moment I mostly use Twitter, and I've also got stuff going on here and on FR.
MSPARP/Charat was very nice for a quick role play or for practice. :3
I mostly do table-top role-playing with a small group of close friends. Years ago, I used to do some email games that were advertised in a long-dead site that was known as PBEM.com. I thought it would be nice to find something online again, because as much as I enjoy my table-top group, we only get to do that every other week.
I started on sugarbombed,

Moved here once all the RP people I knew jumped ship.

Does anyone here recognise me? Hellooooo

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I really loved it there when I was younger until it got shut down, and I sort-of bounced around other roleplaying sites with a few other survivors (hex.rpg, which wasn't really my style, and roleplaygateway's format kinda pushed me away) until I ended up here.
I did some chat roleplaying early on, but I first got truly started on Roleplayerguild, in 2012, before the site had to start from scratch. Honestly, most of my stuff on the original site was shit anyway.
I started on Neopets ages ago. I moved from Neopets to Hogwarts Extreme, from Hogwarts Extreme to Roleplayer Guild, from Roleplayer Guild to IwakuRoleplay, and finally from Iwakuroleplay to here.
gaia, and i continue to, for lack of a better place to go, except, well y'know here
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